Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 578 Friendly Krum

Chapter 578 Friendly Krum
Harry's furious actions shocked everyone who was watching this scene. Not to mention Krum, even Mrs. Pince forgot to be angry. The reason why she tolerated those empty-headed little witches in her library The reason why he was chasing stars was because Krum was Durmstrang's guest.

But what happened to Harry Potter?

Krum's eyebrows that had just stretched out moved closer to the center of his eyebrows again. He looked at the boy in front of him who was half a head shorter than him, with confusion in his eyes.

He knew that the green-eyed boy was Harry Potter, a guy who was, in a way, even more famous than he was.He met him face to face twice, the first time was at the World Cup, and the second time was yesterday, when he and two friends took them to visit the Hogwarts campus, and both times, his attitude was quite friendly. , especially his red-haired friend, is his fan.

But what's going on now?

He didn't allow himself to get close, and he seemed to want to attack him. But it had to be said that Harry Potter's posture and eyes were quite scary, and he looked like he had received some training.

"Oh, come on, Harry!"

Hermione finally came to her senses and she yelled in panic.

She was probably the only person who knew why Harry behaved in such an extreme way. He probably regarded all unfamiliar people as potential targets of persecution.I have to say that this feeling of being protected is still very good, but it would not be good if there were any disputes with Durmstrang's warriors.

"Let's speak out"

Hermione pulled Harry behind her without any explanation. She was ready to explain to Krum, but Mrs. Pince's unbearable look made her shudder, so she whispered to Krum.

There were people coming and going at the entrance of the library, which was obviously not suitable for chatting. By some strange coincidence, Hermione led the two boys to the place where Professor Blaine rescued the house elves last time. When she turned around, Hermione found Krum looking at himself. This section of the corridor and the closed classrooms.


A spider the size of a baby's fist crawled through the huge web above their heads. Hermione flipped her hair and spoke in an unnatural tone.
"We usually don't need so many classrooms for classes. Some places have been left aside for many centuries. So, it doesn't look so neat--"

Harry curled his lips. It was not the time when he was a tour guide yesterday, so there was no need to explain it so clearly to Krum.

"I think it's interesting--"

Unexpectedly, Krum didn't mind the bad environment here and didn't catch Harry's excessive reaction just now. He stared at the sculpture with a broken arm at the end of the corridor with interest and said,

"Our castle is not as high as Hogwarts, only four floors. It is not as comfortable and interesting as here--"

Harry seemed to have discovered that Viktor Krum did not have the air of an international Quidditch star. He usually didn't like to talk, and was probably just worried about his poor English pronunciation.Just like now, he was mumbling something about Durmstrang, but occasionally a few weird Bulgarian sentences would come out, so that Harry and Hermione couldn't understand what he was saying.

"Can you get me an autograph?"

Suddenly, Krum looked at Harry and Hermione and said.

This is an interesting request. Generally speaking, people only ask Krum for autographs. When he took Beauxbatons and Durmstrang's people for a walk on campus yesterday, Harry saw a lot of Hogwarts. The girls from Ci rushed up to Krum and asked for his autograph.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other in surprise, and then a realization emerged in their hearts.

"Whose do you want?" Hermione asked cautiously.

"Mr. Blaine -" Krum said a little gloomily, "I don't know many people. I don't know if Mr. Blaine would feel, uh."

"Presumptuous!" Harry helped Krum fill in the word he couldn't spell.

To be honest, Krum was much easier to communicate with than Harry thought. The most important thing was that he had no hostility toward Hermione, who was also a warrior. He even congratulated Hermione, and the tone when he said this sounded like It feels much more comfortable than when Ron said this last night.

When Harry asked him why he didn't ask Malfoy to help - Drum had been sitting next to Malfoy at the dinner for the past two days, and both Harry and Ron saw Malfoy being courteous to Krum.

Krum mumbled something, which Harry couldn't hear very clearly, but it seemed to mean that he thought Malfoy was not too reliable, and this evaluation made Harry's impression of Krum much better. At the same time, he also Realized that I had just been a little rude.

"Okay, I'll go figure it out-"

Harry accepted Krum's request as an apology.They started walking back, and Krum told Hermione why he was in the library.
"I'm researching information to prepare for my first project——"

When the competition was mentioned, Hermione's expression became worried. She wanted to know the direction of Krum's exploration, but before she spoke, she realized that she shouldn't ask because the competition regulations required her to rely entirely on herself. , and asking about another warrior’s thoughts is obviously cheating.

"prepare for?"

Harry blinked in confusion. He learned from Hermione that Barty Crouch's instructions to the warriors did not seem to have anything substantial except asking them to be mentally prepared to face the test.

"But the Ministry of Magic didn't say anything, did they? What can you find in the book?"

Compared to Hermione, Harry was much more open-minded. He didn't care about the rules and asked straightforwardly.And Klum also showed magnanimity and expressed his thoughts.
"Yeah, they didn't say it, but there are traces -"

Krum raised his thick eyebrows. He looked at the profile of Hermione who was pretending not to care. The show off in his eyes minimized the intimidation his idol status brought to others.
"The specific projects are top secret, but generally speaking they are in those categories. If you find the records of previous competitions, you can probably guess what they want the Warriors to deal with."


Hermione's eyes suddenly lit up. This was such an obvious idea. If it weren't for her worries about the warrior identity and Ron who fell on her through unconventional means, she should have thought of it.

"--I'm not familiar with the Hogwarts library."

Klum said in that awkward accent again,

"I can't find any record of this. Your librarian doesn't seem to like having people ask questions—"

"I can help, I'm fairly familiar with the library!"

Hermione said cheerfully.

Harry, who was like a bodyguard, shrugged helplessly after hearing Hermione say this. He seemed to have expected that he might not be able to leave the library today.

Things were just as Harry expected. Hermione gathered all the books in the library that could be related to the Triwizard Tournament. The pile of books could literally build a wall. The three of them have been recording the books. The key content in it, except during lunch and dinner, Harry hurried downstairs to help them get something to eat.

Of course, he also met Ron in the auditorium, but when he asked Ron to go to the library with him to help Hermione and Krum find the reference room, Ron hesitated and said that he and Seamus had made an appointment in the afternoon. We want to play Gobstone together.

This made Harry feel a little annoyed and at the same time a little strange. He could vaguely feel that Ron seemed to be deliberately avoiding Hermione since last night.

He didn't have much time to think deeply about this problem. After the thought flashed through his mind, he threw it aside. The most important thing now was to help Hermione find some clues about the content of the game.

"It's just crazy."

After Madam Pince repeatedly asked them to leave the library, Hermione and Harry walked out of the library with a stack of parchments recording the status of the Triwizard Tournament centuries ago. Krum had left earlier. , he told them, Professor Karkaroff would not let them stay in the castle too late.

"They actually let the warriors deal with dementors, werewolves, inferi, and chickens--"

When passing the covered bridge, Hermione suddenly stopped and faced the sparkling black lake and shouted in a broken voice,
"But this is all illegal!"

(End of this chapter)

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