More than fifty members of Lao Bai's family stood at the gate, listening to the villagers pointing to the sky and talking excitedly:

"Emma, ​​whose family is setting off fireworks? Oh my God, I have never seen anything so bright in my life. It doesn't seem to be far away."

"It's just a few wealthy families who have people working as officials outside. No, it doesn't seem to be them. If it were released in the town, our village wouldn't be able to see it so clearly."

Everyone looked at Bai Muyan, the most capable person in the village.

Bai Muyan judged based on the direction and said hesitantly: "Erdaohe...Xu family?"

After Bai Muyan finished speaking, he was a little unsure. Fireworks were very expensive.

Bai Muyan didn't agree whether Tian Xin would be willing to spend a lot of money in this area, because he had to admit that Xu Tianxin had some consumption views that he couldn't understand.

For example, the last time we went out to Xishan Town together, Tian Xin'er left so many exquisite porcelains in the Yu family's warehouse and wandered around a teapot used by an old master.

You must buy an old copper kettle used by others to hold wine.

In the past, when iron smelting was not good, iron was much more expensive than copper, let alone silver.

However, Tian Xin'er insisted on using her money to buy an old copper kettle. She was so rare that she said she wanted to hide it and plan to give it to her three uncles as a New Year gift.

In his opinion, this is not understandable because it is not cost-effective.

But he didn't dare to persuade her too much, lest Tian Xin'er would be unhappy and feel that he was being picky.

When you express your love in the future, use this to reject him.

To use the local dialect of the country people, you can't urinate in the same pot as him.

Tian Xin'er can't be so rude, but what if we don't spend the same amount of money with you, and there will be quarrels in the future.

So Bai Muyan was really not sure whether Xu Tianxin would spend a lot of money on fireworks.

But since it was guessed that the Xu family set off the fireworks, Bai Muyan looked up at the sky in the distance and suddenly felt that the fireworks were really beautiful. They seemed to be more beautiful than those set off by members of the family in previous years.

While watching the fireworks, Bai Muyan touched the box in his arms, wondering if Tian Xin'er would like the New Year's gift he gave her.


Meanwhile, it’s the start of a new year, Frontier.

Although there are no fireworks here, the scene is very exciting.

All the generals wearing armor climbed onto the tower and were beating war drums in all directions.

At this moment, as the war drums sounded in unison, the soldiers and generals of the former Zhenbei Army finally realized clearly that there was a new general here. There were no veterans over sixty under the general. They were all young people of the new generation. general.

They finally no longer have to worry about military pay being cut off here, and they don't have to worry about whether the general will be able to get military rations if he is not taken seriously by the court.

Moreover, their current treatment is much better than before, and everyone's names have been re-registered.

As soon as the New Year was over, the new general sent a special team to deliver letters home to them on horseback.

But what followed was no longer the time to hang around.

Raise an army for a thousand days and use it for a while. Here, the new year will be full of life-threatening training. In the future, we must dare to fight for our lives with our bodies and stain the battlefield with blood.

Today, Huo Yunqian made his official appearance wearing the red Kaijia.

Jiaguang opened to the sun Jinlin.

When one day the dark clouds came over the city and the war came, everyone could see where the top general Huo Yunqian was.

At this moment, the soldiers were very excited.

Their legendary general finally rushed to the border to see them, and shouted to them:

"I don't have New Year's greetings here. I only have one sentence: I, Huo Yunqian, will take care of your affairs. Where is my general's Zhenbei Army?"

Huo Yunqian wanted to develop the gold mine privately for this reason.

After following him, he took the surname Huo.

Even the affairs of the soldiers must be taken care of to the end.

The city tower was full of soldiers and generals, and only the red tassels floating on their weapons represented the New Year.

The red tassel shook, and the soldiers shouted excitedly to the war drums: "Kill, kill, kill!"

At this moment, the official surnamed Fang, who was sent by the court to supervise Huo Yunqian, seemed to feel the power of the New Town North Army that wanted to sweep everything away.

For the first time, he realized that this was no longer the Zhenbei Army, but the Huo Family Army. And it is very likely that the original soldiers here will be trained into the Huo family army.

Can the emperor not feel uncomfortable? They all have the surname Huo.

What's more, Huo Yunqian's tribute gifts were also excessive. This year, instead of transporting precious ginseng and deer antlers to the capital, Zhenbei shipped 20,000 catties of fish back to the capital. Never heard of it being so shabby.

That's why he specially called Jialai to reprimand him.

Unexpectedly, the old guy Jialai took out two deficit books from his arms and placed them in front of him. He flipped them through and said:

"Captain Fang, just in time to take advantage of the caravans from all directions, came to the Northland. Ginseng, deer antlers and other items were to be sold to fill the holes in the account books and to fill the rations of the soldiers.

If you don't believe it, please look at the account books.

Take a look at what the previous general's house ate during the Chinese New Year. It cost seven thousand taels of silver just for the Chinese New Year. Our general, in order to rush to the frontier, ate the same food as the soldiers. Fortunately, even ordinary soldiers could see fish and meat on their tables.

I believe that the emperor will only be more considerate of the frontier soldiers than the general.

Of course, if Mr. Fang can come up with some clever ideas to make up for these shortcomings, I will definitely be waiting for you and listen attentively. "

Governor Fang was furious. This was because he knew that the general who had been in charge of Zhenbei had returned to the west. The emperor could not find anyone if he wanted to ask questions. He even thought of giving him dignity for having guarded the border for many years. Then Jia Lai could vigorously shake off the deficit in the account book, and he didn't mind being embarrassed.

Those who are rich in money are full of yellow and white things, and the generals of a generation are as low as merchants.

And the most irritating thing was that he could clearly hear that old guy from Jialai saying after leaving the camp that there had been a lot of noise all day and his back hurt even when he stood talking.

Governor Fang felt secretly resentful when he thought of this. Look, he will kill the old guy sooner or later.

However, at this time, Governor Fang looked at Huo Yunqian standing on the tower, and what he was thinking about was not the tribute, but the letter from the girl in the palace, which mentioned it again, asking his daughter to have more contact with Huo Yunqian, and wanted the Chengen Hou Mansion to take a step forward Risky chess.

This is no longer something he can refuse. His sister is not only a sister, but also a favored imperial concubine.

Governor Fang was very conflicted.

Huo Yunqian controls thousands of troops. If he can succeed, this will indeed be the greatest help to the Fang family and his sister. Following the influence of the prince and other princes, their Cheng Enhou Mansion will also be unshakable and will become a force that all parties strive for. There is no doubt about this. Even though everyone seems to be putting small shoes on the Huo family, it is precisely because the Huo family has never expressed their stance that they cannot tolerate it.

But the premise is that no matter how good the plan is, it will be useless if his beautiful daughter can control Huo Yunqian.

My sister may feel that the emperor currently favors her, and women have a great influence on men. She also thinks that the Huo family, in turn, will value her role as a doting concubine.

But as a man, he knew very well that Huo Yunqian had power at such a young age. Could a woman control it? Don't forget, the Huo family has never married the royal family, and even when they remonstrated with the government, they never ceded territory, made peace, or paid compensation.

My sister, on the other hand, said that the Huo family was like frying in a hot pan. If there was a beloved concubine who could help eliminate the emperor's grudge against the Huo family, and the Marquis of Cheng'en Palace did not have military power, even the emperor would consider it. His legitimate daughter is the best candidate.

It seems that my sister has already gotten the word out from the emperor. Although she is suspicious of the Huo family, the Huo family has a deep foundation in the hearts of the people, and they still want to win over them if they don't want to mess up the Chao Gang.

Governor Fang looked at Huo Yunqian, who was walking like a dragon and a tiger, and thought about it ambivalently.

To be honest, he didn't want Huo Yunqian to be his son-in-law.

With a cold face, he seems to be a rare polite person among military generals, but in fact, this kind of person is the most arrogant on the inside. He knew the young master raised by a century-old family very well, and he was more arrogant than anyone else. He probably wouldn't even call himself a son-in-law if he was his son-in-law.

And once he becomes Huo Yunqian's father-in-law, he will become an official who will be transferred within a few months of taking office.

However, if his daughter was not allowed to have more contact with Huo Yunqian, Governor Fang thought of the letter from home and was worried that his sister would do something wrong. If the emperor directly decreed the marriage, it was not something he could stop, and it seemed to be the worst move.

Let's wait for this palace banquet and test Mrs. Huo's attitude.

Huo Yunqian, including Governor Fang at this time, didn't know yet that at the palace banquet in Beijing, Huo Yunqian's marriage had become a stone that was thrown at the concubine and even the noble concubine.

His grandmother fell ill immediately after leaving the palace banquet.

In the past, people from all walks of life interfered with marriage after marriage, which delayed Huo Yunqian's marriage until now.

Today was reduced to a topic of overt and covert fighting among the concubines. The emperor seemed not to have heard it, but seemed to be secretly approving it.

The Huo family, which has been around for hundreds of years, has achieved great success by virtue of its illustrious military exploits, and has shed blood on the battlefield for generations. How could the Huo family be insulted like this?

Huo Yunqian's biological brother looked at the lame leg, and his heart felt even colder.

What the royal family wanted was to be loyal to the emperor according to the Huo family's ancestral training. They did not want civil war, did not want their own people to fight their own people, and did not want to allow outsiders to take advantage of the opportunity and make the people displaced.

Huo Yunqian's biological brother wrote a letter and gave it to the secret guard.

There is no word of concern for my younger brother until the very end of this secret letter. Hoshino, the eldest brother is conveying it on behalf of his grandmother. Is there a woman he likes in his heart?

The new year has just arrived and the wind is blowing.


But Erdaohe Village is still in a jubilant atmosphere.

When the morning bell rang, plates of freshly made dumplings were brought out.

Since she had just finished eating, Mrs. Xu discussed with the two big shopkeepers that one hundred and sixty dumplings would be enough for a table with six plates.

Shopkeeper Lu kept shouting: "That's enough, that's enough. Sister, you have the final say, hahaha."

We don’t know what everyone is laughing about, but at this moment, the shop is still full of joy to welcome the New Year.

When Mrs. Xu was serving dumplings, she happily told everyone, not just the two big shopkeepers:

"The sesame straw used to cook the dumplings tonight is burned on the fire. We have a local custom called New Year's dumplings cooked with sesame straw, and the children can be high officials. And I, eldest sister, really hope that you can work hard to earn money when you go out. Brothers, the babies raised at home will all become high officials in the future."

"Okay!!!" Even if you don't say flattering words, you have to accept these words.

Louder than shouting for good health in the New Year.

Then Mrs. Xu told everyone that there would be many accompanying villagers staying here, so she withdrew first.

At home, there are elderly people, children, grandmothers, and children who are sick and cannot move.

Mrs. Xu was a little showy and said: "Hahaha, actually I have a little great-granddaughter who is afraid of getting cold when going out in cold weather. Well, then, I am too much of a nanny and want to reunite the whole family. Don't worry about the dumplings tomorrow morning. Other shops will change several kinds of dumpling fillings and serve them."

Everyone should be happy with the new year's business, so they can't just let themselves earn it. She's not that kind of person.

Shopkeepers Lu and Guo responded with smiles and looked at each other. Since there are old people who are going for a stroll tomorrow morning, after eating the dumplings, they will go to the Xu family to visit the elders and pay New Year greetings. Also give it to the village committee of this village. I heard that there is a village committee in Erdaohe, so I went into the village to express my gratitude alone.

Checking out is another matter, one has to go to the village.

After all, all the efforts we put in today, we can't let the eldest sister and fellow villagers go to waste. The moment Guan Erye invited him out, they made up their mind. They just regretted that they didn't have so many copper coins, or else they should go to the village and give some New Year's money to the children.

It can be seen that after having fun together, the relationship between the two caravans and Erdaohe Village has indeed become extraordinary.

Erdaohe even figured out the reason why they didn't leave early like shopkeeper Zhang.

Isn't that right? When the three of them were driving back to the village, they chatted with my mother:

"The Mutual Trading Department has already settled the bill, but I heard that shopkeeper Lu didn't get those jewelry? Their big boss asked him to stay in the north and try to get some amber to take back. I heard that there is a supervisor under the Mutual Trading Department. The yamen gate of Zhenbei Dadi Specialty Products only sells to big businessmen. I sent him a message and told him to wait for a few days for an accurate reply. That’s why I didn’t rush back before the year.”

"Oh, that thing seems to be a coal companion..."

Born by mixing coal, I really don’t want to know, but modern knowledge is too abundant. In the past, in modern times, there were amber mines and coal mines here. That has still been developed, so it can be seen that there are many here now.

Xu Tianxin hurriedly tugged at the corner of her breast shirt to prevent anyone from telling anyone.

Although Huo Yunqian sells amber, the court will definitely know about it. This is different from a gold mine, so he may not necessarily want to hide it. But it’s best for our family to pretend we don’t know anything.

Because we know too much, don't you think Huo Yunqian is not suspicious enough?

Besides, she really couldn't explain it. She was really afraid that if she was tortured again, how did your family know about it, she would have to find some more books to make up lies. Last time she was piecing together things, but she didn't expect to be given a clear explanation. She didn't even expect that she felt so superior.

Xu Youyin looked at Mrs. Xu in confusion: "Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Mix? Mix vegetables." Old Mrs. Xu was pulled by her granddaughter and she reacted: "Let me ask you, have you given dumplings and cold dishes to the Zhenbei Army soldiers stationed in our village?"

"A gift from my second brother."

Xu Youliang said: "Mom, it feels like there is a new group of people. Why do we always change the officers and soldiers stationed here?"

Mrs. Xu said something haha. Isn't that what happened last time? They were fishing on the river. I guess they were transferred away to avoid being discovered by the villagers.

When the Xu family arrived home, the old lady had already made dumplings stuffed with cabbage.

Xu Tianxin sneaked into the house mysteriously, and soon Mrs. Xu had a gold ring on her finger.

"Hey, Happy New Year, do you like it?"

"It's so big, and it's gold. How can you not like it?" Mrs. Xu hugged her granddaughter, and the two of them were cheek to cheek: "When did you buy it? If I had known, I would have bought you a gold one. I thought you wouldn't I like gold, so I bought a silver necklace for you."

"Ah?!" Xu Tianxin looked at the collar the child was wearing and was dumbfounded.

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