Chapter 283
Cui Che leisurely waited for the troops to gather in Ji County, and the East Turkic interior became a mess.

At first, Dulan Khan completed the internal unification of Eastern Turks by capturing and killing Qin Yushe and ambushing Tuli Khan Rangan.

But the good times didn't last long. With the news that Cui Che was in command, many tribes were unwilling to follow Dulan Khan's call and go to Khan's camp to gather troops, or chose to flee north or go south to the Sui Dynasty.

Among them, Du Suliu, the younger brother of Dulan Khan, even abandoned his wife and son and fled to Youzhou alone.

Du Suliu said that he used to think that Dulan Khan was a coward, but the big guy was wrong.

I didn't expect him to be super brave.

Knowing that Cui Che was leading the army, he dared to recruit soldiers and horses, intending to fight against them.

The cruel reality has also poured a bucket of cold water on Dulan Khan, who is determined to revive the tribe.

His son Yu Qincha persuaded him worriedly:
"Father Khan, if you don't give in, send envoys to Daxing to apologize and return Tuli's tribesmen and livestock. The emperor of Sui Dynasty will still forgive him and avert a military disaster."

Dulan Khan let out a long sigh, and he didn't know that what Yu Qincha said was reasonable.

But things have come to this point, and Dulan Khan is stuck on a tiger.

If Cui Che had bowed his head and pleaded guilty before sending out troops, how would the people of the country think of him.

Moreover, this time, the tribesmen of Tuli Khan were returned, and it would be difficult to complete the internal unity.

Now that the Sui Dynasty clearly supported Tuli Khan, the grasslands on the grassland were afraid of the strength of the Sui Dynasty, so they would definitely switch to Tuli.

One goes up and down the other, I'm afraid it won't be long before I have to tremble under the shadow of Tuli Khan.

"This battle is still to be fought!"

Dulan Khan's attitude was very firm, he said to Yu Qincha:
"But if you are not capable of fighting, you should outsmart them. I will lead the tribe to move north, lure Cui Che's army to go deep, and then look for opportunities to fight."

The next day, Dulan Khan mobilized his people to move from Baidaochuan in Monan to Duluoshui in Mobei (now the Tula River in Mongolia).

Although Dulan Khan's retreat could lengthen Cui Che's Northern Expedition front, it also eliminated the military threat that Youzhou was facing.

When Cui Che heard the news, he immediately sent an envoy to Daxing to inform Yang Jian of his plan.

Soldiers are precious and fast, and I can't wait for a reply at this time. As the marching officer, he was given the power to act cheaply by Yang Jian. In the face of emergencies, he can make his own decisions.

On April 16th, the 596th year of Kaihuang (AD [-]), as cavalry soldiers from all over the country arrived at the camp outside the city one after another, Cui Che ordered people to set up a high platform in the open space outside the camp, and beat drums to gather troops.

The [-] cavalrymen from the fifty towns of the six prefectures and the [-] Boling cavalrymen gathered under the high platform when they heard the sound of the drum.

Accompanied by Mai Tiezhang, Zhang Wu, Wang Dangwan and other generals, Cui Che walked up to the high platform. He looked at the densely packed soldiers below, and was filled with emotion.

I still remember that when I first served as the governor of Youzhou, I could only gather 5 cavalry soldiers under my command. In just a few years, it actually grew to [-].

Of course, Cui Che himself contributed greatly to such a change.

One is that he prefers to use cavalry. During his tenure, he led the cavalry out to plunder. The huge harvest made the infantry envious, and also set off a wave of cavalry in the fifty towns of six states.

Another reason is that when Cui Che was the governor of Youzhou, he not only captured many women and children during the war with the Western Turks, but also captured a large number of livestock, including horses.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the six prefectures and fifty towns have gained [-] more cavalry in recent years.

And each of these cavalry has one man and two horses, and many of them are even on par with the Boling cavalry, with one man equipped with three horses.

Cui Che took a few steps forward, came to the edge of the high platform, and laughed with the cavalry below:
"Do you still recognize me?"

The entourage spread the words he said, and the voices of the cavalry were loud and noisy:
"I know!"

"You are Duke Yan!"

"Yan Guogong, I hope you will come back!"

"I followed Yan Guogong to attack the Turkic royal court at night, and after I came back, I separated three Turkic women and children!"

"Haha, I got four!"

The newly joined cavalry pawns were so greedy when they heard what the veterans said, they all urged:

"Duke Yan! Take us out of the fort!"

When Cui Che heard this, he laughed loudly and said:
"I also want to take you out to fight immediately, but Khan Nadulan heard that I was gathering troops in Ji County, so he ran away to Mobei, and he couldn't catch up with him in a short while."

Everyone laughed, and someone shouted loudly:
"Even if he flees to the ends of the earth, we will follow Duke Yan to chase after him!"

Immediately attracted a voice of echo.

After the cavalry calmed down, Cui Che said seriously:

"I know that you can't wait to go to Mobei to kill the enemy and make contributions, but since the Turks have fled far away, we should deal with the enemy in front of us first.

"The Goguryeo and Khitan people jointly invaded Yingzhou, plundered the land in western Liaoning, and killed our people in the Sui Dynasty, which is unbearable!
"I will lead you to the east and repel the enemies in western Liaoning first.

"After a short rest, go to Mobei, you are willing to go with me!"

More than 5 cavalrymen shouted in unison:
"Wish to go with Duke Yan!"

As the saying goes, when the general is outside, the king's life will not be accepted.

Of course, if you encounter someone who is suspicious, you will easily fall for this sentence.

When the leader is away, the king's order cannot be ignored, but in case of emergencies, he must know how to adapt.

Goguryeo and Khitan invaded Yingzhou, Cui Che didn't know the news until he arrived in Hebei, and Yang Jian was even more ignorant of the current situation in western Liaoning.

If you wait for him to respond, the day lily will be cold.

And it just so happened that the escape from the East Turks to the north eliminated Cui Che's worries, and allowed him to calmly deal with Goguryeo and Khitan, and then turn his spearhead to deal with the Turks.

Such behavior is not considered a violation of the king's order, otherwise what is the right to do things cheaply.

Seeing the excited cavalry and pawns under the stage, Cui Che didn't waste time, lest Goguryeo and Khitan get the news and run away decisively.

On the same day, Cui Che led [-] Youzhou cavalrymen and [-] Boling cavalrymen to the northeast, sent off by Li Jing.

These days, Li Jing really has a deep understanding of Cui Che's prestige in the hearts of the soldiers in Youzhou, but he doesn't care too much.

After all, Cui Che is not only Yang Jian's son-in-law, but also only one step away from the phase, and has an inseparable relationship with Jin Wang Yang Guang. With such an identity, in Li Jing's view, how could he rebel.

At the same time, the Goguryeo and Khitan people were besieging Longshan County in Yingzhou Prefecture (now Chaoyang, Liaoning). They didn't know that the East Turks had fled Monan without saying a word.

Dulan Khan saw that Cui Che's military status in Ji County was getting stronger and stronger, and there were many rebellions among himself, so he couldn't take care of himself, so he couldn't control others.

The Goguryeo people invaded Western Liaoning not just to plunder, but to occupy the land of Western Liaoning. How could they be willing to withdraw their troops if they did not capture Longshan County.

(End of this chapter)

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