Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 163 Let the blood of traitors and aliens moisten the dry land

Chapter 163 Let the blood of traitors and aliens moisten the dry land

Splinters and projectiles splashed by the wind, frost cracked in the cold wind, the frost and steam produced by the rapid cooling of those fiery weapons accompanied by blood, whether it is the mortals of the Imperial Guard or the servants of the Chaos Gods or the alien greenskins .

War does not care who is right and who is wrong. When the lieutenant's titan plunges into the orc's crumbling can with the barrel in his arm, the cracked fragments and metal parts crumble under the rumbling heavy weapons, and the knight titan even Lifting the entire orc tank under his own power, showering the metal spilled by his enemies as if displaying his decorations, trophies.

Even the orcs couldn't help but pause a little because of this scene, but soon, their one-eyed eyes, which they regarded as gods, roared in the communicator.

"Attack! Attack!"

The gratings of those cans also made electronic roars, shouting non-biological cries, as if this organism was a living thing, shouting the endless echoing sky. "waaaaahhgggg!"


Those monster-like roars completely wiped out the few fears of the orcs, and charged towards the Knight Titans, but soon one by one Lemanus fired projectiles forward relying on the enemy windows torn apart by the knights, the empire was proud of it The terrible firepower tore those things apart, and the second lieutenant also activated the ion shield, and the ion bodies resisted the projectiles, covering Lemanus, and the petrified lizard's shots were therefore continuous and violent.

When the fierce flames and bursting projectiles on the battlefield blasted from one side to the other, under the circumstances that human beings could hardly understand, a terrible and colorful aurora hung on the sky at some point, and even brought out the moon and satellites of this world. Weird light.

Whether it is something brought about by death or the change of the natural environment caused by the strong energy born of war is beyond debate. Only living creatures are shooting and biting each other in this wilderness-like land.

Alan Bayer, riding on a Salamander tank, shoots hot melted bullets at the enemy's body. Whether it's a Chaos traitor or a canned orc, the violent thermal hot melted shotgun can still do its job well, killing Enemy of Mankind.

And in the barrel of the gun and the white mist he spit out, Alan Bayer looked at the dwindling enemies and the weird aurora in the sky, like a colorful curtain covering a section of this world, he didn't know that this was the Emperor The gift of the gods or the new conspiracy of the gods, or just nature's beautiful rejection of such a war involving hundreds of thousands of people, but he still can only fire his own weapon.

Sizzling, sizzling, the continuous sound of hot melting, and its unique flash, combined with the screams and deaths of the enemies, Alan Byer couldn't count how many things he killed today. Of course, maybe he just Kill 30 percent of that stuff, and leave him disabled for life.

Skadi's soldiers are slowly pressing in like swallowing the enemy, the fate has changed, the wind direction is also counterattacking, the victory of the empire is certain, but Alan Bayer has to think, will the brothers who died today Would have died from the indifference of the Mechanicum, and if those demihumans had joined the war, their lives might have been preserved, to have children and enjoy their fate.

Their lives are miserable enough, born in the hive capital, fighting against the enemy of human beings, their brothers died, and now they have nothing, only their lives can be paid to this insatiable world, even so, those soldiers have no complaints or regrets, only for their own Honor, for the world's submission to them for a moment.

If they can do it, and if the victory falls into the hands of humans, this huge empire can continue mechanically. Otherwise, humans will face the enslavement of aliens and the oppression of heretics.

But the conflict and gap between Alan Bayer and the Mechanicus has already been born. He even doubts whether the emperor should let those things become a group that continues the wisdom of the empire. Boundless existence, but space fighters also have traitors, you can't just look at the Primarch, not to mention, even the Primarch has traitors.

Alan Baier thought about it for a long time, and when his thoughts stayed in this world, he also felt disgusted with this empire. Those things did not exist, but the Skadi people and this star sector or other loyal imperial guards suppressed it. those feelings.

Even if he didn't want the Black Heart King or Abaddon to wash up the world, no matter how many people wash up, they can't change their own destiny, unless all the emperor's plans are successful.

He had to trust the supreme and intelligent being, even though his wisdom was not comprehensible to ordinary people, even though his will would make people die, even though the subspace made his words blurred.

"Go forward and wipe out all the enemies. The petrified lizards continue to fire." His voice was cold. On the battlefield, it doesn't matter how many sacrifices. The important thing becomes how to win. If you care about those things and are afraid , The strength of the Imperial Guard will be greatly reduced, even if it is cruel, but life is like this, but it is just a pawn of this huge empire, but the currency of the Lord of Humanity.

"Forward pressure! Forward pressure, all forward pressure! Don't be afraid of the enemy's defensive power, the emperor bless us, and dedicate your loyalty to him! All imperial guards!" The staff officer shouted, probably because the training of the Academy of Loyalty made him His voice can still penetrate the battlefield without being amplified. It is hard to imagine that a person's words can be so powerful, as if countless people are resonating with him.

And every time Alanbayer asked his staff about his skills, he would just answer that it was his belief in the Emperor.

He didn't believe it, but the sound was indeed extremely inspiring. When the footsteps of the Skadi soldiers and the heavy engine sound of Lemanus were mixed with the light of the Poison Blade and the Knight Titan, the protagonist of the war may be by chance. Commanders, but on such a scale, the effect of heroism is actually not that great.

In those places where the light of fate is in focus, besides the shining heroes, how many loyalists of the empire are rushing to death?
Today, the imperial guards hold their destiny and honor tightly in their hands. They have been busy all their lives in the Hive City, and they are judged to be content with the status quo. There is no privilege and preferential treatment for you. The place where you were born does not allow you to aim too high.

Bow down, you can't ask for extravagantly, there is nothing better than bending over.

Each has its own place, each has its destiny, no variation, no heresy, already grateful, humble, unable to stand up, muddy life?
Join here, with comrades in arms, your life is not worthless, although it is still a struggle.

They want fate to surrender to them, conquer or have nothing, small favors, small powers, small benefits, non-commissioned officers, lieutenants, insignificant!
They want to win, they don't care to get anything for themselves, they are not beggars, the Imperial Guard are unyielding men, with arms and engines at the wheel, marching on in the fear of heretics and traitors.

So what if it was a space marine, or a green-skinned orc, or something even scarier?

Bullet salvo, the last orc mechs perish with the souls of many traitors In the wrath of those empires, melta, bombs, lasers or heat rays, the Emperor bestows upon those who dare challenge the puzzle of their own destiny, for They want fate to surrender to themselves.

The heretics were crushed, the xenos were chaotic, and the flames of the Imperial Guard burned them with their lives before those evil things that set foot on the Empire's light polluted the world.

Now, the entrance to the formerly distant base is within easy reach, and the green shields that hindered their bombing have completely failed. The petrified lizards are endlessly cultivating the land with flames, and the aliens can only survive with their shells made of pure gold. Completely suppressed by the Imperial Guard.

Scrap iron and dead wreckage all over the ground, the corpses of aliens and heretics and the scrap iron turned into engines filled the land, and the death of Lemanus and the loyalists of the Imperial Guard was astonishing, according to Alan Bayer's crude calculations , and then said bitterly to the staff. "If you fight again, the establishment of Skadi's only regiment will be wiped out."

He said it easily, but the resentment towards the Mechanicus was also vague in his words, and it could even be said that there was not much cover up. If those things hadn't cherished their precious servants, the war would not have fallen like this.

At this moment, the aurora in the sky also became bright red due to the fierce battle. Those weird things represented that the Chaos Gods depended on this war. Alan Bayer could see it clearly. You are enjoying it too.

Perhaps it is not the emperor that really keeps this empire alive, but the greed and souls of those damned subspace gods and mortals. Even if the emperor can keep the loyal souls, are the subspace gods really nothing?

Alan Bayer kicked the head of a Chaos Space Warrior on the ground. This thing is the favorite thing of the gods of this war. The tough soul of this once noble warrior will forge a new enemy of the Empire in the warp.

Demons or other things, dead bodies of orcs will also take root in this world, and new contradictions will be born in unknown places.

It's hard to say that the Imperial Guard's sacrifice was worth it, but he had to win, and it's repulsive to say that, but even if he won tens of thousands of times, the winner would still be the Chaos Gods.

But soon his eyes became firm again, no matter what, tooth for tooth, blood for blood, the things that tortured the empire must be eradicated, and the evil that threatens mankind should be remembered with death. As a soldier, he cannot think about war What's the point, he can't enjoy the carnage either.

He watched the base's entrance and exit for soldiers being slowly sealed and closed by the retractable gate made of fine gold, and calmly opened the communicator. "Petrified lizards, pry open their bastard shells."

The Emperor's wrath rains down on the enemy's last defenses with precision. The lines of aggression opened with blood and sacrifices, bolts and energy magazines now ensure the bombing is efficient. Basilisks are accurate at distances measured in kilometers. Bombing enemy bases.

The victory is certain, they are like the apes who saw shells for the first time on Terra, using stones to pry open their trophies bit by bit, life seems to have gone a long way, but in fact it is still nothing more than that, life and death, eating or Being eaten, but now the scale is bigger and the loss is greater, but the benefits are still the same.

Maybe life is destined to be like this, biting and plundering each other, and this huge empty galaxy is just a stage for those things to bite each other.

When the world's first ape murdered shells, the Chaos Gods were born. When the first weapon to kill other life was born, they became more powerful. Now they are almost unstoppable.

And the Imperial Guard still will not hesitate, they will repeat the survival of the fittest countless times, countless times, until no life in the galaxy dares to challenge the authority of the Empire.

They want the aliens to curl up in the cold corner of the void until they are extinct. They want the heretics to fear the light of the emperor until they dissipate completely. They want the gods of chaos to never dare to step out of their world until the emperor wakes up. The survivors will die of shame, the aliens will cower in fear, and the gods of chaos will no longer dare to set foot in the real universe. Until the Great Crusade, which has been stagnant for thousands of years, restarts, the emperor will give the only and most needed comment to all the human beings who sacrificed because of this. You have accomplished your mission.

But now, human beings look forward to the icy sun's light reviving in the physical universe again. Even if there are countless heretics who comment that the emperor's awakening will be a disaster for human beings, that light is the only change humans have made to this universe. If it is because of the emperor, everything It can be washed and restarted, so is it not a victory for mankind?

Before that, the imperial guards would continue to fight, fight until the void dried up, until the blood dried up, and when those heretics and aliens were afraid of the hammer of the empire, the emperor on the throne world would feel that he is now The only emotion that should be felt.

Although I don't know what it is, whether it is sadness or joy, the emperor must treasure that feeling now, and as his most loyal saint, Alan Bayer only needs to make those heretics and aliens fear, let their Blood fills this parched planet, and let their deaths bring peace to this sector.

"For the emperor!" Alan Bayer roared, at this moment, his voice even overwhelmed the usual shouts of the staff, and it spread to places as far away as the petrified lizard troops without using a loudspeaker. Psionic sorcery, and no technology to help, it's just his desire to win that made him so angry, rage at xenos and heretics.

That emotion spread like a virus, as long as the emperor worshiped, hoped for peace, and hated aliens and heresies, the citizens of the empire would respond to those cruel, terrible, and sad cries.

"For the Emperor!"

Amidst the resonance of human voices and the bombardment of petrified lizards, cracks appeared in the incomparably strong adamantine, crackling, hundreds of meters away, the shield layer on the outer layer of a battleship cracked, revealing the weak, trembling traitors and aliens inside.

Alan Baier raised his weapon, pointing to the traitors among them. "It's time to send you to meet your gods."

(End of this chapter)

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