metaverse evolution

Chapter 324 The decisive battle and the one with more "computing power" wins

In the dark underground tunnel, Chu Fei simply closed his eyes.

In fact, there is no darkness in the outside world after all, it is only dusk; so there is still a little light here, at least you can distinguish the general state of the object.

But this kind of weak light is far from meeting the needs of the battle, and it will have an impact-if you can't see clearly, it will consume more computing power.

If you can't be satisfied, then simply don't use it.Chu Fei completely switched to the wind of perception mode.

Although Dawn Academy has disclosed the Wind of Perception long ago, Chu Fei believes that he is the best one, and even now he has only mastered the Wind of Perception on the second level, not yet Dzogchen.

Wind of Perception requires unimaginable computing power, a large number of parallel operations, and algorithms, formulas, and architectures.

The most basic wind of perception, even if it is just scanning a static target, still needs to calculate thousands of points, and each point has at least three data.

Then connect all the points into a basic outline, and then render (compared to the database) to form an "image", which is what humans can finally understand.

In actual combat, a large-scale scanning is required, and dynamic targets need to be locked, which requires dynamic points. A dynamic point has at least four data, and sometimes more.

In actual combat, there is also a refresh rate, the worst is the worst, it must be refreshed ten times a second, which is already very slow.

Moreover, it needs to be calculated once when it is refreshed, and it needs to be re-rendered-the previous data needs to be calculated when rendering, and so on.

There are very few who can do this.

Not to mention, when fighting, it is necessary to allocate computing power reasonably. The wind of perception is only a part, and there are various battles, which consume more computing power.

The Wind of Perception has been licensed for half a year, but there are only a handful of people who can actually use it in actual combat.

Moreover, although Dawn Academy has disclosed the Wind of Perception, learning is not free, and the price is still very expensive.

As for whether there are private teaching and receiving after learning, there must be some, but I haven't learned it myself. "Re-passing disciples" can learn a lot.

In short, it is not easy to learn the wind of perception, but it is even more difficult to actually use it in actual combat, especially in fierce battles.

For example, in the current battle between Chu Fei and the young city lord, it is difficult to effectively lock the target if the refresh rate of the wind of perception is lower than 200 Hz. Only 300 Hz can lock the target more accurately.

Not to mention the computing power used in this, but the data structure, calculation logic, etc. used in complex calculations, I am afraid that many people have not built it.Not to mention that there are many calculation logics, all of which are explored by Chu Fei himself.

In terms of wind of perception, Chu Fei dared to say that even Wu Yong and the city lord could not compare to him in Feihu City.

A computing power of more than 24 points is an absolute guarantee.

Although the level does not mean everything, but the higher the level, there must be certain advantages, and often absolute advantages.

For example, now, Chu Fei closed his eyes completely, and in just one second, he fought against the young city lord more than a dozen times. As a result, the young city lord's move failed, and Chu Fei hit seven times—the rest missed because Avoid the attack of the young city lord.

But Chu Fei did not relax, the battle had just begun!
After the young city lord turned into a beast, he really has a powerful advantage - speed!

At the limit speed, although Chu Fei hit the Young City Lord seven times, the damage caused was limited.

Especially after the young city master turned into a beast, a hard exoskeleton appeared on the surface of the body, which should be formed after the cuticle was strengthened.

And because the young city lord is only a beast after all, the core is still human—maybe, so there are still bones in the limbs.The impact of the damage to the exoskeleton is almost negligible, anyway, the speed of the young city lord remains unchanged.

Two seconds after the attack, the young city lord seemed to be familiar with his current body, and suddenly let out a long roar, and his speed increased again.

The current young city lord is really like Spider-Man, his figure bounces in the tunnel, and his whole body is like a flash of lightning. Chu Fei's wind of perception is refreshed crazily, and he can lock on to the target, but Chu Fei's movements are a bit stretched.

To say that Chu Fei's reaction speed is already very fast, reaching 0.0275 seconds.

But now the Young City Lord is even faster!
When Chu Fei locked on and attacked, the young city lord dodged ahead of time.

To be precise, the perception of the Young City Lord is not as good as that of Chu Fei.The reason why he was able to avoid it in advance was entirely because of his prediction.

The young city master is the young city master after all, not the awakened ones who Chu Fei met before.

Chu Fei finally tasted the feeling of an ordinary awakened person facing him - fast, too fast, so fast that he "dare not" to blink.I'm afraid that in the blink of an eye, my head will fall off.

Although Chu Fei closed his eyes, the wind of perception did not dare to stop for a moment.

As for what kind of grenade is taken out with the backhand, there is no need to think about it at all.No time!And it will also be distracting (computing power consumed).

At this moment, Chu Fei must focus on his opponent with all his strength and respond according to his movement.

For a short time, it seemed impossible to win.

With a slight movement in his mind, Chu Fei quickly made a decision: defend and delay!
After such a limit change, the consumption of energy must be beyond imagination.

When I am flying at my limit, I consume 0.38 calories per second, which is equivalent to 1370 calories per hour. This figure is quite scary.

But this extreme flying speed can only last for a while, and you will feel slightly tired after 1 minute.

Continuous strong energy output is a great burden on the body.Extreme sports are also very stressful on the muscles.Just look at the sprinters.

Even a powerful awakener can't last long in the limit state.

After the extreme state, it is... the exhausted state!
Chu Fei changed his mind and started a defensive strategy.But defense is not pure defense, the best defense is attack.

In other words, Chu Fei was still attacking, but his strategy changed.

Does it look the same as before?

No, the difference is too big.

Previously, Chu Fei needed to lock on the target at all times, and moreover, he had to calculate the opponent's movement, deduce the opponent's possible flaws and routes, calculate his own attack, etc., and his mental state was completely in a decisive battle state, hoping to cause fatal damage to the opponent;

In this combat state, a lot of computing power, energy, physical fitness, etc. need to be wasted, but the final effective result—that is, for attacking, is very little.

In the current state, Chu Fei only needs to calculate the opponent's movement, and then attack at will - it doesn't matter whether he can hit or not, as long as he lets the opponent know that he is still fighting. Of course, it would be better if the opponent can change his state.

Now that there are more effective calculations, the computing power occupied is lower. Chu Fei can allocate part of the computing power to do thinking training.

At this moment, Chu Fei was observing the movements of the young city master, collecting data, and conducting thinking training at the same time.

A large amount of data flashed through the mind of the universe, trying to extract some laws, even the laws of approximate values.

The thinking of solving is very good, but first you have to find out the law, or approximate law, and then you can solve it.

To put it simply, the parameters (numbers) must be raised from the target first, and then the numbers should be summarized into formulas, and then the 'solution' - the unknown number or answer, can be obtained.

The reversal of the situation began to change little by little after Chu Fei changed his mind.

The young city lord is not an idiot, he faintly felt Chu Fei's state, and of course the young city lord also knew the shortcomings of his change.

But sometimes, you can't stop if you want to!
Chu Fei was so busy before that he didn't even have time to wait with grenades, but now it's the turn of the Young City Lord.

As Chu Fei continued to collect data and practice thinking, he gradually mastered some rules.

Although the young city lord's speed is fast, his response is sensitive, and his attacks are sharp, after calculation, Chu Fei found that his attack patterns seem to be just seven or eight kinds of changes that are constantly repeating.

Faintly, Chu Fei had a realization in his heart:

In natural evolution, the most perfect body structure in the world is the human body!
Although the human body looks fragile/weak, there are many problems, but the human body is the most flexible.

But even the most flexible human body has some fixed movement patterns, such as:

Lean forward when accelerating;
When bouncing, the legs are generally bent to a 90° angle, or even larger, and will not be bent into an acute angle, so that you will not be able to exert strength;

In times of crisis, humans usually straddle their left foot - because most people are right-handed, the right leg is more agile and powerful;

There is also the range of motion of human joints, etc. The neck of ordinary people cannot be like that of owls.

These things may not seem very important, but in extreme close combat, they are very important.

Now, Chu Fei has collected the extreme data of the young city master after his beast transformation.

The Beastized Super City Lord is very powerful, but the exoskeleton appears outside the body, which greatly restricts the movement of the body.This situation can refer to crabs.

There are only seven or eight modes of jumping angles for the young city lord.

And there are even fewer means of attack.

After becoming a beast, even the hands are not very easy to use. Perhaps it is more appropriate to call the current hands and feet "claw toes".

The young city lord's attacks were mainly the sharp blades on his hands and feet - the sharp blades were made of metal, and he didn't know how the young city lord did it.

But it doesn't matter, after catching it and dissecting it, you will know the reason.

Chu Fei calculated frantically, "defended" carefully, and gradually began to experiment with the calculated data.

Unconsciously, 40 seconds passed, and Chu Fei also retreated a little bit, approaching the location of the "hall"—the hall where a group of young city lords in spider form was seen with a drone earlier.

Suddenly, Chu Fei took two steps back, and the young city lord continued to pursue, but suddenly fell into the ruins while bouncing.

This ruin was relatively loose, so that the bounce speed and agility of the Young City Lord dropped suddenly.

At this moment, Chu Fei pulled out his whip like lightning, and the whip instantly spanned a distance of two and a half meters and hit the young city lord's head.

There was a bang, the air trembled, and the figure of the young city lord was blown away.

While the young city lord was tumbling in the air, Chu Fei spread his wings and stepped hard. His figure caught up with the young city lord in an instant, and his whip began to wave wildly.

The whip hit the young city master again and again, turning the young city master into a spinning top.

The tyrannical strength, coupled with the whipping at least 30 times per second, made it impossible for the young city master to change his state, and the speed of rotation became faster and faster.

Gradually, the "shell" of Shaocheng's main watch began to shatter, and blood splashed in the air.However, Chu Fei's movements still did not stop.

The speed at the end of the whip is fast.

Ordinary people use cold weapons, and only whips can break through the speed of sound.

But for Chu Fei, the power of the whip is even stronger.

During the whipping, Chu Fei gradually integrated his strength and skill into the whipping technique.

After beating the young city lord for 3 seconds, Chu Fei had already mastered it through crazy thinking training; and at this time, the young city lord hadn't landed yet, and was completely whipped by Chu Fei with a whip!
Suddenly, the power of the whip changed, and the tip of the whip was like a blade, viciously piercing through the defense of the Young City Lord's shoulder blade, and penetrated more than ten centimeters into the body, hurting bones and muscles.

Finally, the young city lord screamed out.

However, the whip violently shook and retracted, and the tyrannical force poured into the main body of the young city again, only to see the shoulder blade on the right side of the young city owner exploded as if hit by a sniper rifle.

The young city lord screamed louder, but took the opportunity to get rid of Chu Fei's "top game".

Chu Fei's attack power increased, but the young city lord "borrowed" his strength, and his figure slipped into the hall.

Seeing the young city lord rushing into the hall, Chu Fei stopped in his tracks.

The reason why Lu Chufei in front was so presumptuous was because he had been bombed before.But this hall has not been bombed yet.

It is very dangerous to rush into it rashly.

After all, this is their lair, base camp, and a secret base that has been in operation for hundreds of years.

But it doesn't matter, there is still a bomb in Chu Fei's storage space!

In the space of ten cubic meters, there are more than 30 large and small shells inside.

Take out the shells from the storage space, activate the familiar fuze, and throw the shells with both hands.

The violent explosion shook the underground base once again.

The Young City Lord, who was hiding inside and was about to wait for Chu Fei to come to his door, was in a daze—oh shit, where did Chu Fei get the bomb? !

In the battle just now, Chu Fei had at most a grenade on his body, and there were ruins along the way.

Suddenly, a thought flashed in the young city master's mind: the legendary portable space!
Thinking of the portable space, the young city master suddenly had a deeper understanding of everything about Chu Fei: if he can get the portable space, he must have obtained a high-level inheritance, that's why Chu Fei grew up so fast!
Because of the portable space, Chu Fei basically does tasks alone!
Now, is Chu Fei also on a mission?

And I am that task!

A ridiculous thought suddenly flashed in the Young City Lord's mind.

Looking at the rapidly approaching explosion again, feeling the poor condition of his body, he finally made a decision: continue to retreat, close all passages, buy time, and buy time for the old city lord to recover.

To sum it up in one sentence: Dad, come and save me!
During the battle with Chu Fei, the Young City Lord was terrified of being beaten. He had turned into a beast just now, but was turned into a spinning top by Chu Fei, and was almost beaten to death.

Now that Chu Fei has storage space, he carries a mobile ammunition depot with him, and thinking about Chu Fei's record of capturing the King Kong Giant Ape alone, the Young City Master is really scared.

However, unfortunately, but...

The Young City Lord made this decision a bit late.

Now that Chu Fei had entered the hall and the interior of the underground base, he only remembered to close the gate and be lonely.

Not to mention that Chu Fei's way of entering the door was very unusual - the shells opened the way, and everything was wiped out.What kind of weapons such as lasers and cannons have become happy twists.

Chu Fei chased through the hall, continued to go deeper, and finally saw a steel door that had just been closed! (end of this chapter)

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