
Every first aid operation requires pressing to a depth of five to six centimeters, which is as high as a modern ID card.

Also press vertically downward at a speed of one hundred to 120 times per minute.

Xu Tianxin's skills allowed Zhao Di to be fine, even after more than four minutes of first aid.

However, she suffered a fracture due to the pressure from her mother-in-law.

Probably osteoporosis in older people.

Xu Tianxin leaned into the old lady's ear and called: "Tainai, are you awake? Can you hear me?"

The old woman grunted in response and told to be alive.

Then he slowly raised his hands to cover his chest.

In fact, not only did I hear her being called, but I also seemed to hear the sound of my own bones.

" I have tinnitus?"

"No, Taichi, when I was rescuing you, I should have taken your..."

Xu Tianxin was stunned.

Because the old lady suddenly grabbed her hand hard and squeezed it hard.

The ribs were broken, and it would be extremely painful to hold on so hard.

Xu Tianxin thought Tai Nai had something urgent to say, so she interrupted her regardless of the pain.

"He even broke my bones!"

After the old lady squeezed her little great-granddaughter hard, she slowly raised her hand and pointed at her eldest son.

She didn't forget to frame her with a loud voice, so she felt relieved and closed her eyes, which made her hiss in pain.

Talking loudly makes your bones hurt.

In the old lady's opinion, she did not make a false accusation.

No matter who asked, it was her eldest son who broke his bones due to anger, and this matter was doomed.

Because if it hadn't been for this incident, she wouldn't have lost her temper at all, and her bones wouldn't have been broken. What does it have to do with her little great-granddaughter?
When she pinched Tian Xin just now, she could still feel that her little great-granddaughter's hands were shaking, her palms were wet, and she was sweating from exhaustion.

Her family, Tian Xin, didn't have a good dream last night and was busy saving this and that.

At this time, the old lady was lying on the ice and snow, and she wanted to sever the relationship between mother and son.

She felt that she would do anything that would allow her to break off the relationship happily right now.

The old lady thought to herself: I always felt that her eldest son was pitiful.

Just be a mother, bitch.

Sometimes other people's children are good, but they always look mean and feel sorry for them.

Until today, one day later, she was still awake even during the fight. It was not until now that the old lady felt that she had finally woken up.

Aren't you pitiful?

As long as the eldest son considers her as his own mother, he cannot say when they are living together and quarreling, if you dislike this family, where will you go?
Most of the family wealth is given here. Knowing that she can't go to her second son's home to take care of her in old age, if he can still say such things to manipulate her, then he is still a human being.

As long as the eldest son thinks about his own mother, think about it. Your mother is almost seventy and has become thinner. She is a ripe melon, and she may not be able to sleep overnight.

Even if you don't know that your wife locks the food cabinet, you shouldn't abandon her home for more than half a month when she is sick. This is the least you can do as a son.

As a result, when I came back, I didn't ask any questions about this. Instead, I kept saying that your mother dislikes being poor and loves being rich.

Aifu, your grandma has such legs!

If Tian Xin hadn't made money quickly, spent money quickly, and had a mind as big as a water tank, we would still have believed that she was such a naughty girl. She didn't make a fortune in the first place on the other side of the Erdao River.

As a son, have you ever thought about your mother's side, why she doesn't deserve a penny and doesn't even dare to fart?You really don’t send a pound of grain to the Erdao River!
Also, I am such an old fool.

I once felt that the conditions of comparison here were relatively poor, and the people with books, clothing, and food were no longer as good as the three people on the other side.There are books that are pitiful.

At this time, the old lady thought very clearly:
Youshu pities her grandma’s legs!
He has a father and a mother, and he wants to squeeze all the bones out of him.What kind of mother, you don’t care about me and your three daughters, everything in this family is just for Youshu.

Do the three grandchildren over there have a father?
The old lady thought about going to work at Wang Yuan's wife's house again.

The two men gathered together and left, regardless of the grain warehouse and the small money. If the three brothers had their biological father here, even if the biological father was useless, wouldn't there be someone to look for them, so that no one could be missing? Home.To put it bluntly, it doesn't matter whether his son lives or lives, he has to be carried to the family.

So who should she pity?What's wrong with the eldest son's family?

And Xiao Zhaodi.

The old lady was still angry and distressed when she thought of Xiao Zhaodi.

The old lady planned to wait until Zhaodi was alive and well. If, as the doctor diagnosed, she dared to yell in front of her, why did she save her? If she didn't want to live anymore, she would have to give that girl two big slaps.

Why did you say I saved you?

Your grandfather, your uncle, and your brother Arita are gone, so you have no choice but to leave.

It has become a pain in her heart, so she, a white-haired person, should give it to a black-haired person, right?

Although she did not treat Zhaodi as well as she treated Youshu and the three grandchildren on the Erdaohe side, your grandma and I broke cakes for you secretly time and time again. I was too embarrassed to go to Erdaohe to live. I'll take you there.

Even if you want to come to fight today, you have to turn a few corners before coming to the door. Do you want you to hit the wall and die in front of me?You heartless little girl.

Zhaodi, grandma knows that you are tired and feel that living is meaningless.But be obedient, grandma doesn’t want you to die.

The old lady closed her eyes, tears welling up in the corners of her eyes.

Fortunately, the stretcher came back, and after delivering it, Zhao Di took over the old lady.

At the same time, Mrs. Xu, who was directing the arrangements at the house of her fourth brother and sister-in-law, was also feeling very emotional.

Mrs. Xu should call her fourth brother, fourth sister-in-law, fourth uncle and fourth aunt.

The young daughter-in-law of this old couple was grabbing Mrs. Xu's arm and saying, "Sister-in-law, sit down. I've been busy for a while. Your hands are cold. Take a sip of sugar water to warm them up. It's okay. I heard that I'm over there. Auntie woke up and has already carried her back."

Mrs. Xu took the sugar water and took a sip while it was hot. Then she looked up at the three rooms that had been specially vacated.

The innermost room is quiet and houses Zhao Di.

Next to that room will be the old lady.

The big Kang in the main room was also freed up, specially for these relatives in the village to sit.

Tonight, all the children will go to the wing to sleep together in various rooms.

It can be said to be a favor.

After all, it is unknown whether Zhaodi is dead or alive. What if she dies in someone else's place?No one can live in this house anymore.

But the fourth uncle and fourth mother didn't think about that. They only heard the doctor say that Zhaodi would lose consciousness of survival when she heard her parents' voices, so she quickly made arrangements to come here.Mrs. Xu thought to herself: When she first came to ancient times, she was still a city-conscious person.

She also told her granddaughter that she should go to the village less often. Our family would be less likely to mingle with the villagers, good or bad, and would be very annoyed.Close the door and live your life.

But after many incidents, I realized that we really need to have a good relationship with our parents and fellow villagers in the countryside.

Like today, although her good popularity did not come from the people in the old house, it belonged to her original husband, who had a good relationship with this fourth uncle when she was alive, but look at how much she can borrow from her today.

Mrs. Xu thought to herself: So if you accumulate good deeds on weekdays, you may not feel it at the time, but you may use it inadvertently one day.Even after it is gone, even the children will inevitably borrow the money.

In the future, when she feels unbalanced, she will persuade herself like this.

Besides, people, don’t look down on this or that at all times.

There are so many capable people out there, how can we use them?
But if there is nothing wrong, you should look aside and look for someone with a simple heart. This kind of personality is the most worthy of our respect, regardless of whether you are rich or poor.

Mrs. Xu felt that she needed to pay attention to this aspect.

After today's incident with Zhao Di, she planned to have a kinder attitude toward people in the village and fellow villagers from other villages in the future.Don't always think others are stupid.

"I have a lot of work for you, my fourth uncle and my fourth mother. I mean, I have caused trouble to you two elders!"

"Ah, I'm deaf. What you said is a heretic. Her aunt, sit down quickly. If you want to tell me, you are the most unjust. You have to worry about your niece. You have to worry about everything."

"If you are not prepared, you will delay making money." When people in the room saw old lady Xu going to settle her mother-in-law hurriedly, one mother-in-law couldn't stand it and said.

In the eyes of the villagers, it would be a great kindness to delay making money and spend money on medicine.

And there are more than one or two people who can't stand it and want to speak out.

The old lady was carried away, but the women watching could clearly hear the old lady's "testimony".

He was pointing at Mr. Xu's family angrily and said, "This family is really capable, and they broke their ribs again because of the slap."

"No, if so many things hadn't happened today, we wouldn't have known what was going on inside. We usually only see Zhaodi and the others who are quite tall and well-dressed. How could we have thought that we could give them something like this? Forced to death, the old man also forced us to sever ties. There is a book lady who has the nerve to scream in the house. This is because she dislikes your daughter for not dying fast enough. She is nothing like a biological mother."

"Being tall is just a matter of course, and it has nothing to do with whether you have enough food or not. If you give our village's little bean buns eight dumplings a meal, you will look like his father and not as tall as three pieces of tofu. If you don't give him thick clothes, Come on, why don't you freeze to death? How can you sell your daughter if she freezes to death?"

Xiaodou Bao’s old lady looked grim in the background, wondering why her old son’s height was so important.

The accusations were like jabbing at Uncle Xu's spine, and he almost shook his head.

Xu Tianxin is the son of Grandpa Taizu's cousin. This is the closest relative in Zhuangzi to the old lady's family, and he is also the only elder who has a blood relationship.

Before the old man came, he was warned by his son Qian and Wan not to get involved blindly.

At this time, he couldn't hold it back. He pointed his cane at Uncle Xu and shouted: "Get out here. If you can't explain clearly today, what did you do to make your mother break up with you and let you If your daughter hits a wall, I will beat you to death for your father!"

Xujiazhuang Lizheng was even more angry.

Calling someone by name here is equivalent to swearing. He called someone by name directly and said: "Xu Guitang, if you don't clarify the matter today, I will have the same surname as you!"

Li Zheng was already furious. His surname was Xu.

In Xujiazhuang, he felt that he was unlucky and was looking for good things to do with Erdaohe.He didn't want to seek welfare for the villagers. He was thinking that if Erdaohe had more spring work, he would be able to find work for the children of his relatives.

As a result, my foot sprained first because of this little selfishness, and then my crotch hurt because I caught the old lady from falling.

You can't just push it out for an old lady. She's too old to be able to recover after a fall.

But there is actually no need to interrogate.

At this time, Uncle Xu, Xu Youshu, and Gu Sufen, who was slapping her thighs and crying, did not notice that Wang Di had left quietly long ago, and another daughter had betrayed them.


Wang Di was kneeling in front of Mrs. Xu and told what happened in front of a room full of people.

She had never remembered it so well.

One pile, one piece.

What did my sister say before she hit the wall, and why did grandma come home today?

Wangdi was originally the most timid person who dared not disobey her parents, even worse than her eldest sister.

But what Wang Di was thinking about was: Before Zhao Di hit the wall, she was still fighting for her second sister.

The reason for the yelling was to force her parents and Xu Youshu not to take advantage of her marriage.

It will hurt a lot when hit.

So she had to be brave once. If her memory was bad, she would recall it slowly. If she was too slow to remember the original words, she would try her best to explain the general meaning clearly.

After Wang Di finished speaking, the room was quiet for a long time.

It was Old Mrs. Xu who broke the silence and suddenly asked Wangdi: "I plan to take Zhaodi to live in my house once Zhaodi can move. Do you want to come to my place too? The second aunt's family doesn't dare to talk about anything else. We have one family. There will be no shortage of food for you.”

At this moment, everyone present looked at Old Mrs. Xu with extremely complicated hearts.

I admire you from the bottom of my heart.

For some people, it is only through experience that they seem to know her for the first time.

It turns out that Hao Xianghua is such a daughter-in-law, who supports her mother-in-law's family at critical moments.

The old lady was lying in the next room with tears in her eyes. Unexpectedly, she had underestimated her second daughter-in-law again.

Mrs. Xu doesn't think she is a good person.

But Mrs. Xu felt that she should learn from her granddaughter, what should be done from modern times to ancient times.

You cannot always consider interests.

So if she could help these two girls change their fate, she would rather be caught by the big house.After all, compared to the former, a little more trouble is nothing if you solve some of the best.

However, Wang Di bent down and kowtowed to Mrs. Xu. This was why Mrs. Xu asked her to get up and answer her, but she couldn't get up.

Wang Di kowtowed and said with tears in her eyes: "Thank you, second aunt, for saving my sister's life and letting her leave this home she doesn't like. Your place is big and there are many capable people, so her horizons will also be broadened." . It’s not like here, where everything is dark and she can’t think about it. But I won’t go.”

Wang Di thought to herself: She must always remember the kindness of her second aunt in asking her if she wanted to go at this time.

But she can't go.

It would be wise to move out the household registrations of grandmother and Zhaodi as soon as possible.If she was added to the family, the parents would have even more excuses not to let him go.

And instead of taking her away: "...Second aunt, I won't go, but I beg you to take my milk's retirement farm."

Wang Di stood up and bowed to the people in the room again: "I want to ask everyone to help me get the land. I'm leaving."

Her sister Arita Xin is here, so she can rest assured.When I woke up, I heard that grandma couldn't move just now. From now on, she would go to Erdaohe to take care of her when she was free.

So when Uncle Tang and Li Zheng pressed Xu Guitang into the house, shouting: "Explain clearly to everyone," everyone looked at Xu Guitang indifferently: "No need to say anything, write the paperwork. And your mother's four acres of retirement land , if you dare not to give it, see if everyone will let you!" (End of Chapter)

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