Superpowers of Sky City

Chapter 395 Skillful Hands Steel Heart

"Fully automated assembly line is undoubtedly the future of industry and manufacturing!"

Yamamoto Carter, the president of Y.C. Industry, waved his hand excitedly. The screen behind him displayed zero-island-style slogans written in lingua franca such as "Efficiency Focus", "Practical Peace of Mind", and "People-Oriented".The hostess on the opposite sofa showed a perfect interview smile.

"People say that Mr. Yamamoto is as enthusiastic as a golden salesman."

"Ahaha, this is really a fool. It is a precious experience that I will never forget in my life!" President Yamamoto rubbed his head and laughed.This middle-aged man in his early forties is not tall, wearing a bright yellow suit, and when he smiles, he looks as friendly as a low-level employee of Zero Island.In fact, he was indeed a self-made salesman, and the sarcastic knife that the host secretly handed over was gently taken away by him with the unique slickness of entrepreneurs.

"Where did we just say?"

"It's 'people-oriented', Mr. Yamamoto." The hostess pointed to the promotional slogan behind him, "many viewers expressed their curiosity, as a company whose main business is the production of prosthetic robots, why did Y.C Industries use the phrase 'people-oriented'?" ' as publicity?"

"Actually sharp questions. Before answering, I want to tell a story."

Yamamoto adjusted his tie and stood up from the sofa.

"The audience who have some knowledge of Y·C Industry must know that the company is a company from Zero Island. In my home country, most workers do not enjoy such generous treatment in the North Continent.

The workers in Zero Island are the workers who work day and night in the soy sauce factory, the drivers who drive overloaded trucks on the expressway at high speed in the middle of the night, and the programmers who use the LAN direct connection to write codes at the bottom of the company.They spend most of their lives working, paying blood and sweat in exchange for meager income... The money is either exchanged for non-nutritious synthetic sushi and self-numbing horsepower drinks, or for themselves In short, there is absolutely no improvement in life. "

Yamamoto was focused as he spoke, adjusting his bow tie up and down.

"These jobs are very harmful to the body. There is no return on pay and income, and they all have safety hazards. I think it is harmful and not beneficial to hand over these jobs to laborers. What we mean by 'people-oriented' is to replace them with robots." Human beings are engaged in these heavy jobs. It is precisely in order to free human beings from hard labor and actively seek a higher quality of healthy life that Y·C industry will implement automated production.”

"Indeed, the ecology of low-level workers will always need to be cared for." The hostess asked with concern, "However, the recent unemployment group also includes traditional occupational magnetic control technicians in this state..."

"In the eyes of a foreigner like me, being a technician is also an extremely dangerous job." Masashi Yamamoto said, "Relying on an electrified tool to control the magnetic force at a very close distance with your hands, if you make a mistake, you will face the threat of life and death. How can we Leave this risk to humans, and robots are enough to fight against the magnetic force!"

The hostess applauded deeply. In the following exchange, they mentioned the issue of caring for the unemployed. President Yamamoto promised to provide the unemployed with a handy robot as free care. He believes that the current Unemployment is a pain in the process of social development, and it will inevitably be resolved in a short period of time...

The old TV in the corner of the fast food restaurant was turned off, and the dark-skinned waitress put the remote control in her pocket, and brought the cheapest hamburger set to Horn's table.

"The capitalists are all double-faced people!" said the aunt in disgust. "Why didn't the yellow-faced Lingdao people lift your arm?"

"I used to work in a local company, not Y·C industry." Horn shook his head, "This is a snowball. He made a change, others followed in their own way, and then the changes became bigger and bigger... Roll to Over our heads, we were crushed in the snow."

The aunt had nothing to say, and patted his ordinary shoulder. "Think of something good." She comforted, "At least you sold a few stones this morning."

"Yes, a good sign."

Horn watched Big Ma walk away, slowly eating her chicken burger and small fries, with one hand.He was really freed from labor now, so free that he was overwhelmed.

Horn knew another way in his heart. He went to the bank to get a loan, removed the iron arm, and replaced it with a more advanced prosthetic body.A new arm would get him a decent job, but after that?The development of science and technology is changing with each passing day. When he finally pays off the loan, will he be unemployed again because he is "not needed"... What should he do then, get two better arms?How long will this cycle last?
"Googoo." The little stone ball was dangling beside his dinner plate, and there was still the last French fries left.Horne poked chips at the smooth stone surface, and the lodeton had no mouth to eat.He giggled.


The stern voice came, and Horn woke up like a dream.Father Vincent sat across the table, with a beef burger set and two strawberry sundaes on the plate.The old man handed over an ice cream, Horn wanted to refuse, but he took it with his hand first, and devoured it hungrily.

"Eating some sweets can help improve your mood," said the old priest. "It's recorded in the holy scriptures."

"Do legendary saints also eat ice cream?"

"There was no ice cream in that era, and he frozen honey in ice to share with everyone, like a popsicle with a filling."

"Sounds fascinating."

Horn imagined the picture of the saint eating popsicles in the ice and snow, and suddenly felt like laughing.He chuckled for a while, then raised his head to meet the old priest's gaze.

"There used to be a bachelor near my church," said the old priest. "He was out of work, divorced, and committed suicide. You just laughed like he did in his last days."

"I didn't...I..."

Horn smiled weakly, slumped on the plastic tables and chairs of the fast food restaurant, recalling the past in his eyes.He talks about irrelevant things.

"When I was studying in the technical college, the teacher taught us that a technician should have dexterous hands and a steel heart. Your hands should be dexterous, and you should respond with the fastest speed and precision to avoid mistakes; your heart should be cold. Don’t let the surrounding factors interfere with your rational judgment, because your office is not limited to a safe production workshop, but is more likely to be at the scene of an accident with magnetic turbulence.

But those robots have smarter hands and harder hearts than me.I'm not worried because I can't eat... The big machine of society is about to be renewed, and the old gears are replaced by newer and better ones. Where should the replaced gears go? "

Vincent was eating a hamburger, and he said vaguely: "You are a human, not a gear." He finished eating the hamburger and wiped his mouth: "Think about something good, how about tomorrow's art exhibition activities?"

"I have worked hard."

"You have to work harder!" Vincent encouraged him, "You think, after all, humans and machines are different, and those gadgets don't understand art! This is a great opportunity, the church and the city government have put pressure on enterprises, how can they Say you have to rehire some employees. Perform well, and that's your new job."

"I will work hard." Horn pretended to be very motivated.He waited for the old priest to leave, lying on the table, thinking that in a few days he could save face and beg the owner of the fast-food restaurant to ask if there was a shortage of French fries.

At [-]:[-] p.m., in the north of Caishi City, the official airport of Srock Heavy Industry.

The damaged Venus is now suspended in the airport, and a group of professional technicians are pointing fingers at the two big holes.A young man with purple hair stood beside Gongsun Ce, talking to him.

"Your ship isn't badly damaged," said Babar Slok, "so it's pretty quick to repair, and you can do it overnight. But we don't have enough G-4 alloy on hand—that thing is Sisi It is a special product of the Hall laboratory - so I used J-2 and H-8 as the main body to make up, and the effect is similar to before, but the color is a little different."

"Thank you, it's fine if you can fly." Gongsun Ce said very freely, "Anyway, this ship doesn't need much combat power."

Babar Slok is the eldest son of Principal Onowell, and the one who took over the management of the family business in his stead when the head of the family left.The son of an educator has dyed purple hair, three earrings on his right ear, and smoky makeup on his face. He almost has the word "rebellious" printed on his body, so when he learned that he and the old Gongsun Shijie was a little surprised when his father got along well.

"Rebellion is a tradition in our family." Babar said proudly, "Guess who was the first to rebel against the Guusts Empire? Who left home and founded the Ranger Guild? Who defied the crowd and joined the ranks of the Saints It’s all us. Don’t think my father is so serious, he almost pissed my grandpa to death.”

Your father is not very serious, when Orianna came to Cangdu, he entertained people to eat stewed pork rice.

Gongsun Ce kept the words in his stomach, and talked about business: "You know, I'm investigating the abnormal weather. Can I hear your opinion?"


Babar sighed: "I don't know, Mr. Gongsun. Uncle Jago said that he suspected that it was related to Beep's anomaly, but Beep is far from going berserk now. It is at best, how should I put it... Mood Not good? Not in good health?"

"As soon as I walked in the door, I was shot in the head by it."

"Believe me, this is the extent of its temper tantrum." Babar assured, "It is recorded in the ancestor's diary. If Beep really wants to smash something, Caishi City will be finished."

Gongsun Ce thought about this sentence: "So, the ancestors of the Slok family have seen when Beep got angry?"

"Twice, the first time was the first contact between the ancestors and Beep, and it became part of the family after that battle. The second time was when the legendary saint came to visit Beep... the notes say The records are vague, but they must have fought."

Babar offered to suggest: "If you need, I can show you that old parchment. But that thing is locked in the castle of my hometown by the old men, and I have to wait until tomorrow when I have time to take it out."

"Don't worry, thank you very much."

"What's the matter, if you didn't come out to stand up four years ago, Dad would have gone home in despair." Babar grinned, "The night you beat up that stupid boy in the Otimemis family, we Throwing a champagne party. What a fucking treat."

I'm stupid, the live broadcast that night will not be recorded, but please don't tell me that all the high-level executives are watching.

Gongsun Ce laughed awkwardly, then asked, "I have another question I would like to ask for your opinion. What do you think of the technician being laid off?"

"No conclusion can be drawn at this stage." Babar said, "After all, the prosthetic robot is a new gadget, and it will take several years of observation to determine its performance in various aspects—mainly in terms of safety, so I am not in a hurry to let it Subsidiary companies change people. But if it is determined after a long period of observation that the benefits outweigh the risks, I think we will adopt it appropriately at that time, at least in parallel with human work.

You see, this is the trend of the times.If you don't go with the tide, you will be left behind by it. "

"Times are changing so fast." Gongsun Ce sighed.

"Who says no, Usters has always been a fickle country." Babar glanced at his watch, "Would you like a meal together?"

Gongsun Ce declined Babar's dinner invitation.He took the bus back to the cathedral alone, and met Qin Qianbai who was inquiring about information on the street.

"how is the progress?"

"How should I put it..." Qin Qianbai tilted his head, "For the layoff of technicians, the people's caliber is very unified."

Gongsun Ce scratched his chin and speculated: "It seems that the local people's sympathy is not strong."

"Magnetic control technicians are considered high-level technical jobs, and have no intersection with most people's daily life. Therefore, under the influence of hatred of the rich and gloating, ordinary citizens don't feel cold." Qin Qianbai said, "What I heard The most typical sentence is, 'What's wrong with letting robots help us fight against magnetism, we don't need to look at their faces'."

against magnetism.Gongsun Ce thought about this unusual statement.

"Do natives use words like confrontation?"


Confrontation, confrontation, fighting, the words that describe the relationship between people are used in people and magnetism...

A vague idea came to Gongsun Ce's mind. He rubbed the girl's head and kissed her forehead.

"That's great, miss. You may have found the key point!"

Qin Qianbai's face was slightly red, and she hammered her head on someone's chest: "Idiot. Hooligan. Don't kiss me in public."

"It's hard to come to Hezhong once so that you can live a more open life~ Oh, it hurts, it hurts, don't hit me, please forgive me!"

Gongsun Ce raised his hands high and retreated steadily.There was the screeching sound of the car brakes behind him, and his back just leaned against the rear door.The window of the passenger seat was open, Shigure Zero rolled his eyes at him: "Get in the car, Lover."

Gongsun Ce pulled Qin Qianbai into the back seat: "How did you gain this afternoon, experts?"

"We just hacked the internal data of Y·C Industry. They have spent huge sums of money on the promotion of prosthetic robots in the past two years, but the profits recovered due to cost savings are pitifully small." Qi Luo's expression was rather strange, "I I settled a bill with Elandia, in theory..."

"This business should have collapsed a year ago with serious losses," Dawn Rider said.

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