Chapter 633
The much-anticipated first battle of the Triwizard Tournament has finally come to an end. Judging from all aspects, this Triwizard Tournament is a classic. There are many things worth remembering, and it even left an understatement in the history of magic. It's not impossible.

But it didn't end there for the organizers.

Many big figures from all walks of life in the European wizarding world gathered at the viewing venue. Some of them left the campus and disapparated directly after watching the game. Some of them took carriages to Hogsmeade Station, intending to take the last train to Hogwarts. Special train back to London.

Of course, there were also many people who chose to stay, so a grand banquet began.

Thousands of candles hovered over the spacious auditorium, making the castle's auditorium more magnificent than ever before.In the past, the tables of the four principals were covered with luxurious velvet tablecloths, and the house elves in the kitchen tried their best to make dishes that were both beautiful and delicious.

In order to entertain these guests, almost all the staff of Hogwarts came out in full force. Even Mrs. Pince, who looked after the library, stood with Filch with a dark face to toast the guests.

But not many young wizards attended this banquet. They were more willing to go back to the common room of their respective colleges to discuss today's game with their classmates, rather than being cautious in front of a group of adult wizards with fake smiles on their faces. have dinner.

Among the four warriors, three were staying in the school hospital of Hogwarts. Therefore, as the representative of the warriors, Hermione could only stay in the auditorium, which also caused a group of Gryffindor people to Stay here with her.

"What did you say!" Hermione suddenly shouted in surprise in the harmonious atmosphere of the auditorium, "How could Tom..., and Sirius--"

Harry quickly made a shushing gesture to Hermione, while Ron next to him had a dumbfounded expression.


Ms. Bones took a sip of crystal clear tequila and said thoughtfully,

"I heard your students calling Sirius's name, Amosta, why, did he come to the field today, but I didn't. Oh, I guess he must have used the Animagus form?"

Amosta smiled and said,
"For my sake, don't deduct his salary this time--"

"You can't coerce him with salary. Although the Black family is lonely, the remaining wealth is still enough for him to live a good life. To be honest, there is no need for him to do this drudgery, right?"

Amelia raised her glass from a distance to Ludo, who was happily in the crowd, turned her head and continued to say to Amosta,
"The reason why Rufus has always disliked him is known to almost everyone in the ministry. Sirius escaped from Azkaban and fled all the way to Hogwarts. During those days, the ministry used almost all the resources it could send to him. No one was able to catch him, and Rufus was criticized almost daily in those days by Connelly and Batty--"

Amosta had a clear mind, and he knew that Amelia was probably questioning why he put Sirius into the Ministry of Magic. At that time, Amosta only asked Amelia to help, but did not give her enough. Compelling reasons.As a political alliance in a substantial sense, it will inevitably make people feel a little uncomfortable.

The two people who had a tacit understanding slowly walked past those who wanted to toast them and walked towards the foyer. The clear night and the cold wind made the two people who had drunk a lot of wine clear their minds. They walked down the stairs and walked across the venue towards the Black Lake. Walk to the edge.

The flawless moonlight reflected on the lake did not light up the Black Lake, but made the abyss appear even darker.

"There's something I think you need to know, Amelia—"

Amosta moved his eyes away from the lake and looked at the hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. He saw Hermione, Harry and Ron quickly jumping across the field and running towards Hagrid's hut.After smiling, he looked at Amelia who was paying full attention to what he was going to say.

"Perhaps you will think that I am ridiculous or abrupt when I say this, but the truth is that the person who has always been feared by people in this country and who dare not even mention his name will probably be back among us soon. --"

The wind was still whistling, but this whistling sound brought a wonderful "quietness", as if the only thing left in the world was the monotonous sound of wind.

"I'm sorry, Amosta, I don't understand if you mean-"

It's hard to tell whether Amelia's expression at this moment was more confused or more fearful. In short, she raised her head and glared at Amosta Blaine, who was half a head taller than her, and tried hard to focus on that calm face. Searching, it seems, is to find some evidence of lies.

"--If you mean the mysterious man?"

Amelia's reaction made Amosta sigh in his heart. Although Amelia's reputation for toughness is not as good as that of Barty Crouch, her integrity is far superior. Such a wizard will not be afraid. Fight against evil. However, just hearing himself say this, he looked like he was in a state of confusion.

"That's the one, Amelia--"

Amosta walked along the lake shore and said calmly, while Amelia stumbled in her steps, and then quickly caught up. "You should know, Amosta, this is very, I mean extremely serious--"

Sweat dropped from Amelia's forehead, and she gasped hard,

"You are sure this is not a joke... But hasn't that person's magic power been completely destroyed by Harry Potter? He... Oh, Dumbledore has indeed been telling people that the mysterious man will come back one day, but... "

Amelia was speechless. Her mind was full of some terrible things that had happened during the last war - riots, assassinations, massacres, torture, chaos, betrayal, and everyone was in danger.
Few people in today's magical world are willing to recall the dark years that brought endless pain to people, including Amelia, nor are they willing to recall the helplessness of life and death.

Amosta didn't speak anymore, just walked quietly. He knew that Amelia probably needed some time to digest this matter.

"Dumbledore has reached an agreement with you on this matter, right?"

After a long time, Amelia gritted her teeth and said,

"You have indeed obtained substantial evidence?"

"You should know, Amelia, no one would joke about something like this, especially Dumbledore. We have found some evidence and signs that confirm that this is really going to happen and it won't be long. Maybe only a few months”

"Since this is the case!"

Amelia became excited;

"Is it possible? I mean, now that you have discovered the clues, is it possible to prevent this from happening? Dumbledore and you, it makes no sense for you to join forces. I mean, it will definitely destroy the mysterious man's attempt to return. Let’s plan”

Amelia looked eagerly at this young wizard who was only half her age. She was looking forward to an optimistic answer, even though she had already guessed in her heart that getting a reply would definitely be a bad result.

"Sorry, we can't--"

As expected, Amosta responded with regret,

"In other words, it can't be. There are some complicated reasons that cannot be explained clearly. Let's not talk about this, Amelia. You must understand that this matter must be kept absolutely confidential. You cannot disclose it to anyone. I told you, I just hope you can have some mental preparation. After all, the Ministry of Magic is very important when fighting against a force that wants to subvert everything. It must be ensured that the functions of the Ministry of Magic are intact at that time - "

After a torturous and long silence, Amelia looked at Amosta with a complicated expression. She never imagined that she came to Hogwarts just to create a scene for Amosta and maintain the friendship between the two. As a 'strategic partner', she actually heard such shocking things from Amosta.

"So, after the Greyback incident, you chose to support me just for today, right? But, why didn't you go to Connelly? Well, Connelly is not suitable to lead the Ministry of Magic during the war years, Nappa What about Dee, are you not going to him because he is not a wizard who wants his decision-making to be interfered with?"

It must be admitted that none of these powerful officials are simple people.

Amosta's deep gaze blending into the night wavered for a moment. He faced Amelia with a smile and spoke in a gentle tone.
"I'm not a Machiavellian, Amelia, and I don't want to control either you or the Ministry.

I just hope that the Ministry of Magic can really play some positive role after the war starts, and listen to people's opinions and suggestions. But it is such a simple appeal, Cornelius Fudge and Barty Crow Qi Du can't do it. As for the people below, they don't have enough prestige to even control the ministry smoothly."

"I would be happy to receive a kind and sensible reminder--"

Amelia took a deep breath,

"Well, not to reveal the information, of course not, otherwise it will cause panic and interfere with your and Dumbledore's plans. But since you told me, you must want me to do something, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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