metaverse evolution

Chapter 281 Chapter 28 Levels are for reference only

Facing the inquiry from the fourth senior brother, the doctor felt that he could not die, so he could only hand over the test data to Chu Fei, saying that the data had exceeded his own experience.

Chu Fei understood in seconds.

Finally, under the advice of the doctor, a comprehensive examination was done.

Chu Fei:

Bone age: 15 years and 6 months,

Potential index: 8.4336,

Distortion index: 0.11‰ (0.07‰ last test),

Core gene: 7176 (ordinary people 3200),
Mental model/cosmic brain computing power: 103568 times/second,
Life energy: 1765 cal.

Chu Fei took the test data, turned and left, and was going to chat with his master Wu Yong.

Looking at the data in front of him, Chu Fei was also analyzing it himself.

First of all, Chu Fei lied about the last two items, namely calculation power and life energy.The actual computing power has hovered around 19.Life energy, Chu Fei estimates it to be around 3500 calories.

But the rest of the data cannot be falsified.

The potential index was "only" 8.4336, which Chu Fei did not expect.

Although it has only been two months since he broke through the awakened state, Chu Fei feels that he is unambiguous.According to his usual performance, he even had an illusion: his potential index could be infinitely close to 9.0!

But the test results made Chu Fei "calm down".The "cold" of a basin of cold water.

The increase in the distortion index also made Chu Fei start to be vigilant.

Although the distortion index of others is often above 0.30‰, my past distortion index was below 0.1‰.

An increase in the distortion index is by no means a good sign.There must be something wrong.

Then there is the number of core genes, which somewhat surprised Chu Fei.

The number of core genes of ordinary people is 3200. Generally, people who like sports and are active and healthy will have more than 3200 core genes in their bodies; and big data practitioners will gradually turn on their genes after breaking through the first limit.

But generally before the awakened person, the number of genes will not be too exaggerated.It is not bad to reach 3600, and there are only a handful of people who can reach 3800.

After breaking through the awakened person, with the opening of the so-called second form, more genes will be opened.

But considering the huge information carried by the gene itself, it is considered good to reach 4500.

Even if the potential index reaches 9.0, the total number of genes activated may not be 5000!

With the increase of gene activation, the distortion index will also increase rapidly.

Although the most important thing in the awakened stage is to turn on more genes, there is no fool who just turns on genes indiscriminately.

So, what's going on with my core gene count of more than 7000?

Chu Fei met Wu Yong in the small courtyard on the mountain.Wu Yong took Chu Fei's data and looked at it for a while, then smiled, "Do you think your data is abnormal?"

Chu Fei grinned, "I feel that the gap with everyone is a little big. Well, it's not a little big, it's just two kinds of data."

Wu Yong shook his head with a smile, "It's wrong for you to use the data of ordinary people to judge your own cultivation.

As for the fact that you have so many awakened genes, it is also because you have plenty of physical energy and computing power, and your body will spontaneously awaken some genes.

The reason why ordinary people only have 3200 core genes is entirely due to lack of physical fitness and computing power, which puts genes to 'starvation sleep'.

The increase in the distortion index should be due to too many genes turned on in a short period of time, and the body needs to adjust.This needs to be observed again, let's look at the value in a month. "

Chu Fei nodded, relieved a lot.

Wu Yong continued: "Actually, every practitioner of big data is unique and has his own way to go.

Other people's paths can only be used as a reference, and sometimes they can't even be used as a reference, because the difference is too great.

And you are a genius, a genius that amazes me even. The path you are going to take is unprecedented.

Therefore, the data should be very different.

If you look at all kinds of computers, top-level computers and low-level computers are actually not the same thing at all.You can't use a low-level computer to evaluate a high-level computer. "

Chu Fei was stunned, "In other words, I can build a second-level cosmic brain now?"

Wu Yong rolled his eyes, "Where's your brain?"


"Continue to practice, your path has become wider, but the resources and patience required for such a wide path are beyond imagination.

Remember, grades are for reference only, not absolute.Such as combat effectiveness.

I know you crushed three level five mutated ferrets to death with your bare hands, but don't float away. "

Chu Fei's eyes lit up: "Do I really have a level five combat power?"

Wu Yong smiled, and said leisurely: "No, I mean, the absolute strength of the three mutated ferrets of level five is only level three. So don't be too pretentious."

Chu Fei: "..."

"Okay, let's continue to practice. You have just broken through the awakened for more than two months, and there is still a long way to go.

And you are only 15 years old now, with a virtual age of 16, so you can afford it.

Well, let me give you a reference target. 18 before the age of 9.0, 20 at the age of 10.0, and 25 before the age of 12.0. "

Chu Fei thought for a while, "What if you reach 17 at the age of 9.0?"

"Then hold on to me. What did I just say?"

Chu Fei said seriously: "The grade is for reference only."

"So, don't care about the level, the foundation is everything. How many awakened people have been killed by half-awakened people, aren't these living examples enough to make you vigilant?"

Chu Fei was a little flustered, and finally calmed down.

Yes, these living examples are right in front of me, why didn't I find them.

After taking the opportunity to ask Wu Yong some questions about cultivation, especially about the power of the mind, Chu Fei left and went straight to the virtual center.

There is a large amount of information stored in the virtual center, which Chu Fei has not fully absorbed yet.Now that I have nothing to do, come here for a while, and I can gain something.

Chu Fei has already read the main knowledge in the virtual center.But there is still a lot of strange knowledge left, which can increase some knowledge and accumulate some dewdrops of wisdom.For example: postpartum care for sows, one thousand and one folding methods of paper cranes, love stories between men and 69 ways.

Although knowledge is strange, it is also the crystallization of wisdom.

During the study, I also allocated a little bit of computing power to pay attention to the external situation, mainly wars and so on.Also, the gossip about the young city lord.

After "stealing" the knowledge of the power of the mind, especially the power of faith, from Wu Yong, the young city lord has completely let go of himself, and now he is doing everything possible to gain fame.

Regarding the current state of the young city lord, Chu Fei's evaluation is: Li makes you stunned!

Maybe the young city lord has been trapped at a certain threshold for decades, and now he suddenly found a way to break through, and he can't care about anything else.

As for Wu Yong and Cheng Zhang Qiming, because of the pressure of the beast horde, they are in a state of cooperation for the time being, and all issues will be discussed after the beast horde.

Study in the virtual center for two hours, rely on the powerful cosmic brain and computing power, gobble up the rest of the messy knowledge, and then push the door out.

Looking back at the virtual center protected by the cement shell again, Chu Fei couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

A year ago, virtual Chinese and Western cultures were untouchable.But now, almost all the knowledge here has been searched by myself.

"Why do you look so emotional?" A lazy voice came from the side.

Chu Fei knew without turning his head that it was the gatekeeper of the virtual center, a middle-aged man named 'Wu Feng'.

Looking at Wu Feng, Chu Fei couldn't help asking: "Mr. Wu, I wonder what your relationship is with the principal?"

Chu Fei only saw Wu Feng come out once - not yet.It was when the underground world collapsed, Wu Feng stepped forward once.

Wu Feng smiled lazily: "Ha, I almost died of distortion, it was Wu Yong who rescued me."

I see.Chu Fei asked again, and Wu Feng waved his hand lazily, "Go play, it's not good to be so curious."

Chu Fei bid farewell to Wu Feng, and returned to his research room at the foot of the mountain.

The calculation speed of the laboratory is already very good.Although it is not as good as the virtual center of the college, the task of the virtual center is heavy, and the computing power that can be allocated is limited.

There will be no major battles throughout the day.

Although small-scale alien beasts, wild beasts, and bugs continued to attack, they were mainly harassment operations; not the main force duel like last night.

But the strange beast is not without other actions.Flying Tiger City contacted the surrounding high walls by radio, and learned that the pressure on the surrounding high walls had increased a bit.

The outbreak of the beast tide is all-round, and the high walls that Feihu City can reach are all in crisis.

It's just that compared with the surrounding high walls, Flying Tiger City's crisis is the greatest.

Because, Hong Qingxin came out here!
But the war is free, and the most discussed topic, apart from the topics related to the young city lord, is Hong Qingxin.

This Hong Qingxin, why does he hate Feihu City so much?
Everyone talked a lot, but the Flying Tigers were quiet.There was only one screenshot that went viral, it was sent by a member of Flying Tigers:
It's all about love.

However, this player has been banned.

Chu Fei now has a perfect cosmic brain and powerful computing power. While doing big data training, he can read gossip at the same time. Don't live too leisurely.

However, as an awakened person, and an awakened person beyond the limit, it seems that it is not so easy to continue to make rapid progress.

The big data training ran for another ten hours, and at night, a set of data that Chu Fei was looking forward to finally appeared.

This is a set of flight data, mainly for small-scale maneuvers.

Although Chu Fei already has the wings of a dragonfly, he still needs a lot of practice, study, thinking, and research to fully master the flying ability of a dragonfly.

Chu Fei rested for a while, ready to continue training, when Zhao Hongyue knocked on the door. "The poisonous bee you raised died, and all the data has been collected."

Chu Fei's eyes lit up.However, at dawn the day before yesterday, Chu Fei suddenly used the method of overwriting with big data to forcibly control a super poisonous bee with a size of four meters. After returning, he threw it into a corner and locked it up.

After that, I asked someone to help observe, collect data, video the whole process, and record the status manually at the same time.

Many special scientific researches require corpses.Especially corpses that lead their own deaths—serious scientists should not learn from it.

Chu Fei looked at the data first.After leaving his control, the poisonous bee was quiet for about two hours, and then began to twitch.It felt like something was fighting inside me.

Apparently, the intelligence of the poisonous bee is competing with the overwritten control of the big data to control the body.

Big data overwriting does not seem to have long-term control.Biological instincts last longer.

But perhaps because of the limited intelligence of the poisonous bee itself, this struggle lasted for more than a day, and finally the means of control disappeared.However, the poisonous bee does not seem to have fully recovered its own intelligence.

For example, it can no longer fly, its wings flutter randomly, its legs and feet are uncoordinated, and its body functions such as breathing are also disordered.

After struggling for several hours, I completely stopped cooking.

The reason why it can survive for so long is because, as a mutant animal, it has abundant energy in its body and a good body foundation.

With the help of a computer, Chu Fei watched two days of videos in just one minute.

Then he thought about it: "Just watching the video, the information you can get is limited. Do you want to dissect the corpse?"

Just do what you say, and there are corresponding equipment in the research room.Although my anatomy experience is zero, let's start from scratch.

Dissecting a four-meter-long super poisonous bee is not generally difficult, especially for Chu Fei who has zero experience.

Fortunately, Chu Fei has the wind of perception, but at close range, he used ultrasonic waves to scan the poisonous bee's body over and over again, which greatly reduced the difficulty of dissection.

With Chu Fei's speed and efficiency, the autopsy took more than five hours.Finally, on the dissecting table, there was no fragment larger than the size of a fingernail.

Then, Chu Fei just stood beside the dissecting table, closing his eyes and meditating... Well, it was modeling.

At this time in the consciousness space, Chu Fei reconstructed the body structure of the poisonous bee with a resolution of micron level.

It turned out that Chu Fei's anatomy was completely different from that of ordinary people. With his powerful observation and memory abilities, Chu Fei directly memorized the entire situation in the poisonous bee's body.

Of course, if you do this, it will be a bit "perverted" during the dissection, and you have to cut off the body of the poisonous bee layer by layer.

Fortunately, the poisonous bee is dead.

At this moment, the model is reconstructed, relying on the abnormal computing power of the universe brain close to 19 points, to completely reproduce the structure of the four-meter giant bee.

With this unimaginable ability, Chu Fei quickly noticed the situation in the poisonous bee's body.Combined with the video taken, the problem was thoroughly determined.

Afterwards, Chu Fei had constructed the entire development process in his mind:

At first, relying on powerful computing power, I forcibly overwrote the brain of the poisonous bee;

This kind of coercive method will inevitably cause the resistance of the biological instinct. The result of the failure of the resistance is that a considerable part of the brain of the poisonous bee has been damaged.This is also the reason why the body lost control before death.

Later, the poisonous bee was able to fly, and its ability soared, because it borrowed part of its own computing power, and also injected a large amount of psychic potions later, which stimulated the poisonous bee's body memory and instincts.

Later, when the battle was over, I threw the poisonous bee aside, and the control that was forcibly written into the brain of the poisonous bee gradually became invalid due to lack of continuous input. The poisonous bee's instinct continued to resist and gradually gained the upper hand.

But because the active consciousness of the poisonous bee was largely destroyed, only instinct etc. remained, and the brain nervous system was severely damaged, and eventually died.

But what Chu Fei is more concerned about is that there is a finger-sized cortex in the poisonous bee's brain, which is very different.And if Chu Fei remembers well, this is also the area he directly controls.

The structure of the cerebral cortex here is more complex, and there are signs of development, and even new synapses appear around it.


Chu Fei was thoughtful, "If it takes a long time, can the brains of animals develop into human brains?"

Other than that, there are no more discoveries for the time being, but this discovery has already surprised Chu Fei.

Then looking at the messy ground, Chu Fei muttered, "Finally it looks like a research room."

After carefully "appreciating" his masterpiece for a while, Chu Fei went out to find two soldiers of the Shuguang team, and threw out two bottles of super potions, "Help me clean up the research room."

Before the two surprised soldiers could open their mouths, Chu Fei had already walked away.

The two soldiers were ecstatic, and they finally calmed down when they saw the dissection table...

Chu Fei went out and went straight outside the defense line.It was pitch black at this time, but it did not prevent the fourth senior brother from catching some ordinary strange beasts and wild beasts to come back and brush his brain.

Through this research, Chu Fei discovered a super ability to increase the ability to survive in the wild for a short time.

Those controlled small animals still have powerful instincts, and they can serve as Chu Fei's eyes for a short time, or even attack auxiliary cannon fodder.

But to perfect this new ability, more experiments are needed.

Practice...ahem...True knowledge comes from experiments, that's what researchers say.

So, while the two Shuguang team members were still cleaning up, the young and powerful fourth senior brother caught four small animals, big and small, and rushed back.

The two players were silent. (end of this chapter)

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