Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 212 Natural Disaster Comes

Chapter 212 Natural Disaster Comes
The baptism of fire, attacking cruisers, destroying the nests of the eagles, the battlecruisers of this battle group split from the Ultramarines are extremely precious treasures, even if it is to wash away the hatred of the red pirates, they should not Send out such a precious ancient barge.

This ancient, 4-kilometer-long huge cruiser made of pottery steel and fine gold has the Destroyer Eagles residing in its mechanical soul. They will always spread their wings and soar, and will not stop until the world collapses. , can no longer land.

This kind of self-destructive tendency is perverted and crazy, but it has been spread in this Astartes. Only by dying can we live. A large number of tombstones, bones, prayers and scriptures form the core of this space warrior battle group Thought.

Although they still adhered to the logic and rules of the Ultramarines, the tactical planning and destiny planned by Guilliman's "very approved" Codex Astartes.

At the core of its ship, the giant knelt down on one knee and took off his helmet, revealing the vicissitudes of the face and several cruel metal nails, and the environment here is even more peculiar, filled with countless dark runes. Big and small recorded countless battles, but instead of recording victories, they focused on singing death.

The battle priests held up their relic, a golden glyph, a magnificent power sword, and shouted. "Sergeant of the Destroying Eagle, the leader of the fourth company, you have made great contributions to the emperor, at this moment, you will get it, the silent Falcon, the sharp blade of the first generation commander!"

The armored gratings roared low but softly, and the warbrothers sang beside the black obsidian slabs the song they brought from their homeland, Ghost Peak, long, roaring, mad and holy.

"Many heroic spirits gather here, I swear, I agree, I am destined to take the dark journey as my journey, and also take danger as my hometown, and I will never change in this life."

"Praise the Emperor!"

The war brothers chant in unison. "Praise the Emperor!"

The ceremony is over, the dignity is still there, and the war brothers whisper to each other like pigs and dogs like pigs and dogs, but the comradeship is still there. When the non-commissioned officer stepped out of the hall, his teammates pushed him sideways.

"Sir, no offense intended, but I sincerely wish you, and Silent Falcon."

"Supreme honor, but it also represents death, and the holy relic is also the ticket for life to go home." He said bluntly, and it is true. What the Silent Falcon represents is death, eternal sleep, not just an enemy, And the owner himself.

"I have nothing to fear, but..." The Master Chief said his only worry and anxiety, which was what the Sun Lord once told him, the return of the Primarch.

It is against the genes and dogmas of the Destroyer Eagles to live a short life. They are strong because of death, and they live because of mourning. The living are to pray and admire death, and death is the end of honor and return. But at this moment, he has I want to live until the day when the words of the Sun Lord are fulfilled.

When his thoughts were impure, he was ordered to assist the expedition of the Astral Legion. At this moment, since he is the principle of his brothers leading by example, he is also the successor of the way of hope.

But when he looked at his new sword, his thoughts were completely dissipated, his fate was already doomed, so he had to go on the right path instead of hesitating.

At this moment, the non-commissioned officer's thoughts are not only Astartes' strengths but also Astartes' shortcomings. When that firm will betrays, Astartes' loyalty to Zhi Gaotian is often extremely high, and it is mixed with the creed of the former battle group And the love for the empire makes it more difficult for those traitors to return to the embrace of the empire.

Therefore, the betrayal of Space Marines is so tragic that even the most tolerant Chapter cannot bear to have a brother turned into the darling of Chaos.

The brother said. "Sir, you changed after you touched that mortal, we can all feel it, why?"

"I can't tell you guys, at least not right now, don't be curious, many things are not as clear as possible." The Master Chief of the Astartes retracted his thoughts, but his answer was still ruthless, so that the man who had just obtained the sharp blade Joy is diluted a lot.

When the sergeant realized this, he was just about to say something, when the buzzing sound, representing the warning and notice of war, appeared in the battleship, ordering the current members of the Destroyer Eagle Chapter to approach the bridge.

As a result, his defense went bankrupt, so he could only bring his own jetpack to organize his troops and approach the assembly point in an orderly manner.

The well-dressed Astartes lined up in an orderly manner. The Master Chief wore a red helmet and held a sharp blade. Honor and victory moved forward with fate and gathered here.

"Report from the Fourth Company." The Master Chief said.
"Fifth Company report." The gridder of the Space Marines in the second row rang out.

"Report from the sixth company." The company in the third row reported.

And those who gather them are the priests of the Destruction Eagle Company, the preachers of the empire's faith, and the key to the continuation of their spirit of life and death from generation to generation.

It can be said that in an army that values ​​tradition and beliefs as much as Destroy the Eagle, this one has the honor and status second only to the Chapter Leader. His gentle and high-pitched voice is just like that of a Falcon. Although he wears a laurel-like helmet, I can also imagine that his face is probably delicate and handsome.

But he is definitely not a waste of inexperienced martial arts. The Astartes of the empire are the elite of the elite among the mortals, the elite of the elite, and transformed into super fighters after the indoctrination and complex transformation of the beliefs and ideas of the war group.

In this empire that worships force extremely, being called angels and demigods does not depend solely on the genetic seeds and transformations flowing in their bodies. Each of them is a carefully crafted killing machine. Born to kill.

The noble priest looked to his brothers and said. "For the sake of the emperor, brothers, we have received information from the Imperial Guard Sun Lord. It is very important, and it involves a blood feud in this star area."

"All the loyalists who were evacuated from this star area were captured by the empire worlds in these three star areas in the current star area as "items" or "trophies."

"Agricultural world wieners use their flesh and blood as fertilizer to grow crops and enrich the land."

"The hive world uses those loyalists as food for the lower class to meet the huge material needs."

"Mina Tilia is the most vicious and cruel in the foundry world, so they are used to meet the needs of genetic modification, casting a large number of war zombies, beasts, and more messy things."

The disgusting feeling of such atrocities in the priest's voice is even stronger, even the Destroying Eagles soaring into the sky, all Astartes are slightly moved.

The compatriots of the empire are slaughtered and ruined in this way, and they will have emotions in their hearts, but the space fighters don't like to reveal those things, of course, this is also a matter of chapter culture...

The Master Chief interrupted the chaplain now, he asked. "They're tainting death?"

The hatred after the pastor revealed his voice. "Yes, that's right."

The space warriors, the giants wrapped in honor and war, became agitated, and even the Destruction Eagles, who were civilized in an orderly and orderly manner, had a physical incompatibility with the disgust of heresy.

"Emperor..." the Master Chief sighed.

said the pastor. "The imperial guards from Partoria are attacking the enemy's troops, as well as those Tie aliens who have been temporarily incorporated and turned against the empire."

"But the attack of the ground forces has been slow, and the enemy's defense is far beyond expectations. It is the power of the three worlds that are connected to each other, and the accumulation and accumulation of a large amount of supplies, so that the Imperial Guard has almost no ability to capture Mi in a short time. Natilias."

"They need the real invasion force, the blades of the Empire, and that's us, brothers, the time has come."

The call of war draws people into it like a strong hurricane, even for demigods. At the moment of the empire's life and death, people will have to do everything they can if they want to survive.

The battle priest is talking about tactics. Generally speaking, the chapter master should be planning here, not him, but in this universe, people are often separated, and it is not unheard of to hold multiple positions.

"Now the enemy's core firepower is entangled in the joint force attack of the Imperial Guard, led by Partoria, mixed with Titans and about 3 Imperial Guard infantry regiments and artillery regiments, a huge formation of 34 people in total, like the Empire's Anger spread across the world."

"Now the place that needs to be attacked the most is the core of the main nest, where a total of 10 people participate in the crazy meat-grinding operation, and we only need to enter the battlefield through vehicles as usual, and then spread our wings and fly over the enemy's walls and castles, attacking the city's defenses in its core areas."

"Because the Imperial Guard has occupied the area, this operation will be Thunderhawk gunboats to take you down, the Emperor bless, let the enemy's blood be spilled."

"And we are both the Emperor's falcons and the heretics' nightmares, like a catastrophe."

The war brothers are in high spirits. "A natural disaster is coming!"

The Master Chief only felt the breath of gunpowder smoke rushing from the ground to his nostrils. It was a kind of actual substance called war that was vaguely existing. His thoughts were a bit messy, but he still went to the armory to prepare his own things.

He stroked the jetpack with his fingers, and the touch brought by the electronic fiber bundles allowed him to feel the fuzzy feel through the ceramic steel. His old comrades, the wings that were still hard after he joined the regiment, were also the solution to his confusion when he was confused.

When the strike cruiser came to the expected star system, the space marines put on their equipment, methodically, and walked into the Thunderhawk gunship in groups of four.

At this moment, the black and brown world came into view, and the well-informed space warriors were also surprised for a moment. Normally, the color of the forging world should be like a desert, but such a metallic color represents its extremely terrifying. The nests all cover the area.

From this point of view, it can't be blamed for the Imperial Guard's inability to take this place. Such a terrifying castle coverage area must have a lot of equipment to defend against the arrival of war.

The Master Chief broadcast his voice to the entire [-]th Company on the communicator. "Don't worry, the Imperial Guard has already strategically planned a part of the area, and the landing will not be hindered much."

Even so, the war is not a final issue, and there may be some accidents. The non-commissioned officer has felt thirsty for the battlefield for a long time. His expectations were pure before, but now there are many fears of death mixed in.

Once people have expectations, the speed of swinging a sword may slow down. The Master Chief laughed at his own thoughts in his heart, and once again denied his talent for a sense of humor. It was not until the war engine roared that the restlessness made this veteran Feel warm and used.

After the Thunderhawk gunship tore through the sky, the complex mechanical nests on the ground appeared interlaced with the vast desert. Although the gentleness hadn't entered the inside of the gunship, it was still uncomfortable to the naked eye.

The interstellar warriors born in the mountains, the Doom Falcons have not forgotten the feeling of their home planet. Such a desert is not suitable for them to fight. It is just an element that is vital to mortals, and it is irrelevant in the face of power armor and superhuman body and will.

For them, Thunderhawk's G-force is only equivalent to a massage, it's irrelevant, and the things hovering in the sky are quickly detected by the auspicious instrument. With physique, Thunder Eagle can make many exaggerated evasive moves.

Enemy counterattacks were no problem for the Space Marines, and those angelic devices caught the attention of the Partorian soldiers, the skull marks flying over the brutal meat grinder, a few veterans shouted.


This sentence was passed on from time to time, calls and shouts replaced the almost numb siege battle, the Imperial Guard was ignited with the flames of hope, and the emperor's angels lived up to expectations, and the damned heresy equipment on the city wall The shooting was shot by the gunboat pilot with a beautiful support, and countless large-caliber explosive shells instantly turned the heresy into blood.

For larger equipment, use the battle cannon on the back of the gunboat to deal with it. A familiar area clearing sound in the communicator awakened the Master Chief’s thoughts. He put on his helmet, covered his face, and erased his human identity. All individuality and sensibility live only as weapons of war.

He raised his head and watched as the gunboat opened its transport bay and jumped down with the soldiers. The jetpacks ignited and the giants fell like angels. The team used their bolt pistols to shoot the high-value heavy firepower group with ease. Will take a life, when those terrible angels fell on the ground, to be precise, it was the towering hive wall of the Mechanicus, a violent battle cry rang out.

"A natural disaster is coming!"

Blood flowed from the nose, pupils, and ears of the cultists, as if they had been hit head-on by a shock bomb, and then the humming roar of the chainsaw sword instantly tore dozens of defenders to pieces.

Colonel Partoria looked at the angels with mixed emotions. They had worked hard for several days to understand that this group of demigods landed in 10 minutes. In just an instant, the enemy's core defense power was reduced by more than half.

The Master Chief wiped the heretic blood off the power sword, opened the gates of the hive world, and let the Imperial Guard easily enter...

(End of this chapter)

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