Football: Opening Reward Ronaldinho Ronaldo Ronaldo template

Chapter 215 It's quite uncomfortable to hold back

Chapter 215 It's quite uncomfortable to hold back

Although it is very uncomfortable on the training ground.

But of course Van Persie couldn't say that when facing the media.

The media really wanted to know how Van Persie viewed the game.

Van Persie first expressed his congratulations on the current situation of his former club: "I am very happy to see that they have performed well."

However, after Van Persie finished speaking, he immediately changed his style of painting. He was worried that Manchester United fans would question his figure, so he immediately added: "But I am now a Manchester United player. , I came to Manchester United to win the league, no matter who the opponent is! I am eager to succeed here, and I feel good!"

The media went to interview Arsenal players again, hoping to get some explosive remarks from them, so that they could have more traffic in the news.

But a pity.

Most of the Arsenal players and Van Persie are former teammates, and everyone is a worker. Even if they really don't like each other in private, they will not express it publicly in the media.

So the media can only get some answers they don't want to get.

How else can media people be smart?

You players don't want to offend people, right?

Then go interview the fans!
Before the game, the media interviewed Arsenal fans on the street.

"We will beat them! We will definitely beat them!"

"Robin Van Persie! You bloody traitor!"

"I hope the team can win this season's championship and let those who leave see how wrong they chose to leave in the first place!"

Fans lamented Van Persie's betrayal.

He had just put on the team's captain's armband, put on the No. 10 jersey, and chose to leave after playing the best data of the season.

This made Arsenal fans feel deeply betrayed.

How much they once loved Van Persie, how much they hate now.

The deeper the love, the deeper the hate.

But when the players of both sides stood in the player tunnel waiting to play, the players of both sides were a little silent, and there was no communication with each other, even though there were some old acquaintances in their respective teams.

For example, what about former teammates, national team teammates and so on.

But everyone did not talk and laugh before the game.

Arsenal and Manchester United are not bitter rivals in the traditional sense, but they are undoubtedly the longest-running pair in the Premier League.

So the relationship between the two parties must not be much better.

What's more, there is such a thing as Van Persie this season.

Many Arsenal players couldn't help but look at the familiar figure when they walked out of the player tunnel, the former No. 10 of Arsenal, and now the No. 20 of Manchester United.

The flying Dutchman, Robin van Persie.

But everyone just took a look and turned their eyes back. After all, this is a key battle that the entire Premier League is paying attention to.

Ye Luo stood at the front of the queue, but he didn't look back at Van Persie.

He is not at all interested in the "before and after Arsenal No. 10" matchup hyped up by the media.

Manchester United are very good, a very strong opponent.

It is enough to know this.

Compete with Van Persie?

Where to start.

For Ye Luo, a player of Van Persie's level is suspected of touching porcelain with him.

Of course.

If Van Persie wins this game - or Manchester United wins, then the media will definitely have something to say.

Of course Ye Luo would not let this situation happen.

The two teams remained silent until they played.

But when players from both sides come out of the player tunnel.

There was a huge cheer from the stands at Old Trafford.

Old Trafford, the Theater of Dreams, is one of the most famous stadiums in the football world and the home of Manchester United, the largest club in England.

But in fact, this stadium is very old. Compared with many modern stadiums, the facilities of this stadium are relatively old-fashioned.

However, this did not affect the popularity of the stadium.

The traditional English sunken pitch has a good sound focusing effect.

Cheers swept through the entire stadium.

The stadium's radio was playing the names of players from the home team, Manchester United.

Every time a player is reported, Manchester United fans will follow and cheer.

Usually, the decibels of laughter from the fans can tell which player is the most popular.

But there are exceptions.

For example now.

When Manchester United's home broadcast shouted out in a drawn-out voice: "Robin."

There was a uniform and deafening shout of Manchester United fans at the scene: "Van Persie!!"

To create this effect, many United fans may even deliberately restrain their voices when cheering other players' names.

The cheers received by the Dutchman were the highest in the team.

Even Rooney, Ferdinand, and Carrick won less cheers than him.

But this is obviously not the norm at Old Trafford, because no matter how powerful Van Persie is, he has only joined Manchester United for more than two months. How can he compare with Rooney and others in terms of popularity.

But just before the start of the game, the fans of Manchester United sent such huge cheers to Van Persie, the purpose of which was of course to express their support for the Dutchman.

Media reports, hype.

Attack from Arsenal fans.

This made the Manchester United fans very upset, so they used this method to support Van Persie.

Amidst the cheers of the fans, Van Persie applauded towards the stands with a smile on his face.

And when it came time to announce the Arsenal line-up, the sound of the live broadcast was much weaker than before.

Basically, it can be described as perfunctory.

And the United fans, of course, booed every Arsenal player's name.

Compared with the cheers, whoever has the loudest boos shows who the Manchester United fans hate or fear the most.

But when it comes to Ye Luo's name.

The decibels generated by the boos at the Theater of Dreams are almost comparable to the cheers Van Persie received before.

The deafening boos shook everyone's eardrums.

The reporters in the media seats couldn't help but look sideways.

"It looks like Ye Luo will be under a lot of pressure in this game."

"It's nothing to him, though."

"Which court did he go to that wasn't treated like this?"

The reporters in Longguo talked a lot.

Such scenes are of course commonplace for Ye Luo.

No matter which away game he is in, the fans of the home team will "greet" him in this way.

Because everyone knows who is the most threatening person.

Ye Luo's face was calm, and he didn't take those hisses seriously.

If booing can affect his performance, he can't have such a stable performance.

The beginning of his career almost started when he had no way out and was spurned by everyone.

Just boos.

It's not even possible to cause him a little psychological fluctuation.

"This is also the first time I have set foot on the turf of Old Trauma!"

Duan Xuan said in a very excited voice.

"Manchester United is the overlord of the Premier League. This game can be regarded as a duel between Ye Luo and the Premier League overlord! This game is also the top battle of the Premier League! If Manchester United wins, they will overtake Arsenal and reach the top of the list!"

"Both sides are the main force, don't dare to neglect!"

Just as the narrators were talking.

Players from both sides have stepped onto the field.

Then came a series of pre-match rituals.

Arsenal had won the pick and they could pick the pitch opposite the one they had warmed up for before the game, so they could attack in the first half in the half to which they had adapted.

And Manchester United won the kick-off.

They can attack from the very beginning of the game.

So sometimes, there are different opinions on which one is better, the right to pick a side or the right to kick off.

But the players won't bother with that.

Anyway, the final result of the game will definitely not be determined by the ownership of the right to pick the side and the right to kick-off.

Players on both sides took their positions.

Now the boos and cheers of the stadium have gradually subsided, and everyone is staring at the stadium, holding their breath, waiting for the start of the game.

In Old Trafford, which is gradually quieting down.

The referee's whistle was particularly sharp.

This also seems to be a signal.

Except for the signal to start the game.

It is also a signal that wakes up the entire stadium.

There was a burst of thunderous cheers from the previously quiet stadium.

It was like a sudden thunderclap.


Officially begin! !

Wenger and Ferguson shook hands before the game, and they were already very familiar with each other.

After the two shook hands, Wenger chose to stand on the sidelines, while Ferguson chose to sit on the coach's bench.

But this does not mean that Wenger is less calm than Ferguson, nor does it mean that Ferguson is more confident than Wenger.

In fact Ferguson is very nervous - it can be seen from the speed of his chewing gum.

His cheeks were chewing at high frequency, and he stared at the court without blinking. Even when he was sitting on the coach's bench, his back was not leaning on the back of the chair, but he was only sitting on half of his buttocks, leaning forward .

So far, Ye Luo has scored 12 league goals in 18 league rounds.

Such scoring efficiency is really amazing.

But Ferguson was not surprised by this.

Before the start of the season, among those teams pursuing Ye Luo, Manchester United had actually been very popular.

Ferguson even went to Malaga to invite Ye Luo to join him.

But after going round and round, Ye Luo finally joined Arsenal.

This is really surprising.

At the same time, Ferguson also regretted it.

It was said that when Ye Luo failed the physical examination, he hesitated for a few days.

It was these few days that allowed Wenger to take the lead.

This old boy moves quite fast.

Ferguson glanced at Wenger standing on the sidelines and complained in his heart.

The main force of the two teams is out.

After all, this is the focus of the league, and the two sides have nothing to keep.

For the home team Manchester United, except for the Red Devils captain Vidic who is absent due to injury, the other positions are basically the main players.

Goalkeeper De Gea, center back Ferdinand partner Evans, right back Rafael, left back Evra.

In the midfield, the two central midfielders Carrick partnered with Cleverley. As for the veteran Scholes who retired and came back before, and the Red Devils flying wing Giggs, they are basically playing midfield now. Wang Laoji, a younger brother and sister lover in the middle, and two veteran players temporarily sat on the bench.

The two wingers are Valencia and Ashley Young.

On the forward line is the partner of Van Persie and Rooney.

At the back of the attacking line, Manchester United have Portuguese winger Nani and Mexican striker Pea Hernandez on the bench.

As for Arsenal.

It is also a 4312 position. The only difference is that Arteta, who has returned from injury, replaced Chamberlain. The three midfielders are Arteta, Coquelin, and Ramsey.

The defense looks more solid.

Since this is the first time the two sides have played against each other this season, neither side immediately launched a large-scale attack.

Instead, a trial phase of nearly 10 minutes was carried out.

The two sides have offense and defense against each other.

It was only in the 10th minute of the game that the scene of the game changed.

Arsenal organized an attack in the frontcourt. Ye Luo retreated and received the pass and then pocketed the ball to the left. Cazorla received the ball from the left and then smashed the ball to the bottom. When he was about to cross, he was caught by Manchester United's right back Rafael fell to the ground.

Rafael was actually very helpless, because he planned to rush up to tackle the ball when Ye Luo received the ball, but Ye Luo didn't stop the ball, and hooked the ball to the right front without even turning around.

Raphael was sure that Ye Luo didn't look back when he passed the ball.

Therefore, it is normal for Raphael to make a mistake in judgment at this moment. This caused Rafael to fall behind a lot in terms of body position when Cazorla took the ball and Raphael regained his position. Cazorla's speed is not fast, and it is impossible to catch up and regain his position, so Raphael can only choose a battle damage foul.

"In the 10th minute of the game, Rafael pulled Cazorla for a foul and got a yellow card. Rafael's defense this time was too reckless. If there is any link in Manchester United that is weakest, it may be Rafael's side. The Brazilian full-back has the heart of a winger, and his defense on this side is the most unreliable part of Manchester United." Andy Gray said, "Now in the first 10 minutes, he got a yellow card as a defender. The game was very unfavorable."

Ferguson finally stood up from the coach's bench, and after carefully walking down the steps from the Old Trafford coach's bench to the pitch, he raised his arms and vented his dissatisfaction at the fourth official.

He thought it was Manchester United's first foul in the opening game, and he actually showed a yellow card directly.

It's just too harsh.

This is still at Manchester United's home court!

Is there still home field advantage?

The gum-chewing Sir Alex growled at the fourth official.

If it was an ordinary head coach, the fourth official would have summoned the head referee to deal the cards by this time.

But the old man in front of him was not an ordinary person, so the fourth official had no choice but to endure it. He pressed his hands down to signal Ferguson to calm down.

But Ferguson was relentless.

The members of Arsenal's coaching staff looked sideways.

The TV broadcast gave Ferguson a shot, he blushed very angrily, and returned to his seat angrily.

Wenger also sat back on the coaching bench at this time.

"This guy is in a hurry."

Wenger said.

"Why? It's only been 10 minutes since the game started." His assistant Blake was a little puzzled.

"It's obvious. This old man was planning to abduct Robin from us, relying on Van Persie and Wayne Rooney's strike partner, to fight for the Premier League title again! He may think that the only competition is Manchester City. After all, they almost won the title last season. It is." Wenger shrugged.

"But who would have thought that we could get Ye Luo?" Black turned his head to look at Ferguson who looked like an angry fighting cock in the distance.

He planned to win the last Premier League title and retire honorably, but he didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway. The pressure of competition is even greater!
Just thinking about it, I can understand Ferguson's mentality.

"But this also shows that Manchester United in this not easy to play!"

It must be difficult for Ferguson to face such a game with such a penny-pinching attitude.

While the two were talking, Manchester United launched an attack.

Evra dribbled the ball along the sideline, made a one-two with Rooney and then dribbled forward, but was tackled out of the baseline by full-back Sagna.

Manchester United wins a corner.

In the first ten minutes of the game, in general, Manchester United played very cautiously. They must have been affected by Arsenal's victory over Chelsea in the last game, and they attached great importance to defense.

At the same time, Arsenal did not make a big push for the first time, but was testing the opponent's depth.

The game seemed dull.

However, with the yellow card received by Rafael and Ferguson's entanglement with the fourth official on the sidelines.

This seemed to flip a switch somewhere in the game.

The tempo began to pick up suddenly.

Before Evra made this corner kick, Manchester United had already begun to speed up their passing speed and the frequency of forward passing.

Evra came to take the corner kick, but he didn't send the ball directly to the goal.

Instead, the ball was sent to the top of the penalty area! !
Van Persie didn't know when he was cruising to this area.

Facing the ball falling from the sky, Van Persie opened his posture in vain, volleyed and volleyed!


In the exclamation of the narrators.

Ye Luo rushed out immediately, and when Evra drove the ball near the top of the penalty area, he knew what the opponent was going to do!

The football that Van Persie pulled out was blocked by Ye Luo with his feet. The football that was flying straight to the goal bounced into the air and finally flew out of the baseline.

Manchester United win another corner.


In the stands, Manchester United fans exclaimed.

Then all Manchester United fans applauded for Van Persie's shot.

The televised footage immediately began replaying Van Persie's volley.

"The cooperation between Evra and Van Persie, this corner kick is obviously carefully rehearsed, just to create opportunities for Van Persie to shoot from the outside, Van Persie's shooting skills are also quite good, the ball from the corner kick, non-stop The ball was drawn directly, judging from the line of the football shot, if Ye Luo hadn't blocked the ball, it would have gone to the dead corner!" Duan Xuan marveled and praised Van Persie's shot.

Many Dragon Kingdom fans are also amazed at Van Persie's shooting skills.

After all, it is very difficult to volley directly without stopping the ball.

To be able to handle it so well, ball feel and shooting skills are indispensable.

In the commentary booth, Andy Gray, the commentator of Sky Sports TV, was also cheering for Van Persie's shot.

"Van Persie showed his excellent form! Before the game, almost all the media and public opinion focused on him. His transfer from Arsenal to Manchester United is undoubtedly the only one in the summer transfer window of this season other than Ye Luo joining Arsenal. The biggest transfer news, Van Persie has received so much attention in this game, he will definitely be under a lot of pressure, but if he can lead Manchester United to win this crucial battle, all the pressure will disappear and all the problems he faces will disappear It's easy to solve."

Seeing that his shot was blocked by Ye Luo, Van Persie held his head in his hands regretfully.

Ye Luo glanced at Van Persie with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

This shot is of high quality.

You can't underestimate your opponent too much.

Van Persie noticed that Ye Luo was looking at him, and he smiled at Ye Luo, but what he said was not a friendly greeting, but his declaration of war.

"I will definitely defeat you!"

He said.


Ye Luo froze for a moment.

Why, are you Dutch people like this?

You are a lowland country, not an island country, and your average height is still so high, so you should be incomparable with that country?
Van Persie did not wait for Ye Luo to respond, he walked into the penalty area and prepared for the second corner kick.

Ye Luo shook his head slightly.

He often encounters similar challenges.

After all, even the most critical media will not deny that he is one of the best players in the world-but in fact, many times, the media will directly remove this "one".

"Manchester United won corner kicks in a row, United's offense has started!"

The commentator on Manchester United's official TV station was very excited.

The consecutive corner kicks can indeed be seen as proof that the offensive momentum has risen.

This time the corner kick was still on the same side, so it was Evra who took the penalty.

This time, of course, he will not continue to take the penalty in the same way as the last corner kick. After all, there are still some changes.

He looked towards the restricted area.

At this time, the high points of Manchester United have come in. Ferdinand and Evans are two central defenders, Van Persie and Rooney are two forwards, and there are Carrick and Cleverley on the periphery.

A situation of grabbing points at multiple points in the penalty area has been formed.

Evra ran up and drove the ball forward.

In a header fight with Rooney, Koscielny pushed the ball out of the penalty area, the ball fell to Cazorla's feet, he turned around with the ball, dribbled it along the touchline, and then looked up. side.

"Arsenal's counterattack!"

Amidst the boos at Old Trafford.

Cazorla raised his foot to pass the ball to Ye Luo, but at the critical moment, Carrick appeared and rushed forward, blocking Cazorla's pass from the sideline.

Immediately, the Manchester United fans in the stands cheered and applauded Carrick's defense this time.

But their cheers were only just beginning to ring out.

They saw that Cazorla had already stood on the sidelines and picked up the ball. Before they could react, the football had already been thrown into the field.

Throw-in, quick serve!

Cazorla served the ball to Ye Luo who was also advancing at high speed!

Ye Luo quickly approached the sideline after seeing Cazorla's pass was blocked.

The tacit understanding of the two former Malaga teammates played a key role in this moment.

Ye Luo took the ball directly, turned around, took the ball forward and passed under the feet of Rafael who was coming with a flying shovel.

Raphael only shoveled air! !

Because of the corner attack, Manchester United's two central defenders are at the forefront, so Valencia, Ashley Young, and Rafael are the three players who stay in the backcourt.

But after Rafael's tackle went empty.

Only Valencia is left in front of Ye Luo!

In the exclamation of the narrators, it was only one step for Ye Luo to pass Valencia.

He doesn't even have a fake move, just step forward, speed up, cut the line, and get rid of the opponent! !
Valencia, who once wore Manchester United's No. 7 jersey, is very fast, but in the race against Ye Luo, Ecuador Yan Chengxuan is chasing more and more desperate.

In the end, we can only count on De Gea to save the team.

After Ye Luo dribbled past Valencia, he found that De Gea was still on the goal line!


Ferguson on the sidelines was about to jump.

But De Gea still did not break out of the small penalty area.

This is the characteristic of De Gea, he is not good at attacking and passing.

Of course.

His goal-line response is top notch.

But this time Ye Luo didn't give him a chance to show his goal line skills.

De Gea, who didn't attack, couldn't cause any trouble for Ye Luo.

He doesn't even need to go on.

Ye Luo looked at De Gea's position and pushed the arch of his foot directly.

The football passed over from the other side of De Gea, and the football that was attached to the ground had a small arc on the ground due to the strong rotation. At a not particularly fast speed, it was attached to the far column. Got into the goal!

The ball is in!
"Yellow. Beautiful!!"

"Calmly shoot!!"

"Arsenal break the deadlock!!"

"In the 19th minute of the game No., Arsenal took the lead in the away game! Are they going to copy the scene of the last big victory over Chelsea?"

"It was United's chance, but Arsenal played a quick counter-attack, Cazorla's pass was blocked by Carrick, but then he was about to send a throw-in to allow the counter-attack to continue, and Yello followed up with speed. Consecutively broke through Rafael and Valencia, and calmly pushed the bottom right corner of the goal to score!"

The commentators on the commentary booth were eloquent.

Old Trafford was a little quiet the moment the football rolled into the goal, but the next moment, boos exploded like thunder.

These boos were of course directed at Ye Luo.

But Ye Luo didn't care. After the goal, Ye Luo stretched his arms, backed away from the stands, and called his teammates to come up to celebrate the goal.

He had a smile on his face.

It seems that this goal is really easy for him.

A very slippery counter-attack goal.

Such balls accounted for a lot of Ye Luo's goals.

In terms of beauty, this ball is not ranked high, so there is nothing exciting for Ye Luo.

But the rest of Arsenal's players and managers are excited.

It was a goal against Manchester United at Old Trafford!

Scoring this goal and winning this game is as cool as winning the championship for the Arsenal players.

Wenger raised his arms high, his face flushed, and he was very excited when he saw it.

The members of the coaching staff behind him and the substitute players also cheered and rushed to the sidelines. Everyone embraced, cheered, and celebrated together.

The Manchester United players were a little confused.

One moment, it was still their offense, and the next moment, the opponent had already sent the ball into their goal.

Why is the opponent's counterattack efficiency so high?
Van Persie chased all the way, but he returned to the front of the penalty area, and when he was more than 30 meters away from the goal, Ye Luo had already scored.

He stopped, put his head in his hands, and looked depressed.

He had just boasted that he would defeat Ye Luo.

As a result, they scored a goal in the next moment.

face hurts
Van Persie looked at Ye Luo surrounded by his teammates, speechless and depressed.

Ferguson chewed gum faster.

This frequency can't even be called chewing.

Lord Ferguson is very angry!
But he didn't know who to vent his anger from.

There is no cathartic goal.

This ball, from a defensive point of view, is there any big problem with Manchester United's players?
In fact, it wasn't. It wasn't his fault that Valencia couldn't catch up with Ye Luo.

And De Gea.
He also had his own problems, and even if De Gea attacked the ball immediately, it would not help. Ye Luo faced the goalkeeper alone and basically scored a goal.

This can only be said.

Arsenal's ability to grasp opportunities is too strong, and Ye Luo's scoring ability is too good.

But what can you say when the opponent plays better than you.

Nothing to say.

Ferguson blushed and felt uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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