"How are you, family? Do you enjoy the food?

Doesn't it feel sticky and slippery in your mouth, and you can suck it along the edge of the bowl? The more you chew, the more you can taste the original flavor of the corn.

It's so cold outside right now, so just eat it.

Xun Shu opened the lid of the pot and had a bowl of hot rice porridge, some shredded mustard pickles, and some oily salted duck eggs. After eating, I feel warm in my stomach when I go to work, and I feel energetic for driving early in the morning. "

The five boys who were about to set out were eating with chopsticks and bowls without raising their heads, but they were a little confused about which one of them they were talking to.

"Well, it's delicious, mom, I don't even want to leave." Xu Youyin picked up another piece of pancake and said with a smile while biting into it.

Mrs. Xu gave him a sideways glance: "Go away, if you don't leave, who will deliver the goods?"

Xu Tianxin almost laughed.

Nai is so brave now, live broadcasting in front of the whole family.

Mrs. Xu continued to laugh and said: "As for why it is called Dazai porridge, when we describe a person as powerful, we say that person is a stubble. I guess only powerful people deserve to eat this. Hahaha, grandma above is nonsense. .”

Dapeng: "..." It turned out that grandma was talking to him.

"This is an ordinary meal for ordinary people, and it cannot be compared with that of rich people. But it is all paid for by the sweat of our farmers, and every grain is ground by ourselves, so that we can have the bright yellow color of the big bowls of ballast porridge in front of us. …”

Dapeng couldn't help but raised his head and said, "Milk, what you eat is unusual."

He couldn't eat this during the Chinese New Year before.

Mrs. Xu glanced sideways at Dapeng again.

There was also a concluding line that completely distracted her and completely forgot about it. She had been thinking about it for a while last night.

Suddenly, there were a lot of people talking outside, and the live broadcast couldn't be continued at all.

"What do you mean, why did you ask Jingdong to come?" When he came, he had to bring more food rations along the way.

Liu Laozhu pushed Liu Jingdong forward, and Liu Jingdong still had a small baggage on his shoulder:

"I thought about it last night and realized that five vehicles are enough for your home delivery, but not enough to bring the goods back.

Think about it, every household brings New Year's goods. Today they will buy this and tomorrow they will buy more. Your family also needs to buy a lot, and our village also needs to purchase goods for takeout. Five cars are not big enough to fit in, so I simply asked him to hitch my car and follow.

Anyway, he was just sitting around at home, and I was upset to see him groaning and being unable to compose a poem. "

Liu Laozhu took out another key: "This is the key to my eldest brother's house in the county. The old man just gave it to me, and I will carry it with Jingdong. When the time comes, I will let them open the door and move in. I can help them take care of the burning." It depends on whether the people in the house are well behaved or not. If they are well behaved, give them two fish as a gift."

Liu Jingdong was temporarily added, and Mrs. Xu asked Yu Qinniang to go into the warehouse, open the tightly bundled vat, take out half a basket of bean bags and fill it with the old lady's rations.

I also added some frozen sticky bean buns and instant noodles for the children to eat in Fucheng.

Just as Liu Laozhu had guessed, before setting off, a group of aunts and ladies gathered around the Xu family's door. One grabbed Xu Youyin's arm and asked him to remember what to buy for her, and the other told Yu Dali: "...if it's more than six I don’t want ten coins anymore.”

The boys patiently took note of which aunt bought needles, thread, and cotton, and which aunt would not buy the lowest-quality candy if she paid more than sixty cents.

"Is there anything else you want to add?"

"Yes, yes, yes." Guan Ertuo, who was always slow-tempered, came here panting and gasping for breath, but when he got to the door, he waved his hand and said, "Wait for me a little longer."

"Tian Xin'er, come here."

Xu Tianxin had just picked up the big rice porridge in the room, and had wrapped the pancake rolls with shredded potatoes. She was about to take a big bite when she heard Grandpa Guan calling her.

Silently put down his job.

"what's up?"

"It's good for you." Guan Ertu specially dragged Tian Xin under the eaves to talk alone: ​​"If you give me ten taels of silver, it must be your money."

"Be nice to me and ask me to give you money?"

When Xu Tianxin entered the house and climbed onto the kang to get the money, he was still muttering: "That's you, Grandpa Guan. If someone else talks to me like this, I won't be able to give him money. I will think I have met a fraudster."

Xu Tianxin removed a brick from the cold wall, took out a piece of silver from it, stuffed the brick and handed the silver to Guan Ertu: "What on earth are you doing? It's quite mysterious."

"Did you ask your third uncle to buy medicinal materials?"


"Then I don't have to talk about medicine."

Only then did Guan Ertu feel relieved and took out his shopping list and handed it to Xu Youcang, along with Xu Tianxin's ten taels of silver:

"I want to help me buy twenty taels of goods. I thought that since you can't read well, you have to go to Fucheng and ask the innkeeper. This time it's done. Jingdong is with me. You can just buy according to my order."

When asked to help with the shopping, just talk about the shopping. Why do you rub salt into the hearts of the Xu family and say they don't know how to read?

This made Liu Laozhu suddenly remember something, and once again told the boys:

"It's time to change the road guide. It's no longer the same as before. No matter how many goods you pull, you can get out of the city or back. You must pay attention to the words written on it.

Don't forget to keep the general's palace safe. If you negotiate with someone for more than a hundred taels, write a contract on the cards I gave you.

Only if you are deceived by outsiders or robbed on the road, as a Zhenbei person, to use Tian Xin'er's exact words, the Zhenbei General Mansion will protect you. "

Starting from five people, the group became six, and all six people responded in unison: "Remember."

set off.

The goods the boys are going to deliver this time include:

Sausage, instant noodles, jade ring noodles, ordinary noodles, sticky bean buns, fish scale jelly, fish balls, fish floss. As well as four small bamboo silk paintings by Gao Mantang, I asked if there is any store in Fucheng that accepts them. The price was set by Xu Tianxin, and Tianxin said he would not sell it if the price was too low.

There is also a sack of frozen fish for the New Year brought to Mr. Liu.

This was first brought up by the villagers, out of Liu Laozhu's favor. It was also Mr. Liu who first borrowed a boat when the villagers were in the most difficult situation, and offered to make a hole in the ice for the Erdaohe people who were outside to eat. I am afraid they won’t be able to come back, so we can try to salvage the river at home during the Chinese New Year. of fish.”

As for whether it should be given to Boss Liu only, or whether it should be divided between Boss Liu and Liu Jingye in Fucheng, it is not up to everyone. It is not good to say too much.

What's more, there is also the matter of whether the Xu family is willing to come to help deliver fish.

Liu Laozhu said that this bag of fish was only for his eldest brother.

Then help bring two pairs of cotton shoes that his old mother sewed for his eldest brother and brother-in-law.

The reason why she had her brother-in-law's shoes was that Mrs. Liu thought that if she was nice to her uncle, he would be nice to her daughter.

Pepper also had no objections on the matter.

When Liu Laozhu first came back to learn from his eldest son, Pepper fell seriously ill.

Every time I think of her, the old man took a bunch of boys to stay at an inn. They stayed there for many days, but the eldest son didn't apologize, so forget it. He still stayed in Fucheng without going to visit.

Do you know what it means to be filial to your children? You'll be upset after having an argument with your parents. Even if he is right, he will shamelessly want to see if he is making his father angry.

Her eldest son is doing well.

Although I finally went there, I heard that Erdaohe was going to open a shop. He said it as if they were about to die, and they were afraid that this would ruin their family fortune and give him less points. She was so angry that her old man burst into tears in the inn. Pepper couldn't even imagine how sad her old man's cry was. Then I saw that Liu Laozhu had grown much older in the past six months. He had been so depressed that he almost died of illness when he heard about it, and he couldn't soften his heart.

And she has decided that everything in the village will be given to Jingdong, not the boss. She has never been a housewife in her life, but she must listen to her on this matter. As long as her eldest son and his family dare to come back for the New Year, she will tell her face to face. Even if Liu Laozhu doesn't agree, it won't work. She wanted to see if her eldest son would recognize his parents by then.

The above are the goods to be delivered.

As for the kids, there are so many types of things to buy on the return trip:

Incense candles, yellow paper, lamp oil. Paintings of Guan Gong, Kitchen God and Wealth God, Door God. Needle thread, fabric cotton, firecrackers, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, sugar, pepper aniseed, red yeast rice powder, etc.

They also had to bring back three carts of wine and buy a lot of medicinal materials for Xu Tianxin, including the medicine Xu Zhaozhao took. As well as frozen persimmons and buying something if you see something strange.

Xu Youcang once asked his niece specifically: "Do you want to bring any books?"

At that time, Mrs. Xu also looked at her granddaughter and took out all the money.

"No." Xu Tianxin changed his attitude and refused.

Xu Tianxin had a hunch that he would also receive Huo Yunqian's book.

The General is probably addicted to being a teacher. Just like most people who wanted to be a teacher when they were young, he always felt that the General was using her to fulfill his dream.

Because there was a note inside the books she collected last time, asking her to give her thoughts on the books given to her during that meeting.

Alas, there is no free lunch in the world. If you borrow a book and read it, you still have to do your homework.

At this time, after the motorcade left, the women in the village gathered around Guan Ertu and clicked their tongues, almost giving Guan Ertu a look up and down.

"Okay, bald man, the three-legged cat has now become a tiger's waist. Good guy, if you buy twenty taels of silver a piece of new year's goods, your life as an old sugar cane will be much better."

Guan Ertu begged for mercy: "There are Tian Xin'er's ten taels of silver in it. I didn't buy anything." After saying that, he led Xiaopao away.

Even his daughter didn't know what he was buying. Frozen persimmon? Thirty cents per catty, and there are only two per catty: "Dad, you can't get used to it. If a strong wind hits the pole one day, and times get tough, he won't have a hard time. He hasn't had it yet." Brothers and sisters take care of me. Don’t buy too much candy, it will damage your teeth.”

"I didn't buy it for Hu Zheng."

So even Mrs. Xu was very confused.

You must know that the bald man can deal with anything in his life.

The Guan family's life is good now, so if they have money, they should stock up on more grain and oil. No, every time her family goes out to buy grain, Erbalzi's family borrows all and only buys one hundred and eighty kilograms.

Clothes are also dealt with.

If he didn't need to wear "work clothes" to sell goods, the bald man would continue to wear patched clothes.

How should I describe it? He was like a bear, tearing up the quilt and so on, as if he was not pretending to live his life. No matter how much money the family took advantage of, ordinary old ladies couldn't follow him. What's the use of making money if you don't improve anything.

But this time it was unusual.

Mrs. Xu asked her granddaughter: "Do you know what he bought, the medicine? No, you didn't pay for the medicine?"

"I don't know, but you're still asking me for ten taels."

Xu Youcang and his party arrived at the county town successfully, and then they remembered Uncle Guan's note and opened it to read.

Liu Jingdong heated up the stove at his uncle's house and read while warming himself: "Let me buy a lot of incense, paper money, a lot of white flour, red dates, red paper, door gods. Also, window paper?"

Why buy window paper this season?

As far as Liu Jingdong knew, every window paper in his village had been replaced a long time ago.

The main reason was to buy so many sheets of window paper. Before the Guan family's house exploded, the front and back rooms combined could not use ten sheets: "Let me buy two hundred sheets."

The other boys were also confused, but Uncle Guan was the one who wrote the prescriptions and would never make typos, so it was always right to suppress their doubts and buy the order.

In the county town, the boys re-signed a supply agreement with the restaurant manager Wu.

Shopkeeper Wu looked at the special supply contract paper issued by the Zhenbei Earth Protectorate and felt a little envious.

In fact, serious business people are not afraid of paying the small out-of-town tax, but they are afraid of asking grandpa and grandma to tell them when they don't know something clearly, and no one will make the decision.

Especially if it involves out-of-town debt, it is even more difficult to find the debtor.

Looking at them again, it was clear that they were under the county government just like them. Now that he is from Zhenbei, he immediately feels like someone is helping him behind him. And those who support the waist still have military power. Who dares to owe people there money and not pay them back? Who is on the way to intercept, rob, and lead troops to clean up?

After leaving the county restaurant, Xu Youcang was suddenly hugged by a little girl on his leg: "Uncle, where is sister Tian Xin'er?"

Xu Youcang took a closer look and recognized that it was the little girl who lived in the cave together.

The little girl's parents also recognized Xu Youcang and said happily: "Let's go home quickly."

I also asked if I wanted to stay in the county for a few more days and if I had a place to stay? If not, his family has an empty room, where he can cook two hot dishes and drink two cups at night.

There was still a strong feeling of living together in a cave together to escape from the rain.

The man patted Xu Youcang on the shoulder and laughed loudly and said: "We picked a lot of mushrooms in the heavy rain. It was really scary, such a heavy rain. We can live and die together. To tell you the truth, my little girl said two days ago I also mentioned Sister Tian Xin in my heart, no wonder she can recognize you at a glance."

When the little girl heard that Sister Tian Xin didn't come with her, she took out two pieces of candy from her pocket and said, "Uncle, bring it to sister."

Xu Youcang was not good at making polite remarks, but he thanked him first and made it clear that he would leave the city immediately to deliver goods to Fucheng and would sit at home when he had the chance.

After taking the candy from the child, he took out four packs of instant noodles from the bullock cart and handed them to the little girl.

He guessed that he was thinking about this kind of fried noodles: "Your sister Tian Xin gave it to you."

People like them could just eat less.

The couple refused to give it up, and this time even Xu Youyin said: "Take it, eldest brother and sister-in-law, this is for the children, and I wish you a good year in advance."

Xu Youcang introduced: "This is my brother."

The last group of people was sent out of the city by the couple carrying their little girl.

The little girl was still young and shouted: "Uncles, tell sister Tian Xin that I will always miss her."

This delivery was an eight-day round trip. How to describe these eight days? Liu Jingdong wrote a poem.

The sun and moon are both long on the shoulders, and the ice and snow are really cold.

It's too cold to eat and sleep in the open air, but it's hard to sleep in the snow and sleep in the frost in exchange for money and food.

I had to leave for eight days and my eyes filled with tears. I thought about my father and mother at home. Why should a man be afraid of the cold wind in the north? It was as if he could smell the aroma of food.

Eight days later, when the boys arrived home covered in frost, Guan Ertu revealed the answer to Xu Tianxin, what was he buying these things for?

"I want to give wind-blocking window paper to those in Shiliba Village who can't afford it. For those who can't afford to put up Spring Festival couplets, I want to give them couplets. Don't tell us, just leave them at the door, okay, Tian Xin'er."

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