Chapter 534
Tianshui City is located in Shanggu County, and Cui Che and Murong Fuyun agreed to exchange prisoners and conclude a peace treaty at the county boundary between Shanggu and Jicheng.

It's just that neither of them can trust each other, so they brought together their troops, making this peace talk more like a confrontation between two armies.

But fortunately, both Cui Che and Murong Fuyun remained rational.

Cui Che didn't want to get too entangled with Tuyuhun, his goal was to collect Guan Long, and if he could drive Tuyuhun away, he had fulfilled his expectation of dispatching troops to Longyou.

And Murong Fuyun had more soldiers than Cui Che, but they had just experienced a defeat, and the army had no fighting spirit.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree, Cui Che's vicious reputation has been earned after so many years of fighting in the north and south.

If he had a choice, Murong Fuyun hoped that after he reorganized the army, he would lure Cui Che to attack Hexi, Qinghai and other plateaus and mountains.

Of course, the prerequisite is that the army has recovered its combat effectiveness, instead of being demoralized and afraid of the enemy like a tiger like it is now.

In this peace negotiation, both sides were full of sincerity. Tuyuhun plundered a lot of supplies in Longyou, and hoped that they could be safely returned to the country, otherwise, once Cui Che stuck with him, he might not be able to bring these gains back.

And Cui Che was also eager to withdraw from Longyou and go back to Guanzhong to preside over the offensive and defensive battle of Daxing.

Therefore, although the two couldn't trust each other, they didn't play any tricks.

Tuyuhun released the Han Chinese who had been taken captive in various parts of Longyou, and Cui Che followed his promise and released all the Tuyuhun soldiers captured in the camp and subsequent pursuit by various ministries.

In the center of the formation of the two armies, in a gazebo, Murong Fuyun sighed:

"In this battle, I lost because I underestimated how much Your Majesty attaches to the people of Longyou. If I hadn't used the name of Your Majesty, Your Majesty might have focused on conquering Guanzhong instead of dividing up Longyou."

Cui Che didn't have his own answer to this question. There was no if, and it happened after all.

"Khan also knows how much risk Gu has taken to rescue Longyou, so he should know how determined this king is.

"Today, you and I negotiate a peace agreement, and I hope that Khan will abide by the peace agreement and keep in mind my king's determination to protect the country and the people.

"If there is another incident in Longyou, even if it is thousands of miles away, Gu will ask Khan to blame him!"

A winner should have the attitude of a winner. Cui Che knew that Huairou could not win Murong Fuyun's heart at all, he warned with a threatening tone.

Murong Fuyun bowed again to apologize to Cui Che, and Cui Che softened his attitude.

The two did not make too many amendments to the content of the previously agreed peace treaty, but Murong Fuyun professed his vassal to Jinyang, and at the same time accepted Cui Che's canonization given to him in place of the young emperor Yang Hao.

The two families stopped fighting, Murong Fuyun led the army back to the country, licking the wounds, and Cui Che was also preparing to leave after returning the captives.

He handed over the task of resettling the people to Qiu He. Before leaving, he told Qiu He:

"Daxing has not yet fallen, and I am desperate to be a teacher. The task of contacting the counties in Longyou is left to Duke Qiu.

"When Guquan takes Guanzhong, he will lead the army westward and return to Longyou."

For Cui Che's entrustment, Qiu He naturally would not refuse:

"I would like to obey the king's order."

In fact, Cui Che just mentioned something casually, asking Qiu He to contact the Longyou counties in advance for himself.

As for whether the Longyou counties will dedicate their land or not, it has nothing to do with Qiu He's eloquence.

It only depends on whether Cui Che can seize Guanzhong as he wishes.

At that time, the army will reach Tianshui, and the counties in Longyou will be alone outside. Anyone who is not foolish and loyal will surely raise their cities to surrender.

After bidding farewell to Gao Mu, Cui Che said goodbye to Gao Shilian, reminding him not to relax, in case Tuyuhun would make a comeback after returning to his teacher.

Gao Shilian, Qiu He sent Cui Che out of Tianshui City. Cui Che looked to the northwest, which was the direction of Dunhuang and also the direction of the Western Regions.

In the early years of the Sui Dynasty, Dunhuang still belonged to the Central Plains Dynasty.

But the national policy of the Sui Dynasty at that time was either to go north first and then south, that is, to attack the Turks first, and then destroy the Southern Chen.

Either go from the south to the north, unify the world first, and then attack the Turks.

He did not pay much attention to the operation of the Hexi Corridor, so Dunhuang was also occupied by Tuyuhun until now.

Because of this, the Silk Road with the Western Regions was also blocked by Tuyuhun.

Cui Che withdrew his gaze. He knew that the peace between himself and Tuyuhun would not last long. Even if it was to re-open the Silk Road and ensure the peace of the Hexi Corridor, Tuyuhun would be destroyed in the future.

When Cui Che returned to Longguan, Tuyuhun's troops besieging the counties and cities in Longyou had also responded to Murong Fuyun's order and retreated one after another.

The wealth of Longyou lies in Tianshui.

Cui Che could well understand Murong Fuyun's method of sending a small group of troops to besiege the remaining counties, and attacking Tianshui with the main force.

After Dunhuang was occupied by Tuyuhun, there are now eight prefectures in Longyou, including Tianshui, Longxi, Jincheng, Fanghan, Jiaohe, Xiping, Wuwei, and Zhangye.

Since Yang Guang moved to the south, most of the people who migrated were people from Guanzhong. Longyou did not hurt the root cause, and the eight counties still had a population of 11 households.

Among them, Tianshui occupies nearly half, with 5 households.

For those with a smaller population, for example, there are only 2240 households in Piaohe County, and 3118 households in Xihe County.

If Cui Che was Murong Fuyun, he would also abandon the counties along the way and attack the most affluent Tianshui.

After all, Longyou's small force was sent to Guanzhong by Yuwenshu, so it was powerless to stop him from marching, and the Tuyuhun people drove their livestock to fight, so they didn't have to worry about the grain road being disturbed.

After Cui Che left, Qiu He followed his instructions and kept contacting the county guards in various places, writing letters to them, preaching to them that Cui Che is a wise lord in the world, tolerant and caring for the people, hoping to persuade the county guards to join him.

Most people choose to uphold a wait-and-see attitude, but there are really foolish and loyal people in this world.

Zhangye Taishou Yin Shishi killed Qiu He's messenger and hung the messenger's head on the city gate to show his loyalty.

When Cui Che heard the news, he was not surprised by Yin Shishi's actions.

After all, in the original time and space, Li Yuan raised his troops to rebel, and it was this Yin Shishi who stayed behind in Chang'an. He not only hunted and killed Li Yuan's concubine Li Zhiyun, but also implicated Li Yuan's relatives, even the dead, and dug Li Yuan's ancestral grave.

That is to say, Cui Che had the foresight to move Cui Jishu's tomb from Yecheng to his hometown in Anping after his grandmother passed away. Otherwise, Li Jing, the governor of Xiangzhou at that time, might really dig Cui Jishu up when he heard the news of Cui Che's rebellion. , let him meet the sun.

After crossing Longshan, Cui Che no longer paid attention to Longyou's affairs, unless another foreign bandit invaded, otherwise he would wait a little longer.

On July 608th of the third year of Zhenyuan ([-] A.D.), it was the early autumn season, and Cui Che led the army back to Yong County.

This time there was no need to hide the news, so Cui Che was able to go to the city to rest. Li Yuan specially prepared a reception banquet for Cui Che.

Dou, another mother-in-law, also asked about her daughter's boudoir in the back room.

(End of this chapter)

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