Chapter 156 Regrouping
If the war stops here, there is no doubt that this Western Expedition is actually not a failure for the Sui Dynasty.

The three main generals of the coalition forces, East Turkic Mohe Khan died, Kumoxi Chief Ahui Lusu was captured, and only Cui Che retreated with his teammates in the rear.

The rise of the Eastern Turks that Yang Jian was worried about before has become a bubble in the water. Kumoxi and the Western Turks also suffered heavy losses, while the [-] Sui troops who marched west were unscathed.

It's just that for Cui Che personally, the prestige he established among the various tribes in the grassland with the help of the battle of Ruoyushui will not be wiped out, but it will be greatly affected.

If in the future he occupies Hebei, Qingzhou and other places and raises troops, and is harassed by grassland tribes after his death, how can Cui Che wholeheartedly serve the Sui Dynasty and help the country.

Cui Che was not willing to fail, he led his army back more than [-] miles in a row, and deliberately gave all the supplies and livestock to the Western Turks who were chasing when the Sui army was clearly worthy of a battle.

After the Western Turks plundered livestock and supplies and returned with a full load, Cui Che quickly dispatched soldiers to gather up the defeated soldiers and won [-] soldiers.

Although there are [-] coalition forces of three ethnic groups under his command, the morale is low, especially the East Turks and Kumoxi people. Because Mohe Khan was killed, Ahui Lusu's life and death are unknown, and his tribe has long since lost their fighting spirit.

Cui Che summoned Yong Yulu, Yehu of East Turkic, and had a secret conversation with him, and Yong Yulu was terrified.

Yong Yulu's character is cowardly, and at the moment everyone in East Turkic regards him as the highest status, but he has no idea, and originally planned to follow Cui Che's orders, but he didn't expect Brother Che to be so bold.

"How, may you trust me again!"

Cui Che's gaze was like a torch, looking directly at Yong Yulu.

Yong Yulu murmured:

"This is a big matter, can you allow me to think about it for a while."

Cui Che didn't give him time to think:
"Don't stop, don't let it mess you up, how can you hesitate when encountering major events! If you don't want to be with me, please ride south alone, Cui will never stop!"

Cycling back to the south alone, to put it lightly, I am afraid that he will be caught by the Western Turkic herdsmen on the way and brought to the royal court to receive the reward.

Yong Yulu knew that Cui Che would never allow him to take away the Eastern Turkic soldiers, so he had no choice but to agree:
"Ashinayong Yulu is willing to be of the same heart with the general manager."

Cui Che smiled and said:

"With Ye Hu's help, the big thing is settled!"

Afterwards, Cui Che summoned all the [-] coalition troops, and he first shouted in Chinese:
"I know that today's army was defeated, and you all have no intention of fighting again. However, this place is thousands of miles away from home, and our army has lost supplies and livestock. If it is a squadron, I don't know how many people will die of hunger and cold along the way. Those who can return home will not survive. one."

The East Turks and Kumoxi people could not understand Chinese, but seeing the panicked faces of the soldiers of the Sui Army, they knew it was not good news.

Cui Che's words were not false threats, he led the people all the way to flee before, and he didn't care about the livestock and luggage at all.

On the way back, I am afraid that we will have to kill horses to satisfy our hunger, and even eat human flesh.

As a cavalry pawn, who would be willing to kill a war horse like a partner.

Not to mention that there will be attacks by Western Turks along the way. It may be an exaggeration to say that there is no one in ten, but at least half of the people will definitely not be able to go back.

Just as the soldiers of the Sui Army whispered to each other and discussed in low voices.

Cui Che said again:

"I brought you to Mobei, so that you can go home and reunite with your parents, wives and children.

"Now I'm hanging out alone, without reinforcements, and if I want to return to my homeland, I have to save myself!

"The thieves have won this great victory, thinking that we are fleeing, and we must celebrate this victory on the occasion of this great victory. They are unprepared, and I am willing to lead you back to rob the camp! Break through the royal court!
"Those who are of the same mind as Cui, if you succeed in this battle, Cui will share the women, children, and livestock with you. If you lose, Cui will die with you!

"My lords! Live to be a hero, and die to be a hero!
"Secret your wife and son, just today!"

The morale of the generals of the Sui army suddenly rose, and they all shouted:
"Wish to live and die together with the chief!"

On the other side, the East Turkic people and the Kumoxi people looked confused. They didn't know why the Sui army, who was still in a panic just now, suddenly became high-spirited.

But their doubts were soon answered. Cui Che used Turkic language and Xiren language successively to retell the passage just now, but slightly modified the sentence "Secret wife and son, just today".

They said to the East Turks that they wanted to avenge Mohe, while they said to the Kumoxi people that they wanted to save Ahui Lusu.

When Cui Che called on the East Turkic people to survive from death, Yong Yulu also raised his arms and shouted, expressing his willingness to live and die with Cui Che.

The [-] coalition troops present boosted their morale again. Since the journey back was difficult and they were close to death, it is better to place their hopes on Cui Che and believe that he can lead everyone to create miracles.

Cui Che's ability to call the coalition forces of the three races today is inseparable from the fact that he gained power in the battle against the weak and falling into the water that day.

After briefly eating the few dry rations left with the others, Cui Che ordered the whole army to take a rest and prepare to attack the Turkic royal court tonight.

At the foot of Dujin Mountain, the Turkic Royal Court.

Ahui Lusu was tied up and taken to the golden tent. As the chief of Kumoxi, Ahui Lusu knew some Turkic language.

Therefore, when Nili Khan expressed that he would imitate the Hun Maodun Shanyu and cut off Ahui Lusu's head as a wine vessel, Ahui Lusu peed his pants on the spot.

Amidst the laughter of the Turkic people in the tent, Nili Khan changed his mind again, thinking that the head of such a timid person is not worthy to be his wine vessel.

So he ordered people to temporarily imprison Ahui Lusu, and planned to use his hands to control the Kumoxi people after he tamed Ahui Lusu in the future.

Such a cowardly person is most suitable to be used as a puppet.

Ahui Lusu didn't know what Nili Khan was thinking. Although he saved his head, he didn't know when Nili Khan would execute him.

He was guarded in a tent, full of remorse.

"I'm stupid, really."

Ah Hui Lusu raised his dull eyes, and went on to himself:
"I only know that Cui Che is resourceful and able to defeat the enemy; I don't know that even a mighty Khan in Chu Luohou can be shot in the face and be defeated like a mountain."

The Western Turkic soldiers guarding outside the tent shouted:

"Quiet me! If you yell any more, I'll cut off your tongue!"

Ah Hui Lusu dared not speak out, so he quickly shut up, thinking:
"It's too noisy, if you have the ability, you will cut off the tongues of all the people in the royal court!" '

Tonight is the moment of celebration for the Turkic people. Before that, the front line was defeated, Abo Khan was captured alive, the coalition forces of the three tribes approached, and the fear of genocide shrouded everyone's hearts.

These days, they haven't had a good night's sleep, and they are all worried about the future.

Now that they have won a big victory, and the clouds in their hearts have been dispelled, how can they not raise their glasses to celebrate.

Not only the nobles had a banquet, but the entire Turkic royal court was immersed in the ocean of joy. Even the people who were assigned to guard missions, many people sneaked away and came back for a drink or two.

The Western Turks thought that after such a big defeat, the coalition forces of the three races were already discouraged, so how could they cheer up.

That night, the Turkic Royal Court at the foot of Dujin Mountain had another light snowfall.

(End of this chapter)

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