I have a fortune book

Chapter 254 Wu Yun's Favor, Liu Rengui's Choice

Chapter 254 Wu Yun's Favor, Liu Rengui's Choice

As the fish-dragon flag was raised, all the officers and men of the Anbei Navy roared excitedly, and their military spirit boiled, gradually covering the sky between the canyons.

Fighting and fighting, the counterattack begins!
In the first wave of collision, the formations of the two armies were already chaotic, leaving a lot of room for the Anbei Navy to break in.

More than [-] small warships with strange shapes started quickly. They are the latest production of the shipyard, including red horse boats, boats, and yachts from the world of Yan.

The characteristic of this type of small boat is that it can carry a small number of people, but the hull is narrow and long, and it has strong maneuverability, which is convenient for conflicting with enemy ships.

The escort battleships in the Dingguo Navy tried to stop them, but artillery stones and arrows rained down, relying on dense coverage, destroyed seven or eight yachts, causing many casualties.

Because of the vastness of the Tianjiang River and its tributaries, Daxu has always admired dragon boats, but due to the cost and difficulty of construction, the most deployed warships are still battleships among the naval forces in various places.

Fighting ship, the middle wall is installed on the side of the ship, and the opening is opened below; the side is five feet, and the shed is built as a female wall, and the battle grid is repeated.

It can carry hundreds of personnel, deploy small and medium-sized dragon shooting crossbows, and has the ability to hunt and kill ordinary dragon beasts alone. The battleship is the main warship that is really widely used.

Facing the encirclement and suppression of the battleships, the dozens of small boats of the Anbei Navy had little ability to resist, and just blindly dodged and sprinted with their speed.

In the end, after losing [-]% ​​of the ships and soldiers, they finally caught up with their respective targets, the dozen or so dragon boats that Dingguo relied on.

Many soldiers on the battleships and dragon boats don't understand, what's the point?
A dragon boat of one's own side has at least a thousand sailors, and now it also carries infantry, with complete bows, crossbows and armor, and sufficient troops.

And a boat like yours, which has never been seen before, runs fast, but at most it can carry dozens of soldiers. What can it do?
Of course, if they had seen the fate of the flagship [-] elite testers before, they might not have such thoughts.

Liu Rengui still upholds the mainstream thinking, the doctrine of large ships and giant crossbows, but the enemy ships carry elite soldiers, which makes him feel that something is wrong.

Seeing the demon-subduing flag and the fish-dragon banner on the opposite flagship flying wantonly, and dozens of small boats dived in, he had some insight.

"Report, the flagship of the Third Squadron has fallen!"

"Report, the flagship of the Seventh Squadron has fallen..."

The efficiency of the Anbei Navy's small boat formation is too high. Just as Liu Rengui issued the alert order, bad news came one after another.

Each ship should prevent the Anbei soldiers on the small boats from climbing on the hull, avoid close combat, and try to take advantage of the giant crossbow of the big ship.

No one would know that the semaphore of this order will be remembered by the naval fleets of many countries in the future.

"Uncle An Bei came personally!"

"Uncle An Bei is on the boat, and those dancers are the devil-subduing pawns!"

In less than a quarter of an hour, the fish-dragon flag was raised on the top of the four dragon boats in the distance.

Even though there was still a considerable degree of resistance on board, and the shouts of killing kept coming and going, but judging from the rules of the navy's engagement, the four dragon boats had already fallen by default.

These dragon boats are the flagships of each small formation, corresponding to the command of the local battlefield, and the impact is not small.

Before Dingguo's flag is raised again and the liaison officer confirms the recovery, the ships under his command must not obey the flag's command.

Usually at this time, the other dragon boats will take over the command authority.

But at this time, except for the dragon boats a little further away, they can still issue flag orders and integrate the fleet, most of the dragon boats are already too busy to take care of themselves.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining more than 100 small and medium-sized ships of the Anbei Navy quickly followed up, and the number of escort ships near the Dingguo Dragon Fleet was simply unstoppable.

The attack launched by more than fifty fast boats on the dragon boat fleet destroyed most of the dragon crossbows, but only the remaining small part still posed a great threat.

In this wave of approaching, more than 30 warships were shot, especially the main crossbow hit, which basically ended in sinking.

The Anbei Navy inherited the regular fighting ships from Ruinan Jiedu, and it can be said that the entire army was wiped out.

Thousands of navy soldiers died unexpectedly. Among them, the Fumo soldiers who had not suffered major casualties for a long time were also killed by more than 100 people because they were difficult to dodge.

You must know that the current crouching demon army is at the peak of physical training at worst. Many ordinary crouching soldiers have already accumulated blood and cultivated acquired true qi.

But in front of the Shelong Crossbow, which is unstoppable by the flood dragons in the three realms, there is no way to save him if only relying on the mortal body can only be smashed to pieces.

However, the destruction of the main battleship of the Anbei Navy played the finale of this battle. The speed of the Dingguo warships that had been dispersed before suddenly slowed down.

They watched helplessly, and the more than 100 small boats were like dog skin plasters on friendly warships. Whether they were dragon boats or fighting ships, they could not escape the fate of fighting on board.

The narrow, long and thin red horse boat can only carry a few soldiers after expansion. In normal windy and windy weather, any big wave in Ningjiang may overturn it.

But under the watchful eyes of everyone, this little red horse boat actually took down a battleship by means of a jumping battle...

Zhao Wu, who was born in a collateral lineage of the Zhao family in Liang State, could be called Liang Hou Zhao Qi's fellow clan if he was thick-skinned.

Two months ago, he was just a small guard leader of a certain Liang country caravan. Due to the limitations of resources and skills, he barely reached the body training state after his spiritual energy recovered.

After being exposed to the atmosphere of Anbei Buwu's preaching, Zhao Wu chose to stay, and later learned that the Fumo Army can be best trained, so he persevered in applying to join.

Originally, the Fumo Army, as the most "pure" and most loyal to Zhou Bai's personal armed forces, generally would not accept an outsider like him, especially since he is also a blood relative of Marquis Liang.

Defeat is a matter of identity, and success is also an identity. Out of some deep-seated considerations, Zhou Bai gave him a chance.

Zhao Wu didn't waste this opportunity. After seven days of training, he completed the innate skill and forged his body, and finally defeated a person who was at the bottom of the Volunteer Army, and successfully joined the Volunteer Army.

So far, he has demonstrated his talent, was able to teach the follow-up exercises of the innate skills, and obtained the most sufficient resources for training.

In two months, he not only pushed his martial arts cultivation to the middle stage of Houtian Realm, but also made military exploits and became a super master.

This time following Zhou Bo to board the ship to fight, it was also logical to lead his subordinates to act alone in the small boat Chimazhou.

Zhao Wu didn't set his sights too high, and went directly to attack the dragon boat and block the supporting escort ships, which was also a great achievement, after all, there were only eleven of them.

"Quick, quick, throw the hook, and the god arm crossbow will shoot the archer above first!"

The specially made hook claws firmly adhered to the Dingjun battleship, and then the three hooks were thrown from the red horse boat and hung on the railing of the battleship. Zhao Wu led his men to pick up the divine arm crossbow tied to his arm, and shot The soldiers on the deck of the death battleship reacted.

"Seize the boat! Follow me, cover with crossbow arrows!" With a knife in one hand and a rope in the other, he stepped on the hull and jumped up.

Whenever an archer tried to shoot them, he was immediately shot to death by the demon soldiers on the red horse boat. An Beiguo did not have the manufacturing technology for shooting dragon crossbows, but he had blueprints for the divine arm crossbow in Jingwu Yaolue.

It is not difficult to build, but the difficult thing is that the requirements for the user are extremely high, and it cannot be carried and used unless it is someone with extraordinary energy and blood strength.

The soldiers on this Dingjun battleship reacted too slowly, and most of them were still busy attacking the Anbei warship that besieged the dragon boat.

Whether it is racket sticks, dragon shooting crossbows, trebuchets and other equipment, or fully swaying in the bottom cabin, a lot of manpower is required.

The Dingjun soldiers guarding the railing were all killed by crossbow arrows, and Zhao Wu and three men suddenly appeared on the deck, and the captain realized that something was wrong.

"Don't stop attacking, you follow me, the northern bandits are so rampant, even a mere few people dare to jump on board!"

Captain Ding ordered hundreds of people around him. They were the elite infantry accompanying the ship, and they were originally going to land in Ruinan County to fight.

When the hundreds of elite soldiers gathered and approached, all the subduing demon soldiers on the red horse boat had already stood beside Zhao Wu, forming a sharp cone-shaped breakthrough formation.

"Good opportunity, rush in, kill the captain, and we will be able to seize the ship!" Zhao Wu shouted angrily, his whole body was full of energy and blood.

He really didn't expect such a good opportunity. He shouted to seize the ship before, but in fact, he expected to destroy the Dragon Shooting Crossbow and burn the ship to cause chaos.

Eleven demon-subduing soldiers who are familiar with the battle formation and cooperate with each other, how do they perform in the narrow space on the deck of the battleship?

Next, we will show one or two encounters with the Dingjun on this battleship.

On average, one enemy is ten, the force is like a broken bamboo, and the places they pass are full of corpses.

The Dingjun soldiers on the ship were the same as Fu Mo's soldiers, they did not wear thick armor, and both sides fought in real hand-to-hand combat.

This time, the strength of martial arts and the coordination of the battle formation were perfectly displayed. Hundreds of soldiers in naked armor could not hold back a complete squad of the Demon Volunteer Army.

At this time, most of the soldiers on the battleship came to their senses and supported them one after another. Seeing that the captain of the battleship was about to run away, Zhao Wu's blood was burning, and his whole body was filled with true energy.

"Die to me!" He suddenly jumped up, jumped several feet high, and rushed away.

It's just that he was short of breath, his true energy was almost exhausted, and he couldn't kill the target in time.

At this time, a mixed luck descended from the sky and blessed him.

It is indeed a mixture, with the blessing of the Anbei Universiade, the luck of the nobleman's support, and the hidden martial arts...

On the distant flagship, Zhou Bai felt a slight change in his luck, as if he was trying to help someone.

Looking along the trajectory of luck, he immediately recognized Zhao Wu who had taken care of him, and he also discovered that strange weak luck.

It is very closely connected with the martial artist, could it be the martial arts Universiade?
Zhou Bai couldn't help but pay attention, silent in his heart: It seems that the value of Zhao Wu is not only the connection with Marquis Liang in the early stage, but also his own talent in martial arts.

Favored by martial arts, not to mention congenital, masters can also get it.

Zhao Wu didn't know that luck was added to his body, he only knew that there was a sudden breath of true energy in the empty dantian.

Xinli continued, took another step in the air, and killed the battleship captain behind him.


The simple and unpretentious knife actually cut out the light of the knife, and cut off the captain's head in an instant.

"Those who surrender will not die! Quickly put down your weapons..."

Zhao Wu relied on his own body, and led his subordinates to run amok. Wherever there was a Dingjun general trying to organize a counterattack, they rushed there.

Not long after, the generals of the entire battleship who dared to fight back were all killed, and bloody remains and broken arms were everywhere on the deck.

No one took the lead, even if there were [-] stragglers around the battleship, there was no way to recover.

Tangtang was fighting on the battlefield, Zhao Wu would never dare to take ten people to fight, but the complex and narrow terrain of each battleship became the best place for a warrior to show off.

Three of 11 people were killed in battle, defeating a hundred elite infantry, and then killing the supreme commander, the power is too terrifying.

Looking up, all the friendly forces on the four sides were besieged, and the remaining Ding troops on the deck were frightened and chose to surrender.

After all, seeing Zhao Wu holding a blood knife and glaring with anger, whoever dares to stand up and be the first bird will definitely not survive.

He led people to block the entrance and exit of the upper deck of the cabin below. If anyone dared to recklessly fight back, there was only one word of death.

Soon, on the flagpole of the battleship, the Anbei Yulong flag was raised.

The four dragon boats were taken down before, and they were far away, and the Dingguo flagship was not seen clearly by everyone, but this escort ship was right under their noses.

If this is the case, is there any need to keep fighting?
"Report, the enemy flagship is approaching us."

"Report, there are three small boats breaking in on the right side, and the enemy climbed up!"

"Quick, what are the stone and racket for?!"

Every time a battle is fought, if the enemy ships are forced, they will shoot their poles, and the boats and boats will be broken when they are in charge.

But even if it is a flagship dragon boat, how many rackets can be equipped, and you can't use a racket to hit the demon soldiers clinging to the hull.

Everything happened so fast that the top executives of Dingguo were dumbfounded, while Liu Rengui sighed repeatedly as he looked at the fish-dragon banner.

Being attacked suddenly, relying on the personal force of the jumper, forcibly turned the side-to-side battle that was supposed to be a bloody battle of balance into a one-sided massacre.

The big ship and giant crossbow, without this family background, innovated tactics, one after another.

"It's worthy of defeat, good means, good means."

The general surnamed Lei among the top ranks was furious and accused: "The admiral is not thinking of commanding at this time, turning the tide of the battle, could it be that he wants to rebel?"

"Your Majesty treats you well!"

For a moment, the atmosphere in the command room dropped to freezing point, there were only a few people outside the door, and the generals' disputes a little far away kept coming and going.

Listen carefully, someone actually asked the guards to change defense, and the number was far exceeded.

"Surrounded, fighting on their own, how to command?"

"The general trend is so irreversible. Let's withdraw and see if we can save some warships." Liu Rengui turned a blind eye to what happened outside and sighed.

"Withdraw? You can't withdraw. It's not like you don't know the situation on land. If the navy can't make achievements, the country will be over."

"Delay for a while, we still have a lot of vitality around us."

"Liu Rengui, if you act negatively again, I will kill you!"

Liu Rengui shook his head, looked at these generals surnamed Lei with a bit of pity, turned his back, and said softly: "Do it, give the navy of Dingzhou a little more vitality."

For a moment, the other minority generals with foreign surnames immediately drew their swords, and at the same time a large number of personal guards poured out from the side room.

The foreign enemy is still attacking the ship, but there has already been a purge inside.

"My lord, Dinghou's weapon is small, you should have done this long ago." Lieutenant General Liu Rengui looked at the corpses of generals surnamed Lei all over the ground, and a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

"According to Uncle Anbei's rules, raise the white flag and let the sons stop. The old soldiers of the Dingzhou Navy shouldn't die in Dingzhou."

(End of this chapter)

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