Chapter 403
Cui Che followed Yang Su to Xihe County and camped five miles outside the city, which made Yang Su feel very troublesome.

Undoubtedly, when he stormed Gaobi Ridge, Cui Che would threaten him from behind so that he could not attack the mountain with all his strength.

There is not much food in the army now, if they are unable to attack for a long time, and it is too late to retake Gaobi Ridge and open up the connection with Linfen Basin, it must be because the food is exhausted and the troops will be defeated.

On the day he arrived in Xihe County, Yang Su sent soldiers to knock on the doors of every house, forcing the people in the city to hand over part of their rations.

The so-called no crime with Minqiu is actually just a calm gesture. If you are really pushed, who cares about putting on an air in front of others.

After all, Yang Su still cherished his reputation, so he only expropriated grain instead of plundering the whole city. Otherwise, the people of Xihe County would be looted even for the millet seeds they needed for spring plowing.

If you really want to meet a tyrannical person, such as Qin Zongquan in the late Tang Dynasty, he will not only take away all the rations of the people, but also drive the people in the city for rations.

But even if Yang Su obtained some food in Xihe County, Xihe is not Jinyang, but a county town with only a few thousand households.

And after Yang Su recalled the siege troops from various places in the southern Taiyuan Basin, his soldiers had approached 18.

The rations collected from Xihe County are like a drop in the bucket.

According to calculations by Feng Deyi, who is in charge of the logistics, the food in the army, even if it only provides two meals a day to make the soldiers half-fed, can only supply six days' needs. After all, it took many days to go south, leaving it to Yang Su's time is running out.

In the early morning of the next day, the Sui army left the city and marched towards Gaobiling.

Cui Che regained Xihe County without bloodshed.

After the Sui army left, the Yan army came again. Originally, the people of Xihe were terrified, but after Cui Che learned that some of the rations Yang Su had confiscated from them, Cui Che knew that the people could not last until the autumn harvest with just that little grain.

He immediately allocated part of his rations and distributed them to the people in the city. Compared with what Yang Su did before, all the people in the city were grateful for Cui Che's kindness and shouted:

"Long live King Yan."

While enjoying the cheers, Cui Che smiled at the generals:

"A little food can win people's hearts, so why not do it, besides, Yang Liang provided me with all the military food."

All the generals laughed and praised:

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

The Sui army arrived at Gaobi Ridge and set up camp at the foot of the mountain. Mai Tiezhang looked down at the Sui army camp that could not be seen from the beginning to the end, and asked Li Jing:

"Why didn't Your Majesty come to Gaobi Ridge first and set up a camp under the mountain? If the Sui army wants to take Gaobi Ridge, they must attack the camp by force. It only takes a few days, and the Sui army will surely collapse."

Li Jing shook his head and explained:
"If Your Majesty sets up a stronghold at the foot of the mountain with the main force, and the Sui army turns around to attack Jinyang, the Jinyang defenders will be panic-stricken and unable to hold on. If they are lost, Yang Su will be safe with the supplies in the city.

"If there are fewer soldiers sent, how can we defend the camp? It's just a sacrifice of soldiers for nothing."

Mai Tiezhang suddenly realized.

Just watching the soldiers of the Sui army at the foot of the mountain not taking a rest, but making preparations before attacking the mountain, Mai Tiezhang couldn't help but look dignified. This will be a hard battle after all.

Mai Tiezhang looked at Li Jing and said seriously:
"The south side of Gaobiling will be delivered to the pharmacist."

Li Jing nodded and said:
"General Mai, but don't worry, Li will not let the enemy in the south go overboard."

With Li Jing's promise, Mai Tiezhang felt relieved.

In fact, compared with the possible threats to the south, the pressure of Mai Tiezhang's defense to the north is greater. After all, Yang Su's main force is gathered in the north of Gaobiling.

The enemy troops in the south were only temporarily drawn from the troops besieging Jinzhou, Luzhou and other cities in the Linfen Basin after learning that Gaobiling had fallen.

The Sui army was making non-stop preparations to attack the mountain, and Cui Che, who was stationed in Xihe County, was not idle either. He left [-] infantry to guard the city, and then led the rest of the army to attack Shuque Valley.

Since the Yan army seized many cities when they went south, Cui Che had to divide his troops to stay behind. Now, only [-] cavalry followed him to the Shuque Valley.

Cui Che has walked the road of Shuque Valley many times.

Whether it was following Yang Guang from Guanzhong to Jinyang, or returning to the court from Hebei via Hedong to report on his duties, Shuque Valley was the only way to go.

In the Han and Wei Dynasties, Shuque Valley was also known as Guanjuejin, which is a homonym for stork, which means that only witty and powerful storks can fly over.

Now it is called Shuque Valley, which also means that Shuque is afraid of the way.

The Fen River Valley is formed by the Huo Mountain (Taiyue Mountain Range) and the Luliang Mountain Range. The Fen River passes through the valley, and the water flow is turbulent.

The longest and narrowest section of the Fen River Valley is Shuque Valley.

Cui Che did not rush to Shuque Valley to set up an ambush in advance, one is that he knew that Yang Su could not pass unprepared in such a dangerous place.

The second is that he was worried that Yang Su would camp outside Shuque Valley and block him to death in the valley.

Once blocked in the valley, even if Wei Zheng has the ability to reach the sky, it is impossible to transport the grain to the army.

By then, Yang Su will not be the only one facing the food shortage, but Cui Che will also be there.

This is why Cui Che let Yang Su go through the Valley of the Rats and Sparrows.

When Yan's army came to Shuque Valley, Cui Che set up camp outside the valley and blocked the exit, which means that he blocked Yang Su in the [-]-mile-long Shuque Valley with Gaobi Ridge on the north and south.

Of course, Yang Su also knew Cui Che's intention, the other way was to trap himself to death in Shuque Valley.

But Yang Su can't care much now, as long as Gao Biling is taken back, all problems will be solved.

After opening up the connection with Linfen Basin, whether it is to continue to confront Cui Che in Shuque Valley so that Yang Guang can open up a second battlefield and seize Hebei, or retreat to Linfen Basin for a short rest, the initiative will be in his own hands.

A small high mountain can now decide the battle situation in Hedong, and even the fate of Cui Che and Yang Su.

Mai Tiezhang was still distributed to Li Jing with 2000 soldiers, and he led the remaining less than [-] people to resist the main force of the Sui army.

Fortunately, it is impossible for Yang Su's 18 troops gathered in Lingbei to attack the mountain in one go. Yang Su can only invest thousands of soldiers at a time, which also allows Li Jing and Mai Tiezhang to divide the soldiers under his command into two groups, relying on the dangerous pass to hold on .

The Sui army launched attacks from both the south and the north at the same time, and this first wave of offensive was resolved by Li Jing and Mai Tiezhang without any danger.

On the hillside, the Southern and Northern Sui armies each dropped hundreds of corpses and fled back to the barracks.

However, the same behavior has different consequences.

The soldiers from the south fled back to the barracks and were not punished, while the soldiers from the north fled back, but they were all beheaded by Yang Su.

(End of this chapter)

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