Chapter 108 The Girl's Kiss
Liu Xiaoli couldn't stand listening anymore, so she slapped Concubine Liu Yi, Jiang Changsheng was not embarrassed, and even winked at Liu Xiaoli.

"Culture is up to you." Jiang Changsheng said, and he didn't force it. Concubine Liu Yi is just curious about psychological books, not interested.

In later generations, she likes to watch these, and she also seeks psychological comfort from them after encountering large-scale cyber violence.

As for the problem of aesthetics and vision, with Jiang Changsheng around, that's not a problem.

Jiang Changsheng threw his backpack into the back seat, got into the driver's seat, and prepared to drive away.

Liu Yifei suddenly shouted loudly: "Write me a song!"

Jiang Changsheng turned off the car that had just started, and poked his head out of the window: "What did you say?"

"I said write me a song!" Concubine Liu summoned up her courage and said, "Aren't you the best at writing songs for women?"

"You are not considered a woman, you are a young girl!"

"Then can you write a song for a girl like me?"

Jiang Changsheng got out of the car, opened the trunk, and took out his guitar.

He walked to a small pond and sat on the stone railing. Liu Yifei led Shu Chang and followed behind him.

Jiang Changsheng looked at the two beautiful girls, the breeze was blowing, and the sun was shining brightly. The two stood side by side, like two budding roses. The picture was very beautiful. He said, "This song is called Girls. Si."

Stir the guitar, the prelude sounds, the melody is simple and beautiful, with a clean and fresh feeling.

"Put on makeup once in a while, we'll never grow old;
That's the joke of the mirror, stretch your waist before the glass window;
Find your wrinkled skirt while the sun shines~"

Jiang Changsheng sang very easily, with very warm tunes and lyrics. The early summer wind blew up the skirts of Liu Yifei and Shu Chang, the picturesque girls and poetic singing voices, the scene was very harmonious.

"Wear your shadow to see, the wind and bangs talk wantonly;

No language required~
You send yesterday away, lightly tiptoe down, turn around and say goodbye to you, the person has gone away~
Oh, don't look back at the girl, it's the past against the current~
Your dancing shadow~
Through the glass, remind you to protect yourself at all times
Sadness will forget you on the canvas shoes~"

Jiang Changsheng's singing seemed to be telling a pure and beautiful girl to protect herself and not be infected by sadness.

Concubine Liu Yi was completely fascinated by the song, with a slight smile on her lips, she closed her eyes and shook her head gently following the singing.

Jiang Changsheng began to play and sing the second verse.

"In the dark night of the rainy season, in an indifferent direction~
Coat full of evening wind~
The shadow of the tree brushes past the eyes of the last train, and the lonely person sits in the last row of seats;
Oh, head up girl~
Nothing was ever really yours, and nothing was ever lost~
Because you are a girl, you don’t need to explain or care~
Let the person who asks the question continue to guess~"

When Jiang Changsheng sang this passage, he remembered Concubine Liu Yi's reaction after being raped by the Internet in her previous life. She felt sad, resisted, and relieved until she didn't explain or care. Nothing really belonged to you, let alone lost.

His voice became softer and softer.

Then it ends with a long humming.


The humming and guitar tunes are simple and warm, like the beauty of a girl.

After singing a song, Concubine Liu Yi opened her eyes, stared at Jiang Changsheng brightly, and kissed him on the cheek suddenly.

The girl's lips were soft and cold, showing her firmness and tension.

Jiang Changsheng didn't respond. He picked up the guitar and stood up, saying, "I will record this song and give it to you when I return to Yanjing. You can also learn to sing. If you want to make an album in the future, this song can be added to it."

Liu Yifei has a good voice. She has gone through the singing and dancing route in her previous life. Although she can't become a top singer, as long as she is willing to practice hard, she can sing some songs that are not very difficult, which is more than enough.

After speaking, Jiang Changsheng put the guitar into the trunk of the car, turned around and got into the car.

When Jiang Changsheng left, Shu Chang slapped Liu Yifei's face, "Qiqian, you were so brave just now, how does it feel to kiss your face?"

Only then did Liu Yifei remember that her mother and Shu Chang were still at the scene. Just after listening to the song, her brain got hot and she jumped on it.

Liu Xiaoli did not embarrass her daughter, she held the hands of Liu Yifei and Shu Chang.

"Let's go back and finish filming the rest of the scenes."

After Jiang Changsheng drove back to Yanjing, he went to the hospital to see Li Xiaoran's grandmother again. Fan Bingbing went to Dongying for running activities. Big sister Yu Feihong joined the group "Male Talent and Female Appearance" as an assistant director and continued to learn directing skills.

Yitian Tulongji is expected to launch on May 5, and Jiang Changsheng will have about ten days of vacation.

He went back to his hometown in Jiangcheng, and sat at Zheng Shuangling's house before returning to Yanjing.

As soon as I got home, I received a call from Yang Yaguang, my roommate from Beiying.

"Changsheng, are you free recently? Che Xiao and the others are about to graduate, if you have time, come out and get together?"

The vocational class is a two-year system, and it is indeed time for graduation.

Jiang Changsheng had been in school for a long time before, and several of his classmates were very familiar with each other.

There are also a few friends in the higher vocational class.

"Why don't you talk about fate, you called me just after I finished the filming."

Hearing this, Yang Yaguang was very happy: "Then see you at the Xianghe Zhai near the school at 7 o'clock tomorrow night."

"no problem."

Jiang Changsheng hung up the phone and came to Warner Ryefield, preparing to record the song "Girl".

As soon as he entered the company, he saw Wang Fei and Zhang Yadong walking side by side, seeming to be arguing about something.

Influenced by Jiang Changsheng, after Wang Fei's contract with EMI Records ended last year, she did not choose Sony, but signed with Warner Rye.

Seeing Jiang Changsheng, Wang Fei looked very pleasantly surprised, she walked quickly to Jiang Changsheng's side, and put her arms around his arm.

"Has the family of gold powder been finished? Are you coming to the company today to record a new album? I have finished recording the song Let her land, do you want to listen to it?"

It was a series of three questions, Wang Fei always acted like a little girl in front of Jiang Changsheng.

Jiang Changsheng thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's listen first."

Zhang Yadong also came over to say hello, and the three of them came to the recording studio together. Zhang Yadong played Wang Fei's version and asked her to land.

When Jiang Changsheng heard this, he could only admire it. As expected of a queen, Wang Fei's later generations had many car accident scenes due to the decline of her voice, but no matter what, her studio works are still the first in the Chinese music scene.

What's more, Wang Fei's vocal cords are still functioning at this time.

After listening to the song, Wang Fei said: "I will release a new album next year, this album I will no longer use the team on Hong Kong Island, it will be produced entirely by the mainland team.

You help me write two songs. "

(End of this chapter)

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