Superpowers of Sky City

Chapter 372 The Valkyrie of Dawn

Chapter 372 The Valkyrie of Dawn

Mo Yuankai was lying on the ground, covering his chest with one hand, breathing heavily.

Orianna had just been exhausted and fell into a brief faint.The man-made machine god Chongguang stood tens of meters away, and the cockpit was punched with a huge pothole.Half a minute ago, the Hidden Law Lord's explosive blow knocked him out of the cockpit. If Orianna hadn't sacrificed her life to save him, I'm afraid he wouldn't have the strength to breathe.

After that, Lord Yinlu suddenly fell into a state of madness.He covered his head and yelled, was defeated by Mo Yuankai's desperate blow, and disappeared like a phantom.Mo Yuankai didn't know what was going on.The opponent suddenly went crazy?Or did the Dawn Knights help?Was that person really killed?

Can't tell.Can't figure it out.His thinking gradually became sluggish, and he tried to communicate again, and this time he succeeded.

" he alive...?!"

"Still breathing. How are you doing?"

"I'm fighting..." The younger brother's voice was intermittent, " careful..."

"it is good."

The communication was cut off, and Mo Yuankai was panting in distress.He moved his arm away little by little, revealing a tragic wound.Blood had already stained his clothes red, his chest was almost completely destroyed by the enemy, and the broken heart was filled with a temporary assembly to replace the original organs to maintain life.

It's great to have information about artificial hearts, and knowledge is always useful.Mo Yuankai thought in a daze.I can still hold on.he told himself.This degree is no problem.

He gritted his teeth and stood up, reorganizing the broken materials into brand new armor.Mo Yuankai knew that Dawn Knight's situation might not be ideal, because the fog that engulfed the city had not been dispelled by her power.Now is the critical moment, he has to hold on.

"Olianna, wake up." Mo Yuankai picked up his lover and walked forward with a heavy sword.He climbed into the cockpit of Mechanism, and said unconsciously, " find Ah Ce..."

He has to hold on.Hold on.But his vision gradually blurred, and his thoughts fell into darkness.The machine god automatically moved forward according to the command, and Mo Yuankai, who was seriously injured, temporarily lost consciousness.

The chariot was heading towards the pure white paradise that blocked the leader and the queen. They didn't drag Luo Ninglusi onto the chariot, because no one could guarantee whether the awakened old mage would be controlled again.Elandia chose to knock down the last two first. From this tactic, Gongsun Ce speculated that the joint blockade of the sun and the galaxy would also be a huge consumption for her. If she had enough spare energy, she would go to join Mo Yuankai.Elandia is not a machine that runs forever, she has to do it quickly.

Gongsun Ce tried to restore the communication, but failed: "I don't know if the elder brother heard it clearly. The communication signal is too bad, I can't hear what he is saying."

"Do your best," Elandia said. "You were distracted earlier."

"Do I have one?" Gongsun Ce smiled nervously, "Haha... Indeed, I think your spear throwing is pretty cool. Haha."

"I can give you a hand after the battle."

"That's good. Hahahaha..."

Gongsun Ce laughed dryly for a while, and his voice gradually became lower.He took a few breaths and combed his wind-torn hair.

"Sorry, I shouldn't be joking at this time." He waited a few seconds before saying, "I'm not tired. I'm just...too nervous? Out of control? I don't know, Elandia, I think I Going crazy."

The horses are running tirelessly, and they will soon approach the edge of the galaxy. At that time, the Knights of Dawn will lift the double blockade, and compete with the leader and the queen at the fastest speed.Elandia grabbed his hand: "Relax, Ce. Think about something else."

What should I think?Gongsun Ce didn't know, he felt that his fragile nerves were about to be crushed, and he might have disconnected long ago.He fears that if he thinks too much, he will collapse, and he fears that if he thinks less, he will make a mistake.

At this time, he noticed that the palm was smooth to the touch.Elandia's palms were as sweaty as his.He realized that the Dawn Knight was just as nervous, and that the controlled enemy was her master, her lord.She will also be tired and afraid, she will bear a thousand times more pressure than herself, and she will carry a burden that she cannot imagine on her shoulders.

"Hey, Elandia." Gongsun Ce shook his hand back, pretending to be relaxed, "If you're too nervous, I'll tell you a joke."

The woman laughed, briefly like a hallucination.

"Better?" "Much better." "You should smile more." "Thank you. Do me a favor."

Elandia let go of her hand and handed over a crossbow.Gongsun Ce held the rein with one hand and held the weapon in his hand.The wooden hand crossbow was already stringed, and there was a short gray arrow lying on it.

"Infuse your super powers into the arrows, and find the opportunity to shoot down your majesty's crown."

Gongsun Ce's face was stiff: "Wait a minute, are you really going to entrust me with such an important task!!!"

"I can't do it." Elandia said encouragingly, "Come on."

The blockade of the primordial sun and the pure white paradise was lifted by the Dawn Knight at this moment, and the soul-burning flames rushed out with the user's rage.Gongsun Ce couldn't help squinting his eyes, the brilliance at this moment seemed to have a thousand suns rising on the horizon at the same time.

The terrifying repulsive force made the chariot tremble continuously, and the shields around the chariot shattered layer by layer.A huge eyeball emerged from the majestic flames, its orange-red eyes moved with its free pupils, ravaging the pure white ground.The old man's voice emerged from the fire, carrying the madness to destroy the world.

"—Balor's magic pupil!"

Unstoppable, irresistible, that is a death-on-touch spell.The blazing sun in the concept of the sky is replaced by eye pupils, so as long as it is under that light, it will be destroyed by the sight of the devil.

"How to counter line-of-sight attacks?"



A mirror as transparent as ice crystals was formed like a shield, enveloping the chariot.The sight of the magic eye was reflected by the mirror shield, and the Dawn Knight repeated his old trick, taking the opportunity to throw the thunderous spear that was sure to hit, piercing through the eye pupils generated by the soul fire!

The magic pupils exploded in the air, and the old leader's first attack was broken. He took this opportunity to close the distance.McCollough and the Queen share a platinum chariot, driven by two divine bulls.On the edge of the old knight's sword, flames rippled like water waves.With a flick of his long sword, the flames were thrown out, and the soul fire circled the field, depicting a burning ring on the edge of the battlefield, like a duel field of flames.

"The doomsday is coming, and the fire of death will be extinguished!"

The flames at the edge of the field quickly disappeared in the opposite direction from when they appeared, like the fuse of a ignited bomb.An ominous premonition rose in Gongsun Ce's heart. "What is that?" "The commander's technique, when the flame is extinguished, the concept of finality will burn your life and my life, making the doomed end come earlier."

"I'm stupid, and there's a technique to end my life?! How can I stop this?!" Gongsun Ce screamed.

"Completely cracking it will take a lot of energy." A white flame grew in Elandia's hand, "We will make changes to the spell itself."

The dawn knight threw the flame in his hand, and the white flame fell on the inner side of the life fire track, forming a total of 12 numbers and three pointers of different lengths.She modified the spell itself in the most labor-saving way, realizing the "countdown" of the fire of life, thus greatly delaying the activation time of the spell.

This is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, the strength of the old captain will be continuously consumed by maintaining the decisive tactics. On the other hand, Elandia also needs to worry about the coming disillusionment.But this restriction is no different from non-existence to the two, they need a quick solution!

"See the opportunity, Ce."

"I'm working hard!"

Gongsun Ce wanted to find an opportunity, but now he had to do his best just to drive.The chariots running towards each other ushered in the first head-on collision. The drivers of both sides—Queen Anne and Gongsun Ce—choose to avoid at the last moment. The collision of empty forces caused an unprecedented shock!
The blood blade of Wansheng and the queen's chariot were blasted away at the same time, and the battlefield was shifted to the air at this moment, and the two sides who turned the front of the car were speeding parallel at the most dangerous extreme distance.The divine bull and the divine horse neighing and biting each other, the spiky wheels collided with the platinum and luxurious iron wheels, and the rubbing steel caused harsh noises and splashing sparks.

Every moment is a cry of death, every second is a dance on the abyss, and the countdown to the fire of fate is still going on steadily. Even Gongsun Ce, who grew up in the capital of the sky, trembles because of waiting for the crazy battlefield.However, the two knights who fought against each other seemed to be standing on the ground, and there was no flaw in the battle at super high speed. , Annihilation!

The imperial duel, which was postponed due to the chaos on the duel day, was staged in an ironic way at this time.It seems that the duel of ancient warriors in the arena reappeared, and the modern knights rode ancient vehicles to engage in a magnificent confrontation that surpassed any heroes in ancient times.The queen of the empty form and the knight of the silent form, the knight of the empty form and the dragon of the silent form; the old one and the young one, two groups of horses and horses that look completely opposite from the outside, galloping on the battlefield like black and white shooting stars .

The countdown of the fire of life points to "6", and the one who is at a disadvantage in the battle situation... Unbelievable, it is the Knight of Dawn!Her movements and thoughts became sluggish under the restrictions of the crown, but on the contrary, McCollo's sword skills became more fierce and brave.The strength of the youth appeared on the old man like a flashback. Is it the inexhaustible power obtained from the "immortality" of the holy fire armor?Or did the evil people who controlled him use some cruel secret method?
no!Gongsun Ce noticed that it was a very simple reason.Whenever Elandia's attack was about to affect the Queen, McCollo's sword skills suddenly became fierce.That is rooted in the heart of the old man, almost unconscious.He is the leader of the Knights, the queen's knight, even if he is controlled by villains, he has exerted a stronger potential to protect the queen around him.


Gongsun Ce gritted his teeth and cursed, he wanted to cry, he felt angry and sad because the knights had to fight.The honorable knights who were advancing for the same goal killed each other under the trick of the villain. "Don't think too much about it," he heard Elandia say. "Treat it as an ordinary duel." He forcibly suppressed his emotions.Spot the opportunity.Fire a crossbow bolt.Then win, then win.

The countdown points to 9.Gongsun Ce leaned half of his body out of the chariot, controlled the reins with only one hand and telekinetic assistance, and aimed the short crossbow at the target! "Drink!!" The old knight roared loudly, he held up the long sword of Soulfire, and slashed down with the force of a mountain crack.The dawn knight slashed horizontally with the sword in his left hand, and struck out with the gauntlet on his right arm at the same time.He punched the head of the regiment directly in the side, and the old man under the protection of the sacred fire armor did not retreat at all, he raised his sword and slashed again.

The Dawn Knight turned his sword and swung it upwards, using the pommel as a blunt weapon.The skill limited by the crown did not allow her to perform perfect movements, so she threw the long sword like a pendulum.The hilt of the large pure white sword in mid-air hit the old commander's wrist, and the right hand that punched accurately grasped the hilt when returning to defense.The sword light swinging vertically is like a gorgeous light screen.The ring shield in the silver light sword canon, the sword skill used to protect the arrows on the battlefield in ancient times, was used by Elandia to counterattack at the extreme distance!
The big sword slashed at the right rib of the old regiment leader, and the knight in black armor was knocked off balance by this blow, taking a step to the right.This is opportunity.Gongsun Ce realized it.He pulled up the rein desperately, and the horse stood upright, neighing endlessly.The blood blade of Wansheng braked urgently, and the distance from the queen's chariot instantly widened. This inconspicuous step became a flaw only at this moment!

The boy's eyes were fixed on the top of the queen's head, on the crown that shone in the fire.How long is the countdown?Is there still time?Can he hit it?Between the speeding thoughts, the objective time seems to be infinitely slower.Thoughts flowed through my mind quickly and slowly.Just treat it like a normal duel.Ordinary duel.They want to win.Because if you lose, you will die.If you lose, the Dawn Knight will die.

He wants to protect Elandia.

The feeling of that day returned to his body, and the power that penetrated the realm roared in his chest.Gongsun Ce poured power into the arrow and pulled the trigger!
The gray arrow left the string like a phantom, and the swift strike carried the youth's thoughts, piercing through the heavy protection and the soul-burning fire.The arrow hit the center of the crown, just as the stars fell to the sky, and the king's crown fell to the dust.

In an instant, the old woman's eyes were clear, and death-like sorrow and grief filled her pupils.All those emotions quickly disappeared, as if being burned by flames.The old king's eyes widened with anger, and he issued a final order to the knights.

"—Do it, Dawn Knight!"

Dawn Knight closed his eyes.Past events and memories involuntarily flashed in my heart.The confines of the crown were gone, allowing her to use her full strength.

The opponent is McCollo, who is protected by the holy flame armor, no matter what kind of blow he receives, he will recover instantly.The only flaw lies in its own mechanism of impermanence. The Burning Soul Holy Flame lacks fuel and cannot burn. The knight must first burn himself to death before he can be healed with armor.

Therefore, the moment when the opponent goes all out is a chance to win with one blow. He must resist the old knight's life-burning sword and end the battle at that moment.The limit of immortality must be surpassed, the legend of the holy king must be surpassed, and the blow that surpasses myths and legends must be taken to sever legends.

The head of the group defended the queen to the death, and she couldn't protect the queen from that blow.No matter who wins or loses in this duel, it is a tragedy.Even so, the Rider of the Dawn wields his sword.She opened her eyes, gray pupils filled with awareness.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

The starlight condenses on the great sword of the Dawn Knight, and the fire condenses on the long sword of the Holy Fire Knight.Both sides in the battle began to chant at the same time, unleashing the strongest blow with the determination to gamble everything.

"Dedicate my soul, my heart, my life. Turn my heart and soul into the fuel of the holy fire, lighting up the future of justice and glory..."

"The stars of dawn, the splendor of innocence, guide the victory of hope with true power..."

The brilliance of the souls of the two knights who are walking on the same path of integrity but are diametrically opposed to each other reaches the sky.Gold and white colliding with each other divided the real world, and heat and light blurred everything.Gongsun Ce couldn't see anything clearly. For a moment, he thought that his own existence had also disappeared. In his vision, there was only the golden flame, the eternal fire.In the brilliant gold, there is a scorched black and withered human figure swinging a sword, condensing and cutting out the majestic power.

"Burning Soul Sacred Flame, Ember Extinguishes New Life!"

Brilliant gold occupies every corner of the world, and even the pure white of Elandia's real world is gradually reduced to ashes under the burning of the fire.The magic eye, the countdown timer, and even the immortal armor, all spells and structures are no different from a joke in front of it, just like the machines that human beings are proud of will melt in the lava in the center of the earth.

This is the real power, the true ability of the boundary-breaking magician.It's pointless to contend with such an existence, right?Just like Kong Wu's powerful giant running on the ground to chase the sun, but no matter how vigorous his figure is, he can never touch the target in the sky.Even if his back grows wings, he will be completely annihilated the moment he gets close to the flames.That is the doomed end, the end that is bound to come, ushering in the demise of everything in the vigorous burning.

Gongsun Ce thought that this time it was really going to be over.

And before the moment that was about to end, he saw the stars.

A pure white star that appeared on its side.Its main body is a knight with silver hair and silver armor, and a woman holding a sword in the fire.Rejecting the end, resisting death, and longing for survival, that is the absolute reality that exists in the hearts of all beings.

She doesn't expect to be the sun that drives away all darkness, she wants to be the morning star that leads the way.Pierce a light in the dark, guide the way for like-minded people, and reveal hope for desperate people.That is the truth of Elandia, the dawn that announces the end of the long night.

"True World: Breaking Dawn!"

And so starlight bloomed in the sacred fire, and stars were born from the flames.The knight who pinned his life on the edge of the sword cut out the shining cross that drove away despair.The boundless sea of ​​flames separated from the center, and the swords of the knights were in the center of the battlefield for the last confrontation!
Now is the time to get started.

At the moment the crown falls, she makes a decision.

The jackknife popped out soundlessly, and the bleak dark color brushed over the blade, reshaping the weapon into a dagger shaped like a bull's horn.

She took out her green pupils and embedded them in the grooves on both sides of the dagger like gems.

The last round of conflict between the holy flame knight and the dawn knight began, and the moment when the strongest attack was used was also the weakest moment.

The light and heat all over the world make her spirit appear, and the "true self hidden in death" is released.The cloak that achieved complete concealment effect after being deliberately interfered by the Hermit Lord was torn to shreds by the aftermath of the fight between the real powerhouses.

At this moment, Cliki Hyde's mind reversed, the stillness appeared, and the "death manifested in my heart" was activated.She cut open her chest, and the blood and ashes condensed on the surface of her body into a high hat, a coat, and a red and black smiling mask.At the cost of consuming life, the method of silence provides a full range of quality improvement, as if the true self in her heart encouraged her to go to death.In this way, the preparations are ready, and it is time to meet the final step, the final grand performance of the murderer in this life.

"Cruel despair surpasses death, and the end of the night will never end. It seems to create a world. The end of delusion · the blade of the night!"

It's like creating a world.It cannot be established among the existing seven phases, and it relies on the hypocritical creation method formed by extreme emotions and thoughts.False existence, the blade of delusion, the concept of dark night that is completely incompatible with dawn.It’s just that these are not enough, coupled with the jealous green pupils, the hatred against one person is activated by the rampant spiritual prison world, and the existence of the assassin itself is rewritten as a jealous "phantom".

The assassin's maniacal laughter flashed away, and her body turned into a black and red shadow passing through the light and fire, like a poisonous snake biting an upright man.As written in countless plays, as mourned in so many tragedies, the insignificant treacherous villain lurks behind the hero, stabbing the blade at the climax of the story!
Everything is fleeting in an instant, like dew and lightning, fleeting.

Starlight dispelled the holy fire.The great sword cut off the long sword.The queen's body melted in the dawn light, and the defeated old man smiled sadly and appreciatively.

The sharp sword light pierced the sky and the earth, and the power gathered rose like a giant sword, and expanded violently after breaking away from the restraint.The pure white world melted in plasma-like fluctuations, like the end of the stars.


The chariot was destroyed in the aftermath of the attack.Gongsun Ce fell to the ground, he shouted excitedly, he couldn't hear his own voice.Everything becomes pure white.He tilted his head joyfully, wanting to cheer victory, and out of the corner of his eye he saw a black line piercing the pure white, like a stain that shouldn't exist in a perfect creation.


Gongsun Ce roared hoarsely, mobilizing all his strength to push away the red and black figure, but he didn't get any feedback, just like piercing through a phantom.

The black and red figure and the dagger are approaching the limit——

Then, the dawn knight lowered his body at the critical moment and turned sideways.

The still lingering morning light condensed on the blade, and the pure white metal swirled perfectly.The momentum of the sword is like a star ring, and the wind of the sword causes a storm.The malicious dagger was defeated head-on, and the swivel blade sent the assassin's body flying.The Dawn Knight defended against a sneak attack at the last moment and cut the assassin to the sword!
(End of this chapter)

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