I have a fortune book

Chapter 292 The strategy of moving the family, the law of all beings

Chapter 292 The strategy of moving the family, the law of all beings

As the new lord of Liangzhou, Zhou Bai, the Duke of Daxia, it is of course no small matter to tour the state in the south. Every move is closely related to the fate of countless people.

The luck ichthyosaur, which is constantly growing towards its four claws, subdues the scattered dragon energy in Liangzhou, and at the same time serves as a temporary hub to connect with the Daxia French Open.

The chaotic and lawless world is a fertile ground for evil, but under the rule of Da Xia, there is no way out for the evildoers who feed on disrupting the people.

The most powerful and overbearing Longwei wiped out the hostility and resentment generated by the war, and the soldiers with the power of victory searched the countryside, and countless Taoist officials Sona broke the forbidden monks...

The thieves and bandits who harmed the common people, the evil cultivators who disregarded human lives, the ghosts and monsters who sucked life, and even the rebels who were bewitched by the Qingxu Heavenly Demon, etc., were all suppressed as Duke Xia passed through the border.

The dazzling military power has been fully demonstrated, and the next action will naturally be unfavorable.

Relieve disasters and calm the people, appoint county chiefs, meet local tycoons... recruit a group, attack a group.

The public word of mouth and the previous friendship with Daxia are the criteria for judging, as is the evidence of mutual reporting between the major families.

When Liangzhou arrived, the Great Xia army was in full swing, and soon a large number of Hao's families in counties and counties were sentenced to exile.

No one dared to resist, or in other words, all those who resisted had their homes ransacked and their clans wiped out. No one understands what the imperial court means, which is to reshuffle your local forces.

The gentry who achieved success under the rule of Da Xia are the good gentry.

Some prefect-level families who invested in Daxia in advance and expressed goodwill were deemed innocent, but this did not mean that they could escape the iron fist of state regulation.

Qiwang of the three surnames, including the Zhao family of the former clan, all received Zhou Bai's personal edict, and moved to Xiyuan City, where they developed under Longqi's nose.

In addition, the guilty family is allowed to retain part of the family property according to the crime of the remnants and the people, and they also have to move the family.

Some were dispatched to the frontier of Beiqu, some were immigrated to Fentie County, the "model" county of Liangzhou, and more were moved to Dingzhou.

At the same time, some township and county tyrants in Dingzhou also moved away from their hometown to Liangzhou in order to upgrade their family status.

The support of the Great Xia court is very strong. Once they can take root in Liangzhou, it is not a luxury to complete the improvement of family status in the contemporary era.

The Xu family made contributions in the process of seizing Qingwu County and was pardoned for living crimes. Xu Yuanchen had two choices at this time.

One is to keep the family foundation and stay in Qingwu County to continue to develop; the second is to move to Dingzhou Biancheng County and leave everything behind to start again.

Continue to stay in Qingwu?This is the expectation of many clansmen.

All the Xu family members knew that with the family's deep roots in Qingwu, it would not take long for them to rise again, and it was very easy to become a new rich man in the Xia Kingdom.

However, after careful consideration, Xu Yuanchen unexpectedly chose to move his family, and actively cooperated with the imperial court's strategy to move his family to Shibian, Dingzhou.

Some family members didn't understand and thought it was a waste of suffering, but soon the Yuan family in Nanfu County was reprimanded for the treatment of confiscating their home, which led them to wake up.

The Yuan family is the first prefect of Nanfu County, a former Nanfu nation, and has extremely deep roots in the local area.

When Xinliang and Daxia attacked Nanfu twice, the Yuan family's resistance was not fierce, so the family did not suffer from family disasters, and still had intricate control in Nanfu County.

This situation greatly hindered the legal governance of the imperial court, and it would bury hidden dangers at the very beginning, so the Yuan family was overthrown by Xuan Yiwei's investigation of various crimes.

If the Yuan family is like this, what will happen to the Xu family? Xu Yuanchen can restrain himself to keep a low profile, but his family has a big business, and there are always stupid people who will stab him.

Rather than being relocated, it is better to take the initiative, so as to retain a little more vitality.

The examples of the Xu family and the Yuan family are in the front. Large-scale exchanges in population, culture, economy, etc. occurred between the two prefectures of Dingliang, and the integration process of the great unification has been verified by reality.

Many Liang Guo officials and gentry who have integrated into the Great Xia system can be regarded as understanding the new master's style. As long as they are obedient and cooperate, the court is willing to return goodwill.

Zhou Bai's winter tour to the south not only reshuffled the local powerful class in Liangzhou, but even Daizhou and Lingzhou in the south were facing enemies. Who knows if this man will continue to march south.

The military spirit gathered in the sky above Liangzhou turned into armored soldiers fighting endlessly, like a projection on the battlefield, making outsiders daunting.

This is the performance of the army's morale rising to the extreme after the victory.

Liangzhou is dilapidated, but relying on Dingzhou's background, it is not impossible to take advantage of the victory and conquer the South.

After more than ten years of laying the groundwork, Dingzhou finally bears fruit under Zhou Bai's governance.

Min'an Wufu, the time and the year are abundant, and the state's system and legal system are generally crimson, and the red is still deepening here.

As long as we wait two more years, the new population will make up the 1000 million stipulated by the state, and the recognized golden age may appear.

Among the seven states in the northern border, Dingzhou originally only ranked seventh, but now it has jumped to the first place.

This is a comprehensive evaluation of the luck of the northern vassal states in terms of people's hearts, troops, productivity, and livability. It is a comparison of the combination of extraordinary and humanitarian forces.

The top officials of the Linguo court unanimously suggested that the soldiers and horses on the front line of the country and even Tongzhou should be drawn back to the defense, so as not to be caught by surprise by the Xia army.

There is no way, the record is too shining.

Send troops in early spring, and complete the feat of capturing a state in early winter, without taking a year.

If it were placed in the troubled times of the dynasty in the past, it might take a year for the weaker princes to capture a county. When the situation is stalemate, it is simply a fantasy.

This is the spiritual change of the world, the extraordinary entry into the world, from the way of warfare to the evolution of individuals, there have been shocking transformations, people's ability to accept has been infinitely increased, otherwise the northern princes may have to think about the way out.

Duke Xia is so powerful, isn't he a real dragon? It's better to surrender as soon as possible to get the title of founding country.

But even though the times have changed, the pressure brought by Zhou Bai's southern tour still caused turmoil in many countries, and soldiers gathered from time to time.

The country of two states is the only one in the north, and it is also a top power in the world.

Of course, after Zhou Bai arranged the border defense, he didn't care how the neighboring countries responded. He naturally took care of Liangzhou with peace of mind.

After eliminating the interference of local tyrants, even though various strategies to benefit the people have not been fully rolled out, the hearts of the people are gradually becoming attached.

At the beginning of Ping Ding, the strong hearts of the 1000 two million people in Liangzhou were the simplest and most basic basic luck.

They hope to live a stable life in Xia Kingdom, and hope that the new Lord Xia can bring food, clothing and prosperity...

The new year of the eighth year of Tongzhi was the first year Liangzhou joined Da Xia, and it was also the first year Liang people became Xia people.

With the advent of troubled times and endless wars, ordinary people rarely have a chance to breathe.

People are not dead things. If they are tense all year round and see no hope at all, they will inevitably become a factor of instability in the country and society.

The meaning of the New Year and the expectations given to it by the working people are a good medicine.

As rulers, the courts of various countries, of course, also attach great importance to the New Year.

The 48 prefectures in the world, as well as foreign states and foreign lands, all places influenced by Tianxia culture are celebrating the New Year.

The whole year of toil in the seventh year of Tongzhi was released in the new year.

Spontaneous celebrations by the common people are not counted, and the activities organized by the imperial court are even more important than one.

Because of the loss of the heavenly court supervision, the evolution of the pattern of fighting for dragons in the world has become more and more intense, and the eight years of Tongzhi may become a watershed.

The Qianlong who can leap this year is the last real dragon candidate, and the rest are all reckless dragons and snakes.

Just like this, the New Year's celebration has become a political show for all countries, and the princes want to win the hearts of the people at a critical moment and show their governance level.

Daxia was no exception. During the southern tour, Zhou Bai announced that Xiyuan City of Liangzhou would be the western capital in order to further stabilize the people of Liangzhou.

If it is called king, Xiyuan City will be the temporary capital of the king.

On New Year's Day, Xiyuan Wanjing is singing and singing, and the city is full of lights.

Walking on the wide and boundless Longshou Street, there are overwhelmed with celebration activities such as lion dance, floating colors, dragon playing, wandering gods, boating, etc.

This is a scene that the new dynasty spent a lot of manpower and material resources on purpose, and it is also a scene that the people of Liangzhou are willing to look forward to and see.

Many knowledgeable scholars, looking at the Taoist fireworks rising in the night sky, prayed silently in their hearts, hoping that in the new year of the ninth year of Tongzhi, all these prosperity would no longer need to be built by the court.

Regardless of whether this bright prosperity is fake or not, the people of Liangzhou have quietly changed their mentality after the baptism of the New Year.

After a year, they must be considered Xia people.

The laws of the dragon and the tiger spread throughout Liangzhou, the legal network in counties and counties became popular, the government orders were smooth, and rural offices were gradually established in rural areas, and the militia team continued to grow.

With 1000 and 2000 million new citizens, Great Xia has become a top power with a population of [-] million. This is an unprecedented experience for Zhou Bai, who is in charge.

The torrent of luck, boiling like a river, was washing away Zhou Bai's fate every moment, causing it to undergo transformation.

The heavenly book of luck!

(...The merger of Liangzhou will shake the northern border, and the world's battle for dragons will undergo major changes. Yuanyuan will add [-].)
[Fate: Show your sharpness, or jump in the deep] (sitting in two states, showing your sharpness, you are a well-deserved master of a great country, admired and trusted by the people in the northern border, and feared by the princes in the northern border; you are on the road to fighting for the dragon At the critical moment, either jump up, or retreat into the abyss.)
Pure Qianlong fate, real dragon candidate.

Foreign transportation formed the canopy of thousands of people, while his original life was full of purple energy. With the support of the people of the two states, Zhou Bai's original life was no longer a shortcoming.

Even Zhao Xun, the future king of the northern region, who is the bell of the dragon head in the book of fate, cannot beat Zhou Bai in his destiny.

Yes, after a long period of accumulation, there have been more changes in the derivation ability of the qi technique.

As long as the source point is enough, Zhou Bai can even see the original trajectory of fate, and Zhao Xun is the test product.

Xiyuan City, the central palace group, under the joint supervision of several real people, the Dragon's Head Palace, which is located at the convergence node of the earth's veins, rose from the ground.

It is located at the highest point in the entire Xiyuan City. People who come to Xiyuan City look up gently, and they can see the lifelike and majestic image of fish and dragons looking down.

After the normal operation of the six parts, Zhou Bai has been staying in the Dragon Head Palace for retreat during the recent period.

The aura here is stagnated into fog, and the luck is boundless.

Even if the Jin people went south to knock on the pass, and Du Yu of Western Shu annexed Jianzhou, and the soldiers pointed directly at Suolongling, they never disturbed him.

Two months later, on the second day of February, the day when the dragon raises its head.

The sky over Dragon's Head Palace changes color, spiritual energy gathers thousands of miles away, and the sky is full of colorful clouds...

A map of all living beings in the Xia Kingdom, reflecting the sky, is powerful in all directions.

Among them are the mountains and rivers of the sixteen counties of the Xia Kingdom, the light spots representing 2000 million people, the monks and warriors who are obedient and obedient, and the majestic and majestic towering court...

This is Zhou Bai, Duke of Xia, who was promoted to the five realms, because his power is too powerful to cover up.

Only then did the Xia people know that the strongest person in the Great Xia was their monarch, and the Liangzhou sect, who had been delaying the court, was full of fear.

This great summer is not only a great summer of humanity, but also a great summer of transcendence.

(End of this chapter)

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