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Chapter 225 Whose young man are you from?

Mrs. Xu pointed to the large open space behind the Zhenbei Army Station and introduced to Huo Yunqian:

“When the time comes, we will use the method of interplanting corn with the medicinal Polygonum multiflorum in the field.

In the first and second years of planting Polygonum multiflorum, our family planned to interplant corn.

This not only saves land, but also staggers the growth cycle of Polygonum multiflorum, which I have read in the book.

Moreover, the interplanted corn stalks do not need to be cut down. They can be left in the next year to serve as a scaffold for Polygonum multiflorum to climb.

I have seen the picture of the herbal medicine that my child found for me. The growth pattern of Polygonum multiflorum matches well with that of corn stalks. "

Mrs. Xu pointed to the two wide furrows buried in the snow:
"General, look here again. The wasteland I plan to let our children buy must not be wasted at all.

We farmers are accustomed to only compete with others in farming, not with others in celebrating the New Year. Frugality can help integrity and make the general laugh.

So even in the ridges and furrows here, peonies will be used to interplant vegetable crops, including peppers.

This is what we think, so we should avoid frequent picking of peppers as a vegetable, so as not to cause damage to peony, a medicinal herb.

And in this large wasteland, next year, not only Polygonum multiflorum and peony will be interplanted, but also Anemarrhena, chrysanthemum, Atractylodes, Atractylodes and other impetuous medicinal materials will be interplanted.

As for how to interplant, our family members sat together and pondered over it. We simply interplanted grains or vegetable crops with a few days difference between the growth of medicinal herbs, so we decided to try it this time. "

Mrs. Xu took Huo Yunqian far away before she could stand still.

"In short, General, you must have heard that we have a lot of ideas, but to be honest, we don't know whether it is possible to have two kinds of things in one place here in the Northland.

But the woman thought that this was wasteland bought by her children.

The child said she wanted to try it, so her three uncles and I planned to try it. "

"She said, you just try?"

This time, Huo Yunqian really felt how favored Xu Tianxin, a peasant girl, was at home.

Mrs. Xu looked at the vast wasteland, holding warm sleeves in her hands and a cotton scarf on her head, and suddenly said:
“Actually, what really convinced me and her three uncles was not letting her do whatever she wanted.

The general may not know that after you gave her so much silver reward, she came home and said to us, "Grandma, no one dares to do this. Can we try it at home?"

Because the reward for buying this wasteland was given by you, the general.

If it doesn't grow, it's just a waste of time.

It's not even a waste of time.

My Tian Xin said that if she failed, she would write down the process, how she failed, and where she failed, and give it to her Uncle Zhao, ah, to Zhao Zhenting.

In this way, a file can be left in the town government office for reference by others who have the same idea as my family.If it can be spread, it can also be passed on to the people in the south who grow it twice a year.No one’s seeds are easy to come by, they are all people’s hard-earned money. "

Speaking of this, Mrs. Xu paused, turned around, looked up into Huo Yunqian's eyes and said:
"And if it can be planted, our children said, this large wasteland will be your experimental field.

It will start with my home, and if it is successful, it will be promoted to other countries.Whoever plants in our family will go out and teach them how to plant.

In this way, the people in the North under your control can sell medicinal materials to make their food fuller.

She can be considered to have made the best use of the silver reward you gave her, and used it with peace of mind. "

Huo Yunqian felt something stirred in his heart, and he turned to look at Xu Tianxin.

The three personal guards stationed at the station, including Ge Qi, also turned to look at Xu Tianxin.

Jiubao was standing next to Xu Tianxin. He simply turned sideways and faced Xu Tianxin head-on: "Girl..."

Girl, Jiubao, I want to praise you again. In fact, when I am with the young master, I am not a person who likes flattery, but I can’t help but want to express my gratitude to you.

What I want to express is: I can’t have much contact with you because you are too beautiful.

Appearance can be disguised, but the heart cannot.

It made him want the young master to take out this wasteland money from his private treasury.For this spiritual beauty.

Xu Tianxin's face turned a little red when he was suddenly looked at by so many people.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Huo Yunqian:...Grandma, when did I ever say that to you.

I remember I only sang to you: You once said to me that meeting is a song.

Mrs. Xu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and thought to herself: Granddaughter, don't be stupid. Next year, your fields will not be planted on the edge of the bed and covered with quilts, but you will be poking them under people's noses.

So it doesn’t matter whether you are an experimental field or not, you are.

Why hide it and tuck it in? It's better to sell favors openly.

It just so happens that I also gave the general some words to say that we did not accept his silver reward and the extra 400 taels of wasteland money given today in vain.

We can take this money with peace of mind.

Do you know how much value it will create in Beidi by utilizing both modern technologies in one place?

Planting two kinds of crops in a piece of wasteland can not only grow medicinal materials and grains, but also several kinds of vegetables. As long as you learn the tricks of interplanting at intervals.

It was developed through repeated experiments on wasteland and mature land for many years in modern times.It's called different minerals.

If a lot of wasteland can be developed by then, we will be willing to use the wasteland that is not good enough. The development of two types of land in one land. For General Huo himself, the promotion of development is his personal political achievement.

For the local people, as long as they have enough to eat, they will remember the kindness of the Northland general all their lives.What do you think the centripetal force here will be like?

Mrs. Xu's guess was correct.

At this time, Huo Yunqian felt a little moved in his heart, precisely because after he came to Beidi, everything started all over again.

It is not only about military management and training matters, but also about the management and placement of military households.

There is also economic management, how to make the people here have enough food at home and stop starving to death.

There is even cultural management, schools, academies, temples, and cultural inheritance.

In the meantime, I don't know which year in the future, there will be a war, troops will be dispatched, and countless military salaries will be spent.Once the dynasty's treasury is in deficit, how should they save themselves, find military supplies, and keep their troops intact while food and grass go first.

The imperial court has a salt and iron franchise to earn military funds. He, Huo Yunqian, is just a military general stationed in the north. He is said to be in charge of this place, but his every move is monitored and he cannot make money from salt and iron.

There is another point that Huo Yunqian never expresses his anger to others, because it is very frustrating. Once it happens, it will make him uncomfortable even if he closes his eyes.

That is to say, he is also very anxious and wants to ensure that the people here can have enough to eat during the few years he has been in charge of the Northland.

During that battle eight years ago, it can be said that every household here in the Northland had a son who never came back.

Huo Yunqian didn't dare to expect that he could make every family here prosperous.

But he very much hopes that if one day in the future, the city is really broken, after his strong wall falls, at least the people here will be able to save some food, so that they can have food to eat and escape to an impregnable place. city.

Some household assets allow you to settle down in a new place.Therefore, who says he is a noble son, he is the poorest person.

What Huo Yunqian didn't expect was that Xu Tianxin was the first person to help him "save money".

The Xu family also acted very righteously, saying that they were willing to work hard for a year for failure, but after success, this would be a experimental field.

"Slow down." Huo Yunqian held Mrs. Xu's arm.

Mrs. Xu almost tripped over the grass buried in the snow.

When Mrs. Xu saw the general's attitude, she adhered to her usual principle of "open your mouth to make a profit, even if it doesn't work, it's enough", and planned to ask the senior official to help her family re-divide the wasteland. Suddenly she pretended to be about to speak but stopped:
"General, the civilian woman has a few more words, I don't know whether to say them or not... If I say them, can you not blame me? Just think that I am talking nonsense."

"You speak."

Then Mrs. Xu stood beside Huo Yunqian, pointing to the wasteland in the distance and complaining:
"You all said that our children would buy Jiapigou. In fact, it was just a coincidence. We didn't want to buy there. It was dozens of miles away.

I went to cultivate land in the early spring and went there in the early morning. I still haven't come back at midnight. Why should I sleep? I just let the three useless boys in my family become savages in Jiapigou.

Therefore, our children had no choice but to go there, and Zhao Zhenting was also very helpless. He almost tore through the documents left by the medical office.

Finally, it was stipulated by the previous yamen that newly purchased wasteland could only be used along the roadside, mountainside, or along the ridges of the ground...

In short, the peasant woman finally understood the request, that is, how to make it difficult for us, ordinary people, and how to divide it. "

Mrs. Xu quickly pointed it out to Huo Yunqian: "There is no other way. The children bought wasteland and ended up with this one and that one. You have seen this side of your village. The open space next to the poplar forest is all empty. You have to go to the other side of the avenue. Did Erli land be reclaimed?"

Old Mrs. Xu was still wearing cotton gloves. She clapped her right hand with her left hand and continued: "Even the homestead. Whoever builds a house does not have it in one piece, but ours is better. One piece next to it and one piece opposite."

Xu Tianxin followed behind, thinking: Grandma, why didn't you tell us that our purchase was too big.Grandpa Li Zheng is so worried that after your new house is built, if you call for dinner, you need to beat the gong to get the heads, right?

Mrs. Xu: I also want to file a complaint.Then let’s expand overseas, it’s not like we didn’t pay.We are not building a complete residence, but we are building a factory building for the convenience of returning home.

And that’s unreasonable. As a yamen, you won’t change it?Setting this up is purely embarrassing. Needless to say, I did it just to receive a gift.

Huo Yunqian stretched out his hand.

In Xu Tianxin's eyes, Jiubao is more magical than her hiding money.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Jiubao immediately produced a map of Erdaohe from nowhere, and there were dots marked on it. Xu Tianxin guessed that it was the specific open space of Erdaohe.

No, that's actually the wasteland marking point your family bought, Jiubao glanced at Xu Tianxin and thought to himself.

"I see."

Huo Yunqian simply looked at the marked points and replied like this, and Mrs. Xu became very happy.

Those in a superior position will not speak clearly, but this is enough. It is enough.

This is also called the King of Hell, who is so easy to deal with. She directly goes to the current incumbent to solve the shortcomings left by her previous appointment.Lest that useless Zhao Dashan dare not make the decision.

In order not to borrow the money in vain, Mrs. Xu immediately gave back. She pretended to ask Huo Yunqian: "By the way, general, speaking of farming, the peasant woman wants to ask you a question for us villagers. We have always been curious about the question of our court. Is there an agricultural research institute?”

"What place?"

How should I describe to you the agricultural research institutes we have in modern times?

"It's rice cultivation, seedling raising... seeding, tube harvesting and harvesting. Is there any government office that really understands this aspect and can teach us people the tricks?

There is also soil improvement, how to use manure, how much to use, what kind of manure to use, and the use of medicine to keep the soil fresh and strong.

Improvement of water conservancy, construction of steep ponds, including raising poultry, livestock, planting fruit trees, and growing what kind of fruits in any place.

As for us villagers, it is how to release fish fry and how to protect the river.

General, you said, some of the people here who go uphill and downhill, and some of them still live in mountainous areas, should make a difference in what they plant. "

Huo Yunqian understood. In fact, the imperial court set up this department in the capital.Let some idle relatives of the emperor serve, get a name, receive some salary, and go to the court, it is just like a fictitious thing.

He is on a mission. In addition to clearing wasteland, expanding soil, and increasing cultivated land, he should also pay attention to increasing the yield per mu.

When Huo Yunqian was wondering whether to set up a separate "agricultural research institute" here in Beidi, Mrs. Xu said again:
"Country women know that there are those particularly good literati who have written books and left behind a lot of hundreds of years of farming experience. But in reality, out of a hundred people in the village, 99 are illiterate. Let alone buying books, they are just free. He, he didn’t even know what it was about.

What a great book, wasted.

If a peasant woman doesn't have a literate granddaughter in her family, she won't know that no matter whether it's farming or growing vegetables, there must be some care in order to increase the yield. "

Huo Yunqian nodded unconsciously. He thought to himself: How to make use of those talented people who have achieved success. When they arrived at the grassroots level, Mrs. Xu suddenly called Xu Tianxin: "Dabao, tell the general what you think, and tell me what you suggested to Uncle Zhao."

Huo Yunqian looked at Xu Tianxin and raised his eyebrows slightly, Dabao?This is a good name.

It doesn't hurt to say it.

Xu Tianxin said:

"A folk girl knew a Bai Xiucai.

Listening to him, farming and mulberry cultivation, no open land in the wilderness, and water conservancy construction are also the main contents that they will take in the imperial examination.

The folk girl thought, on the one hand, they have to take these tests, and it is not enough to just read books when planting crops. He also pointed out that it is best to see things in person, so that you can talk meaningfully.

On the other hand, the books on farming and mulberry daily use that readers have seen can also be told in vernacular to farmers in villages, especially in mountainous areas.

And every time there is an imperial examination, only a few people go further.Some scholars are still old. Can you organize this group of scholars who are interested in agriculture and mulberry? "

But there is a difficulty here. Scholars who have gone to great lengths to do this will not agree.

In the imperial examination, it would be best if the examinees could go to the grassroots level and help the people as an important point in the examination of morality, and if extra points could be given.

However, this requires a healthy court.Officials are now appointed casually, not to mention that they do not falsify their moral integrity.

Xu Tianxin paused for a moment before continuing: "As for what the village girl said to the town pavilion, it is best for the town government to arrange it so that the villagers can come to the government office regularly to learn... These are just immature ideas. "

Huo Yunqian looked back at Xu Tianxin. After talking to the grandfather and grandson today, the biggest gain for him is that he must dare to speak and act, and he must make frequent changes and not stick to the old ways.He would discuss this point carefully with his subordinates after returning to the General's Mansion.

"General, please."

Mrs. Xu invited Huo Yunqian to get on the dog sledge, and her granddaughter would be the driver. Don't just think deeply, let's also whip up our whips, shout, and relax.

Now go into the village and have a look. Half of the sky over Erdao River belongs to her.

The other half of the sky belongs to her granddaughter.

"Emma, ​​always calls the shots, who is this?!"

Just ask anyone in front of people, can you carry some people on your back?
Huo Yunqian was sitting on the dog sledge. As soon as he entered the village, he was looked at several times by the aunts and ladies.

This is called, no matter how well you develop, you must say hello to your parents and fellow villagers when you see them.

Pretty girls, if you have a monthly ticket, vote for it. Thank you, O(∩_∩)O

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