Warhammer: I am the Hammer of the Empire.

Chapter 103 Smoke Screen, Death, Behemoth Squig

Chapter 103 Smoke Screen, Death, Behemoth Squig

Fragments and light spears filled the sky, inspired by the loyal weapons of the empire, and the tattered green-skinned airdrop pods turned into fireworks. Colonel Alan Bair asked the local PDF commander. "What's the hit rate? How many orcs are expected to land?"

Commander PDF, who is the leader of the Planetary Guard, is like a recruit when facing the officers of the Star Militia Army. Even though he is much older than Alan Bair and has a bushy beard, he still raises his mechanical right hand Respond with salute.

"About 30 percent..."

Alan Baier slapped the table and cursed. "It's so fucking rare! 30? In other words, more than [-] greenskins will land on the territory of the empire?"

"You are so slack in air defense training, are you a traitor to the Empire?"

The commander swallowed. "My lord, there is still 20% of the near-ground defense in the hive capital. Among the major nobles and several major chambers of commerce, we have no right..."

Alan Baier sighed. "A group of moths are useless except to eat rice. If the Emperor is still there, none of them will want to live."

"How's the evacuation on the ground going?"

PDF Commander Answers. "My lord, almost all the civilians have left, and soldiers have also settled in major cities, such as churches, factories, and star ports."

"But the orc's landing pod seems to be equipped with injectors, they may change their minds and land elsewhere..."

Alan Baier looked at the icons on the landing pods, the fan-shaped snakes, which are also the badges of the Snakebite clan. Their barbarians would never be able to bear the desire to slaughter the entire hive, so he bet that this matter Definitely going as he expected.

"Continue to station soldiers. They should not change regions. Prepare for urban battles. Death and sacrifice are inevitable..."

Commander PDF nodded. Since he is in command of the Imperial Guard, there must be no problem. Alan Bayer's judgment on the greenskins has always been accurate and deadly. The once powerful greenskin warlord is still dead. Therefore, if the local hives fight, those guys will lose.

But it can't be calculated by thousands of calculations, those green skins with blood axes mixed in, this group of special forces in green skins, chattering boys with holes in their heads, obviously have good military qualities.

Captain Bloodaxe quickly realized that if there was an ambush, he would not directly hit it. When he found out about it, he took those broken and iron-like communicators, which looked like the children of Gutera. The speaking microphone is the kind of paper cup with a wire.

But this thing is not connected to another cup, but to the command system of the entire orc army, and the radio broadcast is broken among the boys. "Boys, humans have prepared a banquet for us, but I don't want to participate."

"Turn on the injector, turn the rudder to full starboard, and go to the secondary hive capital of this world!"

Soon there was a voice of doubt on the communicator. "But, boss, don't we want to control the star port?"

"Also, I really want to... smash it!" He almost cried out, this is also the desire of all the boys, he wants to smash, kill, rob!

Blood Ax cursed. "Available! How many times have I taught you this vocabulary? You're a brainless ass!"

But the only answer to him was the hissing sound from the communicator on the opposite side and the sudden explosion of the airdrop pod on the right. Made up my mind.

"hurry up!"

Under the watchful eyes of PDF and the Imperial Guard, the junk airdrop pods with drill bits that looked like they were made to break through the Hive City quickly deflected their direction. The squeaking metal on it made one wonder if it would suddenly break down.

Inside the Hive City, the infantry of the Fourth Skadi Regiment had already made defenses. They used the complex terrain of the Hive City and a large amount of industrial waste and scrap iron to create a tactic that hindered the frequent use of snake bites, exploding the Squig ( Strap the bombs on the Squig, and then drive them to the enemy's pillars, erected in disorder, several meters above the ground, to ensure that those things cannot jump over.

If they chose to pass through, they would have to slow down so that the Astra Militarum could easily kill those things.

At this moment, most of the infantry of the Skadi [-]th Regiment were also stationed in the streets and alleys of the city according to the size of the company. menacing enemy.

It is no exaggeration to say that in a real fight, the orc landing troops might be completely suppressed.

But the sudden turn of the airdrop pod made this strange. Wouldn't it be a target to use a jet that reduces the landing speed in this position?

Alan Baier shouted instantly. "Oops, staff, adjust the radio and report to Colonel Lane, about [-] orcs are landing on him."

The staff officer hurriedly turned on the communicator, and he directed to the soldiers of Skadi's fourth regiment. "The tactics have changed. Hurry up, hurry up and approach the Eastern Second Nest. The 143rd Regiment of the Partoria Guard is about to encounter orc attacks!"

The reality is like this, neither of them is wrong, but neither is right. The battlefield is changing rapidly, but the actions of the Partoria Guard and the Skadi Guard have completed an unexpected combination.

If the greenskins land directly in the secondary nest, they will have a chance to gain a foothold in the nest. The large amount of supplies inside will become the supplies of the greenskins, and they can even create a tribe of greenskins here.

And if the fourth Skadi regiment was not stationed in the main lair, Blood Ax would not leave in fear. They would directly smash into the city and control the star port.

In any case, the tactical goal was achieved, but the only problem was that, without the help of the 143th Skadi regiment, the [-]rd Partorian Guards had to face an enemy they had never experienced.

The smell of promethium from the orc engine was strong. Colonel Ryan held his nose and watched those things approaching. They relied on the human flesh of the close-in anti-aircraft guns they carried to block the green skins on the upper floor of the hive.

The colonel looked very good, because he found that the number of greenskins was much less than expected, and his troops could be taken down. He had faced individual tribes of greenskins. The scale was not large, but apart from their individual strength, they could Remarkable, other problems are not too big.

The Imperial Guard has never been proud of individual strength, waiting for those greenskins is countless trenches and death, stump guns and bolters have been waiting for them.

However, the firepower of the close-in defense guns is not strong. After only destroying dozens of green leather warehouses, those things smashed on the surface of the hive city. , crashing down from the upper layer of the nest capital hundreds of meters away.

"The 143rd Regiment of the Partoria Guards, the aliens entered the Hive City, using trenches to delay, the staff officers of each company maintained their morale, and the sergeants paid attention to the green skin's assault." Ryan ordered his soldiers as always, but the seemingly simple order Represents his trust in his soldiers.

Iron-like discipline, sandbag trenches stretching across the entire secondary nest, erected on the intricate streets of the hive capital, and in order to ensure the progress of the trench warfare, he has sent people to blast tens of thousands of houses, leaving only ruins. rubble.

This is the courage of the Imperial Guard, and it is also the craziness of human beings lingering. When Captain Bloodaxe was about to fall to the ground, he kindly felt the thickness of the planet, but found that the bunkers here were all smashed, thick black smoke Constantly, several rows of trenches have blocked its way.

"Crazy, Xiami is crazy, I wouldn't spoil my tribe like this."

That's right, such a choice has brought a huge burden to this hive city. There is no doubt that the loss of buildings is far greater than the loss of the Imperial Guard. As long as the blasting does not damage the hive city itself, it will be fine. The "treasure" that was gradually expanded during the Dark Ages of the Empire or the Great Crusade.

This seemingly crazy place is the crystallization of the civilization of the empire. Except for a few special worlds, no place can represent the essence of the empire more than the nest capital.

And the blood ax will not be caught without a fight. "Use the back cut to shoot!"

He ordered that the landing pod that was landing next sprayed a thick mist, which almost filled the entire empty hive city. The white things blocked all vision, and the light could not go forward too much, like a place without light.

The ex-colonel, doctor, Lucas veteran has a dignified face. "Use the bird divination instrument!"

The investigation team activated the antenna-like instrument, which emitted radio waves invisible to the naked eye. They looked at the instrument vigilantly, and then answered. "Sir, the smoke hinders the detection, the entire detection range is red!"

Former Colonel Lucas cursed. "Damn heresy, heavy fire group, crossfire, whatever, keep the line infantry safe first."

Several heavy bombers roared with the deafening Emperor's Roar, the flames and the second burst of imperial ammunition embedded in the mist, only the sound of flesh and blood bursting back to them.

But suddenly several small red rays of light came out of the mist, and the former colonel Lucas shouted. "Squiggle!"

That small green-skinned creature bounced forward, with a damned alien weapon flashing danger signals behind it, a violent explosion was about to appear, and under the cover of smoke, the distance between the soldiers and those little things was very close.

Although the laser gun hardly needs to think about the ballistics or shooting conditions of live ammunition weapons, and can hit wherever it is pointed, it is still not easy to hit when it is extremely close.

Tens of meters, the naked eye distance of tens of meters has become the life and death line of the Imperial Guards, shoot, hit, die if you can't do it, in the cruel war, in the long trenches, explosions burst out, leaving only black holes...

Human flesh and blood can't hinder that powerful shock wave at all. Such explosive weapons are not enough to destroy the laser guns and bulletproof armor of the Imperial Guard, but the shock wave in the air can destroy their flesh. The members instantly became torn apart, and blood stained Lucas's face.

"Damn alien!"

He raised his bolter, as he'd done countless times before, and fired, pinpointing the animals that approached him in front of him, and they burst open, leaving holes in the ground.

Potholes appeared on the metal floor inside the Hive City, and the bloody war of grinding meat had just begun. With the unique voice of green leather, a shout called waaagh appeared. Lucas looked at the members of the Imperial Guard who were dying all over the ground. Iron blood shouted. "Keep shooting!"

The explosive tactics caused the 143rd Regiment of the Partoria Guards to lose a full two-tenths of its soldiers. Although they are infantry regiments, they are also the real elite of the world. The powerful troops forged in iron and blood lose the front row He calmly fell into a meat-grinding battle with the green skin.

Bayonets and machetes collided, those ugly green-skinned creatures collided with the loyal legion of the empire, hot guns and cold knives, because the smoke completely lost the extremely strong tactical depth they were proud of, in order to delay the greenskins, Parr Soldiers of the 143rd Regiment of the Torian Guard chose close combat.

The greenskins are not those weak aliens that can be dealt with by a set of CQC (close combat) in the manual of the Imperial Guard. All the soldiers in this regiment know it well, but they still go to justice generously. In order to ensure lethality, the soldiers in the back row stood up to Set fire in front.

That's right, when the fire was concentrated, the whizzing sound of hundreds of thousands of laser guns brought flames and scorched the bodies of the loyal soldiers of the empire and the bodies of the green skins. Driven by the will, there are still countless loyal soldiers in the first row Use your body as a sandbag to thwart enemy attacks.

The battle situation was delayed, and the Greenskins were dragged down by the war of attrition. Colonel Lane's behavior was profoundly interpreted in his troops. Death, sacrifice, human life and nests were bombed into ruins, and they were all victories. Necessary chips.

If there were no soldiers to hinder the advance of the greenskins, the battle damage would be even more exaggerated. Even if a member of the Imperial Guard had to be lost in order to kill three greenskins, they would still move forward.

Captain Bloodaxe wore special goggles in the smoke, and he could see the battlefield through the smoke. He never expected that humans would still have good morale after experiencing the explosion, and dared to fight hand-to-hand with green skins. The humans he met Such discipline and terrible morale are rare. If he didn't know humans extremely well, he would not believe that such a battle would happen.

However, Blood Ax's tactics are really good. Squig's precise sense of smell guides them to become the vanguard of the green skins, destroying the morale of the enemy with the help of the mist, and then the machete boy kills the enemy with chugs and slashes.

He is omnipotent, and even won several times in the wars of the green-skinned people. The smoke bomb formula he got from the special warfare boy is his favorite method...

Now it is replaced by human beings completely relying on human life...

He was a little annoyed that the war could not go into a war of attrition, his tactical literacy was telling him this.

"Big plan, big guy, big thing, hurry up, trample them to death!"

He looked at the communicator and said strange words, but in the mist there were two huge creatures, covered in heavy armor, painted with red fuel, and the battle flag of the Snakebite clan and a huge garbage cannon Standing upright on its back, the greenskin standing on top of the creature shouted with long animal traps in its hands.

"Big beast, move quickly, trample those shrimps to death!"

The gigantic behemoth, Squig, was a head bigger than Lemanus, and when it stomped on the ground, it vibrated continuously, and its roar pierced through the fog, making the soldiers of the 143rd Regiment of the Partorian Guard tremble.

At this moment Colonel Lane sat down from the chimera on the upper nest, but saw the terrible beast on the battlefield advancing.

"God Emperor!" Even a nobleman like him couldn't help sighing, that kind of terrifying alien monster.

He turned on the communicator. "Retreat immediately and give up the war of attrition! Don't wipe out the entire army!"

But it was too late, the colossal creature could kill a platoon of Imperial Guard with a single charge, and lasguns had little effect on it...

Ryan rarely showed a desperate expression and said. "The Emperor and all his saints...is there anyone to save the world?"

After the sound fell, when the imperial guards were losing, whoosh, dozens, hundreds of missiles hit the bodies of those behemoths, and dozens of magnetic rails bombed the armor of those behemoths. sound.

"Fraxia 113 Regiment, come and report."

Dozens of strange "Lemanus", "Liontail", and "Chimera" came near the battlefield to provide support at the limit of the viewing distance!

Lieutenant Colonel Alan Bair sat on the hull of the Hammer... "Lemanus". "Colonel Ryan, it seems that our cooperation has just begun."

"To the emperor and his old man, show those green skins who is the master of war!"

(End of this chapter)

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