Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 234 The Cruelest Recruit Battle, Skadi's Tradition

Chapter 234 The Cruelest Recruit Battle, Skadi's Tradition

The ferocious angels have also become the nightmare of the Skadi people. It is their powerful force that has locked the poor Skadi people underground. The people who once protected the empire are now helping the evil.

The wrath of the Chaos Space Marines gave the soldiers who had survived the death no fear, essentially, the villains who had invaded the Skadi homeland for thousands of years should not have been so rampant.

But the Sun Lord didn't send his recruits forward, and while he believed in the potential of the Skadi, it was too early to face the Chaos Angels, especially without the cover of heavy weapons.

Just like the succession within the Imperial Guard one after another, the veterans stepped out of the queue, and the Sun Lord cut off the line of communication with the recruits, completely focusing on commanding the old comrades.

A loud young voice appeared on the communicator, with a hoarse electromagnetic sound, shouting to the veterans who have experienced the most terrifying stories in this universe. "Brothers born in Skadi, we came back here, have seen the most terrible things, encountered the most troublesome difficulties, defeated the favorite children of the Chaos Gods, and are still alive today."

"The space fighters are powerful, but I know that those guys don't have the will to live. They only come to kill, but we will definitely win, because we are fighting to survive."

"Survive, brothers, and show the recruits what victory is and what war is!"

Just like a boxer, people have to choose opponents of the same weight to be interesting. This is not easy, so there are a lot of constraints, rules and tests for judging weight, but the essence is to satisfy the human desire to fight.

The veterans of Skadi are playing house with the novices, dealing with cultists, enemies, and forced soldiers. They have been suppressed for a long time and need an opponent to vent. At this moment, they must admit that they will die, and their comrades will die. They cannot be like It's so easy to deal with heretics.

But this is the battlefield, this is the war. From the beginning of this dark universe to the present, the fighting instinct buried in people's hearts and hidden in all intelligent creatures must be displayed when life and death are at stake.

They roared, officers, heroes, soldiers, and even the usually gentle instructors or temporary cooking squads of the Skadi Regiment showed their ferocious fangs.

"Hurry up, hurry up, load the ammo, turn off the safety, clear the belt of the machine gun, don't jam."

"The sandbags are increased and thickened. To resist explosive bombs, three or four layers are needed! We don't have trenches! Speed ​​up!"

"Prepare the queue, try to disperse as much as possible, maintain a group of three, and the distance between the groups is tens of meters, so that the enemy cannot defeat the defense line by strafing!"

The atmosphere of the battlefield at this moment made the recruits who were strictly protected in the warehouse feel strange. The old people who usually played around and beat and scolded them suddenly seemed to have changed. Action disappears completely.

They cheated, used various means to obtain supplies for recruits, and then threw those things into a cauldron to stew, and then said dictatorially that it was so delicious, and it was annoying when they returned part of the paste to its owner.

This is no longer a team of old hooligans who are disloyal to the Sun Lord in the eyes of recruits, foolish, a little stupid, and do not like cleanliness, but the elite of the empire, the real mainstay, united, strong, determined, and skilled, good at killing people.

Because the veterans can smell the breath of the battlefield and the wind of war, they are very familiar with the feeling of madness and rage. Only monsters that have lived for hundreds of years of war can exude that feeling, which makes people nervous.

At this moment, Skadi's formation is very strange. The soldiers are moving forward like a pyramid. From the sky, the bottom of the tower is the warehouse, and the whole camp spreads out relying on the castle. Assault soldiers may be called Skadi grenadiers (because of Cadia's great achievements and brilliant military exploits, many imperial guards imitated the establishment, and the position of grenadiers became popular in the empire unknowingly), and finally officers and veterans, Secondly, there are countless recruits that make up the bottom of the thick tower.

Alan Bayer stood at the tip of the pyramid and poked his head out of the thick sandbags. This was not the first time he had dealt with space warriors, and even he was familiar with those supermen, so he divided this place according to his melee ability.

The solid strength of Catachan and Grenadier can draw a large line to defend against jet pack raids, and can also create better shooting space, but even so, such a formation is still negative for those giants. To make up for this, All Skadi soldiers have the consciousness to surround the enemy with their bodies after the enemy charges.

There is no wind in the center of the earth. In this dry underground, the ice and breath have become thinner. The Sun Lord lay under the sandbag and couldn't help but think about the many worlds in the universe. He has never seen a place as beautiful as the earth. Even the closest rainforest world is still filled with unbearable temperatures and eerie radio silence.

The beauty and miracles of Terra shaped human beings, but people did not become weak because of the warmth of the cradle. In the dark age, human beings faced this bastard-like universe, and they still explored unscrupulously. Human will floated across the seven oceans and spread to The boundless void melted into the four star regions. At this moment, there is no place in the entire galaxy that humans cannot set foot on.

From a cowardly hairless monkey to the true master of the void of the universe, from a weak human country to an empire spanning the entire universe, one after another expedition, war, change and killing, has survived until now and gradually expanded.

Human beings are the true masters of this universe, and the alien and chaotic forces should make way for us. Such thoughts have filled the empire, and even the Lord of the Sun has been changed by it. When those traitors who betrayed this correct path appear, that kind of anger It burst out in the Skadi infantry regiment.

Guns, projectiles, knives, machines and weapons roared lowly, and the light provided by the Lumen Tower was like daylight, illuminating this area. The enemy's attack would strike like a torrential rain anytime and anywhere, falling like water droplets, hitting the mortal body.

Breathing becomes long and heavy, and time becomes slow and slow, like the last long sound of a piece of music being elongated, both the performer and the audience will be suffocated by it.

Until a war cry broke the long-term tranquility, and made the thunder when the storm hit, the language of those space fighters could not be heard clearly due to the corruption of the subspace, but after the grid was infinitely enlarged, it became more irritable, like a shock bomb exploding in the ear , as long as the will is a little weak, you will be frightened and lose your precision.

But their little tricks had picked the wrong opponent, and Skadi's soldiers would not fall for the blow, but instead raised their arms, while the guns of the Catachans and the Grenadiers roared and flashed against the advancing traitor squads.

The csm Chaos Space Marine team was caught off guard, and instantly retracted into the shallow tactical bunker, but the deflagration beam passed through the ordinary metal, and it would not stop due to obstacles, but the heat melted the metal, and the impact carried the metal to the ground Before that, they penetrated into the flesh and blood of the space fighters, and inserted many metal fragments into the thick skin and muscles under the armor.

The painful cry appeared on the warriors who ignored the creed and did not suppress themselves, but compared to the tragic wail, it sounded more like the terrifying howl of a wild beast. It spread on the battlefield, and those supermen wearing heavy armor used it as their own. The signal gradually appeared in the field of vision of mortals.

Heavy Destroyer squads in groups of three, evil traitors wearing the Chaos Octagram in place of Imperial Space Marines' sacred iron rings, and the huge trophy rack on the back with heads of inhumans, Tau, Orcs, Eldar , or the nail-studded head of a space warrior, rusty and horrifying, the iron frame weathered by blood.

They carry heavy plasma cannons enough to melt tanks, storm bolters, and shoot at the weak defenses of the Astra Militarum, tilting their firepower, trying to suppress the counterattack of the Imperial Guard, heavy firepower, light blue energy and crimson bolts, across the sky, landed on the weak sandbags.

The simple project that can hinder the explosive bomb is instantly smashed, and the digital Catachan is instantly turned into bones by plasma, or smashed by the explosive bomb, and the whole body is turned into minced meat.

Alan Baier, Master Chief, and Little Raitling raised their weapons, deflagrating their carbine and sniping at the enemy.

Three beams of flames streaked across the sky, hitting the head of the traitor impartially, even a superman needs the brain as the center, the huge body fell straight down, the Catachans with the grenade also took aim, and fed back to the guys who sprayed the projectile .

An eye for an eye, an eye for an eye, has always been the aesthetics of the Skadi, and they also welcome the enemy to treat them like this. The best thing is that they can’t get up again, because if the Skadi people slow down, they will fight back like a storm. until the enemy falls.

Their shooting was for those dead comrades, the anger was suppressed and then mixed with the weapons and instilled with scorching heat, just one round and one round, five or six people were killed each, Skadi lost six elites, and the space fighters left Five veterans.

This is a rare great war loss in the empire. It is almost a mortal in exchange for the life of a space soldier, but the Sun Lord is still heartbroken. He just left the dense forest and fallen leaves. No matter how strong the Catachans are, they cannot do what they want.

"Damn it..." Sergeant Chief Catachan cursed secretly, and continued to snipe. The strong counterattack from the front line also caught the space fighters by surprise. They didn't plan to use the jet pack so early, and the ASM assaulted the space fighters.

According to the normal tactical plan, they need to suppress the enemies in the front row and then attack the core long-range firepower group in the rear. The longer the distance of the jetpack, the greater the fuel burden, and the greater the probability of being concentrated. They cannot take risks, but now they must not Do not choose forward.

The situation of the war is moving according to the Sun Lord's plan, so the control over the battlefield is amazing, even frightening, even a demigod can fall into his war rhythm without knowing it.

The jetpacks are jetting up, they, the space marines need to take the lead, to create opportunities for heavy firepower, those assault space marines fly from the sky, spraying and drawing a death arc.

The Sun Lord looked warily into the distance. "It's coming! It's the flying one. Put melee equipment, bayonets, and shotguns on everyone!" He made the relevant instructions early on. The Skadi people will not be afraid of melee combat. , Dozens of assault space fighters also fell.

The impact of the heavy armor and the speed generated by the flight landed, and the vibration was as if the sky was falling apart. Some Catachan soldiers were directly trampled to death. Dozens of people were knocked down by the aftermath.

What followed was a terrifying chaotic battle cry that instantly congested blood in the head. The hallucinations and intense voices almost ruptured the eardrums. It can be described as the feeling of shells falling in a semi-enclosed trench, and even people who are close , blood has flowed from the eardrum.

It took only an instant for such a thing to happen, less than two seconds, like a thunderbolt hitting the crowd, the grenadiers, under the guidance of the deputy commander of the second lieutenant, began to climb over the sandbags to support forward, and the chief of staff stabilized the anger in the rear, letting the Soldier methodical design.

It can be seen earlier that the space warriors raised their weapons to cut the Catachans, "Fire!" Shouting, shouting violently, the familiar voice broke the dizziness of the Catachan soldiers, allowing him to barely avoid the roar of the chainsword. Kill, and Alan Bayer reacted the fastest, he had the best physical fitness, followed by Sergeant Catachan, and then ordinary soldiers, but the unlucky Raitlin boy, who was almost in a coma next to the space fighter landing point do not wake up.

But his small size allowed his body to be buried undiscovered among the corpses, and when he finally awoke, he saw Catachan confronting the super-soldiers in a trench of sandbags spraying pellets from a shotgun.

This is the first time in his life that he has seen an interstellar warrior, no, to be precise, it is the first time he has seen those giants who are emphasized as angels and even recognized by the state religion, but this thing, this distorted face, bright red armor , something hideous covered in spikes or corrupted runes was very different from the Space Marines he had known.

He finally recovered his head and felt the warm flesh on his body. The body of his comrade-in-arms turned into this thing, which made him feel cruel and painful for the first time, but even so, he was still buried in it as a sniper, furry Little Claw is looking around for his sniper rifle...

Next, his dazed little eyes saw in the humming tinnitus caused by the space warriors, Alan Baier raised his weapon high, and deftly picked off the chainsaws of the space warriors with the sword skills he learned from Mr. Kane sword.

He came in single-handedly, and was attacked by several Chaos space warriors, but why was he?
An absurd idea appeared, this Leitlin who had never been loved and recognized in his whole life, and even his compatriots rejected him. An idea that was impossible in his life flashed in his mind, that is, the Sun Lord is such a powerful person, is to save him, or to see if he's safe...

While thinking about it, he saw the space warriors falling one by one, and he sighed in admiration for this "mortal" lord in his heart, but there were too many enemies. The captain raised his weapon and approached, his tiny heart crinkled and beating.

But at this moment, as if the emperor blessed him, he felt something hard inside the corpse, he was used to that feeling, his own weapon!

He suddenly raised his gun and shot at the back of Alan Baier. The Sun Lord was frightened by the sudden dark gun, but the light beam brushed his shoulder and hit something behind him, with a muffled scream, He turned his head, and saw that beast-like monster...the emperor's former angel.

(End of this chapter)

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