Superpowers of Sky City

Chapter 412 Change Attack

Chapter 412 Change Attack
The capital of the sky, the third assembly department.

"Huchi, Huchi... the first official test, Huchi... there are still ten seconds to start!" Mo Yuankai was sweating profusely, "All units get ready!"

John Garcia stared at the ceiling of the test cockpit speechlessly, feeling that he couldn't concentrate no matter what.One of the factors that interfered with his concentration was the fat boy doing push-ups not far away, the second was the chattering of a group of young boys who had never seen the world on the communication channel, and the third was the rags sitting behind rubbing their hands excitedly. The second pilot of the machine.

"Wow, wow, wow!" Yun Yinglang's eyes lit up with excitement, "That information dealer really has a hand. The cockpit looks really good... Hey, what are you doing with a straight face? We're going to fly a big robot to the sky! !"

John exhaled slowly, and said, "We won't fly. We will conduct an armed test today, and we won't activate the main body."

"What, I'm looking forward to it for nothing." Yun Yinglang curled her lips.But she soon became arrogant: "Hmph, I have something to say first. The guard and main output of this No. [-] machine is the superior Miss Ben. For your safety in the future battlefield, you'd better It's better to hurry up and please me Dust Explosion—"

John silently pulled up the joystick: "The experiment begins."

"Ah wait I'm not ready yet!"

The roof of the third assembly department opened to both sides, and the sunlight illuminated most of the area, but the No. [-] unit in the depths just happened to stand in the shadow, like the dark shadow cast by a giant.Thirty small bird-like machines flew out from behind the giant, and they flew to various places in the capital of the sky with the ex-gangsters.They quickly arrived at the predetermined location and hovered high in the sky.

"The coordinate error is 0.3%, basically in line with expectations." John reported, "It's up to you."

Yun Yinglang turned on the communication channel in a hurry: "Everyone, turn on the PA position!"

"What are you shouting for?" "I'm a little bit afraid that you'll blow it up by mistake..." "Can you assure your brothers that you won't blow it up by mistake?"

"Stop talking nonsense and shout at me!"


The sub-machines hovering in the air simultaneously emit ultrasonic waves that ordinary people cannot detect. This power is transformed into a cloud of purple smoke in the blink of an eye, which quickly disappears before triggering the exclamation of the citizens below, and then the sub-machines fly back to assemble Inside the factory, it is like a flock of crows returning to their nest.John blocked the communications of the younger brothers and said, "The experiment is complete.

"Okay, everyone has worked hard!" Mo Yuankai on the ground gave a thumbs up, got up and put a √ on the list.Orianna stood beside him, her face full of pride and expectation.

"Mo, look. Teenagers who used to be in the violent industry can now do their part to protect the world. How wonderful it is!"

"Yes, yes." Mo Yuankai nodded again and again, "I think John will be very happy to hear this!"

Badman on the side wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, never so grateful that he didn't have the same machine with the boss.He asked in a low voice, "How long is that woman going to stay? I get goosebumps when I see her."

"Theoretically, the Envoy of Creation World is short on time, and Miss Orianna will return to China as soon as possible after this experiment is completed." Shi Yulian thought thoughtfully, "But the Dawn Knight seems to have other arrangements... maybe with me related to the work at hand.”

He was about to continue working on the documents in his hand, when Caldesia, who was watching the excitement, came over and yelled at Mo Yuankai: "Hey, my No. [-] machine is here! John Xiaoyun has a new machine, what about my Liuyan?" It's time to go!"

"Your machine will take a while, because the doctor came over a few days ago and said that he plans to join the battlefield. It just so happens that she will replace Qin Qianbai as the control position of the machine, and the second machine can also be easily modified in the direction of the heavy fire artillery."

"It's a pity that Xiaoqian won't come."

"Martial arts masters can play a better role outside of the machine, so Zijing doesn't plan to participate in the machine god project."

Mo Yuankai wiped the sweat off his brow, and once again checked the calendar on his phone to confirm the time.Elandia didn't mention any plans with them, but Mo Yuankai had a vague suspicion in his heart.Perhaps when Orianna returns to the kingdom, the Knights of Dawn will start some real "actions".

Thanks to Ah Ce and the others drawing the attention of the enemy in Hezhong, the Sky Capital was able to draw it slowly.

"I don't know what's going on with Ah Ce..."

Gongsun Ce opened his eyes and realized that he hadn't woken up yet.

After becoming a psychic, he already has the basic ability to control dreams and the spiritual world. In theory, he can now not only freely control the sleep time but also customize the dream content.When Gongsun Strategy first discovered this ability, he wanted to customize some sweet dreams for himself, but it was a pity that he went to the first class of Agent Will before he could implement it.

The first thing the agent did in that class was to take out a tattered notebook, turn to the back page and read: "Indulging in beautiful dreams and delusions cannot be extricated from oneself is the most ridiculous reason for psychics to become malignant. If you kid tried it before you saw it, then you're fucking doomed, get the fuck out."

Agent Will gave an objective evaluation after reading the notes, saying that it would not be so dangerous to construct a dream after the stable mind strength in the psychic state increased, but it should be remembered that enough is enough.Gongsun Ce said, Mr. Will, you are joking, that idiot Yan Qi deliberately punished me, do I have such self-control that I want to satisfy myself with dreams?Impossible absolutely impossible!
In the end, after returning home, I reluctantly deleted all the collected materials as a last resort. While deleting, I scolded Impermanence, which is really fucking rubbish technology, which made Qiluo think that he was sick and almost called for emergency treatment.

After that, Gongsun Ce let alone customizing his dreams, in order to supervise himself, he didn't even have any dreams, to ensure that every night he would be healthy and dreamless and sleep soundly. Once he opened his eyes, it must be the real world.So when he got up today, he found something was wrong. The quilt on the bed was as soft as before going to sleep, but the temperature in the room was colder than usual. Everything in his field of vision seemed to be covered with a gray filter, with red sparks appearing faintly. Floating in the air.


Gongsun Ce put on his glasses, looked around slowly, and found the source of the cold air by the window sill.

The woman with black hair and black clothes was sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows with her knees hugged, staring at the flowing clouds high in the sky.The time in the environment was fixed at the moment when the sun jumped out of the clouds, and the golden brilliance swept across like fire, illuminating the pure white clouds and her plain side face.

"Morning." Gongsun Ce beckoned, "It's quite leisurely. Watching the sunrise early in the morning, I'll get you a stool if you sit on the floor and catch cold easily?"

The Silent King didn't speak, and turned to look at him quietly.Gongsun Ce scratched his face, a little embarrassed: "Why don't you avoid it for a while and wait for me to get out of bed and change clothes? It's hot now and I don't dress very elegantly."

Gongsun Ce was not nervous at all, but felt indescribably relaxed, so much so that he wanted to talk nonsense.When the other party appeared, he instinctively understood that there would be no hostility or crisis in this meeting, and he was safer than ever at this moment.

The Silent King remained silent.Gongsun Ce sighed, and decided to hide under the quilt to communicate with her.

"Well, ma'am, what can you do?"

"That miraculous envoy." King Silence said, "Why didn't you kill him?"

Gongsun Ce pondered for a while which miraculous envoy he had fought with in the past two days.

"The last time I played against each other in a serious way was Lei Ming=san, right?"


"That happened three states ago and you didn't realize it until now?!" Gongsun Ce covered his face, "No, it's nothing, it's my problem. In terms of your concept of time, your reaction speed is already terrible. Call it amazing speed and pretend I didn’t say it.”

The Silent King didn't respond to his words, and she began to watch the sunrise again, her eyes were indifferent and agile, making Gongsun Ce uncertain of her intentions.He explained: "There is no need to kill him, that's all."

"He is the enemy." The Silent King looked at him, "The enemy will always kill you!"

The reality eroded by the dream began to shake violently, and the atmosphere of peace was swept away, and her judgment brought a brutal killing intent that overturned the world.Gongsun Ce said before the great god lost his mind, "He has no reason to kill me!"

The killing intent stabilized, replaced by familiar confusion.The Silent King frowned and said, "Why?"

"Because we are no longer enemies after one fight." Gongsun Ce put on the style of giving preschool education to children, "After the battle, we reached a partial agreement. He was convinced by me. His obsession enlightened, so that he no longer has reason to be hostile to me. I have no need to kill a man who is harmless to me."

The Silent King's confusion was not immediately resolved. She pondered for a long time and said, "You change him."

Gongsun Ce was stunned: "Ah yes, thoughts will always change."

"You turned him into a family member." The Silent King was deeply displeased, "It's so bad."

Gongsun Ce clasped his head in both hands, and slammed on the quilt to let out a silent wail. He had suffered many misunderstandings since he was a child, but this would rank among the best in his rich experience.

"God, I'm so sorry to see you and my family? Why do you make me look like the leader of some cult?!" Gongsun Ce screamed, "Master Silence, what do you think of our world and our group of people? How about some common sense? Personal thoughts and ideas will be influenced by others, so according to you, everyone is a family of other people!"

The Silent King looked deeply puzzled.She was silent for a long time and said, "Change is an attack."


"Once you are changed, you are no longer yourself." The Silent King stood up from the floor, walked to the bed, and touched his forehead with his fingertips.

"Beware of the real starlight," she said, "she's trying to change you."

Gongsun Cexu shook his head: "No, I'm not worried. Besides, isn't it you who changed me the most? Although I can't remember the details, it was definitely you who used my body to solve the battle three years ago. You are the one who is capable. If you hadn’t interfered, I would be studying my broken book in the empire and preparing to take the exam for a civil servant or some public institution. According to your theory, the most important thing I should be wary of is yourself.”

There was a look of surprise in King Silence's eyes, which made Gongsun Ce think he was wrong.

"You also defy my will."

"Ah yes, is there a problem, why do you use 'also'?"

"You are the Dharma Envoy of Silence." The King of Silence emphasized, "You are my family."

"I am the son of my parents, the lover of my girlfriend, and the friend of my buddies. But I am not your family." Gongsun Ce sighed, "Even if I practice the method of solitude, I am your seed. There is no need to listen to you. In your words, I am myself."

The King of Silence looked like a head teacher who saw a good student who was usually excellent in character and learning, suddenly dyed yellow hair with bright tattoos and wore a modified uniform into the classroom.

"Is this necessary, ma'am?! What did I say next that shocked you so much?!"

The Silent King turned his back to him, and there was a very human sullenness in her back.

" be rebellious."

Gongsun Ce screamed: "You really said that! Your image is rapidly collapsing in my heart, do you know that?!"

"Next time you practice, don't use the power of emptiness." Said the King of Silence.She left such endless words and walked out the door, the gray filter was gradually fading away.Gongsun Ce originally wanted to ask about the colorful girl from last time, but seeing her mannerisms, he had no choice but to let it go.

The Eternal Kings are a bunch of strange characters, on the one hand they have the power to destroy the world, but on the other hand they are innocent like children.Gongsun Ce secretly compared the kings he had seen.The person who is the most approachable and understands the world best must be the aggressive Mr. Lan, who can even talk about Two-dimensional memes; followed by the high-ranking Destiny King, who has a strong ability to interfere and knows a lot about human beings. A witch as a wife.The person at the end of the spiritual road that looks very similar to the Nether Dragon is extremely fearful but has a certain amount of common sense. He knows how different their life forms are. ...

The Silent King has no common sense, lacks understanding of human beings, and behaves like an antique from time travel.A sudden suspicion popped up in Gongsun Ce's mind. Could it be that the Silent King has almost never communicated with humans, so that she doesn't know anything?
"This group of people is really troublesome..."

The gray filter and the cold feeling disappeared with the departure of the Silent King, and Gongsun Ce opened his eyes again.He put on his glasses and got up from the bed, and immediately opened the curtains.The sun had just risen through the clouds, just as it had been in his dream.

He rubbed his eyes, changed his clothes, and walked to the deck.

Qin Qianbai, who was wearing a combat uniform, was practicing martial arts against the rising sun, and his every move was smooth and comfortable, like a beauty made of ink splashes standing in reality.But the beauty's state of mind is not as calm as her moves. When she practiced recently, she couldn't help thinking of the fight with the champion that day, the sword that should have been able to block but missed.


She stood where she was, exhaled slowly, and drove away the distracting thoughts from her mind.No matter how much she practiced, she lost her posture and turned her head to see Gongsun Ce who had just woken up and walked onto the deck.

"Morning, Ce."

"Morning, miss." Gongsun Ce yawned and waved, "Please don't move for now, let me confirm the reality."

"?" Qin Qianbai tilted her head in confusion, a drop of sweat dripped from the tip of her hair, and streaked across the healthy and soft lines of her lower abdomen.

Gongsun Ce took off his glasses, squatted down in front of her, and stroked his flexible waist with both hands.He pressed his cheek against the elastic skin and gently rubbed against his girlfriend's abdomen.After exercising, the lower abdomen is slightly hot, with the salty smell of sweat. This is a real feeling that never exists in dreams.

He kissed the small and cute belly button, stood up, and said with a hearty smile: "I found it, this is the anchor point of reality!"

The reality anchor master's cheeks were as red as ripe apples, and her fists were as swift as meteors falling from the sky.

A few seconds later, Dawn Knight walked out of the cabin after hearing the loud noise. She glanced at the severely damaged deck and someone twitching in the pothole, and asked, "What did he do?"

Qin Qianbai turned his head: "Playing hooligans."

"Oh." Elandia thought for a while and said, "Remember to get up and cook."

"Qi Luo, do you think this is reasonable?" Gongsun Ce slapped the egg liquid in agony, "I'll be beaten even if I touch my girlfriend's stomach. Is she in a bad mood today?"

Qi Luo said with a smirk: "Who told Gongsun Ce that you are a big idiot who calls his girlfriend's stomach an anchor point of reality."

"Don't you think it's romantic, when I get lost in a nightmare I think of your sexy belly and I come back from the darkness."

"It's not romantic at all. I just think you're so horny that you make nightmares stay away."

"Young people these days really have no interest."

Gongsun Ce sighed and poured the prepared rice noodles into the pot.He added two tablespoons of curry powder, a little turmeric powder and chili sauce to stir-fry, served with marinated meat strips, shrimp and seasonings of spring onion, onion and bell pepper.When it was about to be cooked, he put the rice noodles in the middle of the pot, and evenly sprinkled the egg liquid in a circle around it.When the rice noodles are fried, the egg liquid becomes a layer of golden fried egg bottom, and Gongsun Ce picks it up and puts it on the plate with satisfaction.

Shi Yuling, who woke up last, smelled the fragrance and came over: "What is this, it looks good."

"Gongsun's special Xingzhou fried rice, the common way is egg shreds, but I like to fry it into an omelette."

This breakfast was well received by the crew (Qin Qianbai ordered two), and after the meal they sat around the table for a meeting, with Qin Qianbai sitting on Gongsun Ce's lap.

"Miss, your seat is over there."

The eldest lady pushed his chin: "Just now I hit hard, I will make it up to you."

Gongsun Ce hugged his girlfriend in his arms, and his whole body was filled with an atmosphere of happiness.Elandia ignored the crew's tricks and wrote on the whiteboard: "Today's lesson is..."

"Wait a moment, Teacher Ailandia." Gongsun Ce raised his hand, "Today, I want to spend about an hour to solve a problem that is very important to me."

Elandia shook her head and said: "Theoretically, you are not a magician of the world creation, and you don't need the honorable name of the world creation."

"How did you know I wanted to say this?!"

"You were flipping through the Encyclopedia of World Mythology and History last night."

"Ah damn it!" Gongsun Ce smashed the jar, "Anyway, I want a better nickname! It's not enough to be called a devil after being so strong. Please think of a more fashionable name for me." !"

 (Due to the recent chapter system maintenance, this book will be suspended for 3-5 days, and the update will be resumed after the maintenance is over. A single chapter notification will be issued when it is restored.)
(End of this chapter)

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