Chapter 182
Big discussions like last night, of course, don't happen often, otherwise don't say that the middle road collapsed before halfway through starting a business.

I'm afraid I can't wait to start a business, Yang Jian is not dead yet, but Cui Che, the son-in-law, is ahead of the curve.

In the ninth year of Kaihuang (589 A.D.), in June, Yang Su, the governor of Jingzhou, was recalled to Daxing and worshiped as Nayan, who was a senior official of one of the three provinces.

And as early as in the fourth month of leap, that is, after Cui Che left Daxing, Su Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, was appointed as the right servant of Shangshu.

Although the Sui Dynasty had the post of Shangshu Ling, it has never been awarded to a minister in the nine years since the founding of the country. Therefore, the left and right servants of the Shangshu Sheng, the Ministry of Internal History (Zhongshu Sheng), and senior officials under the sect are also prime ministers.

In the first edition of the court hall, there were Shangshu Zuopu Shegao Jiong, two internal historians Yu Qingze, and Li Delin as prime ministers. Now there are Shangshu Youpu Shesuwei and Nayan Yang Su, a total of five prime ministers.

Although Li Delin was a prime minister, Yang Jian disliked his clear-cut opposition to the slaughter of the Yuwen clan in his early years.

Even in the battle against Chen, he made many suggestions and made great contributions, but he is still the county magistrate of Anping. It was awarded by Yang Jian after the founding of the country nine years ago because he supported Yang Jian as the prime minister.

After Chen was destroyed, meritorious officers and soldiers were rewarded, and Yang Jian also planned to promote Li Delin to be the Duke of Anping County, Jiazhu Kingdom, but it was clear that the decree was awarded, and it was withdrawn.

I'm afraid that the thorn in Yang Jian's heart has not disappeared after nine years.

It is expected that Su Wei and Yang Su worshiped each other. Since Yang Xiong was praised by all the officials, he was suspected. white.

Now You Servant She Wang Shao stays in the Jiangnan Stone City, and there is a vacancy for Nayan. She Suwei and Yang Su, who is qualified.

But Li Delin's aspect won't last long.

As a hero of Zuo Ming, he had not been granted a title for nine years, and after all his meritorious service in defeating Chen Jianyan, the official title was immediately withdrawn.

Yang Jian didn't even care about Jun Wu's joke.

His attitude towards Li Delin is well known in the world.

Li Delin had different political views with Su Wei in the court, and there were often disputes.

Gao Jiong and Su Wei are close friends, and they often side with each other, claiming that Li Delin is ruthless.

When Cui Che heard about this in Ji County, he laughed so hard that he and Fang Xuanling laughed and said:

"Back then, the Duke of Jin (Yu Qingze) advocated the killing of the Yuwen clan, and the Duke of Qi (Gao Jiong) readily agreed. Only the Duke of Anping (Li Delin) cared about the kindness and righteousness of his ancestors, and could not bear to cut off his blood, and spoke out against it. Now the Duke of Qi accuses Duke Anping has a ruthless mind, and it is simply a joke."

Fang Xuanling couldn't help laughing. After a long time, he asked:

"Duke Ming is going on a northern tour, please allow Rong Xuanling to accompany you."

This year is the last year of Cui Che's tenure as the governor of Youzhou, and he will have to prepare to return to the court to report on his duties in a few months. At the end of each year, the governor, the long history, and Sima will go to Beijing in turn. The last year of the governor of Qingzhou is Cui Che's last year in Daxing, Youzhou In the first year as the manager, it was Li Gang who went there, and at the end of last year, it was Liu Fang.

No, now it's Cui Che's turn again, after this trip, I'm afraid he won't be able to return to Youzhou in a short time.

Therefore, Cui Che has already summoned the cavalrymen of the six states, together with the cavalrymen of Boling, to patrol the northern border with him again, and show off their prestige beyond the Great Wall.

On the seventh day of August, all [-] cavalry soldiers assembled in Ji County.

Cui Che told Miaorong, Yuchi Chifan, and Zhang Lihua to take good care of Mu Xieli who was pregnant.

Mu Xieli has always been looking forward to having a child, and now he finally got his wish.

He went to another courtyard and asked Ashina to take care of Yu Wenfang who was pregnant.

As Cui Che said before.

Now that Yu Wenfang is pregnant, she often caresses her lower abdomen, even smiles more, and rarely encourages Cui Che to avenge Yang Jian for her.

In the past, she was alone, even if things failed, she would die if she died, but since the diagnosis of Ximai, Yu Wenfang has a new concern in this world. Can the child have a name.

As for herself, Yu Wenfang also knew that her identity was not visible, maybe in the future when the child was born, she could only be sent to Cui's residence, falsely claiming that it was from another concubine.

After saying goodbye to his family, Cui Che came to the camp outside the city.

All the [-] cavalrymen raised their heads high, full of energy, and wanted to show Cui Che their best side.

The vast majority of them followed Cui Che to fight outside the Great Wall, they have gone through hardships, and they have already returned home.

The newly joined cavalrymen were also the children of fallen soldiers, and Cui Che went door-to-door to distribute pensions to them, and won their respect and love.

Cui Che stepped onto the high platform, greeted the soldiers and said

"I haven't seen you for a long time, but you still recognize me."

Everyone was laughing, everyone was chattering, Cui Che couldn't hear clearly, but he could clearly hear a soldier in the front row shouting:
"General, but you are going to take us out of the fortress to make meritorious deeds!"

Cui Che smiled and said:

"You think that the Turkic people are crops in the field, and they will grow once they are cut. Before that, we captured a large number of people and livestock. In recent years, they will not even try to recover."

The soldiers laughed louder, their faces full of pride.

During Cui Che's three years as the general manager of Youzhou, East Turkic was intimidated, Kumoxi bowed his head, the soldiers of Youzhou now have a sense of honor, and they know who brought all this.

When the laughter subsided, Cui Che said slowly:

"In a few months, I will resign and return to the imperial court. I have summoned you today to accompany me on a tour of northern Xinjiang and deter the ministries of the grassland, lest they revert to their old ways and harass Youzhou after I leave office."

The personal guards spread Cui Che's words in the school grounds, and the audience was silent. However, after a short silence, countless people were crying:

"General, please stay!"

"Boss, don't leave, stay in Youzhou!"

"I still want to go to the Turkic royal court with Duke Yan again!"

When Cui Che heard this, tears welled up in his eyes, and he choked up and said:

"Cui once lived and died with you, how could he bear to abandon you.

"But the imperial court has its own laws, even though Cui is the son-in-law of a saint, he cannot violate it.

"After I enter the court, you and others must not slack off. You need to protect the environment and the people, and prevent the people of the six states from being invaded by the barbarians."

The soldiers wiped away their tears one after another and promised loudly.

Cui Che also raised his sleeves, wiped away his tears, and said loudly:

"Today, everyone will go on a tour with me again, so that the grassland tribes can see our might!"

Thirty thousand soldiers shouted in unison, and the sound shook the sky.

Fang Xuanling, who was only 11 years old, had never seen such a formation before. He looked at Cui Che on the high platform with reverence in his eyes.

Cui Che followed Li Qing to bring a horse for Fang Xuanling, and asked:
"Can you ride a horse?"

Fang Xuanling was in great embarrassment. He was busy studying since he was a child, but he had never learned how to ride a horse.

It just so happened that Cui Che stepped down from the high platform and told Li Qing:
"Go and prepare a carriage for Xuanling."

Then he laughed with Fang Xuanling:
"When I have time later, I will teach you how to ride a horse."

 The next chapter is before one o'clock in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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