Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 252 Star Warrior Settled in Skadi

Chapter 252 Star Warrior Settled in Skadi

In the long days, if people's souls can represent a shining star in this endless universe, then all the citizens of the empire may not have that many together, but when such a number is forcibly compressed On the scale of the galaxy, contradictions, darkness, and lack of resources are born and spread continuously.

Secondly, in the tens of thousands of years of human history, if they take their attitude towards the universe seriously, they regard it more as an inexhaustible treasure house and resource package. Unless it is a special world like Terra, people will not To do the local resources of the big planet.

Just because human beings have powerful technology today, it is not flattering to restore the planet. If you want to maintain a dilapidated dead world and maintain the habitability, you need to squeeze out several worlds of the same order of magnitude.

Skadi's success is a different kind of miracle. When the first batch of wheat successfully germinated and cultivated, several star regions paid attention to this matter. It is not worth mentioning to this dark universe and huge empire, but The hope of many displaced and homeless people, Alan Bair became famous, and countless orders continued to pray for wheat seeds to be cultivated in the dry world.

The empire, to be precise, human nature is complicated, people can bomb a beautiful enough human-inhabited world for stupid things, and they can also spend a lot of money to restore the place where they lived just because they were children or their ancestors, and many planetary governors think that, Plants have many pros and cons to the precarious cycle of their own world.

Secondly, in addition to heroes, orders, honors or normal business exchanges, the prosperity during this period also made Skadi have to face problems. The ever-expanding business channels can be opened up unimpeded because of the rights of Alan Bayer, but the problem of space pirates It will still really haunt the nascent world of Skadi.

No one would think that using expensive warships to protect civilian ships could achieve equal income, and no businessman would hand over the benefits to strengthen their precarious void defense capabilities.

Desperation means death and loss, and problems that would never have occurred when using military warships to transport supplies in the age of Astra Militarum expeditions have sprung up.

For Skadi, this is a bad event. The long-term damage to commercial interests and short-term losses will reach astronomical figures. It is the void escort ability, but it is far from being able to interfere with such a huge void navigation range.

In his office, the Lord of Skadi was at a loss, but his staff emphasized that this matter was not Skadi's responsibility. They ensured that the interior of their world waterway was clean. The fleet of battleships cleans up those evil things all the time.

Responsibility, they regard responsibility as the most precious thing in this void. In this era, being able to fulfill your duties is the greatest honor. Now Skadi not only prospers, but also maintains the transportation capacity of commercial waterways and clean landing. For most people, it is perfect, leaving no room for perfection.

The seemingly huge void in this era cannot bypass the subspace. The Mandeville point formed by the gravity of the countless worlds of the empire is the coastline and reference that ancient humans in Terra once needed for navigation.

Worlds around the world are like lighthouses, or port coasts, which bear the great honor of system capabilities for defending against pirates and fulfilling imperial duties.

Alan Baier looked at the star map, Skadi's main core wealth road, that is, from the jungle world to here, the several worlds passing through the expedition road are quite safe, and their headache is Skadi's outward spread several locations.

"The possibility of armed transportation is unlikely, so why hire them spontaneously?" Alan Baier muttered, looking at the second lieutenant. "Lieutenant, what do you think?"

He shivered. In this narrow and warm office, it was difficult to concentrate on his work... "The Bordeaux is not mobile enough, and the warships of the Imperial Guard are mainly defensive. If we need to start hiring, then What is needed is a superhuman unit that is mobile, firepower, good at precision strikes, hostage rescues, decapitation operations, and can run without fatigue."

"A large number of self-organized employment systems are bound to be mixed, killing people and getting more money. If you want to ensure word of mouth and safety, you need to fight hard. I don't think Skadi currently has this ability. What ships in the empire can achieve both the speed of destroyers and the firepower of battleships? , and the crew are good at jumping in the void, beheading and rescue?" the second lieutenant teased, but Alan Bayer smiled.

"Yes, the emperor's angels." The chief of staff muttered, and the second lieutenant said in disbelief. "Them? How can they help us? The pain and hardships of this empire need them everywhere."

Alan Baier spoke. "Don't forget, the Destroyer Eagles haven't left this sector yet, they only need to leave one battleship to help us, and the situation will improve greatly."

"Skadi can provide them with a resident environment and related equipment. They can train and select recruits here. For space fighters, there are very few mortal soldiers that can be recognized. Skadi no matter the quality, will, or what They are all top-notch, and the equipment and some gene seeds left behind by the traitors can also be used as good bargaining chips."

"If it were me, I wouldn't refuse. Stationing a company, maybe less than a hundred people, can get the help of a world. What a cost-effective thing." Sergeant Catachan commented.

The chief of staff added. "Skadi's rights and special status in the empire can help them reproduce themselves without being targeted by the empire. Even the most powerful assassins and infiltrators cannot explore the complex interior of the castle in the dark age of technology."

"Secondly, the rights of Captain Alan Bayer can also limit the punishment of those high lords for the subordinates of the Destroyer Eagle, and they only need to protect the world that should be protected."

The Raitlin Kid commented. "It's hard to say that they all won, the interests of the space fighters are greater!"

"Boy Raitlin, don't think so highly of interests. In this dark age, we need to take a long-term view. Don't be like those high lords, worrying about this and that." Alan Bayer stood up and said. "Let the star language be released, and the fighters who destroy the eagle will come."

The reality is also as expected by the most savvy people in Skadi. The interstellar fighter strike barges wandering in the star area have unexpected group dynamics. Yes, the captains second only to the Chapter Master within the Space Marine Chapter came to the Temple under certain pressure.

Those high-ranking and powerful giants will also greet each other, showing their few favors and respect for their brothers who have served the empire for a long time.

The warrior wearing the power armor in the color of the Destroyer Eagle, with the bright red cloak hanging behind him, the double eagle of honor flashing on his chest, and the weapon in his hand is an ancient bomb that can be chased back to the era of the Great Crusade, waited for a long time under the statue of the Emperor .

His cloudy eyes saw the comer in the darkness clearly, a company captain who was also full of honor, but this one was more low-key and not armed too much.

He spoke. "Brother Kailos, we haven't gathered for many days. Your tenth company has provided us with many excellent soldiers. I am very grateful."

The company commander named Kairos replied. "Thank you for your trust, brother, but the situation on Ghost Peak is not good during this time."

(Ghost Peak, a barren world located in the Limit Star Field, to be precise, most of the imperial worlds don’t have names like place names, but the aborigines in this place don’t have the ability to explore space, and don’t even have the concept of planets, so they just See where you live as everything.

What's interesting is that most of the empire's people will rely on their own abilities to occupy their own world, whether they have the help of the empire or not, at least most people think so, but the ghost peak people are bound to the In a small area, the barbaric tribal habits and habits also make it difficult for them to expand, and how they came to that world has no way to study.

At least after the destruction eagles chose it as their source of soldiers because of their terrible desire to survive, and built a fort monastery and a nest of birds of prey on it, the Astartes, as local gods, regularly selected brave men to join the queue, Therefore, there is also a concept of heroic spirits similar to Viking culture in the local area, which in turn affects the destruction of the eagle and makes it worship death. )
The person from the [-]th company continued to emphasize. "Where did a bad famine spread, there is a problem with the source of soldiers."

"Unfortunately, during this time, we have been in a situation where we have no recruits available."

The one who had been waiting spoke again. "This is the biggest problem at the moment. There are wars all over the empire, and people are constantly being lost. Many monsters and monsters are active during this time. The situation in the maelstrom is very bad, and enemies have also begun to appear in the Eye of Terror."

"Emperor, although death is not shameful, but during this time, I have to admit that those things came too fast."

Insufficient recruits have always been a pain for most space fighters, but in most cases, rather than lack of personnel, it is more a problem with the genetic sages of the Mechanic Cult. They are not willing to cultivate so many space fighters for the empire, and behind this incident It is the opinion of the High Lords Council.

The suffering in the era of the Great Crusade is not a secret. Mortals have deep-rooted uneasiness towards interstellar warriors, especially those high lord councils that hold power. The focus has never been on whether interstellar warriors can expand, but whether mortals allow it or not.

Just as Alan Bayer sharply commented on those Chaos Space Warriors, they were cultivated by the Empire, with the flesh and wealth of countless mortals, and it is impossible to leave the Empire. This sentence is also true for the Space Warriors who are still in service.

It looks glamorous, but in fact their rights and interests are far inferior to those of the Star Militia that seem to be dying all the time. At least many high-level members of the Star Militia really have power, and the rebellion has really threatened an entire star region. more than safe.

Without the endorsement of the high lord, it will always be the pain of the space warriors, and their supreme leader has left the empire. The departure of the Primarch has led to a great reduction of the rights of the space warriors, and the emperor requires the guarantee of the rights of mortals, so for Those who have devoted themselves to the empire have no rights...

This brief discussion ended here, and the tenth company came here only to inspect the new conscription site, but most of the worlds in the star sector with which they created a new relationship did not meet the standards.

Secondly, the Forge World is also unwilling to provide gene-seed surgery, because wars have continued during this period, and many Space Marine Chapters have increased demand in this area, making the high lords frightened.

External troubles and internal troubles were nothing more than that. Under such circumstances, the two high-ranking beings also became concerned about gains and losses. But soon, when a Master Chief with a Falcon Blade stepped in, the situation became different.

That soldier made great contributions during this period, helping the empire to attack the fortress and regain the forge world. His credit was enough to reach the rank of a lieutenant, but he stayed here because he had a good relationship with the imperial guard.

It's hard to say that the company commander doesn't feel guilty about him, so he relaxes his tone. "Sergeant, why are you here?"

The Master Chief took a deep breath. "I...received a communication from Skadi, the fortress world. The Lord of Elanbel Castle invited us to visit, and that world not only has sturdy citizens of the empire, but has experienced wars, and young people are all soldiers. World Panlan and Militia as sources of technology."

The company commander nodded. "I've heard a little bit about the location of the Sun Lord?" It's not that he didn't think about where to choose, but obviously, he didn't think they could use Skadi as...

"Is this an olive branch? What do you think, Master Chief?" the company commander asked.

"They can be trusted, my lord, they can be trusted." The Master Chief replied without hesitation.

But those great people, they hesitated, destroying the eagle needs an alliance, but they still have hesitation about mortals, can those people be trusted?
Even if they recognized Alan Bayer's noble character, the opinions of those soldiers, other mortals, or the high lord council made them unable to move.

This dark universe makes even the most powerful imperial angels stupid and slow, and they dare not move. Of course they are not to blame for this, but those things seem to be predestined...

The Master Chief looked at them and couldn't help but say. "I can guarantee their kindness and safety, and Lord Alan Bair is no longer the Lord of the Sun, he no longer represents the empire!"

"I and my dozens of brothers can swear by this matter, we should give them a chance, and give us a chance!"

His tone was sonorous and forceful, and every word was clear. In today's situation, there is no worse situation than it is now. When the fighters who destroyed the eagle had to admit that they need to trust mortals, the experienced company captain, Warrior, nodded and said. "Go..."

(End of this chapter)

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