Chapter 138
Cui Che was eager to go to Youzhou to take up his post, and did not stay in Guanzhong for long. After taking his wife and children to bid farewell to Yang Jian and his wife, he took a boat with Yang Guang, Wei Yi, Pei Xiu, Huang Baiji and others to Tongguan via Guangtong Canal, and then along the Yellow River. Downstream.

When they arrived at the border of Qingzhou, everyone bid farewell to each other. Pei Xiu and Huang Baiji went to the south bank of the Yellow River to work in Qingzhou, and Yang Guang also went south together.

Hebei Daoxingtai has been revoked, and Yang Jian has added Huainan Daoxingtai and Shannan Daoxingtai. Jin Wang Yang Guang and Qin Wang Yang Jun will serve as Xingtai Shangshuling. They will sit in Shouchun and Xiangyang respectively to prepare for the next war against Chen. Prepare.

Cui Che sent them off the boat, but he didn't go ashore. He picked up a group of staff and three concubines from Dongyang City at the ferry, and the boat slowly left the shore and crossed the Yellow River to the north.

Since Pei Xiu worked as Sima of Qingzhou General Manager's Mansion, considering how old her grandmother was, she couldn't bear the fatigue of the journey.

What's more, with her aunt Cui Zhaorong taking care of her, Cui Che also felt relieved to leave her in Dongyang, and only asked to send three daughters, Yuchi Chifan, Mu Xieli, and Miaorong.

Cui Che’s staff brought to Youzhou include Chief Governor Shi Li Gang, Sima Liu Fang, Fang Yanqian who joined the army from a recorder to be a secretary, Dong Jing who joined the army as a recorder, Tian Cao joined the army Zhao Yuanshu, and Zhao Yuanshu who followed under the pseudonym of a guest. Mu and Wang Dangwan.

Fang Xuanling, who was nine years old at the time, took office with his father. This young man showed wisdom early on, was good at poetry and prose, and knew the Five Classics. He was praised as a child prodigy by Cui Che.

When Fang Yanqian witnessed Cui Che's whereabouts, he risked his life to recommend Dong Jing, Zhao Mu and Wang Dangwan to Cui Che.

Especially Zhao Mu and Wang Dangwan, the two of them helped Gao Shaoyi occupy more than 280 cities for rebellion, they are wanted by the court for serious offenders, once Cui Che turned his face, how could Fang Yanqian escape.

However, Cui Che was moved by their risking their lives to vote that day, treated them openly and honestly, and finally made the four of them recognize the Lord.

Since Fang Daoqian was determined to assist Cui Che, how could Fang Xuanling fly out of Brother Che's palm.

On the deck, Cui Che was asking Fang Yanqian about the current situation in Qingzhou and other places.

Fang Yanqian smiled and said:
"The new general manager is performing his duties, and both the army and the people complain."

As the old saying goes, from frugality to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult.

Salt soldiers and salt workers are now facing such a dilemma.

"Since Manager Cui left, my life has gone from bad to worse! In the past, there were three meals a day, and there was meat every day for lunch. Now that the new manager is here, there are only two meals left, and they are all old rice and rotten vegetables!"

"Do you think that everyone is like Director Cui, who will spare no expense to fill our stomachs!"

"In my opinion, the new manager must have deducted my food."

"It's up to you to say that!"

"If I knew this was the case, I might as well have been farming at home."

"Stop talking, Captain Qin is here."

Seeing Qin Qiong, who was inspecting the Tantian fields, approaching from a distance, the salt workers who gathered together to complain hurriedly dispersed.

Qin Qiong shook her head secretly. Ever since the new manager took over the salt affairs, the enthusiasm of the salt workers has dropped to the bottom.

There is a comparison to reflect the difference.

At the beginning, Cui Che tightened his belt, and wanted to add an extra meal for the salt soldiers and salt workers.

Now the new manager not only does nothing, but has changed to two meals a day, and has reduced the investment in meals, and all the money and food saved have gone into his own pocket.

Let alone the salt workers, even Qin Qiong's salt soldiers were full of complaints.

Although there will not be any mutiny, but the yearning for Cui Che who treated them kindly is increasing day by day.

Cui Che couldn't do anything about it either.

Not to mention that the salt business is not under his control now, and now that the private salt business has been cut off, he can't afford to support so many people.

After Cui Che and Wei Yi arrived in Hebei, they parted temporarily. Wei Yi went straight to Yingzhou to take up his post. Cui Che ordered Shi Li Gang and Sima Liu Fang to accompany him.

As the saying goes, riches and honor do not return to their hometowns, like walking in brocade clothes at night.

On February 587, the seventh year of Emperor Kaihuang (26), Cui Che, his wife, concubines, and staff had just arrived in Anping County when a falcon passed overhead.

In an instant, the horseshoes roared, the ground trembled, and a black line appeared in the distance. It was Zhang Wu who led three thousand cavalrymen galloping forward, kicking up dust all over the sky.

Yuwen Eying was frightened by this terrifying situation, she hid behind Cui Che, clutching her stepfather's lapel in fear.

But the Bodhisattva slave opened his eyes curiously in his mother's arms, without any fear at all.

There were more than a hundred steps away from Cui Che and his party, Zhang Wu slowed down, and when he was only a few dozen steps away from Cui Che, following Zhang Wu's order, the whole army reined in and stopped their horses.

Cui Che's eyes lit up with such neat and skillful movements.

All three thousand cavalrymen followed Zhang Wu off their horses and shouted:
"Anping Township Tuan, welcome the Patriarch!"

Cui Che pretended to be displeased, and reprimanded Zhang Wudao:

"I'm just going back to my hometown to visit my relatives, why are there such battles!"

Ever since the governor of Youzhou became the emperor's son-in-law, Cui Che, the Duke of Wucheng County, sent someone to inform the clan that he would go back to his hometown to pay respects to the ancestors, the third house of the Cui family has been busy to welcome Cui Che.

Because Cui Dana, the son of Cui Xian, another important person in the third room, is mediocre in intelligence and embarrassing.

As the grandson of Cui Jishu, Cui Che, who was only seven years old 11 years ago, showed his wisdom by writing poems about geese, so he was placed high hopes by the clan.

When he entered the customs to study, the elders of the third house saw him off one after another and encouraged him to study hard so that he could occupy a high position in the temple in the future.

Never thought that this day would come so soon.

As early as seven years ago, Cui Che joined Yang Jian's shogunate as a secretary and joined the army, seeking to save Cui Dana from death, and he had already established the leadership position in the third house.

Now he is even more powerful, and married to the Queen Mother of the Northern Zhou Dynasty and the Princess of the Sui Dynasty. No one can shake his control over the third house.

As mentioned earlier, the third house of the Cui family was successful in the Eastern Wei and Northern Qi Dynasties, and the third house of the Boling San Cui exclusively occupied the second.

They are deeply cultivated in Hebei, and their strength is strong. What they lack is that there is no one in the court.

Due to the rise of Cui Che, within the Cui clan of Boling, the third house was able to keep pace with the second house, surpassing the other five houses.

It's just that one of the two is more powerful in the court, with Cui Zhongfang, Cui Hongdu and others, but the other is more powerful in Hebei.

Now that Cui Che has returned to his hometown in wealth, how could the third house neglect the family leader.

Anping County.

In the wine shop, three scribes were sitting around eating wine, one of them had a dark complexion, he said doubtfully:

"In the past few days, the city has been really lively, and I don't know what happened."

The middle-aged scribe in the same seat explained to him:
"You don't know yet? It is said that Cui Che is going back to his hometown to worship his ancestors, and he will enter the city today."

The dark-faced person suddenly realized:

"No wonder so many people surnamed Cui left the city today."

Then, he looked at the other person at the same table and asked:

"Brother Cui, you are also a child of the Cui family, why didn't you go to greet him?"

The person surnamed Cui took a sip of wine, snorted coldly and said:

"I don't bother to join in the excitement of their third room."

(End of this chapter)

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