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Chapter 215 Don’t mention people, it’s not easy to use, so I bought it (2 updates

Chapter 215 Don’t mention people, it’s not easy to use, so I bought it (second update)

In front of the restaurant's cashier.

Guan Ertu smelled of alcohol and forced Bai Muyan's servant to chase him away.

Guan Ertu was muttering something about someone he didn't recognize, asking him to spend money on food.Fortunately, he arrived in time, otherwise Bai Xiucai's servant would have paid the bill first.

"Shopkeeper, how much is the total?"

"Sir, 36 taels. Our boss specifically said before leaving that this is the first time Miss Xu comes here and the two families have been cooperating for a long time. They are only allowed to accept 35 taels."

Guan Ertu: How many, how many? !

The food is gold, even though I didn’t eat much, the store even gave me peanuts and four dishes to go with the wine for free, so how could I still have so much money?

Guan Ertuo's slightly tipsy face suddenly glanced at the direction where Bai Muyan's boy disappeared just now.

It seems like there is a row of words written on his face: The failure of my life is that I am too shameless, and my love for money is not obvious. If others want to settle the bill, just let them settle, and I will grab whatever I want.Do you regret it?
How is that possible.

Guan Ertuo was willing to take out the money and thought to himself:
He just lamented that making money is like catching ghosts and spending money is like a waterfall. Spending money is no longer like running water, but a waterfall.It was gone in a flash.

Moreover, the broken silver he carried was not even enough.

Guan Ertu planned to use his capital and signaled to the waiter: "Boy, let's find a nook and cranny and I'll give you money."

At noon, the waiter watched as Guan Ertuo began to take off his shoes.

The waiter never expected that the 50-tael silver note was not stuffed into his socks or tucked into his trouser legs. The uncle's silver note was stuffed into the dead skin of the soles of his feet.

Yes, dead skin.

Once upon a time, this is how many roads we have traveled, and this is probably the calluses of several years.

"Uncle, do you still have a cover?"

Guan Ertu smiled sheepishly: "Ah, no one can notice it when it is closed."

Guan Ertu pushed aside the oil paper, took out the banknote and handed it over.

This 50-tael silver note was given to him by Xu Tianxin. Unless the goods were not handed over to the Zhenbei Army, he could still divide the money first.He didn't want it, but the child said, if you don't want it, I might spend more than you want.

In this way, he first accepted 150 taels and gave 100 taels to his daughter to save the rest for building a house next year.I put the other 50 taels under my feet, worrying that when Tian Xin goes out, Tian Xin won't be able to spend it as much as he wants.

Guan Ertu had already thought about it. Tian Xin'er still had more than 300 taels that he had not given to him. If Tian Xin spent more than that, he would treat it as if it was nothing. One hundred and fifty taels was enough, and he didn't want anything else.

Look, this is useful.

Moreover, Guan Ertuo was very lucky at this time that he hid the banknotes on the soles of his feet instead of hiding them in his hair according to Tian Xin'er's advice. If he had hidden it in his hair, he would be torn apart by his sister-in-law today.

Thanks to his always foresight, he was always beaten by his hair.More experienced.

When Guan Ertu went upstairs again, Xu Tianxin understood that it was time to leave after paying the bills.

It wasn't that she was in a hurry, the main reason was that she and Shopkeeper Wan had to go to the government office to sign an official contract and pay part of the reservation payment on the spot. They also had to pay taxes on this batch of medicinal materials.

In addition, she also made an appointment to meet Aunt Zhao Zishen.

Since the mountain won't come, she will go. It seems that this is not going well.If everything went well, Aunt Zhao would have heard that she was in the restaurant and would have been happy to find her.

This is indeed what Tian Xin predicted.

At this time, in the prison, Zhao Dashan was scolding his daughter-in-law Hongmei: "You know nothing, so you dare to comply and make such nonsense. Go home quickly."

Hongmei frowned and said: "What don't I know? Yes, those lands don't belong to Erdaohe, but they don't belong to other places either. I checked with the paperwork before I came to you. You just go out for takeout, and you can still give me The town gave a lot of money to the government office, so it is terra nullius..."

"Keep your voice down!" Zhao Dashan hurriedly looked outside, but had no choice but to drag his gullible daughter-in-law to the inner resting area, "How can it be that there is no owner? In the whole world, there is no king's land, there is an owner everywhere."

"Okay, okay, then let me ask you... I asked you in a low voice, why are you staring. Will the king come to check? Wang Bei doesn't even know that there is soil here, so stop talking about those useless things, you just Sell ​​it. Tian Xin'er doesn't buy pieces here and there, she buys them one by one."

"It's against the rules, I need to check..." Before Zhao Dashan could finish, Hongmei couldn't help but muttered: "You told the mutual market in advance. It's not the first time that it's against the rules. What's wrong with doing it again? ."

"Get out of here!" The woman said in an irritating tone.

Hongmei thought to herself, I am still angry with you:

"Zhao Dashan, please stop setting up the pavilion for me, oh my god? You still dare to tease me. This is your Aunt Xu's family's business, and it's Tian Xin's business even more."

Hongmei plans to continue to work hard and say:

“Remember who helped you when you were down.

Even now I dare to say that if you ask Aunt Xu to borrow money, she will lend it to you. If you ask others to borrow money, such as borrowing from your mother, most of them will not.

And we are not grabbing land from others. Don’t talk to me about being an emperor. If I say it has no owner, it means it has no owner.

So why are you so cool? Do you want to be a cow or a horse? Or do you want to pledge yourself to me?It's just a matter of left or right.You keep saying that you are a brother in your heart, but in the end, something cannot be done.You keep saying that brotherhood is thicker than blood, but when something happens, you pretend to be deaf.

You can do it as quickly as possible, I agree!"

It was troublesome for Zhao Dashan. He didn't want to refuse at first, but he needed to find out how the terra nullius land was sold over the years, and under what names and explanations.

Also, I plan to ask Aunt Xu.

Anyway, there's no rush, Tian Xin'er has to go to her aunt to get money.After all, it's called buying a large piece of land. How could Tian Xin'er have so much money?Even the Xu family needs to borrow it.An analogy is to buy land and then mortgage the land to the government office. In this way, the payment of money can be deferred for one or two years.

However, after one stick of incense, Zhao Dashan felt slapped in the face.

It can be said that the entire office has been serving Xu Tianxin and Manager Wan since Shen Shi, and the sound of abacus can be heard throughout the room.

Although Shopkeeper Wan brought two store managers with him, they had already calculated the tax bill.

But the government must calculate it several times to make sure it is correct.

After Xu Tianxin spent all the money in his hat, he grabbed Hongmei, who was about to continue his argument, and asked Zhao Dashan, "Uncle, if I take out the money now, you will sell my land?"


Zhao Dashan thought to himself: You have spent all the money anyway.

Xu Tianxin: Then you are wrong. That means you still don’t understand me.

Hongmei suddenly pointed to Tian Xin'er's hair in surprise.

Xu Tianxin is taking off the wig piece. This is her fake bangs.

Then she took out a 1000-tael silver note from the wig piece and put it on the table and pushed it over: "Then buy it for this amount."

After Zhao Dashan approved the land, Xu Tianxin whispered a few words to him.

The general meaning is that the Zhenbei Army will not hold her uncle accountable because she has to plant a lot of medicine for injuries in case there is no medicine for emergency use in the future. After all, some things require learning to walk on two legs.Zhao Dashan understood immediately and naturally agreed.

"Does your mother know?"

Can you please stop being the one who milks me all the time? My mother knows she will beat me to death. If you buy so much land, how will you plant it next year?

Xu Tianxin thought: Fortunately, she is going to Xishan Town in the next two days. If she doesn't go home, the rice will be cooked by the time she gets home.

Two days later.

Stationed at the Zhenbei Military Defense Center near the Erdao River, Ge Qi heard his subordinates say that they would not be allowed to expand the stables. Ge Qi said: "..."

They are the Zhenbei Army. Are they not allowed to expand in Zhenbei?

Who is this, a fat man? !
Nearly 50 of Zhao Dashan's men at the town office were busy surveying the land. Someone replied to Ge Qi: "There is no way, military master, no one can help, they have bought it! By the way, please move your horses forward." Hold on."

(End of this chapter)

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