Please, come home and practice the piano

Chapter 322 23. "Almost at the same time, but also successively."

Chapter 322 23. "Almost at the same time, but also successively."

Xiao Ji: Teacher, there is bread in my bag, do you want to eat it?I'll send it over!
Bawanyi: You eat, I’m not hungry
Not hungry is a lie, Li An was extremely hungry, and when he replied to Ji Yang's message, his stomach grumbled twice.

"Teacher Qi, let's go up."


Putting away the phone, Li An followed Qi Yunsong and left the west lounge.

Return to the stage with warm applause.

At this time, it was half past five, and no one left the audience.

With a glance, it was only then that Li An found Lao Li in the corner of the back row.

The two of them made eye contact from a distance, and Lao Li was still a little serious, his eyes seemed to say, don't talk to me, just take your class seriously.

Li Anxin laughed all the time, so she didn't sit any further.

"The next classmate."

After the applause fell, he picked up the microphone again and read from the list on the piano, "Liu Yushuang."

The name is level.

Then he looked up and saw a boy with a short hair standing up from the fourth position on the right hand of Lao Ji and walking towards the stage.

It's him, it's him, the whispers in the audience are not cryptic at all, and when it reaches Li An's ears, it inevitably makes him look forward to it a little more.

Of the 24 children, fourteen of them are all students of Teacher Qi, and Teacher Qi only took care of this one.

"Hello, Teacher Li."

Liu Yushuang walked onto the stage, stopped one meter in front of Li An, bent down and bowed generously, without any restraint.

Li An nodded, "Hello," and then raised his hand to signal the other party to start directly.

Hearing this, Liu Yushuang sat down in front of the students using the piano, and did not raise her hands in a hurry, but spent about ten seconds adjusting the height of the piano bench.

During the whole process, Li An noticed that every time Liu Yushuang lowered the height of the piano bench, he would raise his arms and move his shoulders.


Li An knew that Liu Yushuang was adjusting the piano bench, unlike some children who came up before, who seemed to have adjusted the height of the piano bench, but did not raise their arms to adapt to the height.

Without this link, the preparatory work of adjusting the piano bench is meaningless.

Especially for students who are inexperienced in playing, they don't have much practical experience and experience. In a completely unfamiliar environment, they can find the most suitable piano bench height for their performance by just fiddle with the bottom of their buttocks.

It is extremely imprecise to judge whether the height and placement of the piano bench are suitable for you only by feeling the sitting posture and visually measuring the distance between the piano bench and the piano.

Many masters go to the concert scene and spend some time adjusting the piano bench. This is not a show, but a problem that the regular players ignore——

The piano bench is a part of the piano composition, and it is one of the foundations for the player to successfully complete various techniques.

If the piano bench is too low, the player will inevitably lose strength from the shoulder to the forearm, and cannot easily use the wrist to control the rapid movement of the fingers.

If the piano bench is too high, the player's fingers will lose part of their flexibility, and they will be easily disturbed by the pressure of the upper body, which will directly affect the performance speed and coherence of performance.

Of course, there are indeed some great pianists in history who like to play the piano in some sitting postures that violate the laws of nature.

However, the reason why the master is worshiped should not be included in the Five Elements and Three Realms.

Therefore, for ordinary players, how to find the most comfortable sitting position before the performance starts is very important.

Li An initially spent half a class time helping Xiao Ji adjust his sitting posture, and then Xiao Ji started to do it again, shouting that he could no longer feel the existence of his shoulders.

Li An didn't know if Qi Yunsong had particularly emphasized the problem of sitting posture with Liu Yushuang, but he had already begun to appreciate the child's attitude.

Meticulous and serious.

The status is also right, not too fast.
Finding the most comfortable sitting position, Liu Yu flicked his hands up, but he was not as calm as he looked.

Finally waiting for this opportunity, he must show his best form.

Taking three deep breaths, Liu Yu raised his fingers and dropped them.


Following the sound of two sonorous and powerful octaves of both hands, the left wrist on the keyboard moved to the left with a precise scale, and each movement of half a finger width brought out a group of extremely well-proportioned fast runs.

Li An was about to applaud Liu Yushuang's fingers in his heart, but then his right hand on the keyboard had a serious finger-drop error during the big jump.

A very obvious whoosh sounded from the piano castanets.

Ouch, what a pity.

A very good start, except that the pedals were confiscated.

After continuing to listen for a while, Li An was relieved.

Liu Yushuang didn't seem to be affected by the mistake just now, and played the whole work to the end without any mistakes.

Clean and neat, frustrated and orderly.

Indeed a good seed.

After Liu Yushuang finished playing, he stopped, and after a while, Li An clapped his hands twice.

Applause echoed twice in the quiet hall, followed by whispers from the audience.

It is worthy of being the No.6 player in the high school group of the Ganzhou Youth Piano Competition. Even Teacher Li applauded.

At the same time, they could also hear clearly just now that Liu Yushuang's torrent etude was beyond their reach, even if there was such a mistake.

"It plays really well."

Ang Lee did not hesitate to praise, "Your finger, wow, is so flexible."

After receiving such praise, Liu Yushuang finally breathed a sigh of relief. The wrong pronunciation just now was really inappropriate. Fortunately, it was okay, and fortunately, he recovered his state later.

Raising his hand to wipe off the sweat from his forehead, he turned his face and stood up to look at Li An, and said sincerely, "Thank you, Mr. Li."

"Sit down." Li An didn't waste the child's time, and sat directly in front of the piano prepared for him by the organizer, "Let's talk about the group of notes from sol to dol at the beginning."

"The contrast between strength and weakness is not enough."

Speaking of which, Ang Lee made a set of demonstrations with an extremely obvious contrast between strength and weakness, "Especially this promotion Dol, how different is the feeling when you pop up from the previous promotion Sol?"

"The mark on the sheet music is very clear, from f to fp, what is there in the middle, con fuoco, what does it mean, passionately, you have to bloom, and you have to feel like sending it out."

"The sol is not opened enough, and the dol is too thick."

"So it makes your subsequent sentences sound muddy, but you actually played it very clearly."

Liu Yushuang was hit with one word, and Xiaotou nodded twice.

Those who know me, Teacher Li also! !

He has always been dissatisfied with the effect between the two sets of octaves at the beginning. He has also tried many methods and watched many teaching videos of Torrent, but no matter what he tries, nothing changes.

He wanted to play like what Mr. Li An did just now, the octaves of the first set of sol sharpened quickly, and then the second set of dol sharps were mellowly closed in a very elastic state.

The problem was pointed out, and Liu Yushuang naturally expected to be able to get some advice, "Mr. Li, this has troubled me for a long time."

As for the problem, it is indeed a small problem, and Ji Yang probably knows what's going on down here.


Xiao Ji answered the old season's question confidently.
Li An guessed that when Liu Yushuang practiced this passage in the past, all the kung fu should be in his hands, and in the original owner's memory, Teacher Qi's requirements for students to step on the pedals were indeed not very strict.

"The moment the dol comes out, the sustain pedal has to be released."

Li An directly gave the request, and then demonstrated again.

[Reputation value +1]

"Push up the dol and release the pedal. These two things happened almost at the same time, but in sequence. It's a bit mysterious. You can experience it."

Liu Yushuang came to feel it, and the whole person sat back on the piano, looking a little excited, and his heartbeat was faster than when he finished playing just now.

He understands, although he hasn't tried it yet, but he really understands, this feeling is really mysterious.

At this moment, everyone's eyes in the audience were focused on Liu Yushuang, as if everyone wanted to see if Liu Yushuang could have the same feeling as Teacher Li.


The next second, "Beautiful! Do it again."


"Very good, correct, come again."




Liu Yushuang practiced three times in a row, becoming more proficient each time. The last time he continued to play the following sentences. At this time, the four young teachers in the audience, including Qi Yunsong, could hear them more clearly.

Just now he also wanted to say that it should be a problem with the pedals, but how to loosen the pedals, he learned "almost at the same time, and there is a sequence."

In fact, it is to coordinate the coordination of hands and feet through consciousness. However, in this way, can students understand how to cooperate in the first place?

It has to be Teacher Li An, wonderful.
Ang Li doesn't know if it's good or not, anyway, he has always been like this in class, sometimes in order to let students understand an action, he doesn't care if what he said is full of mistakes, or contradictory, as long as the children can quickly understand Whatever happened, his goal was achieved.

On the contrary, he is not a Chinese teacher.

Liu Yushuang's initial question was solved in 3 minutes, and Li An then moved on to the next question.

He didn't give Liu Yushuang a few minutes just because Liu Yushuang was outstanding.

After taking the time to point out the other party's dissatisfaction with the value of the dotted notes in 34 bars, he put together the scores on the piano.

"come on."

Liu Yushuang immediately knew that his time was up, and he didn't dare to delay any longer, so he quickly got up and bowed to Li An again.

"Thank you for your advice."

"You're welcome, get ready."

As he said that, Li An looked at the young Yu in front of him again. He was as clean as his name, neat and tidy.

If it wasn't for the geographical relationship, he would have discussed with Mr. Qi to give him the child.

"Just stick to it. At the end of the year, at least the nine major steel watches will make a base. I am very optimistic about you."

As if he had received the greatest encouragement, Liu Yushuang bowed again, "Thank you, Teacher Li."

At this moment, [Liu Yushuang's teacher-student index increased to 42]

Li An was taken aback for a moment, and this would have killed Brother Fei.

Liu Shuangyu got up and was about to step off the stage, but Li An stopped her just as she turned her head, "Wait a minute, how long can you practice in a day?"

Liu Yushuang couldn't think of what kind of attention Teacher Li was calling at the moment. When he thought of the sister that Teacher Li was talking about, he felt a little ashamed, and replied, "It's only six hours."

Six hours a day, only 180 hours a month.

Li An calculated slightly: "It's far from enough."

After a while, Liu Yushuang felt that he understood again, and nodded vigorously.

Li An was happy, and the young man had sharp eyesight: "Go."

There is one thing to say, it is an iron fact that Ji Yang's art exam is over, so it is really a question of who will carry the banner of experience value increase for him in the next six months.

This kid is interesting.

"The next classmate."
Among the next eleven children, none of them moved Li An's heart.

No matter from the stage level or the on-the-spot feedback, it didn't bring him any special feeling.

Of course, this is the norm. If everyone is like Liu Yushuang, then how can he eat this bowl of rice.

After earnestly finishing the last child's class, Li An didn't rush to announce the dismissal of the get out of class.

Instead, he took the initiative to play a song for everyone present today.

A complete set of sonatas in three movements, Mozart k310.

This set of works was his favorite during the art examination period, probably like Liu Fengrui for the lonely brave, and Ji Yang for the winter wind.

At each stage, everyone has their own favorite music.

The reason for choosing such a work is probably that after the six-hour class today, Ang Lee seemed to have returned to the green time during his exam preparation.

In these children, he can always see the shadow of himself, the desire for knowledge, the confusion for the future, the joy of harvest, and the frustration of difficulties.

Perhaps playing such a work in a minor key in such a scene seems a bit sad.

Indeed, under the dim stage lights, Ang Lee's lonely hands swayed back and forth between the black and white grids, as if he could never jump out of this square inch.

But this is the path he chose.

So he also wanted to tell every child in the audience.

After playing the last note, he calmly withdrew his hands.

Picking up the microphone at his feet, he walked to the front of the stage, looked around, chuckled and sighed.

After the applause fell, he raised the microphone to his mouth and paused for a while:
"Stick to what you love."

"Love what you stand for."

"Good luck to you all."



On the way to Guifaxiang Hotel by riding a small electric donkey, Li An's face was sometimes conscious and sometimes unconscious.

He had already forgotten how much his reputation had increased just now, and he didn't have time to see if Zhang Shuangyu's teacher-student index had already killed Brother Fei.

He only remembered the moment when he took the car keys from his father at the entrance of the concert hall, the relieved expression on his father's face made him want to cry.

At that time, the first thought that popped into his mind was, if his father in the distance could see himself on stage like today, would he also show such a gratifying smile.

Not daring to think any more, he snatched the key from Lao Li's hand, then turned his head and ordered: "Xiao Ji, send the old man to the door of the unit, and then send me a message."

Then he turned around and rushed downstairs.

in the eyes of all.

Really quiet like a virgin, moving like a rabbit, is this still the peaceful and beautiful teacher Li An who sat in front of the piano just now?

The staff on duty outside the field can be sure that this is Mr. Li, but this young staff, no matter what, never thought that the old man on crutches is really not lying to him

My son attends class in it, hehe, the uncle is quite humorous.
As soon as Li An went out of the building, he found the small white e-Donkey that was often parked at the door of the unit, and then set off.

At the moment he is on his way to Gui Faxiang.

The cold wind hit his face, like a needle prick, he would feel it for a while, and then he would not feel it for a while.

Fortunately, Gui Faxiang was not far from the Cultural Center, if it was any further away, he was really afraid that his small body would not be able to carry it.

He stopped at the intersection of Jianyang Road and Jianshe Road, waited for the next green light, and he arrived at his destination.

In the southwest corner, at Guifaxiang Hotel, the six golden characters are shining with golden lights, which are extremely eye-catching at night.

After parking the car in front of the tobacco and alcohol supermarket at the gate of Gui Faxiang, Li An went up the steps of the hotel.

"Hello sir."

"How to get to the Lotus Hall."

Following behind the waiter, Li An brushed his hair twice.

Coming to the second floor, passing through two exquisite corridors, one horizontal and one vertical, the gate of the Lotus Hall appeared in front of him.

There was a real laugh from inside the crack of the door.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

The waitress who led the way turned and left with a smile. Li An spat lightly, then opened the door and entered.

For a moment, a mixture of perfume, tobacco, alcohol, and spicy heat came out.

Suddenly, the box fell silent, and everyone turned to the door.

The eyes of Li An and Zheng Xiaoyu met in the next second.

Almost at the same time, and successively.

(End of this chapter)

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