Chapter 174 Boling Sancui
"Your Majesty, the officers and men have been looking forward to defeating Chen for a long time in order to make contributions and secure their wives and sons. Now our army has been confronting the enemy for more than ten days. We have fought and not fought, and retreated and never retreated. There are many complaints in the army. Please also ask Xu Chen Lead the attack and defeat the enemy for the king!"

Cui Hongdu once again came to the temporary marshal's mansion in Hankou City to ask for a battle.

Since arriving in Hankou, Yang Jun led his army and Chen Jun who was stationed in Hanyang had a stalemate for a long time.

Chen Jun was afraid of the strength of the Sui army and did not dare to attack, but the Sui army did not move.

Upstream Yang Su was fighting desperately, and downstream Yang Guang was also preparing to cross the river. Only the more than [-] Sui troops from Sanyang Road and the tens of thousands of Chen troops under Zhou Luohou watched from the sidelines. It seemed that the North-South War had nothing to do with them.

Cui Hongdu repeatedly came to ask for a fight, Yang Jun was very disgusted in his heart, but the other party was Princess Cui's elder brother, so he could only suppress his anger, and said kindly:

"If you start a war recklessly, your life will definitely be ruined. I have made up my mind what this benevolent person will not do. There is no need for Cui Gong to say more."

Looking at the unmoved King of Qin, Yang Jun, Cui Hongdu became paralyzed. Of course he knew that his brother-in-law was devout and worshiped the Buddha, but he never imagined that, as the commander in charge of an army of more than [-] in the Southern Expedition, he was unwilling to kill because of his belief in Buddhism. Instead of allowing one soldier to attack.

Feeling frustrated again, Cui Hongdu went straight to look for Cui Che. After he left, the sound of silk and bamboo orchestras sounded again in the Marshal's Mansion.

When he came to Cui Che's temporary residence, there was no one there. Cui Hongdu found Cui Che, who was fishing in a coir raincoat, by the Han River after several twists and turns.

Cui Hongdu was so angry that he kicked Cui Che's fish basket over, angrily said:
"As the chief history officer of the army, you don't go to persuade the king, but you are a fisherman here, what a shame!"

Cui Che glanced at Cui Hongdu, but he was not angry at all. He is in the air force today, and the fish basket is empty. Cui Che said calmly:

"If you are angry, take off your clothes and jump into the Han River to get rid of the fire. Don't vent it in front of me."

Cui Che also knew what kind of temper Cui Hongdu had. There was a folk song circulating in Daxing City, which said, "I would rather drink three liters of vinegar than see Cui Hongdu." '

Although it is not as tyrannical as Yanrong, it is not far behind.

Even if the hair of brothers and nephews is gray, if they don't like him, they will be beaten severely.

Cui Hongdu's younger brothers, including Cui Hongsheng, could not bear the abuse and separated from him early.

So Cui Che came from the third house, if he was a child from the second house, Cui Hongdu's iron fist would have been swung by him long ago.

Cui Hongdu was angry, but he also had a sense of proportion. Cui Che is now the son-in-law of the emperor, the commander-in-chief of the army, and the de facto suzerain of the third house.
"Zicheng, why don't you and I lead the generals in the army to challenge the king tomorrow? Otherwise, we will be blamed by the sage when we return to the court."

Cui Che finally put down his fishing rod. He turned his head, looked directly at Cui Hongdu who was over fifty years old with a solemn expression, and said in a deep voice:

"Could it be that you want to persuade the king to persecute the king!"

If Yu Chijiong could let Yu Chijiong scold Yang Jian before he died, Cui Hongdu's brain could not come up with any good ideas.

Even if he failed to achieve an inch of merit and responded negatively, he would only be blamed for a few words. If it was really a military remonstrance, it would be a disaster for the upper body.

If you can remonstrate with the King of Qin today, will you not dare to persecute the emperor tomorrow?

Cui Hongdu's complexion changed, and he retorted:
"When did I say I would persecute King Qin?"

"Whether to persecute, you and I don't care, it depends on how the sage thinks, the king of Qin is not willing to send troops, if you lead the generals to go, and the king of Qin is forced to agree, isn't this being persecuted by you! If the king of Qin still If you insist on refusing, you and I beg for life, it will be in vain."

When Cui Hongdu heard this, he was terrified, and the cold sweat flowed down his back.

Today's son is not very broad-minded, no matter how great his achievements are, if he makes a mistake and is alienated, he will be punished lightly.

Wang Yi's son-daughter in-laws, classmates and friends when he was young, just flattered him wrongly, and he was hated. In the end, he was given to death at home without investigation on the grounds that he harbored resentment.

If Yang Jian mistakenly thought that he was admonishing the King of Qin, he might end up not much better than Wang Yi.

Thinking about this, Cui Hongdu said dejectedly:

"Sitting on an army of more than [-], marching southward in mighty strength, the achievement of destroying the country is close at hand, but they are afraid of the battle and hold back!"

Cui Che laughed and said:
"I think that King Qin's actions can be described as wise and foolish, since he has no intention of accumulating the throne, why should he compete with King Jin for merit.

"Now that troops are stationed in Hankou, even if they stand still, they have held back Zhou Luohu's tens of thousands of troops. How could the saint be harsh, King Jin has to remember this feeling.

"If the king of Jin enters Jiankang, he only needs a handwritten letter from Master Chen, and Zhou Luohu will definitely come and surrender. At that time, there will be no casualties, and we will be able to share the benefits with the descendants. Wouldn't it be beautiful."

Cui Hongdu murmured:

"King Qin really thinks so?"

Cui Che asked back:
"Does it matter?"

"But this way of doing things, I always feel that I'm picking up people's teeth, and it's not what a real man does!"

Cui Hongdu was very unwilling, he was a proud person, he only felt that such a contribution seemed to be given alms.

Cui Che heard the words, and said earnestly:

"Now the clan has three branches that are prominent in the world. Among the five surnames and seven clans, that is also the only honor. If you and I make special contributions, it will not be the truth that the prosperity will decline."

As soon as the words fell, there was a long laugh behind him, and an elder in his fifth decade came over and said with a smile:

"Zicheng is young, but he is well versed in the principles of being wise and protecting one's life. No wonder the sage said you should be cautious."

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Cui Hongdu again.

The person who came was Cui Zhongfang, brother of Cui Che's clan.

Cui Zhongfang was the son of Cui Xuanyou, an uncle of Cui Che's family. When Cui Che first arrived in Chang'an in his early years, he even visited him.

Because of his talent, he was praised by Cui Xuanyou and Cui Zhongfang's father and son.

After seeing the ceremony, Cui Che asked with a smile:
"Brother, is he looking for me to go fishing, or is he here to invite me to challenge the King of Qin?"

Cui Zhongfang and Yang Jian were childhood friends. In the past few years, they had been building the Great Wall in northern Xinjiang to prevent the Western Turks from invading the rear during the Sui Dynasty's southern expedition.

He was also one of the ministers who offered advice to Yang Jian to defeat Chen. Now he is appointed as the marching officer and sent to Qin Wang Yang Jun to obey orders.

Cui Zhongfang waved his hands and said:
"I heard that after my uncle left the Marshal's Mansion, he was looking for you everywhere. I was afraid that you two would conflict, so I came here to have a look."

Although Cui Zhongfang called Cui Hongdu his uncle and they were in the second room together, but in fact the blood relationship between the two was very distant, and they left Wufu early.

If it was really Cui Hongdu's nephew, how could he dare to come over when Cui Hongdu was in a bad mood.

Cui Hongdu snorted coldly:

"How could I blame Zicheng for this without distinguishing between right and wrong?"

Cui Che thought to himself: Just now you kicked over my fish basket.

Even though the two came out of the second house together, they are not close, unlike Cui Che, who, as a real clan, insists on the same thing inside the third house, while Cui Hongdu's family and Cui Zhongfang's family are fine in front of outsiders, but When fighting for the right to speak internally, there are many frictions.

(End of this chapter)

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