chewing dragon

Chapter 203 But Gu Shi Qi Chapter

Chapter 203

Qi Jingzhi didn't think how high three hundred feet was at first, but as Taiqing Tiancha flew closer and closer to this floating mountain shaped like a crane holding its wings, he got close to watching the straight up and down hills on the mountain. Suspended waterfalls, winding stone steps and ladders, the admiration in my heart is unavoidable.

Taiqing Tiancha didn't fly directly to the red top of Xianyu Mountain, but crossed the gap between the two peaks that never closed, and slowly fell to the valley below.

Qi Jingzhi looked down, and saw that the valley was lush green and deep, with pines and cypresses growing there, and there were also flocks of cranes flying and wandering, full of fairy spirit.

Not long after, the Taiqing Tiancha landed on a clearing in the valley.

The clearing adjoins a steep, smooth mountain wall, beside which a stone staircase winds its way up.

Qi Jingzhi walked down the Taiqing Tiancha, his eyes fell on the mountain wall in front of him, and he silently recited the poems engraved on it.

"I used to travel on white cranes, and the mountains and rivers were majestic. When I met and knew my son, I suddenly heard a lonely voice."

"Looking at Feiming every day, whistling has been going on until now. Only in response to Baiyunmeng, fly away every night."

Qi Jingzhi didn't dabble in the way of poetry, and he had no preference in his heart, he just read it once, and was never moved.

What he thought in his heart was that the people of Taoist Xianzong seem to love this way, but whenever they see a flat place, they must engrave a poem.

Feng Zixu said from the side: "This valley in the mountains is called the Crane Valley, and the main populations that thrive in it are cranes, and there are also a small number of spiritual birds and beasts, all of which are the mounts, spiritual pets and other animals of the Xianyumen of the past. The descendants of these birds and beasts are all well-bred, gentle and do not hurt people."

"The birds, beasts and herbs in this valley, if you need them, just take them yourself, just remember to be restrained, and don't hunt indiscriminately."

Feng Zixu said these words to his apprentice, but his eyes fell on Ban Nu, who was so startled that he nodded repeatedly.

Qi Jingzhi agreed, and turned around to look deep into the Crane Valley, but his sight was blocked by the secluded forest, and he couldn't go far, let alone the spiritual birds and animals mentioned by his master.

He looked around, and his eyes quickly turned to the white flowers hidden under the dense shade.

This is a strange flower that is not more than an inch high. There are only two leaves on the slender stem. The color is green and pleasant, and it stretches like wings. Between the leaves, there is a cluster of pure white flowers, which are faintly fluorescent.

The gaps between pines and ancient cypresses are almost all occupied by this strange white flower. When the breeze blows, the wings and leaves sway slightly, and the fluorescence is scattered.

Qi Jingzhi was born in the mountains, after careful identification, he couldn't help asking curiously: "Master, the leaves of this white flower are somewhat similar to Huang Jing, but the number is smaller and the flower shape is not the same. I don't know what kind of spiritual root it is. Is it for viewing or for medicine?"

"Hey, are you thinking about the good things in the Crane Valley?"

Feng Zixu joked about his apprentice, and said with a smile: "This is dancing crane grass, which grows in the forest on the shady slope of a high mountain. It is sour, astringent, and slightly cold. Taking it internally has the effect of cooling blood. If you practice Hongludinghuojianyi If the internal organs are burned, they can be used as medicine to heal the wounds."

"If you are injured by a sword, you can also use it to grind it into powder and apply it externally, which can stop bleeding."

"Actually, this stuff is also available outside, but the effect of the medicine is not as good as ours."

Feng Zixu paused for a moment, and then added: "Ordinary women also use this medicine more often if their blood is too high in some days."

Qi Jingzhi didn't really understand the last sentence, he only knew it was a gynecological medicine, since it had nothing to do with him, he stopped paying attention.

He nodded and said: "The name Qihe Valley and Wuhecao are quite similar. This disciple can feel that the aura of pines, cypresses and Jiamu in this valley is rich and pure, which is suitable for my practice."

"Well, no one will snatch this from you."

The corners of Feng Zixu's mouth curled up slightly, and he turned and walked towards the stone steps beside the mountain wall.

Qi Jingzhi naturally followed closely behind.

Bannu wanted to follow at first, but the master of Xuandu gave him a sideways glance, his eyes were full of displeasure, and his tone was cold: "Is what I said just now in vain?"

Ban Nu shrunk his neck, turned his head obediently, and went into the woods to have fun.

Qi Jingzhi glanced at the secluded forest where flocks of birds were frightened, couldn't help but chuckled, and immediately followed his master up the steps.

Of the two master and apprentice, needless to mention Feng Zixu, even Qi Jingzhi's leg strength has already far surpassed that of ordinary people, and he was able to reach the middle of the mountain in a short time.

On this road, you can see the quiet mountain road, green radish and moss, chaotic smoke and green, and flying jade and springs.

In particular, the stone steps in the mountains are twisted and twisted, and the sky, clouds and shadows also change from time to time, which can be called ten steps and one scene.

Originally, when Qi Jingzhi was at the bottom of Qihe Valley, what Qi Jingzhi saw was still daytime, the blue sky was like washing, and the sky was sunny. However, when he walked to the mountainside, he turned a sharp bend again, and a stone bathed in golden glow appeared in front of his eyes. torii.

The other side of the stone archway has already fallen into the night, and a round of bright moon in the sky is like a mirror, and it is blooming brightly.

Separated by a door, day and night are divided.

Qi Jingzhi looked around and saw a couplet engraved on the stone pillars on both sides: "The jade in the clouds turns alone, and the mirror in the sky hangs alone."

The horizontal inscription in the middle of the stone archway is four words: "The sun and the moon are shining."

When the two walked through, Qi Jingzhi couldn't help but turn his head, and saw the golden sun behind him, still hanging high.

This side of the stone archway is soaked by the moisture of the moonlit night in the mountains, and there are also four characters in the center: "I am unique."

There is also a couplet on the stone pillars on both sides: "The fortune clock is beautiful, and the yin and yang are at dusk."

Qi Jingzhi kept it in his heart, and sighed secretly that this is the benefit of the aristocratic family and the sect. Changing scenes, hiding mysteries, a couplet and a poem are all the foundation.

No wonder Mr. Langya has such eccentricities, but at any time, a few lines of poems that fit the occasion can come out of his mouth.

Qi Jingzhi turned his head and looked at Feng Zixu, who was brisk in front of him and dressed in neon clothes, and suddenly understood the other party's intention to take him hiking.

For a moment, he was quite excited, and hurriedly followed. After all, his master has a bad temper, and he was about to lose his temper for some reason.

The two masters and apprentices kept walking, and saw many rare sights along the way, and when they climbed the crane-necked ladder with more than a thousand steps at the end, Danding Xuandu was already in sight.

Qi Jingzhi looked forward at the majestic palace with green tiles and red walls, divided into two halves by day and night. Build it yourself.

After a little thought, he realized that he was walking along the mountain road, from the crane's wings to his chest, climbing the crane's back to climb the crane's shoulders, and then climbed to the top through the ladder at the back of his neck. What he saw before him was naturally the view of Xuandu back door.

If you want to reach the main entrance facing the void sea of ​​clouds, you still have to fly directly up.

Feng Zixu did not open the back door of Xuandu Temple, but chose the half shrouded in the night, and led Qi Jingzhi through the forest around the wall.

As she walked, she said: "These green peach trees are for my grandfather's heart. At first they were only planted in the back garden of Xuandu Temple, but later they were planted more and more, and finally spread all over the red top."

After walking for a while, the green peach trees in front of the two gradually thinned out, and a green lake appeared in front of them. A blue stone embankment was built on the surface of the lake, dividing the lake into two.

After a little thought, Qi Jingzhi knew that he should be in the position of a crane's eye at this moment.

He followed Feng Zixu to the bluestone embankment, saw that the lake water was crystal clear, and it didn't seem to be too deep.

Under the moonlight, there are large schools of herring flying freely in the lake.

The reason why it is called soaring is because the herring in the lake does not have scales, but blue feathers.

Qi Jingzhi noticed that these blue-feathered monster fish would spit out colorful tiny bubbles from their mouths from time to time.

Most of the bubbles will rise rapidly and burst in the process, but there are very few bubbles that will sink instead.

The color of these sinking bubbles will gradually turn green, and finally turn into translucent blue beads and fall to the bottom of the lake.

Qi Jingzhi stretched his gaze, only to realize it suddenly.It turns out that the reason why this lake looks clear and shallow is that there are countless blue beads accumulated at the bottom of the lake.

Staring at these strange beads, he suddenly had a mysterious feeling in his heart, as if he could get them into his palm just by waving his hand.

Feng Zixu saw that her apprentice couldn't move, so she also slowed down.

Pointing to those strange fishes with green feathers, she explained: "These in the lake are sky sparrows. They are native to the Danhai, in the wild of Cangwu. It is a beast, and when it enters the water, it becomes a fish, exhaling five-colored air, dense like clouds, and the air condenses into green beads, as fine as dust, called green sand beads."

"It is said that in the field of Cangwu, there is a huge sand dune made of green sand beads, called 'Pearl Hill'. When the wind blows, there will be blue dust in the sky, which is called 'Pearl Dust'. This thing is actually a wooden It is a spiritual material, it can prolong life if taken, and lighten the person who takes it.”

Qi Jingzhi's heart skipped a beat when he heard it, and he felt that this food was not only useful for cultivation, but his grandfather should also be able to eat it.

With this thought in his mind, his gaze landed on his master's green feather robe.

Feng Zixu saw it, and immediately nodded with a chuckle: "Our Xuandu Guan has its own magical method of eating clouds, and wood energy is naturally included in it, otherwise there is no need to mention Songhe Yannian. "Although it is extraordinary, it is just icing on the cake."

The master of the Xuandu Temple paused for a moment, looked at his disciples and said: "It is better to hit the sun than to choose the day. Now that I have mentioned this, I will teach you the Banxia Dharma of our sect as a master."

Qi Jingzhi nodded immediately, not hiding his joy in front of his master, with a bright smile on his face.

"That's right, my generation overcame obstacles and practiced painstakingly. Although what I want is not entirely a happy and eternal life, it would be too boring to always restrict my size."

Feng Zixu nodded in satisfaction, and continued: "The sages have said that those who eat Qi will live long, and those who don't eat will not die and become gods. The idea of ​​Xuandu's method of watching the clouds is taken from these two sentences, which is called "Quegu Food Qi Chapter."

"As for the specific method... as it is said in the "Nanhua Jing", blowing and breathing, exhaling the old and absorbing the new, the bear, the bird, and the bird, are just for longevity."

Hearing this, Qi Jingzhi couldn't help thinking by analogy, nodded and said: "It sounds similar to the swallowing, spitting, floating, and sinking of the Minghe method."

"That's natural. The practice method of our sect will naturally be based on the crane shape in the end. The Minghe method is in the same line as the "Quegu Shiqi Chapter", which is the foundation."

The corners of Feng Zixu's mouth turned up slightly, and he became more and more satisfied with his apprentice: "To get rid of the qi, you must first know the taboos and be able to distinguish qi, and then choose the qi and induce it to eat."

"In our Xianyu sect, there are four prohibitions on food and gas. Avoid turbid yang in spring, avoid soup and wind in summer, avoid frost and mist in autumn, and avoid Lingyin in winter. You must get rid of the four blames, and take a deep breath to live. On this point , other sects may have different opinions, and those who take the initiative to go to extremes are not accepted by my Xuandu view."

Feng Zixu paused for a while, and waited for Qi Jingzhi to nod to indicate that he had written it down, and then continued: "After avoiding the heat of spring and summer, and the cold of autumn and winter, the next thing to do is to distinguish and choose the qi, which you already have. I have made a choice, so let’s skip it for the time being, and just talk about the phrase 'deep breath for longevity'."

"The word "deep breath", as the name implies, is to transform the qi you eat into your inner breath, and keep it as deep and as long as possible in the chest and abdomen, as if it is hidden deep in a valley."

After finishing speaking, the master of Xuandu stretched out his arms slowly, and then embraced them in a circle, exuding the charm of a crane embracing its wings.

The green sand beads in the lake water immediately sensed, one after another came out of the water, and flew to Feng Zixu's green feather clothes like tired birds returning to their nests, and blended into the patches of blue crane feathers.

Seeing this, Qi Jingzhi couldn't help but suddenly realized that the shape of the Xianyu Mountain under his feet contained the mystery of the "Xianyu Jing".

I heard Feng Zixu continue to say: "This deep hiding is not just about getting in and out, and storing new rice into old rice, but to get the essence of its charm and hide it. For the breath itself, it is still necessary to blow and breathe, Letting out the old and taking in the new, this involves the changes of yin and yang and the sky, which leads to the two methods of exodus and new qi, morning and evening."

"The so-called old qi and new qi, the old qi is like old rice that has been stored for a long time, and the new qi is the new rice. The old qi is old, and the new qi is longevity. Those who are good at controlling qi will make the old qi disperse at night, and the new qi will be at its peak. It penetrates the nine orifices, but strengthens the six internal organs."

"That is to say, it is necessary to follow the time of the day, discard the old qi in time, and inhale the new qi. This requires the use of the two methods of morning and evening, and the morning and evening are rounds, also known as the circulation of qi."

Qi Jingzhi immediately draws inferences from one instance to another: "Swallowing and spitting out in the Crane Method only takes a moment, but it takes a whole day and night to spit out the old and take in the new, which is really a step forward."

Hearing this, the smile on Feng Zixu's face became even wider: "You don't have to stick to one day and night. For those who are in advanced realms, it's okay to take ten days or one month between each breath. According to the legend, the candle dragon does not drink, eat, and rest. , once breathed, the blowing is winter, the exhalation is summer, and the breath is wind.”

"Let's talk about the two methods of returning to the morning and evening... the method of the morning breath, the breath must be subtle, continuous, and not used diligently, so that the old energy will be exhausted every day, and the new energy will be filled every day, filled with essence, and form a cloud Light."

"The method of twilight breath, the deep breath grows out, so that the ears do not hear it, and sleeps peacefully, because the qi calms the spirit, because the spirit calms the mind, and because the spirit induces life, in this way, the soul is calmed down, and the six internal organs are all released, so it can last for a long time. .”

 The introduction page has updated the character pictures of Mu Yingxian, Feng Zixu and Qi Huchan, each with two or three pictures.In addition, continue to roll and ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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