Chapter 609
Unlike Dong Jingzhen's discouragement, Zhang Heng and Murong Sanzang had already received reports from the scouts, and the Yan army had stopped their engineering operations and all returned to the camp.

Zhang Heng smiled at Murong Sanzang and said:
"Xiao Juncheng must have deceived Thief Yan."

Murong Sanzang was also smiling:

"People often say that Yan Thief is shrewd and scheming, but he never thought that one day he would stumble."

When the two were in high spirits, they had no idea that Xiao Mian was already in a dilemma.

At this time, Xiao Mian and his party had not yet returned to Jiangling. After learning the truth, Dong Jingzhen felt depressed, which was in sharp contrast to the excitement he had received from Cui Che before.

"Xiao Juncheng, do you also believe that the two adults in the city can come up with a strategy to retreat from the enemy?"

Dong Jingzhen asked suddenly.

Xiao Mian was speechless. He hesitated for a long time, shook his head and said:

"Maybe you two adults just want to hold on to Jiangling for a little longer."

Dong Jingzhen threatened:

"Whether we hold on to Jiangling or go out to attack the enemy, we have no chance of winning!
"Emperor Dayan treated each other with courtesy today, but we fooled him. Have you ever thought about the revenge we will suffer afterwards!"

Xiao Xian was horrified. Emperor Dayan was never one to retaliate with kindness. When he was 11 years old, he was able to kill his whole family because of his uncle's betrayal. This matter had long been known to everyone.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that some members of the Boling Cui family failed to get the king's title. They were dissatisfied and when they complained, they inevitably revealed some dirty information about Cui Che's youth.

Cui Che was not afraid of being bitten by lice, so he did not retaliate.

Xiao Xian shuddered when he thought of Cui Che's anger after learning that he had been fooled.

"How about that?"

Xiao Mian looked at Dong Jingzhen for help, as if he was his only life-saving straw.

Dong Jingzhen lowered her voice and said:
"It's better to use the trick and really offer Jiangling."

Xiao Mian was hesitant. He lowered his head, wondering:
"My family is poor, but the saint (Yang Guang) gave me an official position because of his relatives. How could I betray the country without thinking of repaying?"

Dong Jingzhen retorted:
"Mr. Xiao was originally the emperor of Liang. It was the late emperor who coveted the land of Liang that made you live in poverty and helplessness.

"Now it's just a small county magistrate given to you. Do you have to be grateful for it?"

Xiao Mian suddenly raised his head, held Dong Jingzhen tightly, and said excitedly:

"Dong Xiaowei's words woke me up. Our Xiao family served the Zhou and Sui dynasties, and we were very cautious and never made any mistakes.

"The late emperor was greedy and destroyed our clan. As a descendant of the Xiao family, how could I forget the humiliation and flatter myself like the son of my enemy!

"Now that I want to wash away the shame of my ancestors, I still need Mr. Dong's help!"

Dong Jingzhen also held Xiao Mian's hand tightly and said seriously:
"As long as you want, I dare not ask for your ears."

With a common goal, the two looked at each other and smiled.

The cavalry in the distance didn't know what the two were talking about. At this time, they were still immersed in the joy of reaping a huge reward.

Back in Jiangling, Xiao Mian relayed Cui Che's conditions to Zhang Heng and Murong Sanzang, and at the same time informed them that Cui Che ordered him to return as soon as possible.

Even Zhang Heng and Murong Sanzang could not help but be tempted by the conditions proposed by Cui Che, but they did not waver in the end, and their families were in Jiankang.

Not everyone can be like Yuwen Shiji and ignore the safety of his family.

Zhang Heng greatly appreciated Xiao Mian.

At the same time, he listed many harsh conditions, hoping that Xiao Mian could use them to negotiate with Cui Che and continue to deal with them.

Zhang Heng did not immediately let Xiao Mian go to Yan camp, but deliberately delayed it for a long time until dusk before letting them set off. Dong Jingzhen and others were still guarding Xiao Mian.

In order to avoid the sudden change of people accompanying him, Cui Che's suspicion will be aroused. In addition to the inevitable retribution, Cui Che's suspicious image is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.Cui Che waited in the camp for a long time, and finally, before nightfall, Xiao Mian and his party arrived.

"How about it? Has the second prince in the city decided when to dedicate the city?"

Cui Che asked expectantly.

Xiao Mian looked at Dong Jingzhen, who followed him into the commander's tent, and presented the letter written by Zhang Heng to Cui Che.

Cui Che took it apart and saw that Zhang Heng proposed to release the city's defenders to the south of the Yangtze River. If the people wanted to leave, Cui Che could not stop them.

In addition, there are many conditions, such as negotiating with the Sui Dynasty in exchange for their family members in Jiankang, etc.

If it were normal, Cui Che would definitely not agree.

But thinking about it carefully, if I agree to this matter, even if all the people are gone, I can still get an empty city, which is better than attacking Jiangling by myself, causing floods in various parts of the Jianghan Plain and reducing Jiangling to ruins.

Cui Che said in a deep voice:
"Xiao Juncheng, just go back and tell them that I agree to all the conditions. I only have one request, which is to enter Jiangling tomorrow."

Xiao Mian suddenly said:
"To Emperor Yan, there is still something unclear in the letter. Please allow me to point it out for Lord Yan."

Cui Che suddenly became alert:

"Do you want to assassinate me?!"

As soon as these words came out, the generals in the tent drew their swords and glared angrily.

Xiao Mian was horrified, and Dong Jingzhen also secretly scolded Xiao Mian for unnecessary actions. He quickly explained:

"Your Majesty, please calm down. This is not what Xiao Juncheng meant. I was searched before entering the camp. When I entered the commander's tent, I was searched again by His Majesty's personal entourage. How could I bring a sharp knife to you?"

Upon hearing this, Cui Che waved his hands to everyone, and then the generals sheathed their swords.

But their right hands never leave the handle of the sword, so that they can stop it immediately when something unexpected happens.

Cui Che ordered someone to return the letter to Xiao Mian.

Xiao Mian bit the bullet and slowly tore up the letter paper according to the process he had designed before.

Cui Che frowned and said:
"What do you mean by that?"

Xiao Mian replied:
"Your Majesty, Zhang Heng and Murong Sanzang have no intention of surrendering at all, but want to delay time.

"Even if His Majesty agrees to all their conditions, they will make excuses to ask Your Majesty to get their family members back first."

Cui Che's eyes turned cold, he looked at Dong Jingzhen behind Xiao Mian, and said coldly:

"Is he telling the truth?"

Dong Jingzhen was not afraid and said seriously:
"I don't dare to deceive Your Majesty. The general and the Prime Minister of Xiao County disdain the actions of the two of them and come to surrender sincerely."

Under Xiao Mian's anxious gaze, Cui Che smiled and said:

"I have been thinking about Jiangling day and night. I was so anxious that I didn't even see through such a simple delaying strategy."

With that said, he asked Dong Jingzhen:

"What's your name?"

Dong Jingzhen felt happy and said excitedly:

"Last General Baling Colonel Dong Jingzhen."

Cui Che nodded when he heard this and asked:
"Xiao Juncheng, Lieutenant Dong, you two have come to surrender to me today. Do you have anything to offer?"

The two looked at each other again, and then said in unison:
"We are willing to dedicate Jiangling to His Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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