Chapter 273
In the ninth year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the former Goguryeo king had contacted Kumoxi and Khitan to plan for the land in western Liaoning, but he died of illness the following year before leaving the army.

Dulan Khan and Xi Wang Ahui Lusu have a deep friendship, so they naturally know about it.

He is aware of the ambitions of the Goguryeo people, and the envoy sent to Pyongyang is still on the way, but two uninvited guests came to Dulan's sweat tent.

It was the envoys sent by the Western Turkic Datou Khan and the Western Turkic Nili Khan.

Obviously, they had heard the news that Tuli Khan was about to marry Princess Sui.

In front of the envoy, Dulan Khan and his neighbors laughed and said:
"Everything in the world is full of wonders, but Datou and Nili still remember me, the Great Khan."

Datou Khan's messenger said:
"It was the people of the Sui Dynasty who told stories and sowed discord, which caused the khans to create rifts.

"Back then Khan Sabolo was strong and powerful, so the Sui people befriended Khan Abo and Khan Datou.

"After that, Abo Khan rose up in Mobei, and the Sui people took shelter of Sabolo Khan.

"Now that the Great Khan's tribe is becoming more and more prosperous, the Sui people felt threatened, and they made peace with Tuli Khan.

"In the words of the Sui people, Xiang Zhuang's sword dance was aimed at Peigong.

"Khan, you are the Duke of Pei."

Hearing this, Dulan Khan no longer smiled.

The truth is often the most hurtful. The Turkic Khanate is now torn apart. Although it has its own shortcomings in the system of big and small khans, the Sui Dynasty deliberately created conflicts and sowed dissension for them.

Seeing this, Nili Khan's messenger said:

"Don't dare to lie to the Great Khan, the Sui people once sent envoys to contact my Khan, willing to join forces with Nili Khan to defeat the Great Khan.

"My Khan knew very well that the Sui people were ambitious, and to work with him was to seek skin from a tiger, so he flatly refused.

"But I was still sent here to remind the Great Khan: 'If a man has no long-term concerns, he must have near-term worries.'

"Now that the Sui people have sharpened their knives, if the Great Khan doesn't prepare early, he may become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered in the future."

Dulan Khan was furious, he clapped the case and shouted:
"Old man Yang Jian, you bullied me too much!"

Although there is no evidence to prove whether the Sui Dynasty really sent someone to contact Nili Khan, these are just the words of the envoy's family and are not reliable.

But for all these years, the Sui Dynasty really lacked great virtues in Turkic, and made trouble everywhere.

In the eyes of the Turks, this is what Yang Jian can do.

Since then, Dulan Khan broke off his tribute with the Sui Dynasty, and instead joined hands with the Western Turks and Western Turks to plan to deal with the Tuli Khan Rangan.

Cui Che, who is now in Renshou Palace, does not know about this. The relationship between Cui Che and Dulan Khan is different from that of Ahui Lusu, and he does not have such strong control over him.

And Dulan Khan is ambitious, and he is not someone who can be easily controlled.

Especially since Cui Che is not working in Youzhou now, it is even more difficult to influence the other party, and Dulan Khan will not report everything to him.

Now Cui Che is dedicated to being his Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, accounting for military and state finances.

Under the Ministry of Civil Affairs, there are four divisions under its jurisdiction, namely, the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Division of Duzhi, the Division of Jinbu, and the Division of Cangbu, all of which have Shilang and Yuanwailang as the main and secondary officials.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs is the head of the four divisions, and is in charge of the national household registration, land, tax and service decrees.

The Duzhi Division is the second of the four divisions, in charge of the cashier.

The Department of the Ministry of Gold is the third of the four departments, responsible for reviewing the cashier's accounts of the national treasury, coin casting, and government orders related to weights and measures.

The Department of Cangbu is the last of the four divisions. As the name suggests, it is in charge of grain storage across the country, cashing out taxes, government orders for grain, and warehouses.

Cui Che has been in office for a while, and after familiarizing himself with the government affairs of the entire Ministry of Civil Affairs, he has no choice but to sigh:

The Sui Dynasty did not levy commercial taxes, but the state was rich in wealth. How miserable were the people in this world being exploited.

A family of poor people can only be awarded 140 mu of public land, but they have to bear [-] mu of tax. The seven-fold gap is enough to overwhelm the people.

Just like this, Yang Jian can still get the reputation of light corvee and thin Fu, which is true and far from the original score.

Regarding this, the group of Dongyang disciples under Cui Che's command had the most say.

But if you think about it carefully, you can be relieved. If it weren't for this, how could the abundance of storage in the Sui Dynasty be astonishing.

It is of course untenable to say that after the founding of the Tang Dynasty, within 20 years, it was still eating the savings of the Sui Dynasty.

After all, the "New Tang Book" clearly records: "Su Zang nine years, Mi Zang five years."In the wet land, millet can be stored for five years, and rice can be stored for three years. '

How can food be stored for 20 years.

However, after Yang Guang ascended the throne, it is true that the Taicang in Xijing and the Hanjiacang in Tokyo have reached tens of millions of stones, and the few have millions of stones.

What is the concept of ten million stones.

In the third year of Emperor Kaihuang's reign, the Yellow River broke its embankment, and Cui Che served as the consolation envoy of Henan Province. He went to Qingzhou and other places to provide disaster relief, but he only took 300 million shi of grain, enough to supply the victims for a year until the next autumn harvest.

It can be seen that the Sui Dynasty was rich.

Under the so-called policy of light corvee and low tax, it is impossible to change so much food out of thin air.

Although the farming technology of the Sui Dynasty had been developed to a certain extent, if the imperial court was really light on corvees and poor taxes, it would not have reached such a shocking level.

It is not because of the seven times the actual tax difference that such a huge wealth has been saved.

When the Sui Dynasty fell, Yang Guang had to bear the burden, but to be honest, the people were overwhelmed as early as the time of Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty.

The only difference between their father and son is that Yang Guang ignores the life and death of the people at the bottom, and he can't hold anything else in his heart except himself.

And Yang Jian would issue edicts from time to time to reduce or exempt some taxes so that the people could breathe.

The people in ancient China have always been like this. If it is not really impossible to survive, no one will rebel. Therefore, in the end of Yang Jian's reign, although the people lived in hardship, they were able to linger on and there was no large-scale peasant uprising.

Of course, the exception is forcing the people in the south of the Yangtze River to recite the "Five Religions".

On July 15, the 595th year of Kaihuang (22 A.D.), after a hot summer, Yang Jian and all the civil and military officials returned to Daxing from Renshou Palace.

As soon as Cui Che entered the house, he went straight to Cui Zhaorong's yard.

"Auntie, Le'er's marriage has been finalized."

Cui Che laughed.

Cui Zhaorong was overjoyed. She straightened her glasses on the bridge of her nose and asked eagerly:

"Which family is the girl from, why didn't you tell me in advance."

Cui Che proudly said:
"She is the daughter of Yang Xuangan, the eldest son of Yang Su, Duke of Yue."

Pei Xiu also studied at Weishui Academy, shared the same dormitory with Cui Che, Yang Xuangan, and Dou Wei, and they had a very close relationship with each other.

Cui Zhaorong clapped her palms and laughed, couldn't help but patted Cui Che on the shoulder, praising:
"Well! This is a very good marriage."

At the beginning, Pei Xiu mistakenly thought that Cui Che had offended Yang Jian's family, and ran around Chang'an for him. Yang Guang, in order to act realistically, forced the government to arrest Pei Xiu. It was Yang Xuangan and Dou Wei's help that allowed Pei Xiu to escape from Chang'an.

Cui Zhaorong also knew about this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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