Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 139 The Broken Wing Slaughtered the Orcs

Chapter 139 The Broken Wing Slaughtered the Orcs
Several assault ships were hidden in the warships of the heretic Red Pirates, and they pierced the sky like meteors and fell towards the foundry world Pan Lan, but the imperial guards who were confronting the orcs did not notice anything wrong. At the end of the first millennium, the enemies of the empire were as numerous as stars.

The flames jetted from the Bordello landed without the orcs daring to disturb them at all. About 600 elites entered the ground. The Iron Gate in the void had no atmosphere. The landing of the assault ship was as quiet as death descending on the alien overhead.

They are divine punishment, they are thunderbolts, they are the hammers of the empire, the dark jumping gang battle uniforms are the eyes that make the enemies of the empire timid, firm and loyal, Lieutenant Colonel Alan Bayer recreated the anti-psychic triangular badge Not outside of jumping clothes, to be precise, the triangular badge is actually more similar to strong magnetic adsorption or something, but Alan Bayer doesn't know the principle.

He looked around, the void defense system here has been completely shut down due to the bombing of the Imperial Navy, because there is no orc team walking here under the supervision of the Imperial warships docked in the void, but there are huge metal hills rising and falling on the Steel Gate, that is The remnants of the former Mechanicum bases, the fine gold protrudes from the ground, like mountains.

Alan Bayer kicked away the wreckage of an automatic void defense cannon of the Imperial Mechanicus, and then opened the tactical tablet, but only for a moment, the tactical tablet was exposed in the void, causing the water vapor on it to instantly freeze into thin ice crystals due to the low temperature. , he wiped off the obstacles above, and spoke to the communicator.

"The gravity of this place is very low. We can think that this operation is carried out on a satellite, and the target is the top of the hillside about 2 kilometers ahead to carry out excavation work."

Then he said to the personal channel of the staff officer. "Be optimistic about our Mr. Icarus, he is the backbone of this operation."

The staff officer replied. "He's in good condition." Icarus didn't have a void jump suit. As a member of the Mechanicus, his body has already been able to resist radiation and vacuum. Now he is holding his weapon, and he is vigilant against the members of Skadi's only group who are eyeing him. Pulling away, like a wounded little beast.

"Indeed, Mr. Icarus, I hope you can enjoy our hospitality." When Alan Baier said this, his eyes were looking at several imperial destroyers who were watching the hero's actions in the void. Such a poor performance is not surprising.

"The God of Myriad Machines has chosen me, stupid man, I will not die, I will become your nightmare, around your ears." He said so, and as the Mechanician, he did have a link to the empire Internal short-term radio capability.

Alan Baier nodded and said as he walked, tandem with the heretic, turning over things that blocked their way, such as rocks or something. "Your behavior is as standard as if you have gone through a heresy course. If I didn't want to be dragged down by the empire's heresy trial in today's complicated war situation, I would want to shoot you now."

"Can I search for what I want in your bedroom?"

Icarus replied. "That's why you can get to this day. I have to say, you did a good job. You don't follow the rules, you don't care about the rules, just like the orcs." He crossed a rock, but waited for Alan Baier's gunpoint, and the staff officer immediately pressed the gun. Lieutenant Colonel's arm.

"Not now! The Imperial Fleet is still watching!" The staff officer calmly stopped, but Alan Baier replied angrily. "I'm not a greenskin."

The relic pistol was moved away, and Icarus was already disturbed by the liquid overflow caused by the tension. He realized that this oppressive feeling is probably what mortals often discuss, and he has not felt the release of his killing emotions for a long time. Fear, even when he performed the death operation, he was very calm.

He quickly realized that the imperial guards in front of him were real and unparalleled in the world, even more complicated and exciting than that of an orc boss. If his mouth could still open, he would probably be drooling just now. "Are.

And during this period of time, Icarus did not catch him without a fight. Although he knew that the Imperial Guard was very powerful, he was still extremely smart. During this period of time, he had already invaded Alan Bayer's mobile tablet with his own mechanical virus.

If there is something wrong with him, it is probably that he did not choose the kraft paper map. He ignored the fact that Icarus's auspicious instrument can emit signals, which also made Icarus feel confident, and the place he chose was Greenskin's command room, where One-Eyed is located!

But there is no way, because there are too many messes on a Mechanician, and Alan Bayer is restrained by the empire's surveillance.

If he didn't have a batch of alien equipment and hadn't witnessed the warp, he would probably have directly denounced the members of the Mechanicus in front of him, but he was destined to go where ordinary people couldn't, or he would die.

They walked through debris, ruins, shitty or clean stuff, and came to a high jumping hill made of metal. The low weight made climbing fun, but no one jumped like a child. Moving forward, they are like dark nightmares in the void, passing through the enemy's vitals with bright steps.

"It's almost done. The engineering troops will drill first, and the soldiers with power weapons will prepare first."

Soon, the buzzing sound spread from the surface to Alan Baier's void jumping suit, and several professional engineering team members used heavy drills to slowly excavate the terrible rock mass in this place.

Alan Bayer is looking at the tactical tablet all the time. Although they are not afraid of orcs, war is not a joke. He must ensure that the plan is completed under optimal conditions, and when the engineering troops break into the building, he is the one who executes the damn Iraqi Carlos time.

A few hours later, the invasion was orderly, and soon Icarus also went underground as a "temporary commander" to "point out".

Of course, it was the Catachans who grabbed his head in their mighty arms and pulled him down. A normal person wouldn't have been able to pull him off, but Catachan was no ordinary person.

And in the dark tunnel made by the excavator, there is only a faint light of promethium, which feels like the pupil in a dark eye is devouring someone. As long as you enter the ground, the previous order and rules will completely dissipate. .

This world is like this, if no one sees it, it doesn’t exist. Laws, rules, only wildness, power, and destiny will spread everything and use everything. To teach priests would be a true heresy.

But he had no fear, no fear, no disturbing actions, but was "gently" invited down by the Catachans. In the dark and narrow tunnel, Alan Bayer forcibly cut off the mechanical priest's vocal cords, because Any word of his can mislead the excavation of Skadi's only regiment.

If he suddenly said that this position was wrong, whether it was true or not, it would affect the judgment of the soldiers of Skadi's only regiment or Alan Baier himself. Even if he is a heretic now, he is still a priest of Mechanicum.

After the saber pried open his grille and talker, Catachan chopped off the orc-like robotic arms amidst the humming of mechanical drills, sparks flew, and Icarus' wings were chopped off.

"Data craftsman, technical priest, Icarus, you have dedicated yourself to the empire, but now you are just a heretic who is greedy for alien power. Although I don't know what you went through before you went crazy, I still represent the empire to death for you."

Some people may ask, why is Alan Bair so cruel to this suspected heretic?Because in this dark universe, you die or I live. No matter whether he has heresy ideas or not, just because he cares about Alan Bayer's use of green leather equipment, he deserves to die, must die, and must die quietly.

Catachan pressed his body to the ground, and he knelt in front of Alan Bayer. The lieutenant colonel raised his weapon, and he was ready to shoot without hesitation. In order not to leave any traces, he even chose a melta gun. Even if Icarus is found again, there will be absolutely no trace.

Icarus was kneeling on the ground at this moment, facing the wall, his throat was slit open, and he rested his head devoutly like a martyr. When his damned alien arms were removed, his weak human features and short body were exposed. The imperial guard looked even more sickly in front of him.

That distorted, pitiful, heretic is making the final struggle. He feels the place drilled by engineering equipment. As the designer here, he knows how deep and what materials are used. The whole steel is composed of the empire's fine iron mixture. where the door is strongest.

He could tell by the vibrations how clear the path was, he murmured to himself.

"10 meters, 9 meters, 8 meters, 7 meters...3, 2, 1!"

Alan Baier was about to shoot at this moment, but the ground suddenly trembled, and the screams of those damned aliens were the voices of green skins.

"Oops!" He raised his weapon. He didn't understand why his judgment was wrong. There was still an estimated 30 meters of fine iron before using the power weapon to break through the interior...

But Alan Bayer is very smart, he quickly noticed the smugness in the eyes of the damn heretic Mechanician, and his anger climbed into his head, this heretic is so...

But it was too late, the attack of the green skins bombed the place where their heads were cracked, about 10 of the most elite soldiers and 5 engineering members of Skadi's only regiment fell down from the tunnel, and the straight road they designed to save time became Without support obstacles, soldiers can only slide down the cableway one by one, making it difficult to form a large number of teams quickly.

But such an accident can't make Alan Bayer and the others die. The falling distance is only four or five meters. In order to save materials, the internal height of the empire's buildings is not high, and it can even be said to be depressing. The space warriors even need to bend down to enter the gate.

The stinginess of the Mechanicus made the impact of the fall less powerful. Before Alan Bayer could see the situation here, he immediately shot, relying on the system to assist in aiming. In just an instant, Melt hit the heretic Ika Rose's body.

The intense heat melted him, turning him into a ball of molten iron and falling to the ground, but he did not die. The powerful armor on his abdomen allowed him to barely keep his head and knowledge. He had already wrapped his most precious thing in the strongest place.

Right now he's a piece of broken metal in the ruins, freshly cooled, but his equipment still features small thrusters, void shields, and one of his own inventions, the Suspension Suction Cup.

Because his brain is not safe, he must find a host before the brain dies, and then insert his organ sucker into that person's head to absorb nutrients, and then before the doctor operates, all his wisdom will be injected into the brain of that body Inside, he will be reborn!
Although only his wisdom survives, his soul and body will die long ago, but for the Mechanicum, knowledge is everything.

At this moment, the remaining wisdom of Icarus is judging the situation with all his strength. His nutrition can still be maintained for 3 minutes, and the mechanical power can still jump once. He only has one chance. If he can’t get a body, he will die. I didn’t expect him to reject it. Flesh and blood, now they have to take it in order to survive.

But at this moment, his best target, Alan Bair, is right next to him. He knows very well that if he goes to plunder Alan Bair's body at this moment, his goal will be accomplished, and he will get the information in the mind of that strange imperial officer. All codes, get his wisdom, his army, his future.

And then came the surprised calls of the green skins.

"Alan Bayer?! Skadi War Leader?!"

"Ahh! He's here!"

The messy pipes here are messed up by gravel. Those war bosses are sitting here talking about how to deal with the human empire, but they saw a dozen humans falling, and their nightmare, the demon Alan Bair...

One Eye stuttered instantly. "Boss, boss?!"

Alan Baier wiped his fingers and threw the empty melta to the orc leader. "Little one-eyed, it's quite big, it's tearing face off with me, isn't it?"

Even through the void suit, the one-eyed man could see Alan Baier's expression of disdain for him, and soon the gene of the orc who challenged his boss made his blood boil, and at the same time he was afraid and afraid.

He held up his own weapon, his favorite plasma gun, the kind that overheats orcs don't usually like, but One Eye didn't, and realized that this weapon could even pierce Space Marine armor and shoot Rubbing is very good, so I like him very much.

However, when the plasma hit Alan Bayer's body, there was no death and disintegration as he imagined, only the faint light of the void shield dissolving the plasma.

Alan Bayer raised his gun at this moment, and his relic gun was more powerful than most of the weapons that humans can understand today. He increased the output in an unhurried manner, and then, the crimson destructive heat rays gradually glowed.

For Alan Baier, there is not much difference between beheading and rescue.

But the damn Mechanic heretic took this opportunity seriously, the plasma-activated void shield became an obstacle to his vision, and he calculated that there was an 80% chance of attaching Alan Bayer at this moment!

A pitch-black thing suddenly climbed up from the ruins, and flames sprayed from below it, attacking Alan Baier's head!

(End of this chapter)

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