My live broadcast room communicates ancient and modern

Chapter 240 Even the author is furious

"How much does it cost to go to Xujiazhuang?"

"Eight coppers."

The old lady thought it was expensive: "It's not a long way, just two copper coins, give me a ride." After saying that, she climbed into the car.

The rickshaw puller hurriedly stopped him.

He looked at the old lady with half a car full of people and said: "Old lady, you can't specify two copper coins. It's thirty-nine days. I put a charcoal pot for you in the car with a lid, and it's more expensive than usual for animals to chew." Feed more.”

Then he said with a smile: "You always dress so decently, so don't bargain with the price. It's not easy for me to do some work. I'll give you six coins for a piece of clothing."

A middle-aged man in the car suddenly asked the old lady: "Are you the mother-in-law of the person in charge of Erdaohe?"

Following this sound, the women in the car started talking.

Oops, she is the mother-in-law of Xu Hao, the person who talked about Erdaohe.

"Ah, it's the Xu family in Erdaohe. I heard that they are now very wealthy. Horse dung is hanging on the wall. Anyone who passes by takes a look. The white flour cakes and big fish and meat are very delicious. Opening a shop, washing and eating, one day The net income is one hundred and eighty taels of silver. There was also a rumor a while ago that our country girl was lucky enough to know a female official, and she was talking about her little girl."

"How do you know Shangguan?"

"How can we know? Anyway, they already know each other. If you ask me, it's fate. Otherwise, there are so few female officials and we ordinary people can't even see the shadow of their shoes. How can we meet them so easily? You can ask Ask this old lady.”

When the woman said this, she moved her butt and hurriedly waved to the old lady: "Your family is so rich, why are you negotiating the price? Get in the car, we are leaving now, so as not to freeze too much."

The old lady rolled her eyes inwardly: Even though it was freezing, it didn't stop you from being blind.

Who said these words? There was a net leftover of 80 taels a day at home, so we could eat as much white flour as possible as well as big fish and meat.It sounds false at first glance, but it can’t stop many people from believing it.

The old lady resigned herself to her fate and climbed into the car. It was discovered that she was Hao Xianghua's mother-in-law and she really couldn't negotiate the price anymore.

You can't embarrass your family members outside.

"Old lady, what kind of food does your daughter-in-law's house sell? We don't have the chance to go into the shop and take a look. You can tell us all about it."

The old lady sighed inwardly, it was so difficult for her.

You can't just get angry outside and say: "Why do you talk so much nonsense? I'm in a bad mood. I'm looking for someone to start a fight. I need to brew. Shut up."

At that time, my mouth was happy, but when I turned around it was time to spread it around, and her family took advantage of the fact that the two money's nostrils were pointed in the sky.

It doesn't matter if she says that no one knows her. The problem is that her second daughter-in-law will be cared for behind the scenes, and her daughter-in-law is a celebrity.

The old lady's kind voice echoed on the road.

This was different from what she had imagined after becoming successful.

The old lady imagined that she would be arrogant and not talk to ordinary people.

Now I realize that I will only be more humble.

"I just cook for passing businessmen and earn two hard-earned money by working hard.

How can we earn so much in the countryside? It’s all anyone else’s guess.

There is a fishing tax for fishing, a head tax for opening a shop, and those who hire people to work have to eat and be paid.

Every day when the shop door opens and no one comes in, my two daughters-in-law get angry.If the cooking is too salty, it is inevitable that hair will fall out of the pot. She is very friendly in dealing with people and will make it again without saying a word.Looking at the many businessmen, there are also many messy things.

There is also a large family busy with these small businesses, guarding themselves from the moment they open their eyes until midnight.

I see that you and my second daughter-in-law are about the same age. You are sleeping in bed under the warm blanket, but she has to get up to work no matter if she has a headache, is hot, is windy or snowing, it is not easy. "

When the men in the car asked about the caravan, the old lady cheered up and told:

"Well, yes, it's not unusual to see motorcades passing in front of our door here. There are always passing cars. I heard them say that there are few in winter now, and there will be more in spring. Sometimes they will stop if they wave, and sometimes they will be stopped by others. If you shave your face like snowflakes, you will be scolded twice: Get out of the way. We will just listen to the scolding, right? What if we stop and enter the shop?"

The old lady didn't forget to sell, and turned the topic to everyone:

"Don't listen to the idea that taking a bath with [-] or [-] cents seems to be evil, that's different.

After we washed our hair at home, our hair was frozen and stiff. We didn't dare to wash it too much for fear that the water would be cold when we turned around.

It's so hot in that room, you can soak in it for as long as you want. If you're hungry and don't want to buy pancakes, just bring some yourself.Well, let me take the lead and give you hot water to drink.

So I said that if you have a son or daughter at home, you should go before they get married, lie on the hot kang, drink something, and wait until your hair is dry and it's warm before leaving.

And you, in fact, you should also rub it well all year round to relieve itching and wash away the bad luck.Listen to my aunt, don’t count those tens of pennies. You can’t make a fortune with just a few extra coppers.

After washing it, I wish you good luck in the second year.The body has been feeling relaxed and healthy for a year. If you work hard and have a good harvest, you will have money for bathing. "

The sales pitch was so effective that even the coachman whipped his whip and turned around and asked: "Old lady, is the door open at 29?"

In the first month of the year, there are many people visiting relatives and friends, and the coachman is only free on the 29th.

He thought that after burning the paper for his deceased relatives, he would bring his old father to wash it, which made sense.My hair is too long and cannot be washed at home. After washing, I can lie on the hot kang and use a comb to scrape the lice to avoid sucking blood.It is easy to worship ancestors all year round.

"It's open even during the Chinese New Year. I heard from some of my eldest grandchildren that before the Chinese New Year, buses would go to various villages in Erdaohe for several days in a row. If you want to wash your hands, just follow the bus when you hear the gong. It doesn't cost any money and you get paid. Send it away."

You just have to wait until the wash is over, and you have to gather a full load of people in the car before it can leave.

It coincides with the Chinese New Year, and the vehicles are going to towns and villages to sell fish, sell some food, drink, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar for the New Year's Eve dinner, and come back to take bathers without emptying the vehicle.

Seeing Xujiazhuang arriving ahead, everyone hasn't had enough chat yet.

The cold wind made everyone's mouths tremble when they spoke, but they couldn't stop their curiosity about the Xu family.

As the old lady chatted, she also lost a lot of anger. At least her hands were no longer bulging, and her energy and blood were no longer rising so much.

There are many things that make you more and more angry the more you think about them. Dispersing your energy can help alleviate the problem.

Her mind was not too hot, and the old lady suddenly remembered something.

Zhaodi from the eldest son's house came to tell her in the morning.He said that when Gu Sufen asked him to go out to collect firewood, he ran to Erdaohe.

That child definitely didn't have enough firewood, so he might have been beaten when he returned.

If she comes directly to the door again, she gets angry and pats her butt and leaves, what will happen to the child?

The old lady thought that Zhaodi would come home in the morning, when she was making noodles.

This morning, Yin said that she wanted to eat steamed stuffed buns stuffed with pickled cabbage that can be soaked in oil. The second daughter-in-law didn’t have time to cook for each one, so she thought about making them herself.

When Zhao Di entered the house, she saw that the bowl was full of white flour.

When she saw that Zhaodi's shoes were soaked with snow and her ears were frozen, she went outside to get snow to rub the child's ears.

After finishing his work, he opened the lid of the pot, scooped out a bowl of the remaining millet porridge from the morning, and a boiled egg for the child to eat.

Zhaodi said, "I've eaten milk."

"I don't know about you yet? You've eaten and you're not full."

"But, grandma, if my second aunt is at home, I will take over the job. If she is not at home, don't do it secretly. Although my second aunt, brothers, and Tian Xin are not that kind of people, it's not like I have never served here.

But if your heart is a little unhappy, you will only be in trouble in this family.Don't forget that you gave the land for retirement to my family, but you didn't give it to my second aunt, but you gave it here to live and eat.

Besides, on that day, you didn't get much in exchange for my brother. You even asked my mother to go out and visit the house so that she could have a nice meal. "

At that time, she asked anxiously what was going on.

In other words, the bowl of porridge and eggs remained untouched until Zhao Di left.

Ah, if the old lady thinks about it, don’t say she didn’t take anything.

Zhao Di saw the book and paper Tian Xin had written on the table, and stared at it eagerly for a long time.

Zhao Di asked her to talk to Tian Xin: Could you give me two pieces of paper that I had written on and wanted to draw on even though I didn’t know what to read?Just give two for a period of time, just as a thought.

Then she saw Zhaodi was about to leave the door, and called the child to stop her. Qin Niang was in the house.

Ever since Qin Niang got pregnant, she had been with Meizhuang. Asada wanted to accumulate unused paper that she had written on, saying that she couldn't work when she was too heavy, so she wanted to practice calligraphy like a cat or a tiger.

So the old lady gave Zhaodi something, a few pieces of paper with Xu Tianxin writing the surnames of various families in the village.

Thinking back on this, the old lady grabbed the man sitting in front of her to protect her from the wind: "You are going to the town to sell goods, right? What are you selling? Let me see if there is anything left in the basket."

"It's just the frozen fruits that the children at home accumulated in the autumn. I went to the town to find work, but my mother-in-law insisted on taking them with me to sell."

The man couldn't believe it. This old lady was from a wealthy family. Could she be interested in the sour fruit he bought so cheaply?
The old lady bought it, divided it into several small bags, put them in the bag and got off the car.

I thought: In order to attract Di, she can't just come to the house and start a fight.She needed to first go to the house where Gu Sufen paid attention to her, and pretended that she had heard about it from those houses.

And I can't go empty-handed because I have to pay attention to the reputation of the Erdaohe family.

"Mom, please slow down."

"Hey, I'm going to take a shower during the Chinese New Year. Why don't you pick me up when you get there? My daughter-in-law is designated to give you hot water to drink. See you later."

The old lady laughed and waved her hands to the people in the car, showing her kindness.

He turned around with a straight face and walked for a stick of incense before entering Xujiazhuang.

Before entering the village, she deliberately pulled down her scarf to reveal half of her face, and stretched out the fine clothes she had specially worn today without even a patch, starting a journey of visiting various houses to show off her filial piety.

In fact, what made the old lady most angry this time was that Gu Sufen dared to tell others that the injury on Youcang's back was from someone who got into trouble and was whipped.

That kid Zhaodi didn't lie. He told her the exact words that Gu Sufen chatted with the people in Xujiazhuang village:

"You don't know, I heard that the three boys over there got into trouble and were whipped. After hearing this, the child's father was very worried and didn't sleep well for two nights in a row. But we didn't dare to go and ask. Who knows what's going on inside? Son."

"How did your sister-in-law's family get rich in the first place?"

Gu Sufen's death scene can be imagined even if the old lady wasn't there:

"Haha, we don't know. My family was so poor back then. If I had to pay back the two taels of pension money to my old lady, if my old mother-in-law hadn't come to ask for it, they wouldn't have paid it back. It would have been two years faster to borrow it for one year.

You said, my wife, who is almost 70 years old, has a hard time saving the little money to cross the river.That year, I tore open the core of my cotton trousers and took them out, which were still warm, but I didn't return them.

Later, my sister-in-law and my mother-in-law fought against each other, causing the old man to become angry, and my family spent a lot of money on medicine for medical treatment.Although the money was given to you, you didn't know that you were still standing at the gate wiping tears, wishing you could borrow it now and let several Erdaohe families collect it.

Then when I went back to my parents' house, I heard that the side was very prosperous.

I'm still wondering how it happened in just a few days.

Moreover, when I was short of flowers at the beginning, no one ever came to visit my sister-in-law.In the past, we would often send those three boys to our house for food.

Later, when we were really human, we realized that it was because we were afraid of coming to my house to exchange money. We were afraid that we would benefit from such a good life.

If it weren't for the fact that the third boy in her family was whipped, we wouldn't dare to ask more questions. How did she get rich? Even the most real relatives like us don't understand. We were afraid that there were other things involved in being whipped. "

Gu Sufen also told the women who came to visit her:
"Besides, my old lady doesn't belong there. This time I went to my house with books, so I knew what kind of life my child was living there...

Anyway, it's not like being at my house, that's for sure.

I don’t have much ability either. I’m not as capable as my sister-in-law, so we have to listen to my mother-in-law and don’t dare to sit down even when I’m standing.

You don’t know that giving You Shu something to eat is not a good thing. It’s just one bone and two pieces of meat, but you’re actually allowed to hide it and eat it.On a cold and windless day, I would squat under the kang in the room to eat, and then run away to another room with the plate.

When I left, I had a book at home and said, "Mistress, I'll come see you again in the morning."

The old lady was stared at by the girl over there, and she didn't dare to respond. "

The other party asked: "Since you have to make a living by looking at your face over there, why don't you bring her back to the old lady?"

Gu Sufen said:

"The father specially took over the child, but the old man... Anyway, he didn't say much. Just one sentence. Do you think the old man is also snobbish?

Fingers have different lengths.

Life was good there, which gave her face.I would rather help out there and work like a cow or a horse to see how I look, than here.

And you don’t know that it’s not just my sister-in-law who is awesome.The kid over there is also a problem.

The great-granddaughter stared at her great-grandmother, and her great-grandmother had to be careful not to smile. You think she is so young, alas!
The child's father was so angry last night that he couldn't sleep and said, no matter how capable the little girl is, no matter how big an official he is, a junior cannot be arrogant and unruly.

The young scholar from Shiliba Village always nodded his head whenever he met an elder. I heard that he even brought foot-washing water to his elders at home.

This is good, maybe it's because the girl doesn't have much knowledge, and suddenly she gets excited when someone looks up to her. With the heavy dowry she will bring in the future, she will have to poop on her husband's head.

I don’t know how my sister-in-law taught her, or else this child without parents is still a little... Tsk, so I need to teach him a little more, right? "

The old lady took a deep breath and swallowed another mouthful of blood that surged into her throat.

Only being beaten by officials is called whipping. Gu Sufen, that bitch, bitch, deserves a slap in the face. What do those words imply? !

How dare you arrange the home on the other side of the Erdao River so blindly.All of them have been reviewed.

The things that messed up the family, the boss and Youshu, she also saw clearly this time, there are two kinds of people who can't sleep in the same bed!

The old lady remembered what Tian Xin said to her: Tai Nai, you should also think about our family. You have been good to that side for decades, now it is time to think more about my uncles.

She could no longer cover up her eldest son's family and cheat her younger son's family.

The old lady pushed open the door of the loud-mouthed woman in the village and said, "Fifth sister."

"Old sister, why are you back? Oh, you are so fat. Oh my God, you are so well dressed. I don't even dare to recognize you if you don't open your mouth."

"I met you when I entered the village. I haven't seen you for a long time and I miss you so much, Lala Lagua. Can you stop getting fat? My second daughter-in-law always stuffs all the delicious food into my mouth. I can't eat without it."

(End of this chapter)

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