Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 194 The style of the Imperial Guard is to explode

Chapter 194 The style of the Imperial Guard is to explode
The darkness, the suffocating darkness, with the constant roaring explosions trembled in the hive city beyond human habits. Time is running out, and the city has been invaded by aliens.

The Imperial Guard must take responsibility for dealing with the Eldar xenos here who already know the secrets of the Empire. By the light of makeshift lumens, those precious materials came beside the Chimera amidst the trembling ground and the wreckage of the ruins.

Sergeant Catachan radioed into the distance. "We were attacked by aliens, the Eldar!" The alien corpses that fell all over the ground told the sufferings experienced by Alan Bayer, and Chimera was burned by the hot spear (the dark Eldar's melting weapon) At the same time, there are grim-looking Skadi veterans lying on the ground, returning to the throne.

In the shooting hole of the vehicle crew, the Leitling boy held his carbine to be vigilant, while the blood flowing out of the aliens pierced by heat rays and explosive bombs showed a shocking darkness in the night vision goggles.

"Damn it, this group of aliens ruined this place, the Emperor..." The second lieutenant had to insult those filthy things, he used to like to walk the streets here, but now there is nothing, the only thing left, probably There was only madness and killing. He saluted the dead comrades, while Alan Baier put all his energy on those intelligence personnel who worked so hard to rescue them.

Without their survival, the dead veterans of the Imperial Guard would be worthless, and the only places they could have been taken were their carapaces, guns, and dog tags.

In this city today, the losses caused by the aliens have made people painful and frightened. Now they are licking and biting the flesh and blood of the empire, treating people as their dinner and savoring them carefully.

Although it was not a beautiful place in the past, it was still a place to live. Tired adventurers drank wine, and people worked tirelessly, but the war destroyed everything. Now this is a bloody and dark hell. nothing else.

"Go back, the task is completed, and the target of the alien will become us now, because the most important thing is in our hands, and now our goal is to survive." Alan Bayer emphasized the situation, although most people did not understand What happened, and survived, is all too familiar to the people of Skadi.

Get in the car, be vigilant, hold weapons, dark space, buzzing engines, narrow roads and enemies that may appear at any time, the aliens are not good, especially when they see the treasures escorted by the Imperial Guard, its huge value is enough The Red Pirates gifted them with many valuable things, and it was not even a dream to get an Ark of Omen.

In this dark universe, the value of timely intelligence even exceeds the time when humans were still on Terra. Under the interference of those turbid subspaces, every word, every valuable word determines the fate of countless human beings .

The car body is squeezed out of thick waste cement, construction waste, the space is so quiet that it is dead, dead, dead silent, whether it is a forest or a city, as long as the law of the jungle is respected here, I told Lieutenant Colonel Katachan like that.

This world, the quieter it is, the more dangerous it is...

Whoosh, abrupt, extremely fast, like a bloody wind blowing across the cheeks, the accurate shooting makes one have to think that it is the shooting fired by a space soldier, like a sharp feather embedded in the driving seam of the armored vehicle body, penetrating the thick The bulletproof alloy glass brushed across Alan Baier's face.

Driving is a near-death job, especially when your enemy is a group of tall and deadly space elves, their ancestral, miraculous arrows turned into deadly high-tech armor-piercing rifles loaded with toxins, accelerated by electromagnetic acceleration to supersonic speed, then probably No one can survive the killers from the Comoros.

Attacks in the void are still going on. The Messenger-class Tau destroyer is a large electromagnetic cannon that keeps bombing the Iron Gate of the Empire. The explosions and vibrations made it difficult to drive the Chimera. Now Alan Bayer has to deal with those lunatic spirits. family.

The second lieutenant of the co-pilot curiously planned to touch the green vigilance on the gold car body inserted into the rear of the cockpit with his fingers, and Alan Baier cursed. "Don't move, there is neurotoxin!"

Although it would be fatal if it entered the blood only by breaking the wound, but he couldn't let anyone touch this thing at risk. As long as there were fewer wounds, those toxins would enter the human body, then this unlucky guy would convulse in pain and die, and even The purpose of this thing is to kill the enemy, and it has to torture that living body for a long time.

Those perverted thugs of the Eldar race continued to do evil in this universe, the second lieutenant immediately put away his cheap claws, the car continued to move forward, the imperial guards could not fight back, those things were well hidden, only weird shooting from all directions, and the imperial guards Soldiers can't poke their heads out. If they are stabbed, they will be desperate.

The car body is moving forward, the engine is roaring, the road is not too far away, they are wary of rubble, rubbish and ruins, the days of mental exhaustion are finally over.

But the Spirit Race would not let go of this good opportunity. When turning at the next intersection, something looming in the sky shone with abnormal fluctuations, and Alan Bayer immediately stepped up and pressed the accelerator.

The chimera roared, the engine turned, and it roared forward, but no matter how fast it was, it was difficult to shake off the uninvited guest from the sky.

"There are enemies!" For he knew it was the light of the melta weapons, the Heat Lances of the Eldar, weapons wielded by the Reapers and Scourge.This weapon can be regarded as a major technological breakthrough for the Comoros. It not only has the scorching power of the melta weapon, but also has the ultra-high precision of the laser weapon.

Like most melta weapons, the Hot Spear has a short range but is extremely destructive and deadly at the same time, with a blazing fast charge rate and a well-prepared shot, a nifty strike made up of their favorite tricks of concealment and deadly ambushes conspiracy.

"Damn it, I can't dodge it!" The Chimera is already fully loaded, not to mention that this weapon is so accurate, the light and the sound of hissing become clearer, and those damned aliens also reveal their bodies. A natural disaster is also the sky of the Dark Eldar. assault force.

Its members are generally rich and courageous, and they are a group of Dark Eldar who have been transformed by Haemonculus.

Their bones have been gutted and real wings transplanted with matching muscle groups and extra adrenal glands, so they can actually fly!

Those profane alien angels hovered in the air, smirking and nightmares at the same time, and at the nick of time, Skadi's veterans leaned out of the place damaged by the Eldar shooting, and shot at the enemy without cover.

This is crazy, mortals can't compare to those almost undead aliens in the universe, their tall bodies and precise shooting are deadly enough, and the angels with this devil's wings are indeed terrifying, smirking, wailing, flashing sharp blows from their hands The spear is charged like a pitch-black Gothic spear.

"Shoot!" a Gothic growl, human rage and ambition gathered in the heat-ray's deflagration gun, bang bang bang, whoosh, lance and beam exchanged, those mighty angels fell to the ground, wings Collapsed, the body was scorched, and was crushed by the Chimera armored vehicle, the armor was shattered, and blood flowed from the body, apologizing to the countless humans they had killed with their lives.

In the exchange shooting, the veterans also had two projectiles poisoned by the crystal gun. Those weapons that were heated by the aliens with electromagnetic heating have the heat of plasma, in other words...

They melted the carapace as easily as melted the butter, and if the heavy ceramic armor of the space marines could endure those shots, but the imperial guard... the empire still couldn't provide enough defense for those brave mortals.

Alan Baier continued to drive, the Master Chief and the Raitlings eagerly checked their brother's wounds, but they kept screaming. The war they experienced was enough to make the kindest crazy and make the loyalists confused, but they didn't cry , but now makes this sad sound.

Those neurotoxins make the tough guys in Skadi want to cry. They are hopeless, but who will help them, at least for now, their vital signs are still active.

Who can shoot a comrade in pain, the feeling will linger around them for a long time, but listening to the wailing and letting them die is enough to make their souls become fragments, which is what those Eldar are greedy for, they are beyond salvation Drugs, but either shooting at a fellow or ignoring it is enough to cause the victim and his fellow affliction.

Those chaotic aliens laughed in the dark, but not long after such hesitation, the tavern owner sang the emperor's hymn, used those battlefield prayers to appease the comrades he didn't know, and then stretched out his arms, bang bang bang, bang Bang bang, end the lives of those poor people who walk peacefully, faithfully, without fear and madness in front of them.

As an intelligence officer of the Empire, he is absolutely ruthless and crazy, and at the same time good at being a good person, but his actions made the Master Chief angry, and the Master Chief held the brave man with his thick arm, and he questioned why he treated his comrades like this , but there was no trace of hesitation on the boss's face.

"He's doomed, you know that." He pushed the Catachan's arm, here his collar, as if killing two Imperial heroes was like crushing ants, and Master Catachan would let go. Also because he really knows that there is nothing wrong with this behavior...

Deadly silence and restlessness, contradictions and madness reverberate in this small train group. Even though the Eldar's plan did not succeed, contradictions still breed. Alan Baier is very clear, but he did not point out that he did not point out the situation just now. easy to handle.

He is also a soldier, and even he is very grateful for what the tavern owner has done. When the Chimera stopped, the recycling bin had turned into the harshest stronghold of the Imperial Guard. Those soldiers guarded here, and the labor force continued to build bunkers and transport materials. Alan Baier called a stop to those things.

"Now that the war has started, and this area has been invaded by aliens, we need a new plan to change the situation, change the status quo, and let those aliens pay their debts."

The Master Chief couldn't help asking. "Then what should we do? The building groups and alien technology in this place are too troublesome, and we have fallen into a passive position. Although the frontal battles of those aliens are not as good as ours, guerrilla warfare and blocking warfare are enough to kill us here."

"Their weapons can easily penetrate the armor, and the heavy buildings here can hinder the advance of Lemanus, and this place is too narrow to activate the Baneblade tank."

Alan Baier looked at the officer here. In this narrow and crazy place, he had to express his daring thoughts. This is a direct and distorted plan, but it can save this asteroid world.

"I will apply to General Marcato for enough nuclear bombs. The warships cannot directly bomb here, so we will install those things in the central area of ​​the city, that is, here, according to the timing."

"We just need a successful equipment shipment, 12 Chimeras and enough firepower, heavy weapons crews and brave soldiers, one nuke is enough to clear out the buildings here, the heat will shuttle through the narrow hive like the Emperor's wrath , burn everything here."

"Even if there were remaining Eldar, they would not be able to successfully hide themselves and force them to retreat in the open gap where the ground is only carbonized and buildings and crystals."

The soldiers stared in disbelief as the plan meant that the lives of the many remaining survivors in the city and Imperial citizens captured by the Eldar had all been rendered worthless.

The second lieutenant swallowed, sweat dripping down his forehead, although he usually does nothing, but he is the most humane soldier here, this plan is already on the edge of his thoughts, as long as it is a little more, the survivors here will be more obvious At one point, he couldn't bear such a plan.

Although Boy Leitlin has just joined, he has seen the madness of heresy, and Sergeant Catachan hates aliens, and the staff will not hesitate. If a nuclear bomb and hundreds of thousands of lives can change the advantage of the theater, he can Detonate that thing three or four times.

Alan Baier saw the second lieutenant's hesitation, he pressed the young man's shoulders, he has always been the youngest cutie in the team with the least experience, he is not suitable for the battlefield, but fate brings him here, he suffers again and again He is not so used to those battles and intense struggles that destroy humanity, but he is still important.

"Don't be afraid, this is for the safety of more people, and it is also for the Emperor... Remember that sentence, I have crossed the netherworld with my heart and soul, and you swore to the Emperor."

The second lieutenant nodded heavily. With the consent of all members of Skadi, Alan Bayer dialed the phone number of the destruction. With the quick consent of Marcato, the one in the naval headquarters was used for the extermination order. The nukes were taken out by heavy trucks.

And Skadi's goal now is to clean up the streets, maintain roads, ensure safety and the passage of trucks, and at the same time transport intelligence officers to safe areas, and those dark Eldar conspiracy groups are obviously not waiting to die...

Bloody wind and war are imminent, dark and light, win or die...

At the end of this dark No. 40th millennium...in narrow ducts and tiny cities, playing the symphony of death with gold and beams, again.

(End of this chapter)

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