this infinite world

Chapter 595 Falling Star

Chapter 595 Falling Star

Looking at the scene on the screen where the purple sword light shredded the white light, Xiao could hardly believe his eyes.

Gene mutations are often accompanied by tremendous physical and psychological pressure, making it difficult for ordinary living organisms to withstand such drastic changes, leading to catastrophic consequences. This is almost an iron law for life below the fourth level, and even for fourth-level enemies, the modified genetic mutator is enough to play a huge role.

In this white light falling from the sky, it stands to reason that the genes in the opponent's body should begin to surge wildly out of control, causing a series of unpredictable alienation phenomena in the body. At the same time, this dazzling light should touch the hidden killing instinct deep in the heart of the person on the screen, causing him to fall into an inextricable state of madness, and then, driven by losing his mind, launch an indiscriminate killing feast without distinguishing between friend and foe.


Xiao almost squeezed out these words through his teeth.

She doesn't understand. Just a moment ago, she was still immersed in her declaration of confidence and the joy of victory, those words echoed in her ears, and the smile still hung on her face. However, in an instant, reality dealt her a heavy blow, causing all her confidence and joy to instantly collapse.

She didn't understand why the trump card she had prepared so hard to deal with the fourth level of the Central Continent team had no effect at all. She also didn't understand why the light of the genetic mutator directly hit the screen. The enemy, but the other party was not affected at all?

"Can't you understand?"

Yang Yun's faint voice sounded in this dead environment: "A frog at the bottom of a well, sit in the well and look at the sky, it's nothing more than this... If you haven't really come into contact with the fourth level, how can you know what the fourth level can do?" matter?"

——To be fair, Xiao's layout is not that stupid.

Even from Yang Yun's point of view, if it were an ordinary fourth-level primary-level person who was unprepared and hit directly by a modified genetic mutator, it would really be possible for him to be attacked by memories hidden deep in the genes. Or the collective subconscious of cells or something like that can trigger inner demons and completely lose control of one's body... And at that time, a beast trapped in an inextricable state will eventually collapse from exhaustion no matter how strong it is. next moment.

Xiao just lost because he didn't understand what the fourth-level gene lock could do. She doesn't understand the inner demons, the murderous intention deep in her heart and the fourth-level gene lock cannot be generalized; nor does she understand how strong Zheng Zha is now.

Therefore, the genetic mutator that was supposed to be the ultimate move of the Arctic team was prepared in advance by Chu Xuan and turned into a great gift to Zheng Zha under the stratagem arrangement, making all her plans and layouts go to waste... ...And just like Yang Yun said just now, the death knell is about to toll.


——It’s rude to come back without reciprocating... Next, it’s my turn.

After crushing the influence of the genetic mutator, Zheng Zha took a deep breath of cold air, as if to remove all the dirty genes produced in the body.

Immediately, he stepped down suddenly.

The ice field under his feet seemed to have turned into a launch pad. Zheng Zha's body was like a ignited rocket, instantly rushing into the sky, and then suspended still in the extremely high mid-air, overlooking the Yuri base spread out below, taking in the whole view. fundus. Looking down from a high altitude, even Zheng Zha couldn't help but be shocked by the degree of occupation displayed by the Yuri camp on the continent of Antarctica. The extended base and building complex cover a vast area, and its scale is so large that it can no longer be summarized in square kilometers.

The steel fortress located at the core exudes a deep purple light. This area is more like Yuri's fortress than a simple fortress. It can be said that this place has developed into a city - a war city composed of countless war weapons. Every inch of land and every building reveals the atmosphere of military power and the shadow of war.

"If it's this level, I guess we need to make something bigger."

Facing the city of war spreading beneath his feet, Zheng Zha did not feel the slightest fear. On the contrary, a smile of eagerness appeared on his face. The fighting will in his body was like boiling lava, surging unstoppably and even distorting the surrounding air. The two-color light slowly emerged from his body, like ripples on the water, and was held by Zheng Zha between his hands, floating up and down.

In the palm of his left hand, a ball of red and black light was beating. It was the special blood energy that Zheng Zha had obtained after he had achieved a small degree of perfection in the "Secret Path of Cursed Blood Dragon Binding" through unremitting practice. This energy that originally belonged to the vampire race had been compressed and refined countless times during his long-term practice, and finally reached a unique state. Its color became neither pure red nor pure black, but the two intertwined to form a mysterious color. In this red-black light, one can vaguely feel a heart-stopping destructive power, as if it only needs a trigger to destroy everything.

In the palm of his right hand, a white and transparent light was flickering slightly. It was the result of Zheng Zha's internal strength gradually evolving after practicing "Basic Martial Arts". His internal energy was originally in a liquid state, but through continuous practice, he has experienced a qualitative leap and completed a profound transformation. Now, this internal force has been pulled out of his body, and its form has become both tangible and intangible. It seems to be vaguely similar to the true energy used by Yang Yun, and it also contains powerful and profound power. strength.

Then, they fit together.

These two energies, which are completely different in nature and can almost be said to be opposed to each other, met in Zheng Zha's palm and began a violent fusion, stimulating an astonishing reaction during the collision.

Almost instantly, the energy body expanded to several times its original size, forming a huge hazy gray sphere. This sphere exudes violent and unstable energy all around. Its surface is constantly surging and twisting, like a container filled with extreme energy. It may explode at any time, releasing destructive power.

——However, there was no explosion.

"If it were before, with my level of subtlety, I really wouldn't be able to use this move. After all, what I'm good at is brute force, not simple energy control... and the energy reaction completed outside the body is more difficult than completed inside the body. It’s too much.”

Looking at the ball that was shaped by himself and had completely opposite properties. It only relied on the powerful force of subtlety to prevent it from exploding. A smile appeared on the corner of Zheng Zha's mouth: "Speaking of which, my clone's move seems to be called 'Yinghuo'?"

"Then let's call this move of mine 'Falling Star'."

The next moment, the stars fell.

 Sorry, I went to read ESL and started writing very late.

  PS: Congratulations AR



(End of this chapter)

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