I have a fortune book

Chapter 312: Buddhism, Wufan, Liangzhou Imagination

Chapter 312: Buddhism, Wufan, Liangzhou Imagination

The world of Tianyuan is very large, with thousands of countries standing on it, and various splendid humane civilizations have evolved.

Ancient Shu is the same, as is the small country of Andu that was only destroyed in the Great Xu dynasty. Of course, the ones recognized as the mainstream are the Central Plains dynasties of all dynasties and the current 48 states.

Outside the 48 states, there are vassal states that have been enfeoffed and "expelled" out of the Central Plains in the past dynasties, as well as some independent countries that are far away from the Central Plains.

The big one is like the Jin Kingdom, which can provoke the troubled Central Plains, and even has a history of briefly taking over the Central Plains. The small one is like Yelang, who lives in peace in a few counties and has stagnant development.

There were once real kings who were nearing their end of life and tried to travel around the world without ever reaching the end. The anecdotes they left behind were rarely repeated.

The Central Plains is the only magical place where the Ancestral Dragon of Humanity can be born.

Regardless of whether it is an outstanding person or a great cultivator of immortals, the Central Plains has given birth to the most people, and all the other countries combined cannot catch up.

Even Tianyuan Immortal Court, which is aloof and in charge of this world, will only confer the title of emperor on the head of the Central Plains Dynasty.

Unless other countries offer a lot of luck when offering sacrifices to the heaven, it is difficult to see any response from the heaven outside the Central Plains. Not to mention the incarnation of the heavenly emperor and saint, it is difficult to see even the last heavenly official.

Therefore, the miracles of blessing from gods and gods and bringing good weather to the country are rarely heard of outsiders.

The most important event in the world is the imperial examination. Whenever the Jinshi Examination is held in the Central Plains, all countries will send their most talented candidates to participate, no matter how far apart they are and how costly it is.

Nothing else, I just hope that there will be two more local heavenly officials in the heaven, so that the foreign land where they are located may have some care.

The heavenly officials are all immortal cultivators, and the people stationed in the human world are all gods. Even the Central Plains and other countries can only see people who pursue the path of immortals and gods.

On the road to immortality, there are generally two choices for human beings. While alive, they can practice Taoism and break through the realm to extend their lifespan. After death, they can pursue the Shinto way in order to obtain the imperial edict.

Other paths of cultivation, such as the path of ghosts and immortals, witchcraft, martial arts, etc., are actually branches of the path of immortality. Just as mortal elites want to become ancestral spirits after death, or even create the blessed land of Longting, in the final analysis they are still seeking immortality. Way.

But Zhou Bai discovered a very strange thing. What about Buddha?
In the memory of Blue Star deep in my mind, Buddhism and Taoism are juxtaposed with immortality. What mortals mention most is not the sky filled with immortals and gods, but immortals and Buddhas.

The 480 temples in the Southern Dynasties are not Taoist temples, but Buddhist temples.

There are ancient Buddhist temples all over Blue Star, and the practice of praying to Buddha is very popular, but it is extremely difficult to find a Buddhist temple in the Central Plains.

Ordinary people in small places don’t even know that Buddhism exists in the world.

Is there really no Buddha?Not really.

Zhou Bai read a lot of books in Jinting Cave and Tianjiang Dragon Palace, and he had some extremely obscure answers in them.

There was once a Buddhist kingdom in Tianyuan Continent, and in the 33rd day there was still a true Buddha, and Buddhism was extremely prosperous for a time.

The reason why it has fallen to this point is because of the internal struggle in the heaven. Under strict control, the human kingdom does not allow Buddhism to flourish.

Blue Star destroyed Buddha three times, but it happened dozens of times during the Middle Ages of the Central Plains Dynasty.

Buddhist temples were demolished, Taoist temples were built, monks were forced to return to secular life, and all Buddhist temple assets were confiscated...

Fortunately, once or twice, after all the countries in the contemporary dynasties had no place to stay, Buddhism and Taoism naturally declined until there was no trace.

These histories are not recorded in official history, and ordinary people have no way of knowing them.

However, even if you know something, you will not violate the taboo now. For example, many erudite scholars know that Usfield was once a holy land of Buddhism, and that plateau was the place where the Buddha finally disappeared.

It is more than a thousand miles away from the border of Jincheng County to the Qinling Mountains, but for the elite Xia army who are good at rapid marches, this journey only takes a few days.

On the night of December 27, the ninth year of Tongzhi, there were still three hundred miles away from Dashanguan in Zhenxi County and fifty miles away from Zhenxi County City. The Chinese army set up camp to rest temporarily.

The outside was heavily guarded, and the camp was surrounded by ravines. Inside the camp, Xia soldiers and soldiers supported each other.

You help me remove my armor, and I'll help you apply the medicine. The qi and blood tonic soup brewed by the logistics department is fragrant, and I hope everything is in order.

Military strategists often say that a strong army is only one that can rest and relax.

As the coach, Zhou Bai did not stay in the well-guarded camp, but led a group of people to a high place to inspect the situation in the west of the town at night.

Those who can follow are either master generals who can see in all directions at night, or Taoist officials with profound cultivation who can observe Qi for hundreds of miles.

"Ye Xiao Zongyue, the surrounding area is safe for thirty miles."

"The two counties of Cangping and Qingyuan on the march have been surrendered. We have chosen our camp well. It seems that no Qin army will come to die tonight."

"Yes, the Qin army in the west was too late to defend the city, so how could they dare to attack at night?"

A young general observed and spoke out, attracting many echoes.

"Don't be careless." Xu Yun, a member of the Chinese army who has gradually built up his prestige by performing numerous temple calculations, said coldly.

Zhou Bai did not speak, but glanced at the camp gate, where a scout came riding a fast horse.

"Great victory! Great victory! The Demon-Suppressing Army has marched to disperse." The victory news came, and everyone was overjoyed. This meant that the initial strategy was achieved, and the blood of Chang'an City could be slowly exhausted.

But before they could congratulate Zhou Bai, more rapid sounds of horse hooves appeared in the wilderness late at night, still in the direction of Dasanguan.

The arrivals were a group of cavalry messengers, extremely fast, each riding a mixed-blood dragon horse, and the leader was a captain of the demon-suppressing army in the late Xiantian stage.

With such specifications for sending letters, the hearts of all the generals sank.

"Report, General Gao from the front line has military information and urgently report to the king."

The letter was handed over, with a blood feather stuck on the front. No one could remain calm, which meant that the Demon-Suppressing Army had encountered a threat.

This is an uncompromising army of [-] demon-suppressing soldiers. If the army is exposed, it can destroy an immortal sect.

Is it the Qin army at Dashan Pass that has changed, or is it the army of Western Shu that is knocking on the pass, or is it another enemy?

No one knew, only Zhou Bai remained calm, pulled out the blood feather, and opened the two waves of letters from the messengers one after the other.

The five thousand demon-subduing cavalry led by Gao Hu plunged into Zhenxi County, which was still under the control of the Qin army. It would definitely not be smooth sailing.

There were countless harassment and attacks, and there was even one encounter involving more than 5000 people. Of course, there was one and only one, and those 5000 people were the last remaining force in Zhenxi County.

They originally wanted to slow down the demon-subduing army at the city checkpoint along the way. Unexpectedly, the demon-subduing army was so fast in breaking through the attack, directly defeating all the Qin troops in the west.

Just the day before yesterday, when Gao Hu led his army through Zhenxi City, Zhenxi City did not send a single soldier to intercept him.

"The Dashan Pass has been conquered. We have received nine thousand dan of food, sent down 500 troops, and taken over the entire city defense..."

"There are signs of troops gathering in the direction of Western Shu. The surrender of Dashan Pass will be rewarded by the hidden men in the Qinling Mountains. Bagong's large banner appears on Jiange Road and has not been moved for a long time."

There were only three thousand defenders and less than ten thousand shi of food. Sure enough, the puppet King of Qin had already planned to abandon the west town.

As for something unusual happening in Xishu, that was for sure. Zhou Bai shook his head and continued to look. The next step was the source of Gao Hu's anxiety.

"One hundred thousand monks from the Wufan Kingdom came down to the plateau. The vanguard of ten thousand cavalry has knocked down the pass yesterday. The last general led three thousand cavalry to fight. They charged into battle several times and killed eight hundred enemies. Our army suffered more than two hundred losses..."

"The monk soldiers are physically strong and fearless of death, but their military qualities are poor. Your Majesty, please support us quickly. We will fight with a majestic army, which will prevent them from entering the pass."

A powerful enemy far superior to Qin and Liang!But yes, no matter how poor and chaotic Us is, it is still a land with tens of millions of people.

After Zhou Bai finished asking Xu Yun to report to the generals, he took a deep breath and recalled the intelligence information collected during this period.

Wubo unified the Us region...Buddha's light shone everywhere, Buddhism was established as the state religion, and the whole country worshiped Buddhism...The tribes of Rouran fled far to the north of the desert, and the Jin Kingdom and Wubo had many conflicts. The details are unknown, and the Jin people did not take over the Rouran grassland.

At the end of the eighth year of Tongzhi, the Wubo monk army went down to the plateau and swept across small countries such as Gaochang and Wuwei to the north of Qinzhou. Few princes in the Central Plains paid attention to it.

Sure enough, Tiger and Wolf are very ambitious. Now Zhou Bai can finally be sure that the Buddha in Us is involved.

Without the power of gods and Buddhas, could such a scattered area be united into one country in such a short time?Moreover, the whole country in Tubo believed in Buddhism.

The secrets of Buddhism that he knew from his extensive reading were verified by three people of the same age who lived in Longshouyuan.

Zhou Bai raised his head and looked at the night sky. Not only was the Qingxu Blood Moon getting darker and darker, there were also a few falling stars.

True immortals are also at risk. If the war is like this, how can the heavenly immortal class suppress the Buddhas? As long as they work hard, it is not impossible for a Buddhist kingdom to appear in the human world.

"Xu Yun, I'll give you 5000 men to capture Zhenxi City overnight!"

"General, take your orders!" Zhou Bai's voice was cold, and the order to deploy troops was very sudden. Xu Yun looked excited and was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses.

How could he not be excited when he finally had the opportunity to lead an army alone? Zhenxi City seemed to be a big city and difficult to attack, but it had no troops to defend it, so it would not be difficult to capture it.

"The rest of the people will obey the order, make food at the third watch, set up camp at the fourth watch, and give each person a high-grade Qi and Blood Pill."

"Inform the Third Division of Dingliang to mobilize another [-] militiamen and corresponding money and grain to fill the Qinzhou defense line."

"We will spend the New Year at Dashan Pass. I would like to see how the fishermen benefit when the snipe and the clam fight!"

Soon, various piercing whistle orders sounded in the camp, some were gathering troops to leave the camp, and some were urging the soldiers to return to the camp and sleep quickly. The camp was as motionless as a mountain as the military spirit surged.

If the power of unifying the three states cannot stop the two neighbors, then he no longer needs to think about leaving the northern border.

War is both a disaster and an opportunity. If he wins this time, he will have a new direction in the future.

Liangzhou... This is Zhou Bai's planning vision for the vast area north of Qinzhou.

While you are still fighting among yourself, I, the Great Xia, are contributing to the Central Plains territory. The most important thing is the humanity and even the law of heaven in the Central Plains civilization. How can we not take care of luck?

(End of this chapter)

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