Chapter 171 Get Ready
Dulan Khan has his own thoughts, and Cui Che has his own.

He excused himself by saying:
"There will be a big war in the south. The saint ordered me to arrive in Xiangyang before October to obey orders."

Neither Yang Jian nor Cui Che wanted to see the Eastern Turks return to unity.

For Yang Jian, the division of Eastern Turks would make them unable to invade northern Xinjiang and reduce border troubles.

In Cui Che's view, if Dulan Khan flattened Tuli Khan Rangan, how could he continue to obey him.

Dulan Khan was very disappointed, but he didn't complain, it was really too late.

Since the Eastern Turks split, the Sui Dynasty has been preparing for the war against Chen. The public opinion war has been going on for several months. Dulan Khan has also heard about it. Of course he knows that Cui Che is not lying.

"I wanted to borrow troops from Zicheng to destroy Qin Yu's establishment, but I never thought that it was a coincidence."

Dulan Khan said regretfully.

Although Yong Yulu ascended to the Khan position, he was despised by his tribe. He was eager to attack Qin Yushe, who refused to obey orders, just to establish his prestige and change his past cowardly image in the hearts of the tribe. How long can Khan last.

But when Cui Che heard that he was attacking Qin Yushe instead of Tuli Khan, he immediately changed his mind and said with a smile:
"I haven't finished my sentence, why is Khan so anxious.

"Cui can't go there personally, but he also has a plan to help the Khan. On the occasion of the decisive battle, the Khan ordered the soldiers to set up more Youzhou flags. Seeing this, the rebel army thought that the Khan had the Sui army to help him, so he must be panicked. Self-disruption.

"Even if this plan fails, there is no loss. The left and right are just spending more fabric."

The reason why he changed his mind was because he knew that Dulan Khan could return triumphantly without his own efforts, so he simply became a favor,

When Dulan Khan heard the words, his eyes lit up, he regained his spirit, and said excitedly:

"Zicheng's plan can be used as a thousand riders!"

With the end of the battle of weak falling into the water and the battle of attacking the Western Turkic royal court, Cui Che's prestige among the various tribes in the grassland has grown day by day, and Dulan Khan has the deepest understanding of this.

Although it is not as famous as Zhang Liao, it can stop Jiangdong children from crying at night, but it also makes the leaders of various ministries fear.

Dulan Khan left satisfied, and Cui Che didn't stay in Jixian for long, but instead summoned [-] tribes under his command to patrol the frontier with him, taking the opportunity to comfort the grassland tribes who fell in love with him, such as the Kumoxi people.

Ahuilusu was already grateful to Cui Che, and now he has received an edict to rule the five tribes of Kumoxi, and he admires Cui Che who persuaded him to sacrifice the captives to Daxing.

Now Cui Che summoned Ahui Lusu to secretly meet with him under the guise of patrolling the border, but Ahui Lusu, the dignified King Xi, obeyed, fearing that the news would be leaked, and even brought only dozens of cronies.

Cui Che and Ahui Lusu led the horses and walked side by side, saying:

"Perhaps after the fall of Chen, I can return to Youzhou for a few months, but after all, I won't be able to stay for long."

Ah Hui Lusu frowned, he thought for a while, and suggested:
"I would like to take Yingzhou for Zicheng, occupy You and Ying publicly, and have Kumoxi as Zicheng's forerunner, sweep Yanzhao, great things will happen!"

Cui Che took a deep look, seeing Ahui and Lusu's sincere appearance, he could only sigh secretly:
Well said, don't say it again next time.

"Qin lost its deer, and the whole world pursued it. The Great Sui did not lose people's hearts, and Cui couldn't get along. After all, nothing can be done."

Cui Che shook his head and refused.

Ah Hui Lusu didn't expect Cui Che to really confide in him. He suggested that just now, and he was ready to be reprimanded.

Seeing his astonishment, Cui Che smiled and said:
"You and I are brothers and sisters, and we have an alliance of incense and fire, so why can't Cui talk to you about it?"

Ah Hui Lusu felt a warm feeling in his heart, he bowed his head and said:

"Your Majesty, Lu Su is stupid, and he is willing to conspire with me for great things. How would Lu Su dare to lose to you, but he is driven, and Lu Su is willing to do what a dog can do."

"It's better to call me Zicheng, the work of dogs and horses, and the work of dogs and horses, so why bother the king."

Cui Che lifted Ah Hui and Lusu jokingly said.

The two talked for a long time at the border, and after making contact with each other, Cui Che called Kuzhen, pointed at him and confessed to Ahui Lusu:
"This person's name is Ku Zhen. If your Majesty needs to inform Cui about something urgent in the future, you can contact him as much as possible."

Kuzhen was attached to Xiren, whether he went out to Laohahe in the name of trade or returned to Sui territory, he would not attract the attention of others.

Next year will be the last year of his tenure as the governor of Youzhou, and Cui Che is preparing for his resignation.

Of course Ahui Lusu remembered Kuzhen, it was he who instigated a group of angry youths to attack and kill the envoys of the Western Turks, and then fled without a trace.

Now that Cui Che summoned Ku Zhen, it is equivalent to admitting that what happened that day was all planned by him.

In fact, Ah Hui Lusu could have guessed the whole story long ago, but he didn't hold any resentment. If Cui Che hadn't forced him, how could he have the prestige that he is now unambiguous in the clan.

This prestige was not brought by the so-called title of King Xi, but Ahui Lusu fought with Cui Che and captured a lot of spoils, which won the respect and support of the clansmen.

Of course, he also knew that Cui Che's prestige within Kumoxi was even higher than his own.

After all, Ahui Lusu has a dark history of being captured.

Since I lacked ability, I had to hug a thick enough thigh. After witnessing how Cui Che easily defeated the Western Turks, Ah Hui Lusu now blindly trusts him, thinking that there is nothing in the world that Cui Che cannot accomplish.

Even if Cui Che really wants to rebel, he is still willing to go forward for the king, so that he will reap huge rewards in the future.

Ku Zhen told Ah Hui Lusu his address, and Cui Che also made Ah Hui Lusu memorize the catchphrase slogan:

'Neck twisted right. '

Tell him that he must be a trusted aide to appoint him, and he must not leak the news.

After explaining many things to Ah Hui Lusu, Cui Che parted ways with him, and went around the small tribes around the border of the six states, and even found time to inspect the troops for Dulan Khan in Hengzhou.

Dulan Khan is already preparing his army for war, and is preparing to pacify the Qinyu Department.

The arrival of Cui Che boosted the morale of the Eastern Turkic army. Most of them followed Cui Che to participate in the expedition to the royal court and respected him very much.

Replacing Dulan Khan to boost morale, Cui Che returned home. When he returned to Ji County, it was already the third day of August in the eighth year of Kaihuang (588).

All kinds of supplies for the expedition against Chen were basically transported to the front line one after another, and all the troops and horses were already ready for battle, just waiting for Yang Jian's order.

On the sixth day of August, the court envoys came to Ji County, officially announced their acceptance of Cui Che's fate, and worshiped him as the commander-in-chief of the Sanyang Road Marching Army.

The Shanyang Dao army gathered [-] marching chiefs, with a total of more than [-] land and water troops. Cui Che was the long history, Cui Hongdu was the Sima, and they jointly assisted Qin Wang Yang Jun.

Not surprisingly, Liu Fang temporarily photographed all the affairs in Youzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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