chewing dragon

Chapter 169

Chapter 169
Cui's old servant's words and this ceremony, maybe they are about to die, they come from the heart, maybe they are still just for appeasement, I hope Qi Jingzhi will not intervene.

After all, there are many people in this world who just don't care if they can't accomplish something, let alone see others succeed. Once jealousy arises, it is normal to do things that harm others and benefit themselves.

Therefore, no matter who is here at this moment, as long as he does not initiate bad things, he deserves the old servant's praise and worship.

Qi Jingzhi didn't dodge or dodge, neither spoke nor supported, just watched quietly.

When the old servant straightened up, blood was already oozing from his mouth, nose and under the skin of his chest.

There was no sign of change on his face, he walked heavily to the door leading to the inner room, and while pushing the door open, he said in a low voice: "This old man still needs to serve the young master to sleep, please do your own thing. "

The old servant pushed open the door and was about to go in. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and then he turned around and added: "Originally, the master wanted to keep the temptress outside to give birth to Cui's cubs, but he didn't want her to collude with the devil and kill him." Young Master Sun, there is another mastermind behind it. No matter how confused this old man is, he knows that this matter has come to naught."

He paused, then said quietly again: "Such a person with ulterior motives, naturally can no longer be the wife of the Cui family, Qi Ji will deal with it by himself!"

After saying that, the old servant stepped into the inner room, closed the door again, and did not hear the slightest sound.

Seeing this, Qi Jingzhi sighed in his heart, before the old man died, he did not forget to remind and provoke a few words, asking him and the woman to be on guard against each other, it is really sincere to the master and hypocrisy to outsiders.

"I came here for this matter, so naturally I won't leave with nothing."

Qi Jingzhi said this lightly towards the closed door, and didn't expect the old servant to respond, but immediately turned around and looked at the handsome face outside the window.

Until this moment, the woman still looked at the scene in the room as usual, as if what the old servant said had nothing to do with her.

The young man looked at the other party intently, and suddenly asked, "Where did the young lady go?"

"Go and buy me flowers!" The woman immediately replied cheerfully, and when she realized something was wrong, her complexion changed.

Just as she was about to shrink her head, a figure flashed in front of her eyes, but it was the young swordsman in the room flying towards the window, a smoky red palm stretched out like lightning, and grabbed the bun on her head.


Amidst the woman's exclamation, Qi Jingzhi yanked hard, unexpectedly his hands were extremely light, and he easily lifted the opponent's body and pulled him into the room.

I saw that the woman's head was not a human body, but a broom, with a broom handle as her neck, and dozens of flowers were stuck on the fan-shaped broom.

Qi Jingzhi immediately remembered that the stone latch behind the stone chamber door of the evil stele in Xunjiang Town also had a beautiful head on it, but that time it was a monster who likes to go in and out of tombs, so he didn't know where to look. Princes in crowned clothes, enchanting maids, etc. are illusioned to deceive others, but the beauty on the broom in front of them is a real monster.

It's just that even brooms, which are extremely wear-and-tear, can become refined. Seeing this, Qi Jingzhi couldn't help but secretly amazed.

Seeing the young man's eyes sizing up his body, especially those flowers that stayed for a long time, the woman's head was shocked, and she asked excitedly, "Do you think I'm beautiful?"

Hearing this, Qi Jingzhi couldn't help laughing.

He thought for a while, leaning the broom beauty against the wall under the window, and then asked: "Beauty is beauty, but you have no face, why do you want to look like Mrs. Cui?"

The beauty on the broom smiled sweetly when she heard this, then shook her head and said, "Since I can remember, I've lived in the young lady's dressing room, and I haven't seen many people, so naturally I can only compare myself to the young lady. "

Its voice is also that of Mrs. Cui's, but the tone is quite different, much more innocent and lively.

"Phantom? Are you also using illusion?"

Qi Jingzhi was surprised, his eyes were suddenly covered with a layer of haze, and the five colors of the world in front of him were immediately distinct.

In his eyes, the woman's head on the broom handle has disappeared, and there is only a broom that is not surprising leaning against the wall.

"The aura of this broom spirit is so weak that if you don't pay attention to it, it will be difficult to detect it at all. However, the woman's head it conjures is quite charming, almost unreal, and there is no incongruity. Just now, the old servant of the Cui family I didn't see anything wrong, even if there is an old man's absent-mindedness, it is still much better than the illusion of the monster."

Qi Jingzhi looked at the flowers on the opponent's body again, they were indeed real flowers, and a thought came to him that made him laugh: "Could it be that it has used all its thoughts and abilities on beauty?"

The young man shook his head, cleared the haze from his eyes, and said to the broomstick: "It's late at night, and there are no flower sellers on the street. Where did the young lady of the Ni family go?"

He had just finished speaking, before the broomstick could answer, a woman in the courtyard suddenly asked softly, "Why is Qi Ji looking for a concubine?"

Qi Jingzhi's heart skipped a beat, and he pushed the half-opened south window and flipped out.

Under the moonlight, Mrs. Cui, who had been abandoned by Cui's old servant like a shoe, stood alone in the courtyard, looking at the study with a somewhat complicated expression, holding a tiger skin floral dress in her hand.

Seeing the young man jumping out of the south window with a knife in hand, Mrs. Cui smiled slightly: "I am naturally going to get this floral dress. Uncle Cui thought he kept it a secret, but he didn't know that it was a rare treasure bestowed by the Lord." , it’s not something you can take off or throw away if you want, and it’s not like outsiders can snatch the hidden things at will.”

She looked around while talking, her smile gradually became sad: "I don't want to think that overnight, there will be no place for me in this Cui family's family."

Qi Jingzhi stared at the tiger-skin floral dress in the opponent's hand, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Have you ever eaten people?"

"Qi Ji is trying to subdue demons and eliminate demons?"

The smile on Mrs. Cui's face gradually disappeared, and her tone became cold: "I have followed the Lord since I was a child, but I have never gathered a tiger's heart, and I never like to eat people."

"If you don't like it... that means you've eaten it?" Qi Jingzhi's expression darkened immediately.

"What's so strange about this? When I was a tiger, I was naturally a cannibal. When I was a human, I also tasted tiger meat. In my taste, there is actually not much difference. On the contrary, tiger meat is more nourishing than human meat."

Mrs. Cui had a smile in her words, but there was no smile on her face: "There is no meat in the world that cannot be eaten, it depends on whether you have the ability to eat it! If you really want to be supernatural, it is the meat of the Lord of Daqi and the Dragon Lord of the Great River." , what is there not to eat?"

"Husbands and wives of the human race live in the same quilt, and die in the same acupuncture point. Today, I will eat Cui Lang in my body. From now on, life and death will be in the same place, in the righteousness of the whole husband and wife!"

Speaking of this, Mrs. Cui suddenly shook the tiger skin floral dress in her hand, and covered her body with her backhand.

"If Qi Ji wants to stop things, don't blame this concubine's minions for being ruthless!"

As soon as the words fell, there was already an extra colorful tiger in the courtyard!
Looking at its body shape, it is slightly thinner than the original tiger essence, but it still has a vigorous and sturdy aura.

Qi Jingzhi's eyelids twitched, this lady Cui's speed of turning into a tiger is much faster than that unwilling tiger monk, but it is such a tiger girl who "there is no meat or food in the world", but she has never condensed Tiger heart.

Comparing the two, it is impossible not to sigh.

I saw the fierce tiger that Mrs. Cui turned into was lying on the ground, roaring loudly, and was about to stretch its claws, but the head suddenly went dark, and at the same time, there was a cry of cranes resounding in all directions, instantly suppressing the sound of the tiger.

In the blink of an eye, the young swordsman who was originally standing under the south window had already jumped to the top of the tiger girl, and the long knife with a black body and golden scales in his hand resolutely slashed down, drawing a round of bright knife light.

Although the tiger skin and flowered clothes are strong, Qi Jingzhi is not that young mountain boy who has just dabbled in cultivation and has not even achieved his heart.

Since I am sighing in my heart, I should express it with the knife in my hand!

The tiger girl on the ground suddenly raised her head, jumped up and down on the ground immediately, raised most of the tiger's body without showing any weakness, and rushed towards Qi Jingzhi fiercely.

In an instant, Jian Renshou's blade slashed fiercely on the tiger's claws, and it was like a sword hitting a sword, colliding with brilliant sparks.

The tiger claws of this place where the golden spirits gather are actually different from other places, not much worse than the sharp jade claws of the golden-eyed water scorpion.

In the blink of an eye, the tiger girl let out a howl of pain, and blood was obviously splashed out between the gaps in her claws.

It's just that Jian Renshou failed to completely cut through the tiger's claws. Instead, there was an anti-shock force on the knife, and it flicked upwards.

This kind of strength is obviously much stronger than that of the tiger spirit who lost blood and was hungry, and was crippled by the old mandrill.

Qi Jingzhi was in mid-air, his body froze slightly, and then he leaned back, avoiding a tiger claw that was attacking his face, and at the same time kicked out suddenly, piercing between the tiger girl's elbows, viciously Kicked on the tiger's nose.

With the power of this kick, he flew backwards in the air, making all of Tiger Girl's minions fall into the air.

The tiger girl missed, and fell heavily to the ground. She raised her paw and tightly covered her nose, with tears in her tiger eyes.

Before it could recover from the soreness and pain, another tiger's roar resounded through the sky.

A huge monster with black and white tiger stripes appeared on top of the wall, and immediately swooped down without hesitation.

When the tiger girl turned around and saw her, she was about to jump up with a roar. First she got a claw on the neck, and then her back and waist were also hit hard by the opponent's fat body, and she fell all over the ground in an instant.

Ban Nu honestly pressed the colorful tiger under his body, clasped the opponent's neck with one paw, and pressed the tiger's head firmly to the ground.

This guy was staring at Tiger Girl, his two big eyeballs were shining brightly, and the hala from his mouth couldn't stop dripping down.

Qi Jingzhi stopped his forward steps and saw Tiger Girl struggling several times, but she was unable to break away from Ban Nu's control.

The pretentious tiger, which used to have no meat and could not be eaten, has now become meat waiting to be eaten.

The young man felt more and more amazed, and also had a deeper understanding of Bannu's recipe: "This is really one thing for one thing! I didn't realize that this guy was so brave before!"

In front of the delicious food, Ban Nu didn't forget his master, and raised his eyes to Qi Jingzhi with a little complacency, and gave him a look full of expectation.

Although the meat is caught by skill, the owner must nod before eating it, right?
Without waiting for Qi Jingzhi's response, there was another tiger's roar resounding all over the place, but the one who roared was neither the tiger girl nor the bannu.

Qi Jingzhi turned around suddenly, and saw the partition door in the study shattered, and a figure with a naked upper body and black and yellow evil spirit staggered out from the inside.

The figure was blocked by the compartment door, and fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment, but immediately bounced up from the ground like a fish, and then flew out of the south window with another tiger pounce, and again and again. The movement looks very strange, but it is also extremely fast and powerful.

Until this moment, the broomstick leaning against the study wall let out a series of high-pitched screams.

The one who came out of the study was naturally Cui Zitao.

He stood in the courtyard, panting heavily with his head raised, the breath on his body was like the waves of the sea, ups and downs, fluctuating.

Bannu looked at Cui Zitao, with curiosity and confusion in his eyes, he really couldn't understand why this person had both his favorite tiger spirit and the most hated water attribute on his body.

It wasn't until a three-foot-long goby happily swam from Cui Zitao's back to his chest, as if the bloodstains on his body that looked like tattoos were a vast ocean, Bannu suddenly realized.

Immediately, a look of disgust appeared on its face, it snorted disdainfully, and turned its gaze to its master again.

Qi Jingzhi was also looking at Cui Zitao, looking at his thick and thick colorful tiger eyebrows, his black and yellow eyes with a strange shimmer, and the four sharp fangs in his mouth that were obviously inhuman.

Regardless of his inhuman appearance, Cui Zitao's pureness of the water genus tiger's aura is far superior to that of Cui's old servant who has been cultivating for decades.

Obviously, Cui used two lives to pile up a blood-resuscitated alien. Even if his cultivation qualifications are not as good as Lu Ao's and other self-resuscitated people, he must be much better than ordinary people.

Cui Zitao panted for a while, as if he had finally recovered from the change in his body.

He looked around in a daze, first he saw Qi Jingzhi not far in front of him, and then crossed the Zhenmoyuan Jijiuan, and saw two fierce beasts wrestling into a ball.

Then, as if he had sensed something, he suddenly looked down, and saw that his body was surrounded by black and yellow tiger aura, and a long and slender goby was swimming and playing in front of his chest.

As if sensing Cui Zitao's gaze, the tiger fish flicked its tail and quickly swam up to his shoulder, then turned around without stopping, circled around his right arm several times, and finally the hornless dragon head Protruding from Cui Zitao's palm, he opened a ferocious dragon's kiss, which seemed to be roaring silently.

Cui's young county magistrate's complexion changed again and again, he really couldn't understand why his family and himself had such a big change after just sleeping.

At this moment, the tiger girl who was firmly suppressed by Ban Nu let out a loud whimper.

However, Cui Zitao just glanced at the fierce tiger who was obviously at a disadvantage, then turned around without hesitation, and rushed back to the messy study room.


Cui Zitao let out a mournful cry, couldn't stand for a while, almost knocked over the heavy book case.

He flung himself on the desk, desperately hugging the bloody and bloody body of his son, just took a look, and two lines of hot tears burst out of his eyes immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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