The bright red flag fluttered in the wind.

The camera locked onto Ye Luo firmly.

He clapped toward the stands.

He accepted hugs and congratulations from his teammates.

He holds the game ball.

The referee team came to take a photo with him.

The Barcelona players came to their senses and accepted the defeat calmly.

Harvey came up gracefully to congratulate Ye Luo.

"Thank you."

Ye Luo said.

Harvey, who lost the final, patted Ye Luo on the shoulder and turned to leave.

This stadium does not belong to them now.

Messi took a deep breath.

The feeling of loss is in my heart.

he knows.


He won the World Cup in Brazil this summer.

if not.

This year's Golden Globe Award will most likely belong to Ye Luo - he is the Triple Crown winner, and he has also set two terrifying goal records. His number of goals in a single season has reached 102 goals. The number of goals this year will most likely exceed [-]!

Messi can't imagine how good his performance in the World Cup must be to overshadow Yello's performance this season?
He took the initiative to walk towards Ye Luo.

"Congratulations, Ye."

"Thank you."

"You played very well," Messi said. "From now on, I am your chaser."

"I won't let you catch up." Ye Luo said.

Messi nodded heavily, then turned and left.

As Barcelona players and fans left the Stadium of Light one after another.

The entire stadium completely became a sea of ​​Arsenal's money rescue and fans' celebration.

Journalists chase every Arsenal player.

Flashbulbs flashed every moment on the court.

Recording of Arsenal players celebrating.

Of course.

Definitely the best player in this game.

The undisputed best player in the Champions League this season.

Deservedly the best player of the entire European season this season.

Ye Luo.

Naturally, it is the focus of media reporters.

Ye Luo faced the reporters' cameras.

He turned around.

He pointed his back towards the camera and pointed his thumbs at the flag.

Signaling reporters to take pictures of this great flag behind him.

Red, dazzling.

Integrated with the dazzling leaves at this moment.


Reporters surrounded him.

They must let Ye Luo say something.

Face the reporters' microphones.

Ye Luo said calmly: "I am very happy to win the Champions League trophy for the second time. This is really an exciting moment, so... this time next year, we will come again!"

The reporters were taken aback.

Ye Luo's meaning is obvious.

He wants to defend the Champions League!

Since the restructuring of the Champions League.

No team can defend the title.

Ye Luo said such words calmly. He must have said it casually because he was too excited?
Maybe when Ye Luo woke up the next morning, he didn't even know what he had said.

Ye Luo also knew.

Reporters didn't quite believe him.

But he means it.


For Ye Luo.

He also retained his passion for football.

In fact.

this season.

He was still quite regretful.

Wenger gave up the League Cup.

So this season Arsenal just won the Triple Crown.

But if you can.

Ye Luo wants to try
Four crowns!
Do not!
next season.

He can fight for it.
Seven crowns!
Premier League, Champions League, League Cup, FA Cup.

There is also the Community Shield and the European Super Cup.

Club World Cup! !


Seven crowns!
The thought of possibly winning seven titles next season.

Ye Luo is full of fighting spirit and passion.

Seven crown champions.

before this.

Has anyone done this?

Certainly not!
The only one who has won the Premier League Triple Crown is Manchester United.

Oh, and now Arsenal is added to the mix.Most other major leagues only have one mainstream cup competition.

For example, Barcelona, ​​they once won six crowns.

that's because.

La Liga's cup competition is a Copa del Rey.

It’s not like the Premier League.

An FA Cup.

A League Cup.

Winning seven championships is naturally very challenging.

But Ye Luo wants to give it a try - the greater the challenge, the more excited and motivated he becomes.

Not only does he want to defend the Champions League.

Three more consecutive championships, four consecutive championships!
Maybe one day he'll get tired of being a champion.

But not now.

As for the team's thoughts on the back.

He doesn't care.

Seeing Ye Luo's back.

The reporters had somewhat complicated expressions.

Yeluo's performance this season is fully worthy of the title of "the strongest player in history."

There has never been such a monster star in history.


This star.

He never even got hurt!

His physical abilities are so good that people suspect he is a robot.

He never tires.

The important thing is.
He is still so young.


Many reporters feel that the goal of defending the Champions League mentioned by Ye Luo is difficult.

The difficulty is magnified.

Because after winning the Champions League this season.

From the outside.

Arsenal has become the subject of research by all teams.

They are the target of public criticism.

They will encounter very strong resistance in the Champions League.

From the inside.

Arsenal players who have received so many honours.

Will you still have the motivation to continue fighting for new honors?

Will they be content with their current honors and rest on their laurels?

This is not unfounded concern among journalists.

In fact, there are many precedents for this kind of thing.

sense of hunger.

It is an important part of a team's ability to maintain fighting spirit.

A team that has lost its hunger.

At a certain critical moment, you can't bite your opponent, and you can't grit your teeth to withstand it.

most of the time.

Competitions with an elimination system like the Champions League knockout rounds.


Just grit your teeth and decide whether to advance or be eliminated.

After Arsenal's players win the Champions League and the Triple Crown, they will definitely become famous and become famous all over the world.

The more famous you become, the more money you make.

Will they still maintain their championship aspirations?

The strength among the top teams in European football actually tends to shrink.

under these circumstances.

After the restructuring of the Champions League, there has been no successful defense of the Champions League. It is normal.


European football really seems to be competing for hegemony right now.

In La Liga.

Real Madrid, Barcelona.

The lineup structure of the two strong teams is very reasonable and the stars are bright.

Simeone's Atletico Madrid gradually began to challenge the dominance of the top two in La Liga with its unique mad dog pressing and counterattack flow.

In Serie A.

Juventus is starting to revive.

In the Bundesliga.

Bayern Munich's dominance looks so unbreakable.

in the Premier League.

Manchester City, Manchester United, Chelsea.
These teams spend big bucks on reinforcements every season.

The princes are fighting for hegemony.

Defending the title is extremely difficult.

Can be imagined.

Can Arsenal keep their main lineup intact?

It’s still unknown.

Arsenal also owes a lot of debt - the result of building a new stadium.

They sell players every season to pay off their debt.

Arsenal won the Champions League this season, and their earnings from the Champions League can make up for a large part of it.

But will their boss make additional investment?
Who can tell?

Arsenal will still face many difficulties next season. (End of chapter)

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