Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 145 Knife and Sword, Laser and Bomb Mechanics' Feelings

Chapter 145 Knife and Sword, Laser and Bomb Mechanics' Feelings
The second lieutenant is a knight, or so he thinks, and amidst the blood-boiling restlessness of the roaring Sentinel war pistons, he will blaze a trail of humanity for the Empire.

The knight titan was too big, he took his favorite horse from the Liberty Blade and marched to the battle.

He is not an aristocrat, he was born in a hive capital, and his fate is uncertain. The only thing he has is abnormal optimism in this era, and his loyalty that shines like gold.

The God Emperor will reward anyone who puts the responsibility on his own poor body, whether it is a space warrior or a mortal, whether it is the Mechanic Church or the State Church, in this dark universe who is willing to fight for the Empire, his fate will be determined by the Lord of Humanity attention.

When the sentinel was reassembled, the third hand of the Mechanicus caressed the powerful war machine, and the Mechanician sister took out a prayer.


The loyal mechanical language and its holy voice were about to blurt out, but the second lieutenant said. "So far, I still have enemies to deal with."

Dissatisfaction flashed across the pale blue jewel-like eyes of the Mechanicist girl. "If its machine soul is unhappy, what should we do, such as encountering those things on the battlefield..."

I have to admit that she has a little fondness for her partner, even though he is only flesh and blood, but the emotions of the comrades in arms of the Imperial Guard have penetrated into her server, and those worries bother her, but also make her more happy.

The second lieutenant just patted the sentry on the head. "I believe it."

The Sentinels are now reattached to the mecha legs, as a killing machine made to kill should do.

Compared with being embedded in the knight, its machine soul prefers this kind of "running". Those gleaming deadly weapons and specially equipped deflagration beam launchers will also take away the lives of those heretics.

The armed forces of Skadi's only regiment can break through the ceramic steel armor of the interstellar warriors, but those superhumans are extremely powerful and absolutely difficult to deal with.

The second lieutenant lowered his head and spoke to the communicator. "Keep a group of 15 people during the battle, and ensure that they are dispersed enough to support each other. Remember, when you run out of ammunition, you can use a saber to stab the gaps in the power armor of those traitors."

"I once burned those traitors in the forest. Their power armor gaps are not strong. For mobility, there are only metal fiber bundles and reinforced fiber defenses."

"And, however, always remember, the Emperor protects us."

"For the Empire..."

"For the Empire!"

The Chimera armored vehicle, the Sentinel, took the lead in transporting those loyal soldiers forward, and those loyal soldiers moved forward in the dark car, not even knowing what was in front of them.

It's just that the Skadi people always know that they are homeless, and the creators of that cruel reality are tearing apart the world with their sharp blades.

And the second lieutenant's sentinel mecha was equipped with an antenna and auspicious instrument as the command plane, and the steel feet also stepped on the rough rocky ground of this world and the roads connecting the cities, running at the fastest speed.

The hot air of the Adeptus Mechanicum's forge world caressed his litter, except it was too dry, almost the same as then, and fate was sometimes like a vortex, repeating, repeating...

In the end, the scouts of the Imperial Guard came to the battlefield first, scouting the situation in the inner city from a high place, and there were wreckage everywhere. Those supermen knew how to hide themselves. Buildings destroyed human beings, but they did not leave in a hurry, but put a large amount of food used by the machine servants into their backpacks.

Considering that the radio may be monitored, the scouts took out special light emitters. The scouting wing of Skadi's only regiment can use a special kind of goggles that imitate a special-shaped eyeball to identify demigods who can't see. to the light.

The flickering wonderful color was transformed into pure white light by human eyes, and the reconnaissance unit communicated it to the second lieutenant.

"They are collecting food. The number is unclear. There are a large number of hidden people. It seems that they do not intend to leave the city."

An idea flashed through the second lieutenant's mind, they want to use this place as a stronghold?

But he quickly refuted this idea. If it is a stronghold, then priority should be given to building defense projects instead of taking things.

But compared to the purpose, the second lieutenant cared more about how to break through the enemy's hidden snow area, and Skadi's invincible Catachans were all working hard in the void.

"Coordinates, give me the coordinates, we bomb that area."

Captain Sakata shouted, but the second lieutenant answered. "There are still many machine servants or members of the Mechanicus in the Hive City. If we bomb, the Foundry Governor may not be happy, and the Empire cannot accept such a large loss in exchange for the death of a few traitors."

He is well aware of the power of the space fighters, even if they are bombarded by petrified lizards, they can rely on adaptability to survive, such as entering bunkers or air-raid shelters, etc. The Mechanicus city does not lack those things, and the dome of the hive city will also hinder the first attack. One bombing, give those superhumans time to react.

It should not be a waste of ammunition and destroying the empire's supplies. Although the area can be cleared, the second lieutenant knows very well that having city cover is also a good thing for Skadi's sole regiment.

He said to Captain Sakata. "There are still remnants of cathars in the city. They can provide a lot of help. Bombing is not necessarily better for our war. Now, please guard the intersection with the armored regiments. The only regiment of Skadi is going to teach the traitors a lesson."

Commander Sakata hesitated, he really didn't want to go to the loyalists to die, that's why his military rank was stuck at Colonel, his friendship with the soldiers allowed him to fight bravely as soldiers, but it was always difficult to make them fight to the death. To die and to live.

In this regard, the second lieutenant has the same cruel personality as Alan Baier, because they both know that loyalty can be exchanged for sacrifice.

At this moment, the second lieutenant gave an order to Skadi's only regiment, and his first sentence was. "Use the bayonet." Generally, this is only for melee combat, and meat-grinding warfare will be issued. For the Imperial Guard, whether it is alien or heretic, melee combat is the second choice as much as possible.

Of course, it’s not that they are afraid of close combat, but that humans are not good at close combat in most cases, and the bayonets of the Imperial Guard will slightly affect the shooting of guns, and the front weight will affect the feel.

Moreover, the weapons used by Skadi today are all power weapons, and the bayonet on behalf of the second lieutenant judges that in the next battle, Skadi's only regiment may not have time to draw their swords.

The team has dispersed into the city in groups of 15 people, and the scattered pipes or city ruins inside the complex hive capital have become excellent bunkers for the enemy.

Superman's powerful reflexes and enhanced five senses can even hear the faintest breath.

In this battle, no matter whether it is the right time, place and people, there is no advantage. The second lieutenant led the temporary first company and asked them calmly and even cruelly.

The Sentinel squats slightly in a "humanized" way. The design of that thing is not suitable for such actions, but in order to express his equality with the soldiers, he still tries to lower his height as much as possible.

"Prioritize the protection of civilians."

This is an absurd request. In today's world where demigods are rampant, how can anyone protect ordinary people while dealing with Chaos space warriors?

But Skadi's soldiers still answered. "yes!"

But at this moment, the entire nest fell into an abnormal tranquility. How to describe this tranquility is hard to imagine, but the second lieutenant is very used to it, because it is the tranquility in the forest.

In the forest, the quieter the more dangerous, the private shops or warehouses of civilian equipment on the side of the road were overturned and opened at this moment, and the things inside were looted. The corpses of ordinary imperial people and the mechanical bodies of machine servants were scattered on the ground. It's everywhere, and it's not clear who it is. Some of the ordinary people here are family members of Mechanicus, some are businessmen who come to trade, and there are some outlaws and so on.

But the sunlight in the city is too violent, because there are no clouds in this world, and the dome built by the Mechanicus can only protect against the ultraviolet rays that cannot be blocked by the rough artificial atmosphere here.

The sense of incongruity brought about by the bright sunshine is like a comfortable and ordinary day, when an inhuman disaster strikes suddenly, but there must be survivors of the disaster, the poor girl held back her tears and held her breath, beside a mechanical The priest was holding the flesh and blood in a protective posture.

If Alan Baier was here, he must know this priest, the guy who has maintained Miss Baneblade for hundreds of years, the guy who told him the centuries-old history of the Imperial Engine.

And in this world, there are genius scumbags like Icarus, and there are also mediocre guys who can never erase humanity. At this moment, he is hiding in a room with a girl who is only 6-7 years old and has little value. Under the counter of the smashed shop.

Even because of this, he scrapped all his servants, and exchanged those precious combat power for the enemy's attention.

He didn't know why he did it, but his not-so-good emotional control device malfunctioned when he saw his compatriots crying.

He whispered to the little girl in the distinctive voice of the grater. "Breathe evenly and think of Om Messiah."

The girl, wiping away tears, with brown hair tied in a ponytail, asked. "Who is the Om Messiah?"

The abbe took a long breath and used a name he didn't like. "It is the Emperor, the Lord of Humanity who protects you."

the girl asked. "Why did the angel kill my mom...? Did we make a mistake?"

"The Emperor doesn't like us?"

The priest hugged the girl, even though his modified body was hard and there were many things that were not suitable for human mechanics, which could make the girl uncomfortable, but it was still warm.

"He loved us all."

"Now, don't cry, the Emperor's angels will come."

the girl asked. "Aren't those people angels?"

"They're not absolutely not... and we'll be saved soon." The priest said, but he didn't know what would happen next. His third arm had been removed by the traitors, and those supermen's fighting power far exceeded His data evaluation.

But he still held his power axe. Even if he was crushed to pieces, he would take away an enemy of Om Messiah. The performance of countless machines on the battlefield is mediocre.

The only bad thing is that he is sorry for his mentor. If he completes an approved stc replica this year, his mentor can enter the core of the guild and become a sage.

It's hard to say that he doesn't regret it in the end. To do such a thing for an ordinary flesh and blood, he can only blame his emotional controller for being broken.

But he can only wait at this moment, and he can only wait if he lives, praying for those traitors to leave...

But he heard footsteps, disturbing footsteps, and the voices of those absurd traitor machine spirits also brightened in his mind, and he immediately used his cold mechanical hand to hold the little girl's mouth, even making her unable to breathe.

Tolerance, must be patient, at this moment the traitors stepped into the store, checking the things here, even though there is no food, those Astartes traitors with bloody things on their heads are still looking here endlessly.

They circled around with great interest, as if a cat was playing with a mouse. The Mechanician Priest also realized that those giants would not be hindered by their own servants, and their actions had been discovered early on, and they were playing with themselves!
Anger, fear, mixed together, his heart has not been beating like this for hundreds of years, he held the power ax, let go of the hand covering the girl's mouth, the girl didn't shout, just looked at the red robe "uncle" standing Lift up your body.

"Heretics! Are you looking for me?!" Then he ran out crazily!
This move made the heretics angry. The most fun part of the game is hiding and finding the hide, but the peek-a-boo audience has come out on their own initiative at this moment, which makes this game not fun!
They glanced at each other, and the three evil Astartes immediately decided to test the Mechanicum's ability to endure pain!
A moment later, the explosive bomb struck, interrupting the mechanical priest's arm holding the power axe and disarming him. Then, a Chaos War brother charged, and the powerful force impacted, and the parts of half of the priest's body were scattered.

Next, they pick up the mortal like a suckling pig or something.

"You, very well, we, like it."

"Especially yours, Kindness, and, that girl."

The priest's cloudy and dull mechanical eyeballs flickered suddenly. "What girl?"

The Astartes raised his weapon, aiming at the store's containers. "That girl."

The priest cursed. "How dare you! Heresy!"

But in a moment, his grille was ripped off, leaving him to falter, and the Astartes beside him complained. "Brother, you made his funniest thing go away, I need to scream."

The Astartes who held the priest replied. "Sorry, I don't like his tone."

"Okay, girls are more fun, kill a cogboy."

Then the priest was thrown heavily on the ground, his internal organs that had not been reformed had been ruptured, but his cloudy crystal eyeballs looked at the position of the container, and the shining light was still clear.

But the roar of the giant's chainsword echoed, and those things walked towards the shop with their weapons in hand. The priest wriggled his body with all his strength, but it was useless.

he thought to himself. 【God Emperor, if you really look at me, I hope...you save her, your pious servant, I swear with my own life...】

But those giants are already close to the door of the store, and praying is useless... isn't it?

They raised their weapons and split the counter. The priest's heart was cold, but there was nothing underneath?
The Chaos Space Marines suddenly began to look left and right, but strong deflagration rays shot from outside the shop, and then the imperial guards in military uniforms slowly pressed in.

They are destructive, they are powerful, and the girl also changed places to hide early, and was finally rescued by Skadi's soldiers.

Then a particularly strange sentry squatted down and said to him.

"Well done, oil man, if it wasn't for you, she'd be doomed."

Then his body was lifted by the soldiers, and a red-eyed girl hugged him beside his stretcher, just as he hugged her...

At this moment, the engine oil guy, who hasn't lived through the original vocal cords for hundreds of years, miraculously speaks out, like old rotten wood, but it seems to have sprouts.

"Praise the Emperor."

said the strange sentinel. "Praise you too, sir."

"Medical! No...Engineering! Come!"

 Speaking of bad luck, there is no follow-up recommendation for this book. According to the starting point requirements, it should be said that 500 orders are recommended once, 1000 once, and 2000 once.

  But now my editor asks me to get the first recommendation for 1500. Without a recommendation, this requirement may not be completed until the end of the book. (It is said that what I wrote is a fan, and the requirements are high)

  In fact, my 15-word book is also on the shelves because of this. In theory, I still have recommendations from the game area, maybe roughly.

  I can only say that I will try to improve my grades in the next book.

  By the way, take a break today, the mentality is not suitable for too many codes.

  In fact, I didn't expect anyone to read this book at first, but now I am very surprised. It will be written according to the original outline, and it is not long at all.

  (Slaanesh (abuse) than heart)


(End of this chapter)

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