Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 121 The Bloodaxe Orc Tribe, Orcs compiled by the Astral Army?

Chapter 121 The Bloodaxe Orc Tribe, Orcs compiled by the Astral Army?

Today's Karoo City has changed a lot, not only the roads have become wider, but also many courtyards, parks, and hives have been built for nobles from all over the place to rest. People, when they are free, spend the currency issued by the planetary governor to consume, enjoy, and stimulate the economy again.

With a steady stream of foreign materials and productivity, Karoo City is not as harsh as other worlds, or has a large population. With the help of data sages, Imperial Guards stationed, and Dark Age equipment and technology, Karoo City is not as good as Austrian. Terrama five hundred worlds are not far behind.

You must know that the PDF here has achieved 100% deflagration holding, because the special nature of this world leads to fewer human cities, a small population and abundant resources in the shortest time and galaxy business due to the closure of the subspace.

Gundwa VI has now been reborn and has become a force to be reckoned with, and the world is still rich in green skins. PDF will not lack training objects. In the case of supplies, it is considered qualified to be stationed in the rainforest for more than half a year.

And because the subspace is blocked, they also left 11 taxes, so that resources can be poured into production and construction.

At the same time as the right time, place and people and full occupation, seizing the opportunity to plan and sacrifice are also the prerequisites for the vigorous development here. Love the people like sons, use the people like soil, and it is a perfect description of John the Liar.

But for Alan Baier, he just went home, and those old opponents also returned, but after experiencing the terrible void, he has become accustomed to such unexpected things happening .

This world is always like this, those things will haunt him, because they are doomed to have many contradictions, even if the orcs do not play the one-eyed banner, their existence still threatens this world, the only world he can still inhabit.

The messy thoughts were still there until he walked to the restaurant, and then the complex and confusing aroma caught his attention. In fact, the Planetary Governor's Mansion is the same as it was two years ago. Now the manpower in Karoo City can be completely renovated, but it is clear that John Dern has not wasted a single resource or money on his own life.

Compared with the previous planetary governor, he should enjoy it more, but the fragrant food does not look luxurious. Alan Baier walked into the restaurant with the staff, the captain and the dead-faced second lieutenant, and other soldiers enjoyed the upper garden and the restaurant in the courtyard. Sunlight.

He looked at the table and roasted a whole split-tail pig, a creature similar to a wild boar. It is considered a traditional game in this world. After being marinated, it is spread with honey and spices similar to saffron and roasted to a light burnt brown golden color. Golo meat steak, sprinkled with black pepper and salt and pepper.

The bread is placed next to the thick soup. It looks a bit like corn. Alan Bayer has never seen it before. It should be a new type of food that feeds hundreds of millions of people here.

Dessert is ice cream with wild berries like blueberries, sugar and milk, and the drink is a bitter caffeinated plant that resembles cocoa beans, a specialty of the forest.

Because this world was once the creation of the dark age of mankind, and the human beings used to have more advanced environmental modification technology than the current Tau race without sequelae, the original species in this world similar to Terra should also be brought by those humans.

Now after 2 years of changes, the creatures must have changed slightly, but they still have a lot of Terra creature style.

The butler sliced ​​wild boars and handed them over. The wild boars in this world are not easy to roast, because of the rich natural environment in this world, each of those wild boars stores a lot of fat, and they are eaten all year round, and there is no winter. And they are small in size, and finally they show food similar to roasted whole lamb.

In the main position, Governor John Dern sits on it, and his appearance has not changed much in two years, and he still looks young. Unlike other planetary governors who love those rich and noble decorations, he is more fond of the badge of a soldier honor.

In other words, he is now like a badge wall, with a lot of things hanging on it. Alan Baier glanced at it, what is the honorary lord of the world of Aikri, and what is the guardian of the self-circulating business circle of Gundwa.

Such complicated and useless titles, after all, he can't escape the planetary governor's uniform he wears no matter what, he can only rely on those badges to express his strength.

He had been an orphan, a laborer, a thief to a swindler, a soldier, an aristocrat, and a stupid planetary governor. Next to this complex person sat his fiancée, a woman as simple as him, wearing only a white dress.

When John saw Alan Byer, he immediately stood up, bowed, and even offered him the main seat. Of course, Alan Byer didn't care, he preferred to sit with his comrades.

If you only consider the situation, although this world is almost equivalent to Alan Baier's second hometown, his real family will always be the comrades in arms of the Imperial Guard.

And the world respects him so much, precisely because he now has a standard cruiser, an infantry regiment, and an armored regiment, with enough force to take down the world.

Of course, they don't think that much or say, and they won't say it if they think about it.

John spoke as the host. "Sit down, boss, would you like some drinks?"

Alan Baier replied. "You will really enjoy it. The roads are repaired, the gardens are built, and the star port is expanded. Your own governor's mansion will not be changed. I have seen those planetary governors with full stomachs who want to build a big one every year."

"You're doing well, brother."

Governor John suddenly lowered his head, buried his head under the table, and spoke. "File, file..." When he got up, he wiped his eyes.

Then he coughed, leaving his personal feelings behind, just talking. "Boss, you may already know the news..."

Alan Bayer was slightly dissatisfied with his attitude, but he didn't care.

Seeing Alan Baier's expression, John probably understood, and he continued. "It's the trial court. They mobilized the warships to leave the Imperial Navy, and I still have a little eyeliner in it."

said the staff officer. "You're monitoring the Star Realm Army, so it's fine if you don't say it, we are all officers at the Star Realm Military Academy level!"

"According to imperial standards, I can shoot you directly."

John has been oppressed countless times in his life, and he has never been afraid. Only the beautiful fiancee next to him showed a worried expression. "Of course, of course, but I also got accurate news because of this. The Black Heart King is back, and the subspace storm has set off, causing many hive worlds to fall into rebellion."

"During this period of time, we have been in close contact with Skadi. According to the report of the Skadi loyalists at the end, it was the illegal psykers awakened by inhaling the body that brought things that did not belong to this world."

"Although I don't know what it is, there are a lot of rumors about demons. Although the storm stopped the astronomical language, there was still a pause, so I contacted a judge."

"She was ambiguous, but I still felt that something was wrong."

Alan Baier took a sip of cocoa. "It's about the same as I thought." The purple eyes he saw when he was still in Skadi flashed through his mind. The empire's fear of psykers is really groundless. From this point of view, the extinction order may be the best choice .

"How's the situation with the orcs?"

At this moment, the staff officer and the second lieutenant had already unbuttoned their belts, ignoring most of the politeness of the nobles, each of them ate a pork leg directly, ignoring the butler's instructions to cut the pork with a saber.

The captain is much more elegant, but his speed is still turbulent. Alan Baier eats the soft waist and enjoys the fat on it, and John also answers.

"They are plundering merchant ships and blocking navigation points, and they are not the kind of ordinary orcs who block tolls, but choose guerrilla warfare. Although there are often merchant ships that can pass by, their existence effectively blocks several major routes. road traffic."

"Their warships will deliberately turn around and invade from various angles. It's hard to imagine that the orcs can do this, but that kind of turnaround really makes it impossible for us to speculate on the direction of their stronghold. Even if there are many attacks, we can't use coordinates to speculate. "

Alan Baier asked. "Guerrilla warfare, orcs?"

John nodded. "It's not that only the leader is a blood axe, but all of them are blood axes. They have the same system as the Star Militia Army, which is divided by regiment and battle group. It is not a leader system, but a distinction between the boy and the boss according to the military rank. , For example, a newly promoted orc boss is a second lieutenant, and an experienced one is a principal."

"Currently their scale and gathering place are not clear. They don't have a world stationed. They should choose an asteroid in the void and transform it into a dock."

"We only know that their leader called himself the One-Eyed General, and sent several signals, asking the humans of the empire to provide them with supplies, and declared that they would solve the Black Heart King Huron, and they only enjoy fighting the strong, and leave after fighting, come Bewitching."

Alan Baier thought about it. "The orc who is good at human heart is the same as that thing. Are those beasts popular now?" His bad memories were brought back, and he smiled wryly.

"Orcs are orcs. Anyone who believes in them can be taken away and shot. Regarding the base of the orcs...it's really troublesome."

The void is full of wonders, are those orcs thinking that they are the star army?

However, according to the description, guerrilla warfare can be maintained without division and betrayal, which shows that the planning and discipline of the orcs are no worse than the normal Imperial Guard, which means that the normal beheading method may be less effective.

If they draw up human-like rules and regulations, then immediately after the death of the general, there will be an heir who will become the next one-eyed general, but Alan Baier doesn't quite understand why the name of the orc leader who is raging in this world will be used by them?
John said now. "I have tried to arrange ships, stuff them with cargo, pretend to be commercial ships, those orcs usually don't kill humans, they will take those people away, and then tie them up as slaves."

"I therefore designed a modified commercial transport ship called Troy to transport soldiers in."

"That kind of ship has an independent hidden wall inside, which can hide the infantry. I arranged for several groups of people to go, but none of them came back."

"And this kind of behavior seems to have caused dissatisfaction with the green skins. Now they are looting faster and faster, and the losses are getting bigger and bigger. Not only the huge transport ships, cargo, and personnel, but also will hinder commercial roads and cut off the Karoo. the prosperity of the city."

Alan Baier said at the moment. "Then we were lucky that we didn't encounter those orcs when we came here, but their existence will hinder the support from our signal and reduce production capacity."

He cut a piece of pork and watched the juice dripping onto the plate with a solemn expression. War has always been the theme song of this universe. Even if this star system has been completely mastered, it is still harassed by aliens like orcs.

Without those things, human beings can obviously live better, countless times better than now, instead of constantly preparing for war.

Anger and disgust were cultivated and incubated in the human empire. Those disgusts with aliens and heresies filled the entire empire. Humans once signed a treaty with aliens and were betrayed by them. Humans once believed that they could defeat everything by uniting, and then were betrayed by them. Fellow countrymen betrayed.

The empire has always wanted to take back what those guys owed him, but was constantly being hurt, like a dying beast, like this piece of meat, which was hung up, let the water and oil leak, and finally dried up.

Alan Baier ate the food in one bite, and said. "Troy, huh? Can I use it?"

John nodded. "That kind of ship has been alerted by the orcs and has lost its effect."

Alan Baier replied. "I'm not going to use that thing to bring soldiers to the orc lair, I'm just going to give those guys a blow."

"Fill the bomb in the mezzanine of that kind of cargo ship, design it to detonate, or open the mezzanine to explode or something, don't carry cargo on the ship, find fast guys, let them drive over, remember to tell them to be ready to board anytime, anywhere The transport ship ran away."

"Then mix those things into the normal caravan. The ships are second-hand or almost scrapped. They can be driven and painted into new ones. We can't keep being beaten."

The high-level nobles here are a little dissatisfied with this plan, because it is a bit wasteful and rough, and they don't think it will have a good effect, but John still agrees.

As for the officers, the staff officer, the captain, or the second lieutenant must trust the captain unconditionally, so such a plan is so settled, even if the nobles disagree, as long as John says a word, those people can be changed.

And this kind of plan was not thought out by Alan Bayer. He knew the character of orcs very well. No matter how much they pretended to be humans, or normal legions, their nature was still difficult to change.

When they start thinking about whether the ship in front of them is a bomb, that kind of hesitation will make them dull, and when they have a stereotype of those explosive ships, they can pretend to be normal merchant ships as explosive ships to trick the orcs .

When they think about it, they will start to be confused, and the transportation efficiency can be greatly increased. Although it can't kill the grass, it is also a good idea for emergency.

And during this period of time, warships can be sent to track those orcs who have lost their souls. After they have experienced explosions, suspicions, and various mental blows, their state and morale will definitely decline, and their unity will also deteriorate.

Then, in about a few months, you will see the approximate location of the enemy's stronghold. If those orcs can't always maintain a high standard of detour, evasion, and guerrilla, it will be easier to find the stronghold.

The lieutenant colonel took a sip of that kind of cocoa. Compared with the artificial coffee of the Star Militarum, the taste was very weak, but he still liked it, because it probably tasted like peace.

(End of this chapter)

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