I have a fortune book

Chapter 237 Guangwu Zhongxing, the recruitment ends

Chapter 237 Guangwu Zhongxing, the recruitment ends

The ancestors of the Tatars lived between the white mountains and the black waters, and were limited to the harsh living environment. They were brave and hardworking, and dared to work hard for food and land.

In the process of rising in the early stage, absorbing the blood of Dayan, it gradually grew into an institutionalized and regularized military group with extremely tyrannical combat power.

As soon as the iron cavalry came out, it was invincible vertically and horizontally. Dayan, a seemingly powerful giant, could only be manipulated by him.

However, when the Tatars had enough savings, once they entered the customs and wiped out the Yan Dynasty, the combat power of the headquarters military group began to decline rapidly.

On the one hand, the high-level nobles were corrupted and sunk in the luxury of the Central Plains. They were born in Baishan Heishui, and they never had such a luxurious life enjoyment.

On the other hand, the Tatar court gave the real Tatars the privileges of the headquarters, such as legal exemptions, self-contained enclosures, hard-core crops, and so on.

Especially the hard-core crops that every real Tartar can receive, so that they can enjoy the support of the court without having to work hard.

Under this kind of preferential treatment, the soldiers of the Tatar headquarters are degrading both physically and mentally. Anyway, they can live a very nourishing life, so there is no need to beat them to death.

If you really want to go to battle, it is good for the real Tartar soldiers to supervise the battle in the back, and the Han army in the front will work for it.

During the period when Zhou Bai was in charge of the country, the Great Yan revived in the south, and the Tatars still retained a certain amount of combat power, and the brave soldiers of the older generation did not lose their bravery.

When Dayan stops south of the Yangtze River and Cunban does not dare to cross north, this last bit of combat power will be exhausted.

As long as you, Zhu Jun, keep half of the Southern Dynasty and become Emperor Gaozong, they are very welcome.

Then it wasn't until the fourth year of Guangwu that Zhou Bai sent out his navy for the "Northern Expedition" and fought several battles to destroy the Tatar navy. Only then did the few sober people in Tatar have a chance to speak out again.

The whole army is on alert, if you forget the battle, you will be in danger. The heart of the Southern and Northern Expeditions is not dead, and Guangwu is the title of the reign, which shows his ambition...

After some warnings and advocacy, combined with the defeat of the Yangtze River, it really made the Tatar court discuss it for a while.

Even the old Emperor Tartar once had the idea of ​​going south. If he didn't deal with the hidden dangers in the south, would future generations be able to secure a stable position in the country?

What's more, it is easier to attack the south from the north than to attack the north from the south.

The people of this tribe cannot be easily consumed, so recruit Han people as soldiers, no matter how many sacrifices they make, they are not afraid.

In the fourth year of Guangwu, the Emperor Tatar ordered the expansion of the army, and a total of 30 new Han soldiers were recruited. The green flag was used as the battalion number, which was called the green battalion.

After several times of martial arts exercises, the green battalion army performed well, outperforming the Han banner army many times, and was relied on by the Tatar court as a standing army.

At that time, the military power of the Northern Dynasty was very strong, and there were many internal discussions about the Southern Expedition. Anyway, the Tatar nobles followed behind, taking credit for the non-dangerous achievements.

If you win, you will be rewarded with an official title, if you lose, you will have no loss, and the responsibility for the defeat will be borne by the Han officers.

Now that the cheap soldiers that can be driven have been recruited, the Queen of Tartar realized that she still wanted to build a ship?

This time, if you want to cross the river again, without the traitors of the navy and the party leading the way, it will be difficult to get to the sky.

It is not an empty talk to rule across the river and divide the two dynasties by natural danger.

At this time, the Northern Dynasty could only swear a few words, Yanhuang was insidious and cunning.

The soldiers of the headquarters and the soldiers of the Han banner spent a lot of money. In addition to the addition of 30 green battalions, military expenditures rose sharply.

Shipbuilding takes a long time, and it also needs the full support of the treasury.

Fortunately, in the fifth year of Guangwu and the sixth year of Guangwu, the Southern Dynasties did not make any moves, so why not forget about the Southern Expedition...

After all, Nanyan "does not think about making progress" and has no intention of going north.

Soon, in order not to affect the welfare of the nation, the shipbuilding plan was reduced to empty talk, and the 30 green battalion soldiers could not pay their salaries, and quickly became first-class waste.

In the seventh year of Guangwu, under the personal supervision of Zhou Bai, the Navy had thousands of warships of various types, and the number of troops transported at one time could reach [-].

In the eighth year of Guangwu, the time-consuming horse administration shined brilliantly. The number of newly purchased and cultivated horses that met the requirements increased to [-], and the number of cavalry regiments reached [-].

In the ninth year of Guangwu, under the long-term stable recuperation, Dayan's national strength reached its peak, and the overall luck showed red.

Zhou Bai did not choose the whole army to deploy martial arts, but still chose the policy of elite soldiers. With the blessing of the national fortune, half of the soldiers in the [-] Yulin Army have reached the acquired martial arts level.

In the tenth year of proclaiming emperor, that is, in May of the tenth year of Guangwu, he ordered the whole country to go north.

After ten years of patience, it is bound to be done in one day, driving out the Tartars and recovering the whole territory of Yan.

On May [-]th, Lou Jinpeng led an army of [-] forwards to successfully cross the river. The Tatar defense line along the coast had already been found out, and it was defeated in one blow.

On May 15th, the striker rushed forward and captured all the crossings on the north bank. Zhou Bai led a Chinese army of [-] to cross the river safely.

In mid-May, the Tatar Yangtze River garrison general seemed to have finally reacted, and assembled [-] cavalry and [-] green battalions to guard the important town of Jianghuai.

It's just that unlike Dayan's ten-year sharpening and savings, Tatar's ten-year stay in the north is just a waste of time.

The corruption from the nobles to the soldiers has made this once powerful military group riddled with holes and without combat power at all.

A series of fortified cities basically could not be defended for three days, but Emperor Guangwu once again reiterated Fengtian's call for Hu Xi.

"Every Hugou in the Han Dynasty was threatened, but he surrendered. If he is a prisoner, if he changes his face and wants to return to agriculture and animal husbandry, he will be amnesty. Don't ask him. If you resist Yan Xing a little, you will be killed without pardon; if you are a spy, you will be killed without pardon; if you violate the military law, you will be killed without pardon."

If you surrender now, don’t treat you as a traitor. If you vote too late, you will not only be killed without amnesty, but also leave your name in the "historical history".

At the end of May, after several days of storming, the core city of Yicheng, where the Tatars were heavily stationed, was destroyed.

They wanted to defend, but their combat effectiveness and fighting will were too poor. The first-rank garrison general died in battle, and more than ten thousand Han and Tatar soldiers who resisted in the city were slaughtered.

In addition, the [-] garrisoned real Tatar soldiers who surrendered were organized into the forward by Zhou Bai and ordered them to open the way.

Throughout June thereafter, the Northern Expeditionary Army did not encounter too many obstacles, and the road to the north was unimpeded.

The people along the way welcomed the king's division, and the garrison soldiers fell in anticipation...

The cavalry corps on which the Tatars depended was only seen in Yicheng.

On July [-]th, Jianghuai was completely restored, and the soldiers of the Great Yan Northern Expedition entered Haiyou Province.

Lou Jinpeng's former army was unstoppable, and he took down eleven cities in seven days, and won the Haiyou Fortress in one battle.

The Tatar court was still arguing about how many soldiers to send out, and who was responsible for the emptiness of the treasury, but unexpectedly, the crisis of national subjugation was imminent.

If Haiyou is lost, there will be no place to protect the Gyeonggi area, and the capital of the country will be in jeopardy.

In view of the unprecedented crisis, Tatar broke out the last details, and the soldiers, money and food finally got together.

On July [-]th, [-] cavalry gathered in the Northland, and they were handed over to the once famous old Wang Sengge to head south.

However, before Sengge arrived and walked out of Gyeonggi, the news that Haiyou provincial capital was personally captured by Dayan Guangwu Emperor came.

According to the front-line military newspaper, Emperor Guangwu's [-] Yulin are all martial arts masters, and any one of them can serve as a first-class bodyguard in Ouchi.

Everyone is like a tiger, not dodging the front arrow, brave and fearless, and can even climb the city wall with bare hands.

Even though General Haiyou is loyal to the imperial court and drives the defenders to do their best to defend, it cannot reverse the situation of the battle.

"Gao Hu, the general of the Yanlong cavalry, is invincible in the world with a silver spear, and blasted through the city gate with the out-of-body spear?"

"The unknown commander of the guards, Qu Zhi, personally captured and killed the desperate General Haiyou, and the guards witnessed him alone fighting against a hundred real Tartar warriors?"

Old Wang Sengge looked at the information sent back one after another, and thought that the frontline generals and sentries were crazy.

When he was young, he was revered as the number one Batulu of the Tatars. He was tyrannical in force. When fighting Dayan, he often killed generals and captured the flag, which made even the frontier soldiers of Dayan who dared to fight daunting.

Even so, Sengge also thinks that he is a mortal body, wearing armor, and a pair of more than ten is an extraordinary performance.

You tell me now that he is really unacceptable to cling to the city wall with bare hands, with a gun light, and one against a hundred. All of them are martial saints alive?
But this is a military report that has been confirmed many times and cannot be faked.

Suddenly, Seng Ge remembered the reason why the Tatars withdrew from the South ten years ago.

The Han people opposed shaving their hair and changing their clothes, and the whole country rioted, and they needed to divide their troops to suppress it. This is the main reason.

But he still remembers another important reason. Tens of thousands of real Tatars died in the south in succession. The outrageous battle report sent back by Erke actually said that they were defeated by an extraordinary Yan army.

At that time, the invincible Sengge, who was sitting in Gyeonggi, only thought that Erke was looking for a reason. No matter how strong the army was, it would not exceed the category of Tatar cavalry.

Now it seems that Emperor Guangwu has always had such a trump card, and he still endured it for ten years, how terrifying.

Seng Ge felt inexplicably terrified, no wonder this Great Yan Northern Expedition did not divide troops into multiple groups like the previous Southern Dynasties.

He has an invincible and powerful army. He has been upright and majestic all the way. How can you stop him.

Relying on his keen military sense, Seng Ge ordered the whole army to stop at the sea right border, and at the same time reported to the emperor's secret letter.

The letter first requested to continue to send reinforcements, and one hundred thousand cavalry was not enough.

Furthermore, it is suggested that the imperial court move the capital immediately, it is best to retreat directly outside the pass, while he can hold on for a while.

If it can take away a large number of people in Gyeonggi, and the wealth plundered in Dayan for more than ten years, Yubaishan Heishui's home court may be able to continue Guozuo.

It was okay for the former to ask for help, but the Emperor Tatar thought it was Sengge's prudent move. After all, Dayan was coming so fiercely this time, and if he was not careful, the country would be in danger of subjugation.

However, the subsequent discussion of moving the capital directly stimulated the aged Tartar Emperor, so what? !
But as the supreme leader of a dynasty, when he didn't want to pretend to be asleep, he really couldn't sleep.

Natural disasters and man-made disasters, official corruption, civil grievances, and empty treasury...

But the most important thing is that they have internal problems. The military power of the small clan Ling Da clan that they rely on to gain a foothold in the Central Plains has collapsed.

As a privileged class, the real Tartar soldiers and Han banner soldiers are useless, and the green battalion soldiers have been reduced to soldiers in recent years, and they don't have much strength.

Sengge was able to take away [-] "iron cavalry" thanks to the tens of thousands of "poor relatives" who came from outside the customs last year. In addition, he also squeezed out all the private soldiers of the princes and nobles. Most of them are slaves, and few of them are real Tartars. family.

There are tens of thousands of troops in the capital, but apart from some pro-military troops who still have combat power, the rest are just embroidered pillows.

After getting the analysis of several Han confidants, the Emperor Tartar made a proposal to move the capital, and at the same time transferred the green battalion soldiers from all provinces to the front line to obey Sengge's use.

On July [-]th, the Emperor Tatar ordered the capital to be moved, and the high-quality population and a large amount of wealth began to be transferred outside the customs.

Anyway, the imperial court and the emperor will go slowly. If Sengge can win, moving the capital will become a place to manage Longxing.

At this time, Zhou Bai hadn't gone to sea yet, and Lou Jinpeng led [-] fine cavalry to stop outside the capital, and the deterrent power of [-] cavalry was still there.

At present, the two sides are still in the stage of probing and small-scale cavalry battles. Whoever wins more small victories will be able to cover the battlefield and gain the upper hand.

On July [-]th, Haiyou was completely recovered, and the logistics line was smooth. Zhou Bai led [-] main forces to the frontline battlefield.

Facing the majestic and mighty Yan army with big banners and high teeth, Seng Ge was inexplicably relieved, because he had already warned in advance, and the imperial court was moving the capital.

The main force of [-] cavalry is also a strong army like a forward cavalry. It is not his [-] cavalry that forcibly assembled can be the enemy. The small-scale battles in the past few days have already suffered enough, with more defeats and fewer victories.

"As long as you move to the outside of the pass, and accumulate the blood and courage of your clansmen, there will be a chance to return to the Central Plains in the future!"

No matter how the Yan army challenged them later, Seng Ge would avoid fighting. He thought it would be good to just delay the time.

It is precisely because of the [-] cavalry that the main force of the Northern Expedition is moving slowly, so we must always pay attention to surprise attacks.

Until the end of July, news came back from outside the customs that the "Old Nest" had been taken away, and all the important towns in Longxing Land had been captured by the Yan army.

At present, Li Dingguo, the general of the Great Yan Conquest to the North, has led [-] elite Yan troops to the border, and the route is completely reproduced by the Tatars.

According to intelligence, the border gate has been deserted since the Tatars entered the customs, and there are very few troops stationed there.

Zhou Bai never said that there is only one road, 5 people, which happens to be the amount of troops that the Great Yan Navy can transport at one time.

Since the Northern Expedition, the Navy's grain transport ships not only replenished the main force of the imperial camp, but also detoured to supplement Li Dingguo's department.

The limited thinking of the nomads made them not pay attention to the navy at all, and they would never think that Zhou Bai would send someone to steal the house by sea.

The Tatar court was shocked three times a day, and Seng Ge was even more frightened and vomited blood. It only took ten days to get from the border to the capital, or five days if it was fast?

A decisive battle is imperative, and it must be resolved quickly.

If you can defeat the main force of the Great Yan Northern Expedition, and even capture and kill Emperor Guangwu, then there is still hope for a timely return to aid.

But if he loses, Tatar will be gone.

Faced with the main force of the Yan army who had stopped marching and was not in a hurry, on August [-]rd, Sengge had no choice but to lead a hundred thousand cavalry to launch a decisive battle.

It's just that the Yan army's posture is tantamount to inviting the king into the urn, and the [-] cavalry did not overwhelm the [-] Yulin army wearing heavy armor and standing at the front.

Then he fell into the vast ocean of entanglement and fighting, and when he wanted to retreat again, he was chased and killed by thirty thousand Yanqi who had been raised together for ten years.

In the end, the whole army collapsed and suffered a complete defeat.

One month later, Dayan successfully regained the capital and the capital, and slaughtered the Tatar royal family as a sacrifice to the Taimiao.

Half a year later, the world was settled, and the Great Yan regained its heyday. People at that time called it Guangwu Zhongxing.

On a certain day in the 11th year of Guangwu, Zhou Baifu chose to sit on the dragon chair for a rest.

All of a sudden, the scenery around me kept going backwards, and the Golden Palace, the capital, the thirteen provinces of Great Yan, and even the whole world all turned into a dream.

"The recruitment war is over, Monarch Anbei, congratulations on your victory."

"As the winner, you can carry the luck of the current Great Yan Dynasty and return to Tianyuan World."

(End of this chapter)

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