After Mrs. Xu decided on each menu, she began to lecture:
"This group of guests is special. Men should try to avoid them. Especially you, Xiao Zhu.

Today, Da'ezi has a harder time and helps the Meizhuang family cook more. "

Da'ezi immediately responded: "Okay, okay."

The handsome man Wang Xiaozhu is a little frustrated, why should he be trained alone. Does he look crooked? But now he respected Mrs. Xu as his own aunt, and he didn't dare to talk back.

Mrs. Xu glanced at the handsome man and continued to give instructions to everyone:
"Women are less curious when serving food to others.

Stop nagging and thinking that others can't sense gossip.

The expression on your face is so vivid, the creases at the corners of your eyes can give you away.

And we don’t know whether they were sold by unscrupulous parents or whether they came from the south to do this business. Maybe they are poor people, so I don’t look down on them in my heart.

Everyone who comes is a guest. Our adobe house is not unusually well-furnished. Why do you earn half the money for one meal?
If you still want to be particular about spending money, why don't they go to town to eat a bowl of plain noodles without going hungry for a while? They didn't arrive in the middle of the night. You want to give people a good feeling, remember? "

Da'ezi and Lao Wanpozi took the lead in shouting: "Remember it!"

I always feel that it is the two of them who always call the shots.

Don't worry, today they will definitely smile but not smile, be warm, polite and attentive.

Liu Laozhu in the backyard was also lecturing, and he was much harsher than Mrs. Xu:
"Stupefied, aren't you?

We are all gentlemen, no one should pretend. I understand the irritation in your heart all too well.

Don’t you just have three things on your mind?

Do something to make some money.

After you get money from tinkering, find someone to eat, drink and brag about.

That woman is so handsome, what would it be like if she were my own woman?

Everyone is very excited! "

There are many young men in the men's team, and "three members" of the Xu family are also in the team.

The boys couldn't help laughing when they heard this.

Liu Laozhu didn't even get used to "three people", so he beat each one with a cotton hat and lectured:
"Smile, you still have the nerve to smile.

Before taking a look, every look was not enough.

If you don't know where to look, just look at the tattered clothes your child is wearing and think about it. The few coins saved at home are enough to do anything.

Look at how old you still are to serve those girls, and look at the big gaping hole in your wife's hand. You are such a coward, how can you still have the nerve not to take your eyes away! "

This time I was really scolded by everyone and bowed my head.

Liu Laozhu saw that the men listened attentively, so he changed the topic and said seriously:
"Hey, that's right. I know that we are all going through life.

Furthermore, think about it, once the old madam discovers our blindness, what will we do if she yells at us? It’s time to do business or not. We are guests, right? We need to be a little more thoughtful.

Okay, everyone knows what's going on here, please pay attention, let's call it a night!
Who is that? Wang Daye, you and Youcang, you guys, go carry water to the bathhouse. "

Wang Daye quickly waved his hand and refused. He would rather go to the backyard to chop firewood today than go into the "Pansi Cave" to avoid being accused of blindness.

In fact, they couldn't help but take a second look, wondering if those women were wearing such thin clothes and weren't they cold? The face is still covered with veil, and the more half-covered it is, the more curious I become about what it looks like.

"Li Zheng, let your Jingdong go."


The men laughed, Li Zheng had the nerve to ask why.

Because your son is famous for only caring about when to eat.

Liu Jingdong scratched his head and didn't understand what was so funny about everyone. However, what he was curious about at the moment was indeed not women, but how those poets could write so many poems. They talked a lot of nonsense, and they were still very old. They wrote one poem after another. I can't finish a poem by memorizing it.

Alas, after torturing his generation, he will also torture his son in the future, and his son will have to recite even more.

At this point, the men kept away from the girls. Either chopping firewood, fetching water, or busy making frozen fish in a natural large refrigerator outside. If you really treat this group of spoiled customers as ordinary guests, you will stop talking about them and return to normal.

At the same time, the bath ladies were in their respective positions, and while washing the pool with water soaked in dry mugwort, they proactively proposed to Mrs. Xu with excitement on their faces:

"It's finally our turn to make this money. Can you give us some advice from the boss? Otherwise, we won't know how enthusiastic we should be."

Hearing this, Mrs. Xu said: "You don't have to be overly enthusiastic, but remember to be restrained and don't scare others with your enthusiasm."

Mrs. Xu is not worried that these women will ask each other: "What do you support (because of)? Do you want to do this?"

Not so heartless.

She only worries about not praising the other party for her bald skin.

She knows very well that these women can praise pretty girls.

For girls who are a little fat, say they are blessed.

If the face is red from jelly, it means that the person's face looks like a red fruit, which is very attractive.

The worst compliment you can give to Hei Chou Fat is Wangfu.

However, the disadvantage is that if they are not careful, these women can also kill people and destroy them. The Northeast Aunt is mainly a person who has a clear sense of love and hate.

Sure enough, within a short time, the first seven girls who came in were so amused by the bathing aunties that they pursed their lips with joy.

These seven people started with a super luxurious set, and the requirement was to wash it alone.

I can feel that I have a lot of body and soul, and at first there was a little girl waiting by my side. The water we drank was the scented tea we brought with us, and the dessert we ate was a single order of sesame paste.

They also said that as long as the body can be warmed up as soon as possible, the water is clean, and the service is good, the extra hot water in the pool can be paid in copper coins alone.

So the first thing he did when he entered the room with a full table was to report to the girls:

"I'll give you money for this, and I'll give you money for that. Thank you very much for the girls' generosity.

Old lady, I, on behalf of the old sisters who will be waiting on the girls later, would like to bow to you first. "

The whole table knelt down and continued to say with a smile on their faces:
“However, my elder sister said, ah, it’s the boss who calls the shots, the boss you just met.

She said that no one's money comes from the strong wind, and the seven fairies' packages include money for washing and sewing shoes.

Since the girls don't need it, our mother-in-law outside will give the seven fairy girls a hay cart mat and put it under your brocade quilt.

I hope it will be warmer when the girls return to the city tomorrow, and we take it as our Erdaohe people’s wishes. "

These few words immediately made these girls feel that they were not taken advantage of.

Along the way, they were discriminated against wherever they landed. At the last store, they were slaughtered if they could, and the food was not good, and they had to spend money again to refill the pot of hot water. Fortunately, I brought a lot of cakes before leaving. . Mom was feeling unwell and had no energy to argue with others. She was just glad that those guards were following her, otherwise she might have suffered a lot of grievances on the way.

I didn't expect that the businesses here were different, and I felt a lot warmer.

So next, the whole table was recommending Tianxin brand washing and care kits to the girls, and asked if they would like to try our hair shampoo. Although it is not sold outside and is not well-known, various scented soap locusts are sold in the exchange market, and there must be other products. It will also be sold one after another. How about trying a different scent?

The girls were surprised: "Mutual trading?"

Thinking of their mother whispering to them that there is a lot of horse manure here, and an official is coming, asking them to pay attention to their attitude. Don’t think that the houses are not good and just treat them like ordinary farmers.

The boss seemed to have been talking to the local town pavilion before.

And being able to sell to the mutual market is naturally a good thing. If you don't take advantage of this merchant, you shouldn't be robbing them. Just say yes. As a result, this sentence became the beginning.

I bought a hair care set just for washing my hair, and then bought face creams, masks, essential oils, hair oils, and various styling soaps.

This was also the reason why the table full of people stopped selling food and took baths instead. She felt that these seven "toppers" were too heavy, and she, the ace salesperson, had to take the initiative to apply to the elder sister to join the competition.

The whole table was blindly confident in everything Tian Xin made.

She has a reason.

Look at how sloppy Tian Xin was before, his hair was bent like a lion with fried hair. But now if you comb your hair properly, it will be as slippery as if a calf has licked it.

In the past, my face was even more yellowish and black, as if I had been sunburned unevenly and couldn't wash my face cleanly. Now, looking at it now, after a whole autumn and a winter, I always wear a mask when I go out, as if I am trying to steal someone's house. Xie's face was covered so much that it turned white, and her little mouth was a little bloody, and it looked pink after eating lard.

Of course, selling goods is an afterthought.

At the moment, the whole table was led by the old sisters who were taking baths, briefly rinsing them with basins of soapy water, and then quickly put on their most decent undergarments.

There is a mother-in-law who has never been willing to buy a bellyband in her life, so she uses a piece of cloth to cover her front, otherwise she is afraid that if she lowers her head in the shower or something, it will droop on other girls' faces.

It can be seen that as long as the money is in place, the service can definitely keep up.

These women had a small meeting together before coming in to serve.

Even though they always call the shots and are too lazy to train them, they have very high demands on themselves and have discussed the expressions and attitudes they should use towards the brothel girls.

In the end, the whole table made the final decision: "We will treat Tian Xin how we treat Tian Xin on weekdays."

Isn't that right? After covering her front with a cloth, Da Hongzi stood in front of the girl she was about to serve. She was mentally building herself up and thinking:
Well, this is Tian Xin.

Then he smiled and pulled the small bench to sit by the pool. He untied the girl's hair, washed it and massaged her head. Not to mention the kindness, he applied a lot of shampoo, as if he didn't take advantage of it, and returned it to the staff officer. Which hair oil smells good: "Yeah, this one smells sweet. You have a rosy face, round cheeks, and dark eyes. Applying this will make you more happy."

Helping the girl out of the pool to give her a bath, Da Hongzi thought again that this was "Tian Xin" and couldn't help but said: "You must be tired from the journey, so stay in that bullock cart. I'll rub your waist and massage your legs in a while. We’re not that old, and we still need to grow taller.”

The same goes for this side of the table.

Her girl was already lying on the bathing mat. She tied a cloth handkerchief with a rope on her hand, clapped her hands together, smiled lovingly and brushed away her long hair on her shoulders and said:

"Girl, don't worry, you have such delicate skin and tender flesh, I will rub it for you slowly.

It's too light or too heavy. Just say something. Don't hold back. Just lie here and speak when your body is cold. I'll pour hot water on you.

Ouch, how can someone with such a small mouth and face look so energetic?

Just because I was on the road, the skin was a bit dry. Apply aloe vera on your body? Add some flower oil to the aloe vera and beat an egg..."

After a while, Zhuang Zhuang appeared in the mist-filled bathhouse with a large pot of aloe on his shoulders. The knife makes it especially neat for scraping aloe vera.

Yu Qiniang also followed, first putting down the trial packs of facial cream and soap locust in the small basket.

She was full of admiration for the old aunts on the table. They spent 170 taels to take a bath. Seeing that they were all sold out, everyone wanted to spend 17 taels to go out.

Her mother-in-law was surprised when she heard about it in the kitchen. He also said with a smile that he would give these bathing ladies extra commission money. If you use it rare, these people will definitely become long-term customers of Tianxin skin care products. If you use it well and become famous, you can open a store directly without too much effort.

At this time, Yu Qiniang was standing in front of the girls to announce the names of the dishes and let the guests choose their dishes.

Because the madam outside didn’t have much energy to talk about, she asked the seven girls inside to choose:
“There’s sweet and sour pork, sweet and sour.

Baked sweet potatoes with egg yolk taste soft and waxy.

Millet oil residue and potato shreds are served with rice, and it is very fragrant when mixed. "

Yu Qinniang was a little embarrassed: "Anyway, my child rarely eats like this. I think she eats it very well and can eat two bowls. There are also fried mushrooms wrapped in flour, meatballs, meat, fungus and roasted cabbage..."

That day, it was only around four o'clock in the afternoon at Erdaohe Shop, and the smell of rice could be heard from every kitchen.

The Xu family made a big banquet, and the old madam took the seven top girls to eat at the banquet. If you don’t drink alcohol and don’t eat fish and chicken stew, you’ll only drink honey water and you’ll be charged seven taels.

What Lao Wan's family cooked was the meal for the ten coachmen and guards, pork belly, sauerkraut and blood sausage casserole with fried pancakes.

Meizhuang's house is for four cooks and a dozen seven or eight-year-old girls to eat, pie with egg soup.

Lao Wang’s family made lunch boxes for the remaining 30 or so “ordinary girls”.

In the Xu family's big house, there were eleven rough ladies who were eating glutinous rice noodles and were about to leave after eating.

I heard that they were sent by the old madam to drive two cars back to heat up the house and clean it before the city gate was closed.

And these girls and the old madam touched the Xu family's kang, which looked very clean, and sat down without intending to leave. They didn't leave even though they had enough time to return to the city, especially since the old madam couldn't get up from the kang.

This group of people originally wanted to book all these rooms for accommodation.

But Mrs. Xu was worried that a caravan would arrive tonight, so she refused, and was only allowed to rent a large room in her house.

She had already decided that if a caravan came, the house would be off limits.

Therefore, she didn't even earn this money, let alone what the old madam was leaning on the bar and said: "You take it, and I'll give you a commission."

Mrs. Xu replied vaguely with a smile on her face, "Okay, I'll wait until someone asks."

I thought to myself: Even though it is possible to engage in prostitution and gambling from afar, men who travel so far away might do this. After all, it is legal here, and it is much more openly evil than in modern times. Anyone with money thinks it is normal. Talented men of letters still consider it an elegant thing to go to such a place.

When it comes to keeping concubines, many men also let their concubines accompany their friends who come to their homes.

Therefore, people only set up legitimate sons born from their wives to inherit the family property, because they are afraid that the concubines may not necessarily be their own. It is rare for such fools to establish concubines.

But pull it down quickly, we don't earn that money. There is still a wife waiting at home. Even if we can't stop others from going, we can avoid doing any harm.

But the old madam believed that Mrs. Xu would definitely earn this money.

As a businessman, there is no one who dislikes having more money and less money, as long as you can make money.

She also thought that when Mrs. Xu went to sell condoms, she wore them very raggedly, so she had to make money, otherwise she would still be able to perform tricks, right? In the blink of an eye, there are these family properties.

But when Xu Tianxin appeared, the Madam thought the family could do tricks: "Was that back then...?"

Mrs. Xu knew what she was going to say. She nodded with a smile and asked her granddaughter, "Why are you here?"

"I'll arrange for the shopkeeper and them to eat. Don't let them go back in a hurry today. They've already found a place to stay."

As Xu Tianxin said this, he looked up and down at the old bustard in front of him.

The old madam thought it must be an illusion, otherwise why would she not dare to look directly at this "five-liang girl."

No, no, no, if I sell it to her now, she will pay 15 taels.

Xu Tianxin suddenly said: "Does it hurt? I don't dare to sit, and it's uncomfortable to walk. The long flesh is hard when you touch it. It's soft on the outside, so you need to pinch it a little harder because it's hard on the inside."

The old madam stared in shock: "...It's soft outside."

Xu Tianxin raised his lower eyebrow slightly, he had thrombotic external hemorrhoids.

Sorry, pretty girls, I fell asleep before I finished writing last night and didn't have time to tell you. Then I woke up at three o'clock in the middle of the night, but I can't be typing in the middle of the night, right? I didn't sleep well, and my mind is confused today.

I said it was due to the recent geomagnetic disturbance. Even though we have the Northern Lights here, it also caused us sleep problems. But my husband said, just say you are lazy and don’t make excuses.

Okay, I won’t say that I haven’t recovered from the cold and am very tired. I will just say that I am probably lazy. I hope the pretty girls will pamper me because I want to take another day off tomorrow and do nothing. I am just lazy. Yangyang lay down, watched TV series and ate potato chips.

Let me lie down for a day, and I will resume the update the day after tomorrow.

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