Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 227 Once Promised Land

Chapter 227 Once Promised Land
Skadi, Skadi, the vocabulary of the word has become synonymous with ruins and the haze of death. Even if the atmosphere has been discovered, people can't be completely at ease.

But the once-familiar place is now changed, the huge nest has been turned into ruins, cut in from the outside with hot melt, and drilled into the not too big building that was erected after the collapse, under the light of promethium , this place that is still the size of a football field is beginning to take shape.

Debris, ruins, crowded the former ground, because of the thick cover of the nest, the dead people left traces on the relatively intact walls like a haze, like a mass of black haze, but they were actually human-shaped thing.

Revisiting the old place, many people recognized where it was, and there was not much communication between the hive capitals. The veterans who were at the same time as Alan Baier, and him, all subconsciously saw the statue of the emperor in the middle of the ruins. , and the broken sign next to it, there are several restaurants that Alan Bayer remembers that the workers often go to.

Because of the matter of saving food for wine, he hadn't tasted it yet. In fact, the first time he ate normal food was on the transport plane on the first day of his enlistment. He had to complain about the registration of the Imperial Guard.

You don't even need to sign (most people can't write their names) to receive a set of military uniforms and body armor, and a set of field food.

Seeing that the once familiar place has become like this, the former storefront has disappeared, leaving only a tattered signboard, but this news is not bad. On the contrary, the Imperial Guard can rely on this to locate the location and know their next move.

However, there are still many people whose morale is low because of this incident. Unlike the Sun Lords, they each have family members and friends, lovers or colleagues, and they actually live in this world.

But reality is always reality, the material world cannot be changed, and what happened will not be reversed. They are all veterans, and life and death are just picked things up for them.

Unknowingly, the entire team was enveloped in terrible silence, and Alan Baier just pointed out the position where the Imperial Guard needed to go again like a leader, and he planned to go back to his factory to see the situation.

This has nothing to do with missing anything. The current situation inside the hive capital is full of waste. If that kind of large-scale factory can still operate, it can provide a lot of convenience for the Imperial Guard.

It's just that many people showed rather hesitant expressions when the order appeared. The memories of working in the hive capital all the year round may have caused a lot of blows to their hearts, and the black-hearted factory environment that barely maintained the calorie balance was like a nightmare. The Skadi gets a disciplined base.

The cold weather and heavy labor gave the Skadi people a strong endurance. As the bottom of the society, the opportunity to use war to climb up provided morale, and the person who really brought out those things was the Sun Lord himself.

There is no victory, only stupid sacrifices, wars of attrition, and perseverance. When Alan Baier enlisted, he suffered from the conservative tactics of the Imperial Guard, so that his strategic style and the regulations of the Imperial Guard became more and more distant.

It was also his tactical style that brought into play the real fighting power of the people in the imperial hive, but now times have changed, they are now walking in the ruins of their narrow hometown, the void suit that obstructs their vision makes people dissatisfied, and their guns are raised anytime and anywhere, even if it is impossible here There are enemies.

Home is no home, nowhere to go, no skadi, no skadi, no matter how big the void is, just a loathsome, dead ruin.

Now a rather crazy idea pops up in the soldiers' minds, that is, the emergence of green skins, that is, the emergence of heresy, and then tell them that there is still value in this world, and the value of fighting for it, and there are many things to face.

But the death-like silence and the action of the engineering team to install the road to the square told them that there is nothing here, only death and silence.

Like a strangled throat, it appeared on the people who used to live here. The flickering promethium light, even the light reflected by the crystallized organization, would make the soldiers restless regardless of discipline. Not to the Chief of Staff.

"Take care of them..."

He didn't want to disturb the homesick people, but he also didn't want to let this expedition have the risk of internal reasons. The team of thousands of people was extremely large, and the hive city was intricate.

The shouting of the staff officer and the management of the members of the company, and the words of shouting the name of the emperor made the soldiers in this place calm down.

The team kept moving forward, crossing the ruins and rubble. Alan Baier took a look at the black room where he used to exchange things. was taken away...

But his thoughts were quickly interrupted by the ensign's yelling after he had passed through the melting wall.

"Boss, we're here!"

Alan Bayer could only walk quickly and looked at the not-so-good-looking place. The explosion and high temperature made the whole facility full of potholes. After opening the door, the interior was still well preserved, and even the promethium lamps could be lit. Fortunately, The industrial area seems to have been deliberately protected.

Those walls and tools are still intact, the heavy machinery that represents civilization is even connected to the circuit, and the emergency internal promethium engine is still humming and humming. This huge and metal hell-like place seems to welcome living people anytime, anywhere, like a A huge instrument of torture.

Alan Baier heard someone scolding in the team. "Why is it still good here?"

But although he doesn't like it, he has to thank the Emperor for blessing this place. Because of the occupation of Skadi, the difficulty of rebuilding Skadi has become much easier. The strong heat of the atmosphere and extinction caused the world's original complex industrial pollution to be overheated. Once cleared, apart from the lack of supplies, Skadi's current strategic position is very suitable for hindering the Red Pirates and serving as a strategic relay point.

Originally, this world was a hive and fortress world, but the satellite that used to be a fortress was destroyed by civil strife and suffered serious losses. Now it can only rebuild a fortress to maintain regional rule.

"Fine, that's fine..." Alan Bair had to move forward, but when he saw a rodent running from the corner to the other side, the strange feeling of incongruity pervaded on his mind.

After a short sound of footsteps, Alan Bayer suddenly pulled out his weapon and shot at those machines, bang bang, flames burned, metal melted, and even many Skadi people were shocked. It was obviously a good thing, why? To shoot?
And after a while, a mass of burning flesh and blood fell down. It was a cultist wearing thick winter clothes. The flesh and blood melted by the heat rays revealed a severely mutated skull with horns.

"Beastmen!" (Imperial name for mutants that look like animals)

The second lieutenant shouted, this factory is the line of fire. The fierce laser gun shot penetrated the void suit, and then hit the carapace of the Imperial Guard. Many people immediately looked for cover and began to shoot at each other. Alan Baier watched the laser gun The heat brushed against the shoulder plates of his void suit, and the heat nearly ignited his hair, though only by burning the hairs off.

He touched his stinging cheek and said to the chief of staff who was hiding with him. "People from the bottom nest, did they survive?"

The Chief of Staff replied. "No, this is not a cyclone torpedo. The weapons encountered in this world are not the ones commonly used by the Extermination Order. Someone has tampered with this matter. They bribed the Tribunal, or..."

Alan Bayer watched the heavy industrial machines in front of him being dented by lasers. "Or, they tricked the Inquisition, using psychic power or switching devices, anyway, they only slaughtered the citizens of Skadi's empire, and the maggots were left behind!" He was a little disgusted, and his anger and disgust came into focus.

He turns on the radio. "Using roundabout tactics, the positions of those cultists are very empty and scattered, the firing intensity is not high, and there is no one to command."

"Those cult workers should be unarmed. We only face a small number of guards. Hurry up and take this place!"

After all, Kid Raitlin and Sergeant Catachan are now leading two special forces to detour, and the firepower is overwhelmingly approaching victory under the crushing equipment of the Imperial Guard.

There is no comparison between the veterans of the empire who have experienced many battles and the chaotic gangs at the bottom of the hive capital. Even if they have experienced many battles, there is a big gap in the quality of individual soldiers, group command, and equipment level.

Alan Bayer led the troops forward, the second lieutenant and the chief of staff covered each other with him, the strong smell of gunpowder continued to permeate, and the number of troops here was unexpectedly large, because a large number of slave labor maintained the production line of the entire factory, and they also It takes a lot of firepower to suppress the insurgency.

When Alan Bair got close to those heavy production lines for the first time, he realized that those malnourished, skinny wretches were citizens of the Empire, in other words, there were probably thousands of Skadi citizens enslaved here as laborers .

Those cultists used heavy pressure and high-intensity management to drive the citizens of the empire to produce things that disobeyed the empire, but even so, this battle was not difficult, not even a battle, it was just a one-sided massacre. , those cultists dispersed in a rush, their chaotic management and low morale could not save them.

When he shot and killed the last cultist, the monster with scales and horns was still crazily shouting vague words to his companions. Alan Bayer subconsciously turned on the translation function to analyze the words, and walked towards the production place of the item.

The Imperial Guards began to take out relief supplies to calm their emotions. Soon, many people realized that the people working here were their relatives, friends, family compatriots. They greeted each other, exchanged experiences, and the previous despair and pain were swept away.

But when they asked many other people they knew, the chattering and biting of the food of the survivors would stop.

The bombing is really implemented, and the massacre is also real. Regardless of whether the only group of Skadi admits it or not, the population of this world has been reduced by eight tenths. Even if they find someone they know here, there will be more Skadi No relatives to be found.

Alan Baier, who walked into the product production area, even sighed that the place where he had to go hungry before was so narrow, and the huge factory that he once thought could not shake the sky was so small.

Today, he no longer looks down on monitors, workshop directors, those places that were once unattainable, such as high-end office companies, he also enters casually, but so what...

Inexplicably, his unpleasant emotions swelled in his thoughts. He looked at the Catachan guards who followed him, and wanted to ask them, but when the matter came to his mouth, Alan Baier, who had always been able to speak, got stuck.

They just moved forward in silence and arrived at the warehouse. This huge place was full of heavy boxes and very heavy large containers. Usually, this place was full of laser guns, but now they don't know what it is.

What are those cultists producing?Is it dynamite or blasphemy, or are they copying Tzeentch's holy words?

Alan Baier turned on the headlights in the warehouse, under the bright light of the lumen ball, his doubts became even bigger, because it was not a weapon, poison, or blasphemy, but a piece of black fine gold raw material, to be precise It is said that it was removed from the many heavy cores of the hive, which is strong enough to shape a battleship.

This factory seems to have spent a lot of time on this matter, removing the fine gold inside the city and then remelting it, but in fact this world does not have the ability to build chariot engines, and the materials they recycle will definitely not be used to cast cars.

The star port of this world has been completely paralyzed. Without the port as a transportation point for large traffic, it is impossible for a large fleet to transport things.

They have a project going on that is massive and consumes so much metal that salvage is needed to complete it.

Alan Baier's sensitive thoughts grasped the core point, but this world's resources are exhausted, and the population is also exhausted. What else is so valuable?
He walked out of the warehouse, and his own system completed the translation. The vague language had meaning, no doubt, it was not a modal particle, and he said it immediately after hearing the translation in Low Gothic.

"Evacuate civilians, strengthen defenses, prepare for war, there are big guys coming!"

He commanded this army to send a large number of civilians to the interior of the warehouse, and his worries came true. The humming sound of vehicle engines filled the periphery, and the Sun Lord had to lament his own carelessness and waste of time.

He took the soldiers to hide in the dark of the factory, and the second lieutenant asked the boss urgently. "Boss, what's the matter?"

Alan Bayer just watched the huge metal monster slowly stepping into the factory, the humanoid and distorted thing, an individual called a space warrior, and smiled wryly.

"Here comes the core force of those traitors, Chaos Space Marines."

He looked at the actual bytes in the auxiliary light curtain in front of him. Before the disgusting thing died, he shouted to his own radio instead of calling out to his companions, saying the word giant, and emphasizing the bytes of master and support. no doubt.

This world is taken by the Red Pirates!

(End of this chapter)

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