Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 214 The Haze of Militiliah

Chapter 214 The Haze of Militiliah
Advance, survive, war, those things turned into filth and flowed into the sewer, the performance is thick blood, minced meat, disgusting, even if the space warriors can block any breath out through thick power armor, they still feel it nausea.

"Emperor..." The members of the Doomhawk stepped on the sticky, red putrefaction sticking to the soles of the giant's feet.

"Sir, where will the large amount of biomass here go? There are no oceans or large lakes here, let alone fertile swamps or soil, and the cost of processing and using it is also extremely high, but there are no specialized processing plants in the city." The Astartes warrior realized something was wrong.

This sentence reminded the Master Chief that he instantly smelled that unpleasant smell, which was very familiar to the Master Chief of the Destroyer Eagle Chapter. He had tasted a similar smell more than once, that damp and dark feeling , like the materialization of intrigue and death.

"Who needs flesh and blood, the sludge of desire, brothers, down, along the Red River." The Master Chief walked in the forefront, the brothers were silent, just gently wiped the blades in their hands, in this place, murder on the surface, contradictions , also put it into it.

There's no shortage of seeing whole chunks of Imperial citizens down this red river, filth and death congregating in this underground conduit, and the Master Chief is increasingly sure he's found his target.

Silent and quiet, dark and silent, the stench of blood and the swamp gas produced by decay kept soaking in this nightmare like stirring a cauldron.

They move forward like a giant medicine bottle, and the main nest composed of mortals is more like a giant still, extracting, separating, and pouring those substances into it at this moment.

Now the gathering desire is almost real, Master Chief's footsteps are suddenly slow, he has a superhuman feeling to touch the location of the enemy, turn off the grid device, the sound no longer goes out, the communicator sizzles, replacing the original shout.

"Found it, brothers."

"No accident, as expected, but the trip so far has been smooth, but in the face of chaotic heresy and alien scum, we need to cheer up. We can only be strong and never surrender."

"Down, for the Emperor."

The Destroyer Eagles strolled close to the end of the pipe. The crimson thing came out of the 6-meter pipe, and the dark blood slowly descended with pieces of meat and other objects, and fell at the end of the pipe on the slope.

Gulu Gulu, the viscous stuff was sprinkled into the giant metal boiler, but there was no splash of water, it was too viscous to flow.

There are only five heavy-duty machine servants using huge modified servo limbs to stir the huge boiler professionally, but even if it is so huge, it is impossible to accommodate so much biomass, they can only settle for a period of time. It will continue to decline after time.

No one knows where the filth will go until now, but the Master Chief can be sure that this is definitely not a loyal thing, and it is even extremely filthy.

The auspicious bird slowly detected the space below. There was not much response in this small room, only the electrical signal from the machine servant's body, and the holographic projection displayed in the visor also showed the picture here.

How to describe it, a word flashed in Master Chief's mind, the kitchen, it looks like a kitchen, filled with all kinds of things for the servants, big knives for cutting meat, giant nets, small nets for extracting sundries, etc.

The function here is to keep this huge boiler running, and there is no doubt that there are still various mysteries in the interior of this evil place, and now the Space Marines are about to raise this question.

The Master Chief took out the data pad and began to take pictures of the situation here, but there were not many things that could be seen clearly in the pipeline in the dark, and, just this kind of picture, everyone could think it was a hidden underground biomass processing site. The current Governor's fortress cannot be overthrown.

The Master Chief picked up his monomolecular saber, pointed it sideways at the machine servants, and then jumped off suddenly, his heavy body instantly crushing that poor thing, poof, a dim voice appeared, and just as his companion had just Because when the sound came back, several separated monomolecular sabers were thrown and inserted into the processing center of the servitor.

The tacit understanding of the four interstellar warriors made the Master Chief hardly have any worries to do crazy things in the eyes of mortals. Therefore, one heavy machine servant was crushed to death, and four were killed by blades. Weak as a chicken.

"Cleaning complete."

The Master Chief continued to use the tablet to film the situation, then grabbed the servants with one hand, and casually threw them into the huge boiler. Because of the weight of their transformation, they slowly submerged into the liquid.

The proficiency in destroying corpses and traces makes people frown, but killing machines like space warriors born for killing are destined to exist like this, but so far, this room has not seen any heresy, it can only be regarded as ordinary Imperial Fortress is missing bones and imperial symbols.

A little bit disappointed, after all, the place made by such a heretical traitor seems normal at first glance like a processing factory, but the Master Chief began to knock on the wall here slowly, the structure here is very strange, there is no gate, it seems that the machine servant is like It seems that the accessories are closed in this place for work, but according to the perverted desire to control the Mechanicus, he will definitely leave the door behind.

Boom, boom, boom... "I found it..." Melt?Or a power weapon?The cracking sound was too loud, but the auspicious instrument did not have the ability to detect through thick metal, the Master Chief was a little uncertain, and the servitor must not have a key, because the environment here obviously does not require them to have any rights.

"Break the door!" He took out his power sword, so that the door that didn't use pure gold to hide it couldn't even withstand the explosion of the bomb, just to make the movement quieter, he had to use the holy relic, which made the sergeant struggle a little, but also In the blink of an eye, a weapon is a weapon, and no matter how sacred it is, it is also a tool!

This kind of thinking allowed Master Chief to create miracles in many complicated wars involving the honor of the empire, and made him step into the heights he is now, and this time he still did not betray his own path to move forward.

The blade was about to sink into it, but the Master Chief's sensitive facial features felt something was wrong, patter, patter, footsteps, messy and loose, but they did exist.

"Concealment!" He sneaked into the corner of his field of vision in an instant, and some of the other brothers were hidden behind the boiler, and some were as inclined to surprise as he was, but they always managed to make their two-meter-high huge bodies inconspicuous at this moment.

The door hidden in the fine gold wall slowly opened. After the sound of gears clicking, the weird team composed of about ten people, one priest, four heretics, and five machine servants showed their dissatisfaction. The Priest's mechanized raster roared in place of his faint, inaudible voice.

"Where are those machine servants? You don't take care of them strictly? I request to check the situation of the boiler regularly, so as not to cause the machine servants to be sucked into the boiler due to lack of power. Now it's all right, empty the equipment and go to fish out those big iron lumps."

This is obviously not the first time this has been done, and those people also seem natural and skilled, emptying liquids, picking up tools, and blocking pipes, but their conscientiousness is superfluous to the space warriors and the heroes who destroyed the Falcon .

As soon as a mortal cultist flipped the button, he felt the pull behind his back, and then the cold metal pressed against his body, and it felt like a huge hydraulic press touched his head, and his eyes went black...

The Master Chief wiped the blood and body fluids from his gauntlets, put the guy down, and quickly approached another mortal, cutting his head with his saber in an instant.

This kind of situation played out in all directions of this room. A space soldier only needs to kill two people to completely turn the situation into a one-sided advantage.

A few minutes later, the mechanical priest could no longer see the living people in the middle of the room, and his electromagnetic voice still called to them. "Norn, Bruno, Cade?" He panicked a little, as if realizing something was wrong, and the Mechanicum was materialist, but he had seen a lot of witchcraft, too.

He felt like the wiring in his head snapped at the moment, but before he could run, the space marine's thick arms were around his head, and the entire monitor was ice and black.

"Traitor, what do you want?" the Master Chief asked, and the priest answered in a deadpan voice. "I need to ask for support, but obviously this matter is not important anymore, let me survive, my data is the core to open the door, my unmodified retina is the best facility key, I can guess what you need, half god."

"Cooperation, let's cooperate. I have long seen that the founding governor is unhappy. This matter will be easier because of my joining." God asks one more question.

But the Master Chief did. "I see, thank you for your cooperation."

"I feel your loyalty, and now we only need a little dedication."

The priest replied excitedly. "Yes, yes, of course!" Next, he felt thick fingers inserting into his throat like a scalpel, completely destroying his vocal system, followed by stinging pain.

The Space Marine pinched his head and pulled the entire eyeball out, as if getting its garnish from a cocktail.

Blood, oil, and parts fell to the ground with flesh and blood. "Thank you for your dedication to the Emperor, Mechanician." The sergeant has never liked traitors, and he doesn't like the Mechanicus. At this moment, the two guys are stacked together, and it is difficult for him not to do it.

He picked up the eyeball and shook it towards the hidden door. Soon, after sensing the wetware eyeball of the person with authority, the door made a rattling sound of gears, and then opened.

The space fighters walked out, and the outside was a dark underground corridor, like a dug-out air-raid shelter, but according to where the fluid went downward, the Master Chief judged almost instantly that it must be no problem to walk from the slowly descending passage on the right.

But what no one knows is that before the door of that room was still closed, dozens of elite stormtroopers crawled out of the pipe. It was blocked and almost soaked in blood.

Now they have to use the fastest speed to get out before the inner secret door is closed, which can be described as miserable, but even so, they did not give up the mission, and even slowly followed the extremely fast pace of the space fighters, Represents the limit of what humans can do.

The will and spirit of the soldiers of the Loyalty Academy cannot be compared to ordinary soldiers. Since they followed the demigod's footsteps, the energy is nothing compared to the pain of training.

After the space warriors stepped into the bottom of the descending tunnel, they used their retinas to activate the gate, and they slowly entered the deepest place underground. The material solution breeds something similar to the Zerg warrior bug.

But compared to those hunters outside the galaxy, the existence here is obviously more demon-like, with a small number of mutated sharp horns and red exoskeleton with a sense of evil charm, and a terrifying metal monster, to be precise, is The genetic sage, Melkor, was pressing the buttons and pulling the levers with his tentacles on the high console.

There is no computer to judge the biomass and input needed by each individual, so he uses his own judgment and technology to build this group of vanguard soldiers who are unique to him and cut off from the will of the swarm.

This group of biological monsters can make up for the weakness of this world that there is no intelligent control machine soldier. So far, in this forge world, their ground troops will also be truly powerful.

And this powerful genetic sage is more like a monster than a mechanical sage, to be precise, it is a huge spider, which is quite different from the appearance collected by the Imperial Guard and even the Space Marines and recorded by the Empire.

He usually looks like an ordinary mechanical priest in the outside world, so many people think that he is a lucky person with mediocre talent. After all, he has paid attention to people's livelihood for a full hundred years of rule, but within the Mechanicus, he has produced very few achievements.

At this moment, the monster's body has many artificial joints and arms to satisfy his absolute control over this place, even the huge platform can't accommodate his special body, and the light of wisdom flows in his eyes, and the huge servo drive The roar of the body was even more amazing.

"What a monster heretic." The Master Chief sighed hidden in the dark haze, and took out his own data plate to prepare for shooting, but after this action appeared, the huge genetic sage made an almost gentle voice, twisting with him. The appearance is completely different, but the voice of his shell is consistent with his face to the public.

At this moment, a thought flashed into Master Chief's mind. Could it be that he really loves the citizens of the empire and wants them to live and work in peace?

But he shook his head quickly, as the heretic spoke. "Welcome, all Astartes monks, I have met the most respected guests, so far, there is no one. Of course, if the Sun Lord comes here, I may have to repeat this set of rhetoric."

At this moment, the Master Chief just touched his own sword, and his murderous intentions were already on the rise.

(End of this chapter)

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