Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 135 Raising tigers and fighting the orcs

Chapter 135 Raising tigers and fighting the orcs

The fierce battles in the void and the oppression of heresy make people forget that in this universe, the empire faces more than one enemy. The enemy is often used to describe the empire, and the orcs are obviously not the kind of Tau that can barely be counted as allies. .

After the violent three-in-one volcanic cannon fire, all the energy of the entire Iron Gate was emptied, and darkness and power outages filled the entire place. At this moment, inside the Steel Gate where the communication was broken, there are loyalists of the Empire and Member of Mechanicum.

The bloodshed and fighting never stopped. After the sudden power outage, Cyclops immediately raised his chainsaw sword and slashed at Catachan behind him. Sergeant Catachan also fired the projectile without hesitation. After the intense confrontation, only The broken chainsword and the personal void shield stance on Cyclops.

The Sergeant raised his Catachan Glaive to take down the orcs in front of him, but One-Eyed was clearly more sophisticated, he yelled. "I'm under attack! Boys!" Then he opened a distance, relying on his own void shield to forcibly counteract the non-commissioned officer's shooting.

"You want to break the treaty, orc?" the sergeant asked.

One-eyed replied. "There is no such thing as a treaty anymore, your traitors are dead, they can't move, and now, we must get this asteroid."

"Boys! Hold down the red robes, they are the weight of the empire's deal, the empire has only two choices now, give us food, and not allow any warships to approach the airspace within [-] kilometers of our Iron Gate , or we kill them all."

The sergeant replied. "you dare?!"

One Eye's ferocious appearance was revealed at this moment, his big fangs and green skin were hideous and terrifying. "I dare, we spare you, Xiami, because you have a powerful boss."

Sergeant Catachan raised his weapon. "What are you talking about, alien?!"

One-eyed replied. "Look, this tower is mine now, how are you going to escape? Admit it, it's time for the greenskins."

The boys yelled. "Orc time! Orc time!"

The profane voice is deafening, those damn things are challenging Catachan's patience, they are not pure blood, but they still inherit the pride and honor, it is nothing to go deep into the enemy's camp, but those aliens are still the same...

The non-commissioned officer couldn't think of a good answer or description, the days of getting along with the green skins and pretending to be a staff officer made him very patient, but...

Bang, with a very quick shot of the gun, the explosive bomb made an orc fly in flesh and blood, and the one-eyed man was almost stunned. There are thousands of his boys, while Catachan only has 30 people!
"What are you doing?! You are Boss Alan Bayer's boy, I gave you respect and a chance to live, but, you treat my kindness like this?"

The sergeant replied. "The kindness of the alien is worse than killing me. We can get out, Greenskin, even if your boys stop it."

The sergeant rejected the last "good intention" of the one-eyed orc and also rejected the opportunity to walk out of this place intact. For Catachan, sacrifice is not terrible, even warm. Their lives have long been a tragedy because of the orc.

How to get together Catachan is only 30 people, because the selection of Catachan in Skadi's only regiment has always been decided by the non-commissioned officers, resulting in extreme strictness, and the number has not been increased.

But it also means that Catachan is the blade of Skadi's only regiment, the sharpest part, although Taifeng Taigang is easy to break, but Catachan obviously wants to use sharpness to break through all obstacles, and that's how they survived.

Revenge, killing, alien, loyalty, empire, forest, a few words became all of them, the Catachan beam carbine, the long blade began to dance, and the one-eyed hid in the group of orc boys, and passed the final judgment on those few humans .

"Kill them all for me."

Blades, chainswords, pottery steel, adamantine and blood, endless green tides approached the team of 30 people, but Sergeant Catachan said calmly. "Priority protects members of Mechanicus!"

Plasma, explosive bombs, melta, heat rays, all kinds of weapons shoot hand-to-hand combat in narrow tunnels. It can be said that even space warriors cannot deal with endless orcs in such a narrow place, but Catachan can.

Because of their larger number, it is important to know that there are 12 members in the Star Warrior jump team. Although they are stronger and fiercer than Catachan, each of them also bears greater responsibilities.

Secondly, the Catachans are in a better position. The entire area here is large, and the Catachans can move and dodge first, and there are many Mechanic Education equipment as bunkers.

But even so, it is still impossible to escape from the endless orcs. The number of those damn aliens is huge, and the Bloodaxe clan is not those stupid orcs. They have a clear division of labor, melee, long-range, commander, firepower Troops and even Squad Boys come in for the raid.

It is impossible for the Catachans to go out anyway, not to mention that they have to save hundreds of Mechanicist priests here as a burden.

But the orcs overlooked one thing. First, human equipment is full of pipelines. Whether it is from the Mechanicus or the Empire, the essence is the same, and the Catachans of Skadi's only regiment are not forest warriors. To be precise, they are Hive warriors.

For example, on today's battlefield, when a few special fighters found a single Catachan soldier and wanted to outflank and kill them, they found that there was only an open pipe after they approached, and a grenade was thrown from it.

Escaping, elusive, like nightmares and demons, this is a tactic that the Skadi Katachan have mastered, leaving the orcs like a minefield.

Secondly, the priests of the Mechanicus are not the so-called burden. After the Catachans passed around, surrounded the point, forcibly tore a passage, and untied the priests, those priests immediately started to drive the backup machine in the hangar. Various defensive turrets, near-defense turrets, and automatic turrets in the servant and complex Steel Gate.

Those things shot the greenskins, the servitor picked up the immobile mechanical priest, Sergeant Catachan also had to comment that the Mechanicus had something, but not much.

Why didn't Mechanics teach before?Because they are doomed, and it is not good to waste those things, it will not make things better, the Mechanicum is so absolutely calm, and now they see hope through Catachan.

"Praise Om Messiah, sir, thank you for your help..." said the priest.

Catachan replied. "Let those things of yours kill more people!"

The priest nodded, and then those restless machine souls started shooting chaotically, and the machine servants also opened the killing pact. The firepower inside the Iron Gate suddenly increased, and the orcs were burned by the flames and pierced through. The orc storm boys who are not afraid of those things will be served by the melting of the Catachans.

One-eyed watched countless reports by accident, which said that Catachan broke through their defenses time and time again, and one-eyed was distorted because of this.

"How is it possible, how is it possible?" Cyclops opened the communicator. "Colonel! Go and intercept them!"

The orc leader named Colonel was wearing a military uniform, and he was huge. It is very difficult to grow a huge one with a blood ax with strict levels, but he is a full 5 meters tall!

"Yes, boss." His voice was deep, and he held a huge chainaxe in his hand. His favorite gun was a one-handed bolter. There was no doubt that the huge body was stuck in the pipe, making it impossible to pass.

Next, he missed it. The priest of Mechanicus had engineering drawings in his head. Even if the orcs transformed Steel Gate, it was still their second home. In addition, Skadi Katachan was good at drilling pipes, so they were so silent. He bypassed the boss silently and came to the hangar.

Where countless orc machines are parked, there are also things taught by the Mechanicum. The priests can sail the ship through the link, which is why the sergeant asked them to give priority to rescuing the priest.

said the sergeant. "There are still bombs, give them a present."

The other Catachan answered. "Yes, that's enough." They carried out a little "gift installation" for a while, and then the Catachans and the Mechanicus boarded the ship one after another, and the orcs came here belatedly, One-Eyed shouted. "Shut the door! Shut the door!"

the boys answered. "No, the system belongs to Xiami, we can't control it!"

When the flamethrower of the transport plane sprayed, the orc could only watch the catachans leave, as if entering and exiting the toilet of their own house.

One-eyed cursed. "Start the boat and chase them! Tell the battleship to follow! Destroy them!"

But after a while, a violent explosion broke out in the ship's cabin, and countless vehicles turned into flames...

At this moment, the orc battleship also aimed its guns because of the order, and the orc captain shouted. "Shoot!" But the controller didn't respond. It wasn't until their shields were attacked by an imperial warship that the captain realized that the warship that would disable the Machine Soul was coming.

The Bordello stopped in the void, and the captain had crawled back from death. He received those brave Catachans and the Mechanicus, and said to the sergeant.

"Perfect assignment, sir."

The sergeant wiped the orc blood from his face. "Simple task, my lord."

"But the Mechanicus still has thousands of people imprisoned by the orcs, and their defense against us will definitely be upgraded."

The captain nodded. "Let the lieutenant colonel prepare for this matter, he is an expert!"

On the ground, the Imperial Guard are welcoming their new family, their morale reinforced by her greatness and strength after joining the thriving battlegroup with the Imperial Baneblavers, who share a similar fate to the 113th Phraxia.

The huge bodywork in the garage became a special attraction for soldiers to rush to patronize first. After all, no matter where the Empire is, men and women have heard the famous name of Baneblade, as if one day Space Marines joined your infantry regiment.

The second lieutenant was somewhat jealous, why was no one visiting his super nb titan?He looked at his green-skin-style spliced ​​war engine. He couldn't say it was ugly, but he could only say that it was somewhat heresy, and it was obviously not a look that would be welcomed by the imperial people.

Even the title of Fraxia 113 Commander Lieutenant has been changed by many people to the commander instead of the regiment leader or captain, so one can guess how popular the Emperor Poison Blade is.

She is Victory, and one of the greatest heavy vehicles of the Hammer of the Empire, she is invincible, like a thunderbolt, against countless heretics and aliens.

Her strength and kindness captured all the soldiers, her experience and destiny can be praised by the best poems, and Mechanicism also pays great attention to her, fate changes, machine soul reappears, how can she serve the new armored regiment , defeating the enemies of the empire.

But life will not only have good things, they don't know yet, those demons, evil things are still around, heretics and their thoughts are entrenched in the void, the orcs don't want to withdraw from the stronghold of the three steel gates, they ask the imperial guards to perform a priest ten The exchange for a catty of meat, but now even the supplies of the Star Militia Army are not much.

There are still thousands of priests on the three asteroids, that is, tens of thousands of kilograms of food that need to be given to the aliens. It is not that the empire cannot afford it, but it does not want to help the tyrants and raise tigers into trouble, not to mention the betrayal of the orcs. Suspicious at first sight.

Those things can't be trusted. The retreat of the Catachans during this period caused great losses to the orcs, and at the same time destroyed the orcs' landing ship, making them temporarily unable to escape. Under such circumstances, One Eye occupied the entire Iron Gate , multiplying on it.

Although the Imperial Navy sent troops to jump gangs, and the Bordello also served as a transport ship to suppress the front-line firepower of the orcs at the beginning of the battle, they were still tied because of the mechanical priest hostages.

Therefore, even though the empire had the upper hand in the void battle, the invading force was quickly defeated by the ripped-off One-Eyed, and after confirming the strength of the Imperial Navy and their decision, the One-Eyed also made a decision.

"I'm going to annex this world." He was sure that the heretics were no longer a threat, none of their warships remained, the Ark of Omen could no longer move, and the Imperial Navy suffered heavy losses, now the orcs have no losses and occupy a huge war engine.

Despite Catachan's obstacles, the real beneficiaries of this war are the greenskins, without a doubt.

Now the Star Realm Army needs a commander who is proficient in pipeline combat, and the soldiers are brave and good at fighting, and they know the green skins very well, and they should be absolutely loyal. Without thinking too much, Marcato asked Alan Bayer for tactics. The tablet sent relevant information.

As the commander of Skadi's only regiment, Alan Bair sitting in the camp has no coffee to enjoy. He can only taste the nutrient solution in the watered down military supplies. Most of them are instant and can be replenished quickly. Physical strength and lift the spirit.

I have to admit that he is a bit of a caffeine addict, but in this cruel and crazy world, caffeine is just the mildest batch of terrible things that the imperial commanders put into their bodies.

The pressure of command is greater than that of soldiers. Even the most intense front line does not have the sense of urgency in the headquarters. After all, with tens of thousands of people, individuals are small and indifferent. You can make mistakes, and at most only the A few people in your team.

But the commander needs to be responsible for tens of thousands of people. Any decision or change he makes will distort the direction of the war. If you think about it this way, it is not impossible for a commander to be responsible for several star regions of the empire.

Responsibility is stress, and stress needs to be relieved. Caffeine, stimulants, and even hallucinogens. For a civilization that is strong enough for the empire, as long as a commander is still valuable, they can maintain their lives through limb replacement , until he can no longer drive.

Alan Baier drank those things again and again to maintain his excitement, maybe he would have to find an oil guy to change his place later.

He flicked the screen, looking at the reports. "Consultant, the green skins really... of course..."

He is not surprised at all, if he is really at ease with the green skins, there is no such wonderful thing as the so-called Catachan Staff Group, in this dark end of the 40th millennium, the endless expansion of the war, he has to do well Unable to prepare for retirement.

"How many veterans can we mobilize now? Give them the best equipment. We will go to the void with the Bordello and kill those green skins."

The staff is not surprised, this is not the first time they have done this, and it will not be the last time. When the orc called himself One-Eyed, they were doomed, because that name represented the only regiment of Skadi, the first and worst old enemy .

 I'm so lazy
(End of this chapter)

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