My live broadcast room communicates ancient and modern

Chapter 228 Sing your passion and stretch out your hands

Chapter 228 Sing your passion and stretch out your hands
Huo Yunqian looked at Xu Tianxin who ran to his side.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

It always felt like this girl was more enthusiastic towards him after coming back from the backyard than before.

"Sir, while I'm on the road, I'll give you a brief introduction to what happened before the winter hunt."

In fact, Xu Tianxin wanted to introduce it to family members in the live broadcast room.

It has just started broadcasting, so the family still doesn’t know what happened in the past few days.

She couldn't mutter to herself like she was mentally ill, so she might as well find someone to talk to and introduce her like a tourist attraction.

Huo Yunqian raised his eyebrows slightly, Dong Qing, is there still a past relationship?

Of course, today is not the first time to open the river for fishing.

Xu Tianxin hurried up the slope and took the initiative to chat with Huo Yunqian:

"To make today's event lively, the uncles in our village set out before dawn two days ago. They drove seven ox carts in the village and pulled the boss with a net that was about 150 feet long ( 500 meters long and wide, as long as a modern campus runway) rushed to the river. Then how did they set such a large net? Have you ever seen large-scale winter fishing? By the way, Master, where is your hometown?"

I have never seen it with my own eyes, and this is the first time.

Huo Yunqian looked at Xu Tianxin: "Where did you say there are many tombs?"

"Ah, it turns out I'm from Shaanxi." Shaanxi, my family, Shaanxi.

Xu Tianxin continued to introduce:

"Two days ago, the uncle from the village arrived at the river. Based on the experience of the fish leader, he first selected a place with many fish, usually a location with deep water and whirlpools.

But experience is something that can sometimes be unclear. How could you possibly be able to see it accurately through such thick ice?

Therefore, when opening a river, you must first pray for blessings. If you catch more, you will have luck. "

Jiubao, Ge Qi, and a bodyguard named Su also listened carefully after hearing Xu Tianxin's explanation.

Xu Tianxin noticed that when explaining, he not only looked at Huo Yunqian, but also took care of those people:
“After selecting the location two days ago, the next step is to drill holes in the ice.

The ice cutting tools are like your arrow fletching-shaped iron tools, which are twice as big as your arrow fletches. They are made of iron all over, with a solid bottom and a hollow top, so they are easy to hold.

People in our village call it glacier.

Use the iron tip of a glacier to poke the ice hard. I heard from the uncles in the village that this year the river was frozen to a depth of more than three feet, so they had to poke until it was three feet deep and would not stop until they saw water rising up.

For large-scale winter fishing, such ice holes must be drilled every fifteen feet (five meters), and more than 200 holes in total need to be drilled. "

"So many?" Jiubao was curious.

It was also the first time that he followed the young master to station in the North, and he had never seen him before.

"Yes. Then use the bamboo pole to penetrate the ice holes one by one, so that the bamboo pole passes under the ice. This will drive the rope tied behind the bamboo pole, that is, pull the large fishing net. Slowly, more than 200 ice holes will be pulled. The holes are surrounded by holes. The fishing net is too big and heavy. In the process of stringing the net, seven cows are actually used to drive them in circles like donkeys to drive the net. Only then can everyone work together to completely drop the big net into the ice hole. Wait a little longer In a day or two, we will set up the net. Whether the harvest is good or not, we will know later."

The preliminary preparation work was much harder than today.

Xu Tianxin saw some family members in the live broadcast room asking why the ice more than three feet thick did not freeze the fish below to death.Listen to that, why is it that there is flowing river water under three feet of ice, and the fish are still jumping around?

So she didn't care whether Huo Yunqian and the others were curious or not, she took the initiative to answer the question:

"The water in the river is very deep. We feel that there is more than three feet of frozen ice. A sports car can run without falling. The ice is already quite thick. But compared with the depth of the river, this bit of ice is nothing.

There may be thirty or even three hundred feet of river water below, and the fish can still live.Wild fish are not raised in your own pond, and their survival ability is also strong.

However, I heard from uncles in the village that even though the water is deep, the weather is too cold and the fish are almost in a semi-hibernating state. You will see after a while that they move slower than normal and are easier to catch.Otherwise, I don't know. "

Huo Yunqian couldn't help but look at Xu Tianxin and didn't ask you these questions.

Whether you ask or not, I don’t know.

Xu Tianxin pretended not to notice Huo Yunqian's confusion. She took two hurried steps and continued:

“Sir, what I just said is called large-scale fishing.

As for winter fishing, there are other fishing methods, and I will introduce one more to you.

That is, we will go to the ice in a while and we can drill holes in the ice by ourselves using glacier subs.Little Eyes don’t have to wait for two days, they can catch them on the spot. You can catch as much as you want. It’s very fun and enjoyable.

If you are lucky and look carefully, you can even see fish across the river, because some snakehead fish like to get into the shallow ice and are still alive. It is so magical.

Therefore, no matter how the books describe it, it is definitely not as grand and artistic as the scene.

As far as I know, we guard the river, but the county never holds such activities.You have never fished in winter before, so this is a rare opportunity. When the time comes, I will ask you for glacier seeds. Can you try it yourself? "

Xu Tianxin was worried that the live broadcast of Huo Yunqian, a novice who shaved ice holes, should be able to generate a lot of traffic.The more handsome and reserved a person is, the more contrast there is when waving his arms to shave ice.

Only he knew whether Huo Yunqian was tempted or not, and what he was thinking.He said nothing.

On the other hand, the other people were looking forward to it, especially the closer they got to the riverside, the more they could hear the bustle of people on that side and the flags of various colors flying in the wind.

Although there were only two flags standing next to merchants who were actually doing business with each other, these two teams were very proud.

But Erdaohe still waved other flags on the river in the form of a representative team.

Huo Yunqian couldn't help but squint at the words written on the flags.Jin, Hunan, Beijing, Hubei, Hebei, Shandong... Erdaohe has really hosted many trade caravans.

Xu Tianxin signaled to the boy guarding Budai to let him through. Budai stood at attention and saluted: "Boss!" He took off the red rope and let him pass.

When we arrived at the riverside, the wind was too strong. Xu Tianxin explained that the cordon was set up because there were many people from other villages today.

There are more than 1000 people in my village, and there are more people in Wangjiagou than in Erdaohe. There are many people who come to watch the fun.Coupled with the caravans and some villagers from nearby villages, there were people on the dam opposite, on the river, and even on the trees.People cannot just enter the village.

So there are dozens of steps per post. Today, sir, you didn’t see the half-grown children in our village, it’s because they are all here.

At the same time, Mrs. Xu arrived at the scene ahead of her granddaughter and the others.

She came here with a few old men working at her granddaughter's house and a bald man riding a dog sledge.

At this time, Mrs. Xu was standing next to the stage. Yes, a big stage was set up.There are also ten large drums more than one meter wide, placed under the stage, and even the drumsticks are tied with red ribbons.

This made Jiubao arrive at the riverside and look at his young master excitedly and say, "Look."

It was a serious and lively affair.

That is required.

Liu Laozhu invited all the nearby Li Zhengs who had a bad relationship with him, and specifically told them to bring some well-off representatives from the village to watch. He sincerely invited them.

Liu Laozhu wanted to invite Li Zheng, who was close to him, but apart from Lao Lei, who was far away in Lei's home, he counted on his fingers and found that he had no good relationship with him anymore.

And these guys in the past were all the henchmen of that short-lived Wang Lizheng.

Therefore, Liu Laozhu wanted to invite people with bad relations, and only those with bad relations, to come and witness the good life of their village, so as to relieve their anger.

Especially since he hasn't fished in 15 years, he wants to let those who used to wear a pair of trousers with the surname Wang have a look.

People, it is the truth to live longer.

Wang Lizheng, the man you relied on, is dead.On the river surface, Erdaohe came over.

Regarding this matter, Liu Laozhu specially approached Mrs. Xu a few days ago and confessed directly: "I have a vanity idea." Mrs. Xu, Sibo and other village committee members all raised their hands to express their gratitude. The vanity idea passed unanimously.

I used to be kicked by you, Old Zhuzhu, but now I use my family's prosperous life to win face for you, what do you think?

On the river, Liu Laozhu was wearing a brand-new coat and robe at this time. In such a cold day, he was excited and excited. He was standing on the stage and looked around at everyone around him. Then he waved his arms and shouted :
"It's auspicious time!"

Following this order, hundreds of old people suddenly jumped out from behind the stage.

But only more than 30 old men gathered together the costumes.

They were led by green cloth strips wrapped around their waists and red cotton-padded jackets.

The cotton hats on their heads still had blood-stained chicken feathers stuck in them.

Only 20 people borrowed the prop: Wen Wang Drum.

Isn't that right? Xu Tianxin was wearing cotton gloves, clapped his hands on the back of his hands, and introduced them in the cold air:
“The average age of them all is 65.

We can no longer borrow drums. Our village has gathered all the master dancers from eight nearby villages, including compasses and gongs. "

Even though the props were incomplete and looked crude, this did not affect the hundreds of elderly people who, accompanied by twenty Wenwang drums, sang the fish-recruiting technique and the fish-finding spell in unison.

And while singing the lyrics, he circled more than 200 ice caves and danced the Bagua formation in an orderly manner:
"Burn incense from heaven, cover the underground well, and add a piece of cake to Zichou Yinmao. The compass turned and shone on the water, and Taishang Laojun tied the line.

Being cursed by a fish, the Jade Emperor chanted, and he saw blood on six sides with one hook.Understand Feng Shui's yin and yang, and know where to hide the evil animals in the water.

Fish the bottom first and then the float. Under the ice, there is an alchemy furnace, catch the fish food and throw it down.

Dragons return to the mountains like sea tigers, crucian carp and carp jump up.

The rivers and rivers are facing the sky, beating gongs and drums to worship the gods, hey, hey, hey..."

"Okay!" The two merchant teams were the first to shout.

Then the villagers watching the excitement, whether they were frozen or excited, began to jump on the ice to the beat of the drums.

"Okay!" The Fourth Grandpa was twisting the most enchantingly in front.

Xu Tianxin applauded.Half a year ago, the fourth grandfather was beaten by the village on the other side of the river and his foot was injured. It can be seen that his foot is now much better.

What Xu Tianxin didn't know was that the sound of drums reached the new shop, and Old Zhai Tou, the "leftover man" who was in charge of staying at the new shop, started to fight with his cousin.

Huo Yunqian glanced at Xu Tianxin beside him. The person next to him cheered louder than anyone else and jumped up and down when the old people prayed.

Xu Tianxin was so excited. The number of people in the live broadcast room was soaring. If she hadn't been afraid of being discovered, she would have wanted to shout to the live broadcast room: "Friends from the south, look over, this is about to be an exciting moment."

"Sir, let's go, let's go forward. My grandma is about to appear."

This is the reason why her breasts are not with General Huo: Excuse me, General Huo, she has to get dressed.

Huo Yunqian, Jiubao and the others were wondering why the women in Erdaohe were running towards the stage and running in all directions, when the whole audience heard, the old lady in Erdaohe They stood on the stage and pulled their necks and shouted in unison: "Let's pull the net for fishing!"

There are ten large drums more than one meter wide. In front of the nine drums stood members of the Erdaohe Village Committee.

The person standing in front of the head drum is Mrs. Xu.

After this sound, Mrs. Xu picked up the drumstick tied with a red cloth and made a bang sound.

Sings: "When the wind blows, the snow blows!"

The women in Erdaohe, the women, girls, and children standing in all directions all made trumpet-like gestures with their hands. Even Xu Tianxin, standing next to Huo Yunqian, sang loudly: "The big family in the river will grow bigger." Net!"

The members of the Erdaohe Village Committee were beating drums and shouting with their necks straining: "We're not afraid of three feet of ice!"

This time all the men who wanted to fish the nets joined in, and thousands of people sang in unison: "It's busy fishing in the ice and snow!"

"Yohehehe, yohehehe..."

Jiubao couldn't help but cheer.

Jiubao doesn't look like a follower now. He can't sing, so he just sings along.He also clapped his hands excitedly on Huo Yunqian's left side, while Xu Tianxin danced and sang again on Huo Yunqian's right side.

Even family members in the live broadcast room are frequently refreshing their screens, and their hearts are flying all over the screen:

Ahhh, Grandma Melon is great.

Someone said: Winter hunting reminds me of my childhood, and 20 years have passed in a flash.

An old fan of the live broadcast room also said: I don’t know why, but I’m a little touched and my nose is sore. It’s obvious that I haven’t fully recovered yet, and I can’t even get the props.

Even though I knew it might be fake, I could still think of the initial tragedy in Erdaohe Village. I still can’t forget the way the assistant was beaten and thrown against the wall for a long time, unable to recover.

Could it be that the background music and live broadcast scenes are too exaggerated?

The background music playing randomly in the live broadcast room at this time is: We will sing this victory song again, gently wake up the sleeping soul, and slowly open your eyes.

All three members of the Xu family were in the team setting up the fishing nets. Today there were more than 400 strong men fishing the nets in Erdao River.

They were all chipping away at the ice, and the scene and sound were quite spectacular.

After a while, I was sweating all over.

Xu Tianxin deliberately pushed forward and broadcast live to the three uncles.

As soon as she arrived, she heard Grandpa Rizheng laughing loudly and saying: "Youcang, you really don't want to eat noodles in pots for nothing. You are so strong, I will go."

His face changed again, and he scolded Liu Jingdong: "You're such a tiger, put on your clothes quickly, it's so cold that your arms are naked. Don't let the fish die, you're frozen. You're such a stupid boy, sleeping on a cool bed depends on your firepower."

Liu Jingdong chisels in the ice, he is hot.Speaking of which, the Northeast is also warmer than the South.

Xu Tianxin handed the glacier zi that he intercepted from the villagers to Huo Yunqian.

Xu Tianxin was so cold that he sniffed and sneezed while talking.

Her eyelashes were frosted and her mask was frozen solid. "Here, I'll take you to fish somewhere else. It will take a while for them to catch fish in this big net."

While they were talking, someone almost slipped on his feet and wet his pants, but Huo Yunqian stepped forward and teleported to grab him.

The person who was rescued was Wang Daye. Liu Laozhu and Zhao Dashan saw this scene and found out that Mr. Mu had not left.

Liu Laozhu squeezed forward and introduced him: "Mr. Mu, he is the king of bathing in our village. If he works hard, he can earn two houses a year. When you finish fishing later, you must go to the bathhouse and let him bathe you." You can't save people in vain.

Huo Yunqian groaned, took the glacier, and motioned with his eyes to Xu Tianxin to hurry up and lead the way to dig out the fish, otherwise he would still be watched by the villagers here.

But Xu Tianxin’s eyes were bright and he thought: Can you drift another one and let me broadcast it live?

Xu Tianxin also had two children hanging on his legs, a little girl and a naughty boy from the west courtyard next door.

Naohai looked at Huo Yunqian curiously and asked, "Have you ever licked iron?"

 The last day, beautiful girls, please vote for me.

(End of this chapter)

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