Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 125 Premise of Joint Operations Ambush Begins

Chapter 125 Premise of Joint Operations Ambush Begins

The two old comrades-in-arms beside Alan Bayer instantly cast that look of suspicion with a hint of fear. Although there was a joke in it, Lieutenant Colonel Alan felt uncomfortable.

John said. "Well, wouldn't the orc here be the boss' kid?"

It was also rare for the staff officer not to speak for Alan Bayer. Obviously, this situation is difficult to make people think it is normal, and Alan Bayer replied. "There are two things I hate the most in my life, heresy and aliens."

But he thought in his heart, the orc on the other side had such a scheming plan to get himself interrogated by the trial court and kill him with a borrowed knife through such means, so insidious.

He carefully looked at the orc, who was small but held a high position. This kind of thinking probably helped him a lot, and he had to make Alan Bayer start thinking about the feasibility of this cooperation.

There is nothing more abhorrent than being betrayed, not to mention that the aliens have already had a precedent for the empire. If they can help out according to the contract when the Iron Man rebelled, humans will definitely be better now, but the only thing waiting for humans is after they close the route in the subspace betrayal, and the enslavement of mankind.

He pointed at the orc boss. "It's not been a day or two since I have a blood feud with you. If you think such a trick can be exchanged for sympathy, or make me disgusted by the fellow empire, then stop now."

The One-Eyed Second Generation is suffering and can't tell, what a little trick, he really wants to bring the boys to waaagh with the humans in front of him. If it is not for the different races, the One-Eyed Second Generation has probably bowed down instead of still being in a negotiating position.

Orcs are extremely ignorant and strong race, no matter when and where, why, because of what, as long as they gather, they will involuntarily start to compare their own strength and the strength of others, as long as you are recognized by them as a strong person, no matter what race or what, They will all respect you.

In the eyes of the second generation of Cyclops, the current Cyclops tribe has absolutely no ability to compare with the Skadi's only group that is in the limelight, and he, although he thinks that the human boss in front of him has an element of luck in beating Cyclops, but the humans in front of him are like that. For a period of time, the only fierce man who could compete with the boss in terms of strategy.

The special combat boy (Catachan) and that terrible canned food under his hands (Holy Blood Angel) are both among the most vicious things among the green skins. Anyway, he feels that he has already fled under such a cruel situation.

Respect and fear are things that cannot be false, he can only answer at this moment. "Yes, boss."

In Alan Baier's eyes, he just didn't want to change at all, what an old fritter...

"Okay, let's talk about cooperation related matters now. First, we will send technical priests and company-level staff officers (zw) to station. According to the scale of one person in your company, one staff officer will be matched with a team of about 10 people. This paragraph For a while, their food and clothing will be borne by us, you just need to open the barn door."

"The staff officers are responsible for supervising you. I ask you to have sufficient recognition and obedience to them. The priests will transform your heretic warships to make them look like imperial troops."

"If our contract is opened, then I ask you not to meet the imperial soldiers directly, and you have to call yourself a dusty soldier, a former imperial guard or something, and pretend to be a brave loyalist."

The second generation of Cyclops replied immediately. "No, even if it's a boss like you, we... and the location of our base needs to be kept secret! You!..."

Alan Bayer immediately interrupted, and then took out the star map, which marked the position of the planetary belt, and there was no doubt that it was the stronghold of the orcs.

"Next time, tell your boys to remember that even if thousands of people die, you must maintain your tactics. This is why I agreed to the alliance. The empire had the upper hand in this matter from the beginning, boy."

One-eyed was silent, and he revealed his sad and timid emotions in a humanized way, as if he was really an intelligent creature. At least for the imperial people, orcs were not considered intelligent creatures.

Compared with the so-called garrison, control, and supervision, Cyclops only cares about his failure. In the comparison between him and humans, the first round is a miserable failure. If those humans attack with superior force, the orcs will definitely die.

As the leader of the war, the new generation of Cyclops has learned the feelings and responsibilities that most orcs do not know in the narrow and painful lack of resources.

He could feel the suffocation he felt at almost ruining his tribe, bean-sized beads of sweat rolling down his brow.

But don't sympathize with him because of this kind of emotion, the orcs don't have that kind of emotion, their plant heads only have killing and death, and this kind of emotion is entirely because of the adaptation of the green skins to the current environment after analysis.

A scholar of the empire once spent a long time collecting information about the green skins on the vast journey of the empire. What is amazing is that it took human beings ten thousand years to adapt and barely coexist with a certain world, while the green skins only needed one generation to do so.

The void is vast, with all kinds of grotesque worlds and twisted things constantly. The tolerance and adaptability of the orcs to their existence are extremely terrifying. Therefore, the second generation of Cyclops "evolved" with a sense of responsibility far superior to that of ordinary orcs. He has a tolerance for military regulations that far exceeds that of ordinary orcs.

This is for survival, cruel and indifferent, orcs will never have the so-called kindness and human emotions, nothing more.

But this kind of emotion now drives this orc to move towards what he fears the most. Speaking, he regained his arrogance and strength, sitting in front of the most powerful creature he has ever seen, and speaking with backbone. "You can't."

Alan Baier replied. "Really?"

"Where do you come from, relying on your damn alien creations or your hungry orc boys, don't you think that you can do things that the one-eyed man who once occupied the entire world can't do?"

The one-eyed second generation swallowed his saliva. "Of course we can. We crawled out of hell without any resources, not even sunlight, relying on iron-like discipline and combat effectiveness, rather than just waiting to die."

"Really fight, we won't lose!"

Courage and confidence are all things that are forced out by survival, and the bloody atmosphere permeates the hall again. Whether it is the orcs, planetary governors, or staff officers here, they all climbed down from the battlefield. They touched their weapons with their hands. People are also eager to move.

The alliance is too weak, just a trace of tension will develop into a war, but Alan Bayer has no choice, he slams the metal table, and the violent sound is transmitted.

"Shut up for me, stop!"

Quiet, as quiet as death, both the imperial guards and the orcs have respect for the young people in front of them. If they really have a basis for unity, then it is definitely Alan Bayer himself, if you look at it this way.

Well, he actually still bears the responsibility of the war leader in the orc tribe, unifying and dominating. Without him, the Imperial Guard would never agree to negotiate with the orcs. Without him, the orcs might not help humans honestly, but with Ai In the case of Lambert, things really came alive.

The chance to defeat the Black Heart King, even after the Imperial forces from other sectors arrive, they can counterattack the Maelstrom, and let the light of the Empire shine in the void.

"So, do you have any opinions on dispatching? Orcs?" Alan Bayer said.

One-eyed swallowed. "No, but I have a request. Humans must be responsible for the food supplies of the orcs, or arrange a sunny world for us."

Alan Baier replied. "A world, no, a satellite, no, an asteroid belt close to the star will not work, don't even think about it, if there is a war, we will provide food, and you can figure it out on a daily basis."

It is impossible for him to hand over the food produced by the empire to the aliens, relying only on the almost non-binding contract. If King Blackheart's fleet did not invade, then the empire was just breeding orcs for nothing.

But the previously weak one-eyed shouted under the pressure of survival and sense of responsibility. "No! We need food!"

This is great courage. For him, this time he surpassed his teacher, the first generation of one-eyed, but Alan Baier was thinking.

"In other words, you can pay your labor in exchange for food, can't you?"

"You are useless except for war, but the big arm can do other things, it should, like this..."

Alan Baier looked at John. "Hasn't the recent mining of asteroid mines come to a standstill? Let the orcs go to station, and then find someone to calculate how much minerals can be produced in the universe of the mine. According to that standard, we take 10 out of 9, and let the orcs do it for one." Keep it to yourself."

"At the same time, provide basic food supplies for the workers as the only compensation. In other words, the orcs sent to the mine can not only eat enough, but also bring back minerals."

John Dern nodded. "Yes, but the pilot of the transport ship will see the orcs..."

Alan Baier replied. "Let the pilot of the Skadi's only regiment do it. The alliance with the orcs is not a secret in the Skadi's only regiment. As for revealing the wind, there is no impenetrable wall in this world."

Alan Baier knows very well that the best way to deal with judges is to play dumb, and the usefulness of the empire is the criterion for judging. Regarding the matter of aliens, the empire is definitely not as strict as betrayal. Faced with the heretic army, the court will also be open-minded. With one eye closed.

As long as he's not stupid enough to yell all over the street, and then do something to deceive his ears.

The second generation of Cyclops was moved. There is no doubt that such a plan can reduce his food loss by half, and he can also get a place to live. Although the minerals will be excavated and the orcs will be squeezed, but if the boys are tired from working Can vent their restless heart.

Secondly, the minerals in their current stronghold have been greatly mined in a short period of time, and they are already stretched. A little supply is also a good thing.

This proposal is beneficial to both parties. Alan Bayer has a sharp and accurate idea. Humans need labor and alliances, orcs need survival and supplies, and the only one who is oppressed here is probably the newly born orc boy, but for today For the one-eyed tribe, it makes no difference whether it's a human mine or an orc's.

Think for a moment. "I agree."

John can only answer. "I agree."

During this process, Alan Bayer is actually more like a witness, a mediator, or even a trader than a participant. This state is absolutely unhealthy. No one can be a player and make rules at the same time. That kind of thing is just for self-entertainment, but Alan Baier knew very well that the alliance between humans and orcs would never last long.

In the complicated one, written in high Gothic language with serious word order, repeated in low Gothic language, and repeated in orcish language, there are 5 pieces of information with a length of 6000 words in the appendix alone, and several civil officials died suddenly due to exhaustion.

Finally, the handover and alliance treaty was completed within three days. According to the records, the orcs provide manpower and war assistance, and humans provide permanent military guidance, machine maintenance guidance and workplaces, and 7% of the orc labor income belongs to the human empire. Not less than [-]%.

The next thing is the strange peace. Peace is the rarest thing for this void, but everyone knows that the wind and rain are coming, and the first commotion is the foundry world on the westernmost side of the star system where Gundwa VI is located. The war outpost, not even an Astra Militarum stronghold, suddenly lost contact.

In the highly tense Forge World, Ray Volha immediately contacted Gundwa VI, the Star Militia Army led by Lieutenant General Marcato, the Imperial Navy, and the Gundwa Sub-sector Auxiliary Fleet moved forward and stationed at the border. 5 destroyers, 6 cruisers, 3 battleships, a total of 14, plus the Bordello, 15 battleships.

And the orcs can now provide 1 battleship, 3 cruisers, and 5 destroyers, as reinforcements hidden in the nearby space domain.

24, and the content of destroyers is very large, it is definitely not an advantageous force, and the only regiment of Skadi landed as a ship corps, as a ground defense force, and Lieutenant General Marcato's Pangia First Armored Regiment, Lorenga Gray No.12 Infantry Regiment protects the world together.

In the brown earth filled with the smell of burning promethium and filled with alloys and garbage, countless slaves and servitors moved things on the ground, and huge gears and the cog standard or golden clock of the holy god of all machines shone in the main world here.

Lieutenant General Marcato needs to command space operations. The first armored regiment of Pangea and the No. 12 regiment of Luoenga Gray have all transitioned to the command of Lieutenant Colonel Alan Baier. It was a helpless move without command.

Operations of this scale are generally planned by the commander of the Ministry of Military Affairs, not a general-level official.

And the group army is not under the control of a lieutenant colonel like Alan Baier. It is ridiculous to say that the commanders of the two regiments of Panji Yaci and Lorne Gahui are still colonels...

Even so, on the exhaust-smelling Xingport, Alan Bayer was still wearing a military uniform, and with the help of senior staff officers, he expressed his thoughts to the soldiers.

His words were powerful. "The Emperor, His Excellency, soldiers of the Imperial Guard, you are loyal, powerful, and invincible, and the traitors are coming. Although I have defeated them, I will not be proud of it."

"There is a saying in my hometown that a soldier who is proud must be defeated, but I hope that you will not be proud, but be loyal. Remember, we humans were once so great that the galaxy trembled. If the emperor's plan is completed..."

"You." He pointed to a soldier. "You could be a baker, and you." He pointed to another. "You can be a boss and sell candy like a kid."

"We are not supposed to be here fighting the enemies of mankind. If the Emperor succeeds, even the worst nightmares will be far away. Humanity can live in peace and victory for thousands of years. But in the end, some of our fellow citizens I trusted the words of the demons and betrayed the God-Emperor."

"Now the sea is mulberry, everything is done. You and I are involved in this terrible war, which will never stop. The root of everything is the stupidity of those traitors. Their short-sightedness cannot see the will of the emperor. Their superficial Faith cannot maintain an iota of loyalty to the Lord of Men."

"Those stupid things cut off our future, and now, they owe us everything."

"For the Emperor! For Man!" he cried.

At this moment, four regiments, about 10 people, roared at Xinggang with a voice that shook the sky. "For the Emperor!"

 Re-watching Master Hayao Miyazaki's works, I think what impressed me most about the portrayal of women is the voice, which is a natural female voice, not the "clip" in most of the current dramas. I think the clip is " Juvenile" and "weakening", but now it is social aesthetics. It seems that Master Hayao Miyazaki has a far-sighted vision, and he has seen the future of women richly. No, it should be the past.

  Even the human empire is very equal to men and women, female planetary governors, female judges, in such desperate situations, inequality must be equal, because equality is not a privilege, but a sharing.

  (Actually played minecraft for a day)
(End of this chapter)

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