On the occasion of rebirth Zhou Sui

Chapter 214 The Wrath of the Son of Heaven

Chapter 214 The Wrath of the Son of Heaven

In the early morning of the next day, the palace gates just opened, and Cui Che, who was about to leave, was temporarily called into the palace by Yang Jian.

"I am very angry.

"I thought that treating the people well would bring Jiangnan back to his heart.

"I allocated fields for them and exempted them from taxes for ten years, but they failed me!

"Governing the country should be both powerful and virtuous, and be lenient and fierce. It is my blindness that makes them despise the majesty of the court, causing wars everywhere in the south of the Yangtze River."

Inside the Daxing Hall, Yang Jian stared at Cui Che, and said in a deep voice:
"You go south this time, not only to destroy the rebels, but also to let the people of the world understand what the consequences will be if you betray me!
"All the captured women will be used as spoils of war and rewarded to the meritorious soldiers.

"Men who participated in the rebellion, unless they surrendered before the battle, were spared death and punished as slaves.

"The rest, regardless of age, must not be left alive!"

Cui Che's heart trembled, but he didn't hesitate:
"The minister obeys the order!"

Walking out of Daxing Hall, the wind and snow were blowing outside, but Cui Che felt that the inside of the hall was even colder.

In the wrath of the emperor, millions of dead bodies were laid down and blood flowed for thousands of miles.

The anger of Khan, the sage of the Sui Dynasty, must be extinguished with the blood of the traitor.

When Cui Che returned to Yanguo Mansion, Li Jing, Fang Yanqian, Fang Xuanling, Kong Yingda, Gao Shilian and others braved the wind and snow and waited outside the mansion.

Generals such as Cui Hongdu, Lai Huer, Shi Wansui, etc., some of them were stationed outside and needed to be transferred to lead troops to Yangzhou to join Cui Che, such as Cui Hongdu.

Some already set off early yesterday to lead troops to various places, waiting for Cui Che to arrive in Yangzhou, such as Shi Wansui, to protect his children.

Cui Che also rushed to preside over the overall situation.

The wives and concubines were all seeing them off outside the mansion, Cui Che swept past the Bodhisattva slaves who were called back to the city last night, and said goodbye to Yuwen Eying who came early in the morning, and then boarded the carriage with Yuchi Chifan.

Yang Lihua didn't have much of a problem with Cui Che taking Yuchi Chifan south. It was better to have his own family with him than to bring a woman back home because he couldn't bear the loneliness on the way.

Under the watchful eyes of the family members, the convoy slowly headed south.

Cui Che's journey to Jiangling this time did not go through Tongguan. The Yellow River freezes in winter, so the horses and chariots could not catch up with the boats after all.

Although the south of the Yangtze River was chaotic, the rebel army lacked ships, and the Yangtze River was still under the control of the Sui army. Cui Che planned to go out of Wuguan, board a ship on the Hanshui River, pass through Hankou and join the Yangtze River, and then go down the river to Yangzhou.

When Cui Che walked out of the Shangyu ancient road, came to a ferry in Hanshui, and took a boat to change to the waterway, Yang Guang, who was in Jinyang, received the order.

Knowing that he was changed to be the general manager of Yangzhou and the military governor of the 44 states, Yang Guang was secretly happy.

Previously, as the coach of Facing Chen, Yang Guang set foot in Jiangnan for the first time and fell in love with it.

He loves the warm and pleasant climate in the south of the Yangtze River, the beautiful mountains and rivers in the south of the Yangtze River, and the gentle women in the south of the Yangtze River.

Of course, what he loves the most is the meritorious service he can get in Jiangnan.

He has already achieved the merits of destroying Chen before, and now he cleans his ass for the third younger brother Yang Jun. It is not too much for the world to say that King Jin has made great contributions to the country.

He didn't have time to pack too many bags, so he only brought Princess Jin and some of his staff, and set off in a hurry to Yangzhou.

And Yang Jun, the King of Qin, will also be transferred to Bingzhou to take over the post of Bingzhou's general manager and supervise the military forces of the 24 states.

Zhang Wu, who was far away in Anping County, received the transfer order a few days later than Yang Guang. He hurriedly summoned [-] cavalry on the same day. Hearing that he would follow Cui Che to quell the southern rebellion, the Boling cavalry were very happy .

Previously, following Cui Che to fight in Youzhou, he brought back countless women, children and livestock, not only envied by the villagers, but even his wife was very considerate and caring.

They have long been looking forward to making another war fortune, so as to save more family property for their children and grandchildren.

The Boling cavalrymen's trust in Cui Che was blind. In their view, even the Turks were vulnerable, let alone the Jiangnan rebels.

Three thousand cavalry bid farewell to their families, led by Zhang Wu, one man and three horses, and galloped towards the south.

Li Baiyao, who was avoiding disaster at his hometown in Anping County, could not help but be dumbfounded as he watched the Boling cavalry go away.

We all know that Cui Che broke his fortune to maintain a cavalry force of 3000 men, but only after witnessing their excellent equipment and high morale, can we understand how much Cui Che has spent on them.

When Cui Che and others came to Hankou in a large ship, Cui Hongdu, the governor of Jiangling, was already waiting at the ferry with his troops.

"Uncle Lao welcomes you from a distance."

Cui Che got off the boat and greeted Cui Hongdu warmly.

Cui Che is also very clear about Cui Hongdu's temperament, he is arrogant and does not want to be inferior to others.

It is good to have a good relationship with him, but for his long history, I am afraid that he is a little bit unconvinced.

Just as Cui Che thought, Cui Hongdu was indeed not convinced.

From Cui Hongdu's point of view, he is older than Cui Che, and has a higher seniority in the clan. When the Yuchijiong Rebellion was quelled, he was the marching officer, and Cui Che was just a prisoner.

But ten years later, while he was still a marching officer himself, Cui Che became the marching chief Shi who actually commanded the three armies.

No matter who it was, I couldn't be happier.

It's just that Cui Che warmly greeted him as soon as he got off the boat, and Cui Hongdu couldn't vent the anger in his heart.

Cui Hongdu cupped his hands and said:

"Since the imperial court has a transfer order, Cui dare not neglect it."

Cui Che sent an invitation to Cui Hongdu:
"Uncle, it's better to be on the same boat with me. You and I haven't seen each other for a year, and we just happened to get close along the way."

Cui Hongdu looked at the Jiangling soldiers who boarded the battleship one after another, and declined:
"Official duties are important, and Cui does not dare to leave his post without authorization."

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands to Cui Che, bid him farewell, and headed towards his own boat.

Cui Che smiled nonchalantly, and went back to his own boat. After entering the cabin bedroom, his face changed, and he said angrily:

"Cui Hongdu doesn't reflect on himself, why has he been a county prince all his life, but he can't be a state prince!"

When they both worked under Yang Jun's tent before, they were good brothers with Cui Che, and they had a deep affection as uncle and nephew.

Now that Cui Che overwhelmed him, he turned his face.

With such a bad temper, if Cui Hongdu hadn't been Dugu Jialuo's cousin, how could he have survived to this day in the extremely dangerous Sui Dynasty.

Yuchi Chifan got up and kneaded Cui Che's shoulders, comforting him:

"Husband calm down, don't ruin your body because of other people's anger."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the bedroom.

"My lord, just now someone came to report that all the soldiers from the Jiangling Mansion boarded the ship. I dare to ask if we are leaving now."

Hearing that it was Fang Yanqian's voice, Cui Che, who was still aggrieved just now, calmed down.

"Let's set off, rush to Yangzhou earlier, we must first find out what the current situation is in the land of the Three Wus."

Cui Che said lightly.

Although the rebellion affected the entire Jiangnan region, the land of the Three Wus was the hardest hit.

Fang Yanqian took the order to leave, and he sent someone to notify the ships with semaphore to leave the ferry one by one.

And Cui Che was also thinking in the room how to convince Cui Hongdu.

 I brought it in Chapter 4, but it's gone today.

(End of this chapter)

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